TRINITY “ALIVE” Trinity Lutheran Church and School February 2015 CHURCH 708-532-9395 E-MAIL [email protected] SCHOOL 708-532-3529 E-MAIL [email protected] Web-site Traditional Worship: Sat. 6:00 pm – Sun. 8:00 & 9:30 am Contemporary Worship: Sunday 11:00 am 6850 W. 159th Street, Tinley Park, Il 60477 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free John 8:32 GOVERNANCE BOARD [email protected] In April, the congregation will be asked to vote on constitutional changes that will establish a new mission aligned, policy based governance model at Trinity Lutheran Church and School. This vote represents one of the largest congregational changes in our history, and is key for each of us, together, as we live out our different parts of Christ’s body in the world (1 Cor 12:27). As the Governance Board continues to build toward this form of governing, and as we continue to develop our policies, we recognize that now more than ever good communication is critical. In an effort to share as much as possible, please expect detailed and frequent communication from the Board in a variety of formats: Weekly-Brief summary of our meeting posted on our website, facebook page, and in the bulletin. Monthly-Larger communications will be available in the Monthly Bulletin and on the website. We pray you will learn along with us as we build this new governance model at Trinity. Here’s our first weekly summary. This week our primary focus was on developing the policies titled Senior Pastor Limitations. In addition, we have increased the frequency of our meetings to weekly, reviewed some of our key dates, and got our webpage ready to be up and running. We have developed a process that will give everyone the opportunity to give their input and to learn more about this form of governance. Please look at our next monthly communication for key dates including upcoming town hall meetings, and voters’ assemblies. We are humbled by the work entrusted to us, and ask for your continued prayers as we see where God is leading Trinity. Please continue to check our webpage on Trinity’s website for information and updates! Lenten Worship for 2015 “I Tell You the Truth” Worship Service 1:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday 2/18 Anyone Who Sins Is a Slave to Sin 2/25 Faith Can Move Mountains 3/04 Fruits of Faith Will Be Remembered 3/11 One of You Will Betray Me 3/18 You Will Disown Me 3/25 If One Dies, It Produces Life for Many Maundy Thursday 4/02 Until I Drink It Anew in the Kingdom of God John 8:31-36 Matthew 21:18-22 Mark 14:1-9 Mark 14:12-21 Mark 14:27-31 John 12:23-27 Mark 14:22-25 Lenten Meals Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. There will be a free will offering for the meals. All proceeds will help to offset the cost for the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. Please come out and support our youth and join us in fellowship to Glorify God. NEW MEMBER ADULT INFORMATION CLASS Trinity Lutheran Church is excited to offer our Adult Information Classes! Begins: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. . Classes meet on Tuesday evenings for 9 sessions. . Class materials will be provided at the first session. . Childcare for children 10 and under is provided upon request These classes are offered for those adults who would like to become a member of Trinity Lutheran Church or just to know more about the Lutheran faith. To sign up for these classes, please contact Kathy Gilmore in the church office 708-532-9395 x 232 or at [email protected] ADULT BIBLE CLASSES SUNDAYS at 9:30 A.M. - "Corinthians" led by Connie Strand in the Old Chapel - W.I.N.G.S. : Woman in God's Service (Women's Group) - "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" by Beth Moore, led by Vivette Payne in the Conference Room TUESDAYS - 11:00 a.m. - Senior Bible Study - "Getting Closer to God" led by Pastor Brunner in the Old Chapel. Followed by Lunch Bunch at noon - 1:00 p.m. - Ladies Bible Study - led by Peggy Peters in the Old Chapel Contact Bob Gordon SMALL GROUPS [email protected] 708-532-9395 x229 Our Winter Session of Small Groups has begun. If you have any questions about your group’s schedule, or need additional materials for your group, please contact Bob Gordon. _________________________________________________________________ Our Men’s Groups are discussing a six-week, video-based series titled, “gods at war”. Our Wednesday evening group meets from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., and our Saturday morning group meets from 7:00 – 8:30 a.m. Food is provided at both groups, and both groups meet in the Old Chapel. This series will conclude the week of February 8th. Our Grief Support Groups meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. If you, or someone you know, has experienced the loss of a spouse, child, parent, family member, or friend, a support group will provide the opportunity to find healing and hope. Please consider attending a group. For more information, please contact Connie Strand at (708) 5322633 or [email protected]. Our Christian Writing Group meets on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Options include writing devotions, prayers, poems, short stories, Bible studies, articles, and other works. No experience necessary. ALTAR GUILD Contact Debra Erwin 708-532-6970 The ALTAR GUILD SPRING PLANNING MEETING will be held on Tues., Feb. 17 in the Trinity Conference Room. We encourage all Altar Guild members to attend. We also invite all women to come visit if you are interested in learning more about the Altar Guild, and this important service to our church. We meet 2 times a year (Spring & Fall). 6 p.m. – Lite Supper & Dessert (Please RSVP Debra if you can come for the meal). 7 p.m. – Spring Planning Meeting After a Devotion and brief business meeting, we will discuss the Spring floral decorating, schedules, and also some “mini” projects. We always welcome your ideas, suggestions and questions. As usual, we ask that our Altar Guild Members help stock our shelves by bringing either a package of dinner size paper napkins or a roll of kitchen paper towels. 2015 FLOWER CHART The 2015 Flower Chart will be available soon in the Narthex. If anyone has a special date you wish to place flowers in front of the Altar, please contact Cheri Busse (708-297-6561). Once the 2015 Flower Chart is in place, you may sign up on your date (Name, Phone and Occasion). Our Altar Guild flower chairman will call you to verify your information, flower preferences, etc). NOTE: IF you sign up for the current month AFTER the 1st of the current month, please contact Cheri Busse (708-297-6561) to assure the order is placed a.s.a.p. LWML WOMEN’S GROUP Contact Linda Burns 708-444-4756 We continue to meet on Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon in the Trinity Room. We would love to have you join us and lend a hand with some fun projects. We welcome all ladies! Please call Linda Burns at (708) 444-4756 for more information. The nightly group’s next meeting will be February 5, 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Trinity Room. February Wish List We are collecting a variety of items for our projects. Special requests for this month are items for our baptism bags. Double sided tape and/or glue dots – in dispensers 4 ply yarn - Baby colors or White for baptismal blankets. Regular colors for lap-blankets. All items can be left in the Trinity room in the purple box marked LWML. Thank you in advance for your help! Don’t forget to deposit your coins in the “Mite Box” in the Trinity hallway. Your contributions help LWML to fund various Mission Grants locally and around the country. Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Thank You Note: To all congregation members and their families / friends for saving the green Jewel stamps for cookware. We were able to stock the kitchen with 6 new large Cuisinart Pans. God’s Blessings SERVICE OPPOR–TRINITY [email protected] In response to 40 Days of Community, a small group in our congregation has created a simple way to facilitate service among and on behalf of our brothers and sisters at Trinity. Please visit the bulletin board just north of the Elder’s Closet, across the hall from the Music Room to learn more, share your available skills or talents (carpentry, painting, sewing, baking, landscaping, etc.), or make known your service need (broken cabinet, snow removal, grocery delivery, unstained patio, overgrown bushes, hemming, etc.) Service needs can be made known anonymously using the box on the board. For more information, visit the board or email [email protected]. May God bless our service to Him and one another! Have you Considered Trinity in your Will or Estate Plan Pass down your blessing to tomorrow’s Trinity families. Your caring support of Trinity has provided opportunities for thousands of people to hear the saving message of the Gospel. You can continue to support those opportunities, even after your lifetime. Call or e-mail Pastor Schauer at 708-532-9395 ext.223 or [email protected] to discuss the various opportunities available today. Your decisions today can impact generation to come. God’s Blessings! THE CHOIRS AT TRINITY Senior Choir Contact Jo Rodenburg 815-464-6000 Senior Handbells Contact Karen Gustafson 708-478-1841 As we look to 2015, we will continue to serve our church through the ministry of music. The choirs will continue to meet at their regular times: Sr. Handbell Choir – Tuesdays Senior Choir – Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Music speaks what cannot be expressed ~ Soothes the mind and gives it rest Heals the heart and makes it whole ~ Flows from heaven to the soul. Please don’t forget to keep giving…… 1 DOLLAR A DAY FOR ONE YEAR! Use the monthly envelopes that were mailed to your home and put them in the offering plate or in the box in the narthex. Don’t forget to put your last name and envelope number on the envelope as well. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Contact Jayne VanderVelde [email protected] 708-532-9395 x231 Sunday School News Children age 3 to Grade 6 can enroll at anytime for Sunday School. Registration is available online at (click on the Sunday School slide) as well as using paper forms available outside the Children’s Ministries office. Visiting children are always welcome! Sunday School classes are from 9:30–10:30 each Sunday. Children in preschool and kindergarten meet in the Gym, while children in Grades 1–6 meet in the Music Room and are dismissed from assigned classrooms. This Month’s Lessons PreK & Kindergarten: Feb. 1 The Calling of the First Disciples (Matthew 4:8–22) Feb. 8 Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Luke 5:17–26) Feb. 15 Here Comes the King (Matthew 21:1–11) Feb. 22 Woman Perfumes Jesus’ Feet (Luke 7:36–50) 1st–6th Grades: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4; John 6:35) in I Love to Tell the Story, Let’s Create, Let’s Eat, and Church Mouse workshops We Need YOU! We are looking for a few more adult volunteers to dedicate their time and talents as workshop leaders in April and May. Our workshop leaders prepare only one lesson for the month and then teach it each week to a different group of children. Leaders can choose an area that reflects their talents, whether that’s crafts, acting, cooking, music, computers, etc. This is a great chance for partners, groups, and individuals to dedicate one month to sharing their time and talents with the children of Trinity! Please contact Jayne VanderVelde for more information and to volunteer. Reveal Kids Bible Lessons Children ages 4–8 are welcome to join us during the 11:00 sermon for a special Bible lesson. Two more volunteers are needed to serve as helpers once per month. Please contact Jayne VanderVelde, if you’re interested in joining our team. This month’s lessons: Feb. 1 Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22–33) Feb. 8 Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46–52) Feb. 15 Jesus Raises Lazarus (John 11:1–44) Feb. 22 Jesus Is Savior and Lord (Ephesians 2:8–10) Triangles Youth Group Our middle-grade youth group is for all students in Grades 4–6. Join us in the Trinity gym on Monday, February 23, from 6:308:00 p.m. for a Bible study, a game or other activity, and a snack. Please don’t forget your $2 for our two Compassion children. No registration required. Bring a friend, and come join the fun! 2015 TRINITY PTL DADDY-DAUGHTER DANCE COMMITTEE PRESENTS “A NIGHT ON THE RED CARPET” March 7th 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Step out into the spotlight! Dance your fancy shoes off! Snacks and soft drinks provided to keep you going! (If dad is not available enjoy the night with your favorite picture perfect partner) $25 per couple - $5 each additional daughter/girl YOUTH NEWS Contact Chad Huber [email protected] 9395 x227 708-532- Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday morning Jr. & Sr. High Youth meet in the loft for Bible Study from 9:30-10:30. We’d love to have you join us. High School Youth Basketball Youth Basketball is approaching the midseason point, but we have a lot of basketball yet to play. We have two home games this month. We play February 1st and 8th at 2:00 in our gym. Come check it out. The Lock-In Our Jr. High Youth will have their annual Lock-in February 13-14th. We will begin immediately following the Varsity Girls Basketball game on the 13th, which begins at 7:30, and we will conclude Saturday morning at 7:30am. TLC Nights February 8th and 22nd Sr. High will have our usual TLC night from 68pm. Jr. High will have TLC February 8th from 4-6pm. Text Updates If you’d like to receive text updates and reminders about youth activities, please send your number Chad’s way. BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP Contact Judy Green [email protected] 708-772-3664 The Board of Fellowship will be revamping the Coffee and Donuts program over the next few months. We are working on obtaining a more compact, and easier to use coffee system plus revamping the “menu” itself. For anyone who might be interested in volunteering for the cleanup, please be advised that cleanup will now begin at 11am, as soon as the Reveal service begins. We invite Reveal attendees to plan on arriving at church 20 minutes or so early in order to participate in the fellowship time before going into service. Please call Judy Green and let her know you are interested and which service you want to volunteer for. Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this worthwhile program so that we can keep the food, fun and fellowship going here at Trinity for many years to come. 2ND SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEALS Contact Drew Denlinger [email protected] Come for fellowship the second Sunday of every month. We will be serving lunch after the Reveal Service and all are invited to attend. We will keep you posted on the menu each month. There will be a “free will” offering taken at that time. February 8th we will be serving Sub Sandwiches, Chips, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw and desserts of course! 10 MINUTES EACH DAY IN HIS WORD We shall go through the Bible in its entirety, reading at least one chapter a day. We alternate between the Old and New Testaments. This mixing provides a refreshing variety. God Bless your time spent in His Word. February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 Isaiah 53 Isaiah 54 Isaiah 55 Isaiah 56 Isaiah 57 Isaiah 58 Isaiah 59 Isaiah 60 Isaiah 61 Isaiah 62 Isaiah 63 Isaiah 64 Isaiah 65 Isaiah 66 Philemon February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 Jeremiah 1 Jeremiah 2 Jeremiah 3 Jeremiah 4 Jeremiah 5 Jeremiah 6 Jeremiah 7 Jeremiah 8 Jeremiah 9 Jeremiah 10 Jeremiah 11 Jeremiah 12 Jeremiah 13 SOCIAL MINISTRY Charlene Hyre 708-687-8716 or Joan Miller 708-429-0411 Social Ministry helps Trinity Lutheran Church and School Families along with other community organizations. Your prayers and donations are greatly needed and appreciated. If you would like to help and be a part of this wonderful organization please contact Char or Joan. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts:20:35 . Box Tops and Labels for Education We want to invite all Trinity Families to collect Box Tops and Labels For Education in effort to raise funds and points for our school. Labels For Education appear on Campbell’s soups and gravies, Pepperidge Farms breads, cakes and Goldfish, Pop Secret snacks and BIC pens. Campbell’s Soup Company redeems the UPC codes from these products and many others for points. Last year we submitted over 24,000 points and selected balls, jump ropes, balance beams and racing scooters from their catalog. General Mills and related companies redeem Box Tops For Education for cash at the rate of $0.10 per box top. In each of the last four years the PTL has received over $2,000 through this program for special education and other projects. Box Tops appear on General Mills cereals, Green Giant vegetables, Kleenex tissues, Ziploc bags and many other products. Simply cut out the box top. Please be aware that each box top is printed with an expiration date and should be dropped off in church as early as possible. We make submissions to these programs on a regular basis. To find out more about each of these programs please log in to and Each website also offers product coupons for you to print. Collection bins for Labels and Box Tops are outside the Trinity Room and the school office. Your help is greatly appreciated! SUPER HERO CHALLENGE BOX TOPS: From January 20 until February 13, Trinity Lutheran School will be collecting Box Tops. Box Tops can be found on many different products including cereal, ChefBoyardee products, soup cans, and fruit snacks just to name a few. Box tops are traded for educational dollars! All Box Tops can be handed into the school office. If we reach our school goal of 11,000 Box Tops, Mr. Stec and Mr. Huster have promised to wear their “Super Hero” pajamas to school one day! Principal Steve Stec TRINITY SCHOOL Principal Scott Huster [email protected] 708-532-3529 Trinity Lutheran School exists to challenge and enable young people to grow in both Christian Spirit and academic wisdom, and to prepare them to be witnesses in God's Kingdom. LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK: A big thank you to all who participated and helped in making Lutheran Schools Week a wonderful celebration! The week included a worship service lead by the Student Council members, an electrifying grade 1 vs. grade 2 basketball challenge, a couple all school devotions, an open house, and a number of other activities and surprises! Trinity’s students, faculty, and staff want to express their sincerest gratitude to all the members of Trinity for their continued support of Christian education. Your contributions of prayer, talent, time, and donations allow for almost 300 students to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior daily. Trinity is blessed! ENROLLMENT FOR THE 2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR has begun! Members of Trinity who have children eligible for 3 year old PreKindergarten, 4 year old Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten will receive information through the mail. KINDERGARTEN offers an option for parents of choosing an all day Kindergarten session or a half day session. FOUR (4) YEAR OLD PRE-KINDERGARTEN will also be offering an all day or half-day session for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Please feel free to contact the school office (708-532-3529) or Mrs. Nancy Butterfield (ext. 225), School Admissions Director for additional information. Also, if you know of someone interested in attending Trinity Lutheran School, please have them contact Mrs. Nancy Butterfield or the school office. Re-enrollment for grades K – 8 will begin soon and enrollment for new families in those grades begins in early February. Look for more information as it is made available. AN OPEN HOUSE for Trinity Lutheran School is scheduled for Friday, Feb 27 8 a.m.-2:30p.m.; Thursday, March 26 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Sunday, April 19 11 a.m.-2p.m. If you know of someone who may be interested in attending Trinity Lutheran School please share these open house time with them. Trinity Lutheran School is nationally accredited and state recognized for excellence in Christian education. CHAPEL: Please consider joining us every Wednesday Morning at 8:05 as we worship our Lord. Chapel services are open to everyone! CULVER’S KICKBACK DAYS… Tuesday, February 3rd is another Culver’s Kickback Day at the Culvers in Tinley Park, 18248 Sayre Ave. If you are not familiar with Kickback Days, here is how it works: you may eat at Culvers anytime during the day. When purchasing your food, please ask your receipt be placed in the box for Trinity. Trinity will receive 10% of all receipts for the day. Trinity received over $300 last years through Culvers Kickback Days. If you use the drive-up, simply tell the employee your purchase is for Trinity Lutheran School. OUTDOOR EDUCATION ... On Monday, February 9th, the student’s of Trinity’s fifth grade class, along with Teaching Ministers Miss Kloess and Mr. Berg, Trinity's Director of Children’s Ministries, Jayne VanderVelde, and parent chaperones Matt Butterfield and Kristi Vanderploeg, will travel to Walcamp in Kingston, Illinois for a week of outdoor education. Please remember our fifth graders and their chaperones in your prayers. TRIVIA NIGHT… On Saturday, February 28 Trinity’s PTL will be hosting a Trivia Night. Look for more information on the night to be coming soon. THE SOUTH SUBURBAN LUTHERAN SPELLING BEE ... will be held on Saturday, February 21, at Zion in Beecher, IL. We wish God’s blessings upon Trinity’s team of spellers. THE WOLFRUM FAMILY LUTHERAN TEACHER’S SCHOLARSHIP is available to any member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Tinley Park, who is at least 19 years of age and is studying to be a parochial school teacher in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. If interested in applying for this scholarship, or if you are interested in receiving more information pertaining to the Wolfrum Scholarship, please contact Mr. Steve Stec. THE CHURCH WORKER SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established at the January 2000 Board of Christian Day School. This fund was established to assist those students preparing for work in the church (i.e. pastor, teacher, DCE, lay minister, deaconess, etc.). Many members of Trinity Lutheran Church and School donate to the Church Worker Fund. Former members of Trinity, who benefited greatly from this fund, are now serving in congregations in Illinois and Missouri. At a time when student loans are very high upon graduation and beginning salaries for church workers are low, these additional dollars from Trinity are a tremendous gift to the students and his or her family. Applications for the 2015 – 2016 school year for both or either scholarship(s) are available by contacting Mr. Steve Stec at 708-532-3529. SAVE THE DATE AND MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Trinity’s Band - Performing with three other Lutheran schools on Wednesday evening, March 4, at St. John’s Country Club Hills! Trinity to host Band Solo & Ensemble contest - Saturday, March 7, Trinity will host Music Education Services Band Solo Ensemble for schools on the south side of Chicago. Many of Trinity’s students will be involved. DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE - Saturday, March 7. This event is sponsored by PTL. SOCIAL STUDIES FAIR - Monday, March 16, 6:30 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. TRINITY’S STUDENT COUNCIL - Sponsoring a dance on Saturday, March 21, from 7 – 9 pm. The dance is open to ALL members of Trinity Lutheran Church and School. Permission slips and fees from all in attendance will be necessary. Permission forms will be available soon and will be located on the youth table outside the Trinity Room. SPRING RESALE - The Spring Resale will be held on Saturday, March 21 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CELEBRATE CHILDREN AUCTION “GIVE. LIVE. GROW” - April 25, 2015 SPECIAL INFORMATION Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request you may contact the church office or check the prayer request line on your Connection Card. You can then write the prayer on the back of the card. You may also complete a prayer card and put it in the prayer box hanging in the Narthex. Flower Offerings If you would like to request flowers to be placed on the altar please fill in the flower chart with your name and phone number on the wall in the Narthex. Please print clearly so Cheri can call you to get the information on your request. Cheri Busse for additional information at 708-297-6561 Helping Hands Men’s Group Ministry Do you have a project or do you know of someone that has a project that the Men’s Group can assist with? Our Trinity Men’s Group is available to assist you with projects around your home. Projects include yard work, painting, minor repairs and more. For more information, please contact Marco Melone at [email protected] or Bob Gordon at 708-532-9395 ext. 229 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) Family Information Changes If you have moved, changed your e-mail address, changed your phone number, etc. please contact the church office to update your information. Having accurate records helps us to communicate better with you. Connection Cards Connection Cards are located in each pew. Please fill the card out and print clearly. This helps us to take attendance each week. If you have any address, phone or e-mail changes please indicate this on the card. Please also check any necessary items that you wish. Community Events Please stop by the Community Events Bulletin Board to see the things happening in and around the community. If you have an event you would like posted please contact the church office for approval and we will post it for you once approved. Please keep in mind this is for events that everyone could benefit from. Quest Bible If you would like a copy of the Quest Bible please contact the church office. The bibles cost $25 and are available during normal office hours. Church Giving Envelopes Trinity is continually blessed by the generosity of our members. For this we are thankful. In order for the Board of Finance to correctly credit each member’s offering, the Board requests that whenever possible, you use the numbered offering envelope. If this is not possible, please indicated your name and offering envelope number on the pew envelope. Thank you for your cooperation and may our Lord continue to bless you. Church Library Did you know that Trinity has a “Church Library”? It is located in the old Chapel next to the Trinity Room. They are always looking for donations of gently used books and movies of a Christian nature. Please feel free to check out any book you like. There is a card catalog in the room for you to look up books to see if they may be on the shelf. The check out and return is on your honor. Please fill out a card when borrowing a book or movie and simply return them when you are done with it. Please be aware that a large section of books (marked on the shelves) is the School Library and we cannot check those out. Thank you and enjoy! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED PRAYERFULLY CONCIDER HELPING!! Transportation Ministry Would you like to help others by providing a ride to Trinity for someone who cannot drive? Volunteers are needed to provide transportation for members to and from services and functions at Trinity. To volunteer or for additional information, please contact Bob Gordon at ext 229 or [email protected]. Greeters Would like to greet members and visitors as they walk in to Trinity? This is a great way to meet people and be a friendly smile to all that enter to hear God’s word. It is very simple to get started. Simply call the church office and let them know you would like greet and for which service you would like to greet at. We will be happy to hear from you. Ushers Ushering is another great way to serve God’s Kingdom and meet other members and visitors to Trinity. It is very simple to usher. Ushers help hand out bulletins before the service, they assist with the collection and assist with communion. If you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer please call the church office with the service you are interested in and we will get you set up with some brief training and you will be all set to go. Screen Operators Did you ever wonder how the screens come alive filled with music, words and pictures?? Would you like to learn how to run the screens?? We would love to have you on board to help out. We are looking for several people at all the services to operate the screens during the services. It is not hard, the training is simple and does not take much time. The more people we have the less work it is on any one person. If this is somewhere that you would like to volunteer or have more questions about before making up your mind please contact Pastor Schauer in the church office. Praise Band Do you love to sing, play an instrument and worship our God? Do you enjoy the modern Christian music like Chris Tomlin, MercyMe, and Hillsong…..the same stuff you are hearing on KLOVE, ShineFM, or WBGL?? Then we ask you to consider being a part of the Reveal Worship Band! We practice most Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Contact Drew for more details at [email protected] ~SAVE THE DATE~ EASTER EGG ESTRAVAGANZA SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 ~EASTER EGG HUNT~ ~PETTING ZOO~ ~BOUNCE HOUSE~ ~MOVIE~ ~POPCORN~ ~More Details to Follow~ CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Each year in January we provide annual contribution statements for contributors. You have the choice of receiving that statement by secure email or a printed statement that is available in the narthex. We are also now giving you the option to have NO statement produced at all if you do not keep track of contributions either for personal or tax preparation use. If you do not currently receive the email statement, you can request that option for 2014 and future years by contacting the church office by email, [email protected] and giving your name, address, and preferred email address you desire for statement delivery and all other communications we send to you. Or if you want NO statement to be produced, please email or call the church office. Rev. Paul Strand (x222)………………………………………………………….....Senior Pastor Rev. Richard Schauer (x223)…………………………………………………...Associate Pastor Rev. Paul Brunner………………………………………………….……………..Assistant Pastor Rev. Gary Schmidtke……………………………………………………..Assistant to the Pastor Andrew Denlinger (x287)……………………………...…….Director of Contemporary Worship Karen Gustafson (x230)………………………………………………………....Director of Music Jo Rodenburg (x230)...…………………….……………………….……………Director of Choir Chad Huber (x227)………………………………………………..…Director of Youth Ministries Jayne VanderVelde (x231)…………………………..………...Director of Children’s Ministries Bob Gordon (x229)……………………………………....Director of Service and Small Groups Kathy Gilmore (x232)…………………………………………...……….Director of Connections Mistee Plattner…………………………………………………………..…….Business Manager Scott Huster (x240)……………………………………….……….…….Co Minister of Education Steven Stec (x240)………………………… ……………….………….Co Minister of Education Nancy Butterfield (x225)…………………………………….…....School Admissions Counselor Ron Rezek (x246)………………………………….………………………..…..Building Manager Nettie Schuman (x221)……………….…………….….Church Office Administrative Assistant Mary Dykstra (x224)………………………………….………….………………..Office Assistant If you would like something published in this newsletter please contact Nettie in the church office. Thank you and may God Bless! The March Trinity “Alive” deadline is February 15th GOD is good ALL the time and ALL the time GOD is good
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