February Heart of the “Pride” for District 35-I 2015 LIONS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Lion Joseph Preston Dewey, Arizona Email: [email protected] 1ST VICE PRESIDENT Lion Jitsuhiro Yamada Minokamo, Gifu, Japan Email: [email protected] 2 VICE PRESIDENT Lion Robert E. Corlew Milton, Tennessee Email: [email protected] Juicy News from District Governor Judy ND DISTRICT 35-I GOVERNOR Certified Guiding Lion Judith E. Galm Partner in Service: Lion Dean Hess, PDG C: (863) 655-2973 Email: [email protected] 125 Tortoise Road Sebring, FL 33876-9645 1ST VICE GOVERNOR Lion David Skillin Partner in Service: Jackie Cameron, PCC C: (813) 601-3048 Email: [email protected] 2916 Cloverfield Lane Valrico, FL 33596-5776 2ND VICE GOVERNOR Certified Guiding Lion John Geary Partner in Service: Lion Gloria Geary C: (941) 932-7579 Email: [email protected] 3614 Asbury Drive Parrish, FL 34219-9389 IMMEDIATE PAST GOVERNOR Certified Guiding Lion Andrew J. Moos C: (813) 748-5515 Email: [email protected] 2510 Cherrywood Hill Drive #202 Brandon, FL 33511 CABINET SECRETARY TREASURER C G L Norma Jean Andrews, PDG Partner in Service: Lion Terry Dukeman C: (239) 634-4221 Email: [email protected] 700 West Devane Street Pensacola, FL 32534 Here it is, the first of February already. Seven months have gone by since I became District Governor and it is going by so fast. There are still many clubs to visit and I am enjoying seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Not all clubs participate in district activities, so that's where I'm meeting new members of my family as we are truly all family - united in one purpose serving our communities in our own way. Did you know we had a District Leadership Retreat January 24th in Englewood? Are there really only 25 or so Lions concerned about leadership issues? Those of us who attended had an enriching experience with our fellow Lions and I'm sure took something back to our clubs. Past Council Chair Suzy Stathas (who is our District Leadership Coordinator) and her instructors plus the Englewood Lions put on a great program and hopefully more Lions will participate next year. Yes, it was on a Saturday and many of us traveled several hours to get there, but we thought it was worth the time and effort to attend. “Contributions to the Florida Lions Foundation” In case you haven't seen or heard, the date of the final District Gathering and Mini Convention has been changed to April 25th in Lake Placid due to scheduling conflicts. We will be electing our new Cabinet officers and taking care of year end business. Because the meeting falls so close to the MD convention in Ocala the following weekend, any club donating money to the Florida Lions Foundation (EVERY club should donate something) must send it directly to the Foundation (Florida Lions Foundation for the Blind, Inc., 8804 41st Street, North, Pinellas Park, FL 33782-5824) or it will not get counted in this year's figure. The Foundation’s year ends earlier than most entities, so PLEASE, send your contributions, but let either myself or District Treasurer Norma Jean Andrews, PDG, know your amount so we can keep track of how much our District donates. Clubs should be thinking about officers for next year; it isn't too early. Incoming District Governor David Skillin and PCC Suzy Stathas, District Leadership Coordinator, will be announcing their training schedule soon and incoming District and Club officers, especially if they are new to their jobs or those who have not attended training in a while, should plan on attending. There seems to be some correlation between officers not attending training and clubs that encounter problems. Obviously that isn't the entire picture. Club Presidents, if your club has had members who died this past year, please notify Lion Bill Ringelstein at [email protected] and PID Neil Spencer at [email protected], so they can be honored at the necrology services both April 25th and at the MD convention. Photos would be appreciated. The MD Convention being held in Ocala the end of April/the first part of May is using the Kentucky Derby as part of their theme. Several years ago, clubs were provided with horse heads to decorate and then “races” were held. If you have members who are planning on attending the festivities, I have several horse heads that need homes. We will also have a contest for the best Ocala Lions Derby hat and a clothing contest for men and women. Please plan to participate as the weekend is a lot of fun. Meal and hotel reservation information is already in the magazine. Hope everyone is out there helping their communities in whatever way your club does. And please, secretaries, list your activities on the International site. How can we brag about District 35-I (ONE), if we don't know what you are doing? How about all those Golden Chain awards given out at the last District Gathering in Bonita and the awards for Zone and Region chairs who took the time to fill out simple paperwork? We all know you do the work, so why not get credit for it? We had 11 of the 15 Zone and Region chairs there and that was awesome. If Zone Chair Gary Laspina hadn't had knee replacement surgery 4 days before the meeting, he would have been there also. They take pride in their accomplishments and so should you. Enough preaching!!!! Have a great February and see you on the road.... District Governor Lion Judy Galm & Lion Dean Hess, PDG NEWS FROM 1ST VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR LION DAVID SKILLIN I would like to take a moment this month to tell you a little about a volunteer website I’ve been promoting all year. The website is http://www.volunteermatch.org/ and it’s geared to help you get the extra hands you need to help you have a more successful project or fundraiser. This website promises to help you find passionate volunteers, when and where you need them. All you need to do is to go to their website and register your Lions Club just like the Bonita Springs Lions Club did. Once you have registered your Lions Club all you have to do is enter the information for your next project or fundraiser and list when and where you need volunteer help. Go on check it out, you know you want to. Who knows where your next member will come from? I also wanted to take a moment to tell you about a new position that LCI has established. Effective with the 20152016 Lionistic year, LCI is encouraging all council of governors and district governors to appoint a RAP (Reading Action Program) Chairperson. There are no details yet as to exactly what this position will entail but I promise you as soon as I know you will know. I’m asking someone who feels as strongly as I do about combating illiteracy to step forward and take on this wonderful and rewarding position. When we take the time to teach a person to read we really are paying it forward. Remember, “The more you read, the more things you’ll know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” On a final note this month I am asking for your help. Anyone interested in working on a committee whether it be zone chair, region chair or one of the many other positions we so lovingly work on for the district please drop me an email at [email protected] or give me a call at (813) 601-3048. There is much to do and I can’t do it alone. I know there are Lions who currently hold positions and want to continue to hold those positions and I am hoping that you will step forward and volunteer before I call you and ask you to continue for another year. Until next month, thank you for all you do, 1st VDG Lion David Skillin & PCC Lion Jackie Cameron CHANGES: Lion Dean Hess, PDG email changed to [email protected]. Other will not work after February 28th. Naples Lions Club now meets at Outback Steakhouse 4910 Tamiami Trail North in Naples. Lion Diana Pinto, PDG Home# (239) 992-9455, Cell # (239) 223-4664 North Fort Myers Noon Lions are meeting at the same place but 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30 p.m. NEWS FROM 2ND VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR LION JOHN GEARY What a great day I just had! I just returned from Englewood, Florida. I attended a District 35-I Leadership Retreat. We had Lions from all over the District. There was PID Stoufer and PDG Rachel Nicola. The Guest Speaker, PID David Stoufer, gave a very informative and motivational talk. PDG Rachel Nichola spoke about her trip to Sri Lanka. She told us about her most memorable Lions moment, which was in Sri Lanka. It was in an LCIF sponsored eye clinic, where she was allowed to witness a cataract surgery, right up front through a microscope. She witnessed first-hand what Lions are all about SIGHT AND THE PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS. PID David Stoufer in his talk gave us a little bit of Lions history. He told us that Canada was the second country to join the Lions and the third country to join was China. After China became a communist country, they left the Lions. The reason they left was that all countries that sign on to the Lions must abide by a democratic constitution. In the years they were out of Lions, the Lions still went into China and performed many cataract surgeries still helping their people all this without asking them to join the Lions. After China saw all the good works that the Lions were doing in their country, they decided to ask the Lions how come you are doing all this good work and not asking us to join the Lions. The Lions said because you would have to sign on to our democratic constitution. Shortly after, China signed on. If any Lion wants to step into a leadership position this would be a great retreat to attend. I believe they will have another one next year. The retreat had session on goal setting, how to have a good agenda, management style, membership, orientation, recognition and enjoyable fun round table learning sessions. At this time of year, your Lions Club should be looking for new officers. Please don’t be afraid to step up. We can get you all the help and training you may need. Remember, “JUST ASK 1” & CLOSE THAT BACK DOOR! Yours In Lionism, VDG2 Lion John T. Geary Partner in Service Lion Gloria Geary NEWS FROM CABINET SECRETARY TREASURER LION NORMA JEAN ANDREWS, PDG Thank you to the Region and Zone Chairs who have done their job keeping up with their clubs monthly reports. We have only two out of date at this time. YEAH! We do have some work on activity reports to do. Dues have been coming in steadily. We have a dozen clubs still left to pay. We cannot pay the MD bill until clubs pay the District. Please get them in asap so we can show we do our job in our District. Outstanding Membership Reports: Sebring 7/2014 Tampa Ybor 11/2014 Dues Not Yet Paid: Bradenton Manatee River Dade City Hispanic American Englewood Fort Myers Gulfport Lake Wales Lorida Naples Activity Reporting: 11 clubs this month 28 clubs for the year 25,613 Lion hours 29,170 people served Sarasota St. Pete Beach Tampa North Tampa West Hillsboro Your nomination committee should be presenting your new slate of officers soon. Recruit those who are eager to lead and not just follow. Rotate your officers; don’t keep them the same year after year or you get the same results. Get your new members involved in the structure of your club. New ideas and opportunities breathe life into your club. Training and meetings give you new ideas. Explore the websites for ideas. We are moving forward in life therefore our clubs must always move forward. PU101’s will be due before we know it. Thank you to everyone for doing what they do best, Lionism! NEXT DISTRICT 35-I GATHERING OF “RED, WHITE & BLUE!” SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 Hosted by the LAKE PLACID LIONS CLUB Lake Placid, FL 9 a.m. Registration 9 a.m. PDG Meeting 10 a.m. Business Meeting 11 a.m. Break – Necrology to follow Lunch at Noon Menu & RSVP TBA See you there IN YOUR RED WHITE AND BLUE! Bring your glasses, hearing aids, stamps etc. PROJECT RIGHT TO SIGHT Eyeglass Collection Box up donated glasses and bring them to the Cabinet Meeting as follows: Eyeglass cases: Sort by hard and soft (When PRTS ships cases, they ship the soft ones as it is less expensive.) Eyeglasses: Other: Clear RX Dark RX Readers Non RX sunglasses Solar and cataract shields Bad frames (metal/ plastic) Good frames (no lenses/plain lenses) Lenses (only give them pairs. No singles) Thank you for all you do! DISTRICT 35-I SIGHT FOUNDATION IMMOKALEE EYE SCREENING The only date is set for Sunday, February 22, 2015 ITECH Center th 508 North 9 Street Immokalee Set up will be at 9 a.m. the event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please let your clubs know about the screening to put it on their schedules. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Club Bulletin/Newsletter – Please send your club bulletin/newsletter to me monthly via email or us mail to be included in the District I contest. Club Briefs – Does your club have an activity recently or upcoming that I can include in club briefs? My focus is a one line of bragging rights, but if you have an action photo of an event with explanation and names, I send them on to be published in the MD magazine. Have you noticed? Thanks! Lion Suzy Stathas 17711 Rivendel Road Lutz, FL 33549 Email: [email protected] Florida Lions Conklin Center News Lion Mary Pezzo, President District Goal $45,000 Did you know that the Conklin Center has just begun its 36th year of service to the blind/visually impaired adults who also have an additional disability? Did you know the Florida Lions Conklin Center provides job placement along with support in the workplace and lifelong follow-along services for our successfully employed graduates that remain in the Daytona Beach area? Did you know the Florida Lions Conklin Center provides services for blind and visually impaired infants and toddler’s age birth to 5 and their families? If you are a Florida Lions, you belong to the Florida Lions Conklin Center! How can you help? Purchase a Life Membership for yourself, for a deserving Lion, in honor of, or in memory of, for as little as $100 up to $3,000! Purchase A State of Vision license plate from the Department of Motor Vehicles– about $5 goes to the Florida Lions Conklin Center, the rest of the $25 fee goes to 16 other non-profit agencies in the state that support the visually impaired; besides having a mini billboard traveling around the state raising awareness for the visually handicapped! As of January 1, 2015, there are 2,016 on cars in Florida! Leave an endowment to the Florida Lions Conklin Center! Have you Club donate to the Florida Lions Conklin Center – this year the goal is $45,000 for each District! Become an Everyday Hero (a new program) – make a monthly donation to the Florida Lions Conklin Center – you can become an Everyday Hero for as little as $10 a month! And, Support our First Gala on March 26, 2015 at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach – we need Lions and their guests ready to have a fun evening, we need sponsors, Silent Auction Items and ads for the Program. Florida Lions' CONKLIN CENTER's 1st Annual - NIGHT FOR SIGHT GALA It's all starting to come together for the Conklin Center's new fundraiser --the 1st annual Night For Sight Gala on March 26, 2015 at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach! Have you marked your new 2015 calendar to be in Daytona? Are you getting ready to be there? (Dress for the event will be "Cocktail Attire" --Suits for the men - tux not required; cocktail/party dresses / pantsuits for the ladies - gowns not required.) You can expect an evening of pure enjoyment, punctuated by a wonderful meal, great music and a silent auction. Keep an eye out at the event for local supporter of the Conklin Center -- Daryl Tol. He is the President /CEO of the Florida Hospital Volusia /Flagler Market and the President /CEO of Florida Hospital Medical Center ---- and the first Honoree Corporate Chairperson for the Gala! How can you help? Auction Items and Sponsors for the Ad Journal are needed! Lion Mary Pezzo, President, Florida Lions Conklin Center says, "I'm putting out a challenge to every Lions Club in Florida to put together an Auction Package - minimum retail $100. The package can be one "big" item or multiple items which add up to $100. Putting together a package of four $25.00 items should be possible for all clubs. For example, gift certificates from restaurants from around the state would be a lot of fun - A “Road Trip!” for the successful bidders! If you need more information, contact Mary Beth Hansen (386) 258-3441 or [email protected] and/or Mary Pezzo (352) 735-9629 or [email protected] 2014 – 2015 District GOAL: $45,000 Thanks to all the great Lions and Lions Clubs that support YOUR Florida Lions Conklin Center! 2015 Florida Vision Summit Thursday, February 12, 2015 9:00 a.m. to noon Join legislators, state officials, non-profit associations, consumer groups and the general public to discuss issues facing the blind and visually impaired and work together to develop solutions. For information, please contact Kimberly Foster at (850) 570-2148 or [email protected] The Conklin Center is reorganizing and revitalizing its fund- raising activities for 2014-2015. Watch this newsletter and check our web site (www.conklincenter.org) for news about how you and your club can support opportunity for blind Floridians! If you have any questions please contact Char Wrlak at (386) 258-3441 or [email protected]. A Comprehensive Lions Club Leader Development Program Bachelor’s, Master’s & Doctorate of Lions Degree’s For more information, go to lionsuniversity.org February 2015 Feb. 3, 8:00 p.m. EST - Course 101 – Lions History [Bachelor’s Program Requirement] –> Register for Webinar Feb. 10, 8:00 p.m. EST – Course 223 – District Governance [Master’s Program Elective] –> Register for Webinar Feb. 19, 8:00 p.m. EST – Course 127 – Tail-Twisting [Bachelor’s Program Elective] –> Register for Webinar Feb. 24, 8:00 p.m. EST – Course 203 – Leadership Styles: Knowing Yours and How and When to Use It [Master’s Program Requirement] –> Register for Webinar Invitation Made Easy with the Family Membership Program We understand that inviting others to join Lions can be a challenge. So, we've made it easy to invite those closest to you with the Family Membership Program. When you invite a family member in the same household, they pay only half international dues! Learn more about the Family Membership Program on the LCI website. Participating in the Ask One campaign just got easier! Announcing the 2015-16 Peace Poster Contest Theme The new theme for the 2015-16 Lions International Peace Poster Contest is "Share Peace." Kits for the contest, which include the official guide and rules, flyers, stickers and certificates, go on sale January 15. Lions clubs interested in sponsoring a Peace Poster Contest in their community must order a kit, either online through Club Supplies (Item Search: Peace Poster Kit) or by downloading the Order Form. For more than 25 years, the Peace Poster Contest has encouraged children across the globe to express their thoughts on peace through art. Learn more about the contest and order your kit starting January 15! LIONS QUEST The Lions Quest Advisory Committee recently approved US$1,357,408 in grant funding for 15 projects in 13 countries. These grants will support projects such as a new model for working with youth sports teams in Italy, the expansion of jobskills training in Tennessee, and program implementation in Cameroon and Morocco. Funding was also approved to expand LCIF and Lions Quest partnerships worldwide. NECROLOGY DISTRICT: Please send me the names of all deceased Lions from your club from last April onward. We don't want to miss anyone at the Necrology Service and a double check will keep that from happening. E-mail me with the name and Club; that's all I need. Many thanks, Bill Ringelstein, PCC District Chaplain MULTIPLE: Please send a photo to PID Neil Spencer at [email protected] so it can be included in the MD Convention Necrology Service in Ocala. Names with faces gives us a better vision of who they were. LIONS WEBSITES: lionsclubs.org lionsofflorida.org lions35i.org The St. Petersburg Lions Club Presents: Dining in the Dark Preventing blindness through diabetes education and screening. Saturday, March 7th 6 to 10 p.m. $60 Dinner at the beach house Guest Speakers: Dan Mann, CEO of Pinellas Lighthouse for the Blind Mary Smith, Diabetic Educator Angela Potinger, Development Coordinator for the Lion’s Eye Institute Reservation required Contact - Debbie Hietala (727) 527-0288 OR [email protected] OR www.facebook.com/stpetelions Francis Wilson Playhouse 302 Seminole Street Clearwater, FL 33755 Clearwater Lions Club Presents the Musical MY FAIR LADY Thursday, March 12, 2015 Admission $26 6:30 p.m. Champagne Reception with hors d oeuvres 8 p.m. Curtain Time For tickets call Lion Ron Goetzke at (727) 789-4694 SUNSHINE REPORT Deceased Lions Families of the following Lions need our prayers. Cards can be sent to family members at the following: BONITA SPRINGS LIONS CLUB Lion Clarence Affelt 27601 Riverdale Lane Bonita Springs, FL 34134 ST. PETERSBURG LIONS CLUB Lion Charles Van Middleworth 10100 Tarpon Drive Treasure Island, FL 33706 HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL LINKS THAT SHOW YOU HOW TO ASK: LIONSCLUBS.ORG It’s Easy Lions! JUST ASK RECRUITMENT GUIDE! www.lionsclubs.org/EN/common/pdfs/me300.pdf ASK ONE! www.lionsclubs.org/EN/member-center/membership-and-new-clubs/invite-members/askone.php JUST ASK GUIDE! http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/common/pdfs/me302 Just imagine if every Lion, 1.35 million, asked one person to join their club… One of our most important goals this year is to strengthen our membership. The best way to achieve membership growth in your district is to promote the Ask One campaign. If each Lion asked one person to join their club, imagine the impact it would have on membership growth in your district and the amount of service you can provide. Encourage all Lions to invite one friend, one neighbor or one family member to join. There’s no easier way to grow your district, and you can earn Lions Pride recognition when you do. The Extension and Membership Division invites you to attend our free monthly webinars! These webinars provide an opportunity for Lions to learn about various membership programs and discuss membership topics. Webinars are conducted in English only. Webinars are recorded and posted on the LCI website (lionsclubs.org). Below is the schedule of upcoming webinars. Space is limited so register today! LEADERSHIP WEBINARS: Project Management Effective project management is one of the foundations of a successful Lions club. Participants will learn the characteristics of effective project managers, review the five phases of service project management and enjoy a case study of a current successful Lions club project. Intended Audience: All Lions Register for a session: Wednesday, 2/4/15,1:00pm, T Friday, 2/13/15, 8:00pm, T Minding Your Members—Leading Strong Teams Develop confident and creative Lions teams through intuitive leadership that includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and communication skills. Presentation offers practical scenarios in which Lions demonstrate best team leadership practices in everyday club situations. Intended Audience: All Lions Register for a session: Wednesday, 3/4/15,1:00pm, T Friday, 3/13/15, 8:00pm, T MEMBERSHIP WEBINARS: Share the Pride of Serving! Invite Members through Service. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 11:00 a.m. to Noon Lessons in Fishing: How to Reel in Younger Members Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Noon to 1:00 p.m. SERVICE ACTIVITY WEBINARS: The Family and Community Engagement Webinar *NEW Join us for a special one-hour webinar to learn about our partnership with Scholastic under the Reading Action Program and how your club can work with schools, families, and communities to make sure that every child has an opportunity to reach their full potential. Special Guest Presenter: Jackie Harvey, Director of Community and District Wide Partnerships at Scholastic Recording Presentation Participant Workbook Frequently Asked Questions Intended Audience: U.S Lions Working Together to Relieve Hunger In this webinar we share ideas, stories, and best practices for working together with our food banking partners to relieve hunger. We discuss the purpose, resources and project ideas for the Lions Relieving the Hunger Campaign, and we will feature special guest presenters from Feeding America, Foodbank Western Australia and Foodbank Australia. Recording Presentation Participant Workbook Frequently Asked Questions Intended Audience: US Lions Reading Action Program Webinar In this webinar we share ideas, stories, and best practices on developing education and literacy related service projects. We will also feature some of our U.S. literacy partners who will present information on how Lions can partner with them on a local level. Intended Audience: U.S Lions Lions, Get Ready for World Diabetes Day! The webinar highlighted the range of activities and resources for planning a diabetes project. Presenters from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) discussed the growing diabetes epidemic and ways Lions can impact their communities by participating in World Diabetes Day. How to Get Involved in Your Local Diabetes Camp Experts from DECA (Diabetes Education & Camping Association) and Lions experienced in diabetes camp programs shared valuable information on how Lions can get involved. Be informed and inspired to provide support for local camps that serve children with diabetes and their families. The lively and informative discussion will prove valuable to your club's service and opportunities for club excellence! Lions, Let’s Get Ready for Diabetes Alert Day! Diabetes Alert Day is a wake-up call for the American public to learn more about diabetes. Representatives from our partner the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) shared easy action steps you can use for community awareness, not only one this special day, but for other diabetes events throughout the year. Recording Presentation Participant Workbook Frequently Asked Questions Recording Presentation Frequently Asked Questions Recording Presentation Frequently Asked Questions Recording Presentation Frequently Asked Questions WELCOME NEW LIONS Lion Robert Greathouse Sponsor: Lion Joel Downer BRADENTON LIONS CLUB - Total New Members: 2 Lion Louise Hall Sponsor: Lion Elbert Duvall FROSTPROOF LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 1 Lion Sharon Dawson Dube Sponsor: Lion Mary Respress GULFPORT LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 1 Lion Jill Coyne Sponsor: Lion Ronald Coyne SAFETY HARBOR LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 1 Lion Noleen Naude Sponsor: Lion Robin Hirschberg Lion Duane Janikula Sponsor: Lion ? SANIBEL CAPTIVA LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 2 Lion Jeffrey MacDonald Sponsor: Lion ? SUN CITY CENTER LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 2 Lion Steven Gargiulo Lion Jenny Loktu Sponsor: Lion Ellen McGovern Sponsor: Lion Beverly Hurley Lion Helen Davis Sponsor: Lion Ann Favreau Lion Jeannette Liard Sponsor: Lion James Liard Lion Christina Gary Sponsor: Lion Tammy Day VENICE LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 4 Lion William Davis Sponsor: Lion ? Lion Linda Shane Sponsor: Lion Thomas Christensen ZEPHYRHILLS LIONS CLUB – Total New Members: 2 Lion Adam Thornwell Sponsor: Lion Tammy Day Membership Numbers – 15 New Members in January 31! Opening Balance 1366 Added Members 173 Dropped Members 200 Current Balance 1339 Net Gain/Loss -27 Take Advantage of Membership Resources and Improve Your Club When it comes to starting new clubs, inviting new members and keeping your current members happy, the LCI website offers all the materials you need to get started and improve you club. The Just Ask! Guide offers steps to recruiting new members, while the Membership Satisfaction Guide helps your club provide the experiences your members are seeking. Take the How Are Your Ratings? Survey to evaluate your club, and download the New Club Development Guide if you're thinking about organizing a new Lions club. View the complete list of Membership Resources available to help your club grow and make a bigger impact today! SOUTHEASTERN GUIDE DOGS Roses are red, violets are blue. Puppies like me, need people like you! Support a puppy as a gift for your sweetheart this Valentine's Day and help one of our adorable puppies become the superhero they were destined to be! With your donation of $100 or more, we will send a Certificate of Appreciation and a glossy photo of the puppy you're supporting as a token of your gift to your loved one. *If supporting a puppy as a Valentine's gift, please make your donation by February 8th to ensure on-time delivery. Support a Puppy now at GuideDogs.org/love Keep Members Happy and Coming Back! Thriving Lions clubs have happy members. Because when members are happy, they serve at a higher capacity and remain part of their Lions clubs. Therefore, encourage members in your club to participate in club activities so they feel satisfied. Inspire Membership through the Reading Action Program Sharing service opportunities with friends and family can inspire them to join your club. The Reading Action Program (RAP) provides excellent opportunities for service experiences, such as reading stories to children, hosting computer literacy classes for adults, or providing free books during a vision screening. RAP service can attract educators, students, parents and others to your club! Share your next RAP project with a friend and together experience the fun and satisfaction of helping others. Expand your Lions Legacy: Start One Today! Every Lions club needs a sponsor in order to charter. By sponsoring a new club, your club can start a new and exciting legacy in that community. Just think, what would your community look like without your Lions club? Why not give the same opportunity to a near-by community. One Lions club cannot serve all of the community's needs. Therefore, your club may wish to consider sponsoring a new club that meets at a different time of day with members that share a common interest. LEADERSHIP ISN'T IT GREAT TO BE A LION!! Lions of District 35-I held the first District Leadership Retreat on January 24, 2015. It appears from the surveys that it was a huge success! Many thanks go out to those who attended, our awesome instructors, the Englewood Lions for hosting, and to PID Dave Stoufer and PDG Rachael Ricola for their motivational words. Special thanks to PIP Palmer and PIP Ross for their encouraging words. Watch for notice of Club Officer Training Schedule soon. Yours in Lionism and Friendship, PCC Suzy GLT Coordinator (813) 767-7899 Email: [email protected] DIABETES AWARENESS Diabetes Screeners Training will be on the following dates and locations: February 1, 2015 February 7, 2015 February 14, 2015 February 22, 2015 May 16, 2015 Crystal River Lions Club Bonita Springs Lions Club with retina training Wesley Chapel Lions Club Immokalee (Re-certification only) Gulfport Lions Club New Screener training 9:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. Cost is $25 includes lunch. At our last Board of Directors meeting, we decided to make some changes for diabetes screening training costs. For the new screener training, if you go to the Resources and Forms tab on the website (dafmd35.org) and download both the current training manual and procedure manual and bring it with you to the class (No Sharing), the class will only cost you $10. If you require the manuals, it is still $25. Screener Recertification 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. $15 ( FREE if held a screening event in last six months and your screening forms along with your report were turned in after screening event). Screeners need to be recertified every year. If you are planning on hosting a diabetes awareness training class, contact Lion Norma Callahan with the location and number of lions who will be attending. Keep in mind that there must be a minimum number of 8 lions per training class. Try to organize these in locations that will maximize the Lions ability to get to the class. I need a count of new and re-certs by Tuesday prior to training. [email protected] “Disaster and Alert” We must keep our guards up for heavy rains and tornado warnings with the cold fronts coming our way. Spring will be here before we know it so beef up your blood supply for those pesky mosquitoes. Flu season is at it’ peak in February. Be on guard and keep those hands clean and away from your face. Get your flu and pneumonia shots, even though the shot is not as effective, some protection is better than none at all. Disinfect regularly all surfaces that get touched. Change your filters and spray Lysol in your air conditioning/heat unit as it is running to disinfect ducts. If you feel sick, stay home and away from others. If you need to, go to the doctor; don’t wait till it is too late. The latest spread of preventable disease in this country is measles. How many of us had this as a child? They now immunize for it and there are those who are not taking advantage of this. The measles are extremely contagious. Check with your doctor to see if you should be concerned. It is spreading fast. New Video: Disaster Relief Public Service Announcement By providing local media outlets with Lions public service announcements (PSAs), you can raise awareness about your club's services in the community. A new disaster relief PSA is now on the Lions YouTube channel, and will be available for download on the LCI website later this month. This PSA provides a brief look at how Lions are the first to respond when disaster strikes, and how members and non-members alike can get involved to help rebuild lives. Share this PSA on social media today, and let your community know that where there's a need, there's a Lion. ELLENTON PARRISH LIONS CLUB 10TH ANNIVERSARY Saturday, February 28, 2015 Cocktails 5 p.m. – Cash Bar Dinner 6 p.m. – Cost $35 Prime Rib, Chicken Picata, Shrimp Pasta Buffet Style Salad Station, Vegetables & Dessert River Wilderness Country Club 2250 Wilderness Boulevard West Parrish, FL 34219 From Interstate I-75 (Northbound and Southbound): Follow I-75 to exit 224 (Ellenton exit). At bottom of exit ramp, turn left onto U.S. Highway 301 North. After approximately 3 miles, turn right onto Old Tampa Road. Entrance gate to River Wilderness is 2.5 miles on right. The Clubhouse is approximately 3 miles through our residential neighborhood and will be on your left. ****** Reservations appreciated by February 21, 2015 ****** Checks to be sent to Ellenton Parrish Lions Club P. O. Box 356 Ellenton, FL 34222 Contact Lion President Barbara Hempel at (941) 981-5699 or Cell (941) 744-6447 st 1 VP Sandra Levesque (941) 479-4273 or [email protected] GOLF TOURNAMENT Annual Charity Golf Tournament Naples Lions Club Foundation The Golf Lodge at the Quarry 8950 Weathered Stone Drive Naples, FL 34120 Sunday, April 12, 2015 8 a.m. Platinum Sponsor 8 Free Golfers, Feature on Website, Tee Sign, Highlighted on all Literature, Logo on Golf Shirt $5,000 Gold Sponsor 4 Free Golfers, Mention in all Literature, Tee Sign $2,500 Shirt Sponsor Logo on all Golf Shirts $2,500 Silver Sponsor 1 Free Golfer, Listing on all Literature, Tee Sign $1,000 Friend Sponsor Listing, Tee Sign Tee Sponsor Tee Sign with Name and message $200 Foursome Four Players $400 Individual Golfer Single Golfer $125 Donations In Kind Equipment, Foursomes, etc. $500 TOTAL AMOUNT Please make checks payable to : Naples Lions Club Foundation Scramble Format Purchase Mulligans at the Course! Arm’s Length Send your check or written credit card information to: Naples Lions Club, PO Box 110474, Naples, FL 34120 PHONE; (239) 353-4800 Golf Questions: Please call the Lions at (239) 353-4800 Assisting the needy with eye care surgeries in Florida and the Bahamas since 1958 Report for District 35-I: Goal for this year is $65,000. As of the Cabinet Meeting our District has given $47,100 or 72.5% Here is where our District is at in expense, so we need to get busy to cover more cases. TOTAL NEW CASES – 10 ESTIMATED COST - $53,823 CLUB CO-PAYS - $2,000 SAVINGS - $35,329 COST TO FOUNDATION - $16,494 YTD TOTALS CASES – 120 ESTIMATED COST - $586,776 CLUB CO-PAYS - $23,850 SAVINGS - $388,526 COST TO FOUNDATION - $174,400 Thank you for your continued support of your Foundation! Get Recognized in April for Asking One! Lions are about providing service, and our strength is directly tied to our members. Therefore, take up President Preston's challenge to Ask One in April, and receive the Membership Growth Award Silver Pin. Plus, if you also invited a member in October, you will receive a gold pin and banner patch for your club. For resources you need to energize your membership efforts, check out the Ask One Web page. Register for Lions Day with the United Nations The 37th Annual Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) on Saturday, March 7, 2015, at the iconic United Nations Headquarters in New York City is fast approaching. This event is almost sold out, so please direct Lions and their guests to the Lions Day with the UN page on the LCI Web site to register while space is still available. This year's theme of "Children in Need" will be addressed in presentations by International President Preston and other key UN speakers along with engaging panel discussions that will delve deeper into this topic. LDUN attendees will also be amongst the first to find out and celebrate this year's winners of both the International Peace Poster and Essay Contests. Inspiring and informative, LDUN recognizes the impact of LCI's volunteer efforts in supporting the shared vision with the UN of improving our local and global communities. LDUN attendees also have the option to attend the popular Lions-UN Luncheon inside the UN's signature Delegates Dining Room with invited ambassadors. Seating is limited and offered on a first come basis. For the first time we will be offering early registration material pick-up on Friday, March 6, at the One UN New York Hotel, located directly across from the UN Headquarters, where attendees can conveniently pick up their event badges, program and more (including the new ViridSTIR USB). Cash bars will be set for an afternoon hospitality from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. where LDUN attendees can meet and mingle with fellow Lions and staff at the Registration Area. LDUN attendees will receive one complimentary drink ticket redeemable from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. on March 6 only. For attendees that need hotel accommodations, the One UN New York Hotel has a limited number of guest rooms available at a special LDUN rate offered on a first come basis. Guest rooms can be requested when registering online. If you have any questions or need additional program information, please contact Natalie Brain at (630) 468-6893 or via email. IMPORTANT DATES OF INTEREST DISTRICT GOVERNOR VISITATIONS nd Feb 2 nd Feb 2 rd Feb 3 th Feb 4 th Feb 5 th Feb 10 th Feb 18 th Feb 19 rd Feb 23 th Feb 24 rd Mar 3 th Mar 4 th Mar 10 M M TU W TH TU W TH M TU TU W TU Sarasota Ellenton Parrish Bradenton Marco Island Seminole Frostproof Bradenton Manatee Venice Greater Pine Island Gulfport Naples Hudson Bayonet Point Lake Placid Noon 6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 a.m. 6 p.m. Noon 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. DISTRICT I GATHERINGS (CABINET MEETINGS) lions35i.org April 25th Lake Placid – Mini Convention ZONE MEETINGS Region 1 Zone 1 – Lion Gary Laspina March 24, 2015 Lake Wales 6:30p.m. American Legion Post 71 Region 2 Zone 2 – Lion Helen Arnold Complete Region 2 Zone 3 – Lion Lori Sams March 3, 2015 Port Charlotte 6 p.m. Luigi’s Region 3 Zone 4 – Lions Darby Doerzbacher & Diane Clifton April 1, 2015 Sanibel Captiva Island 6 p.m. Sanibel Community Center Region 3 Zone 5 – Lion Paul Nash, PDG March 9, 2015 North Fort Myers Noon 6:30 p.m. All Star Lanes Region 3 Zone 6 Lion Bill Arthur Complete Region 4 Zone 7 – Lion Andrew Moos, IPDG April 2015 Tampa Downtown Noon CDB’s Southside Region 4 Zone 8 – Lion Jackie Cameron, PCC March 18, 2015 Hudson Bayonet Point 6 p.m. IHOP Region 5 Zone 9 – Lion Waid Tribiano April 2, 2015 Seminole Perkins Region 5 Zone 10 – Lion Karen Douglas April 15, 2015 Largo March 6 – 8 6:30 p.m. Jimmy Guana’s MULTIPLE DISTRICT CONFERENCES lionsofflorida.org Cocoa Beach (International Palms Resort) (Executive Session only) MD CONVENTION lionsofflorida.org April 30th – 3rd Ocala (Hilton) FUTURE USA/CANADA FORUMS usacanadalionsforum.org September 17 – 19, 2015 TBA, 2016 Grand Rapids, Michigan Omaha, Nebraska FUTURE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS lionsclubs.org 2015 June 26 – 30 Honolulu, Hawaii Aloha Lions! The 98th Lions Clubs International Convention will be held in the beautiful city of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 26th – June 30th, 2015. 2015 LCI Con Early Bird Deadline Approaching – Register Now January 9 is the deadline to register for the International Convention at the lowest rate of $110 – a savings of over 35% off the full registration fee! Be sure to book your hotel through LCI. Complimentary bus shuttles provided to all official convention events when you book your hotel room through LCI. Honolulu is like paradise. Over 100 beaches surround Honolulu, more than any other city on the earth. You can relax on the white sandy beaches of Waikiki, hike the magical trails on Diamond Head crater, and view incredible waterfalls such as Waimea and Maunawili Falls are among the many favorites not be missed. Also, take time to explore the history Honolulu offers. The USS Arizona Memorial is a renowned portrayal of World War II, while the Pearl Harbor Park provides a sobering yet stunning piece of history that will never be forgotten. In today’s ever-changing world, Lions from all walks of life symbolize a ‘ray of hope’ in their commitment to touch the lives of those in need. LCI’s convention offers a once-a-year opportunity to meet together to discuss the important matters of the day that will form the future of our association, and to create new friendships along the way. Make plans to join your fellow Lions in Honolulu for an experience to remember. June 24 – 28 June 30 – July 4 June 29 – July 3 July 5 – 9 2016 2017 2018 2019 Fukuoka, Japan Chicago, Illinois Las Vegas, Nevada Milan, Italy MORE DATES OF INTEREST February 2015 Membership Focus: Women February 1: International Peace Poster contest winners will be notified on or before this date February 12 - Application deadline for Standard, Core 4 and IAG grants to be reviewed at the April 2014 Board meeting P articipation R ecognition I nvolvement D istrict & Club E xcellence FUN FACTS - FEBRUARY 2015 February 1 – February 2 – February 3 February 4 – February 5 – February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 - National Freedom Day Super Bowl Sunday Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster (2003) Groundhog Day School Counseling Week (2-6) 15th Amendment signed (1868) World Cancer Day Rosa Parks’ Birthday (1913) National Weatherperson Day Babe Ruth’s Birthday (1895) Love Your Robot Day NASDAQ debuted (1971) Toothache Day Umbrella Day Thomas Edison’s Birthday (1847) President Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday (1809) 1st Public School Founded in United States (1635) Valentine’s Day Read to Your Child Day February 15 February 16 - Susan B. Anthony Day President’s Day King Tutankhamen’s tomb opened (1923) February 17 Mardi Gras National PTA Founders Day February 18 Pluto Discovered (1930) February 19 Chinese New Year Nicolaus Copernicus’s Birthday (1473) February 20 Batman & Robin comic debuted (1944) February 21 International Mother Language Day February 22 World Thinking Day Prez George Washington’s Birthday (1732) February 23 Tootsie Roll debuted (1896) February 24 1st Uranus “Flyby” by Voyager 2 (1986) February 25 1st African American elected to U. S. Senate (1870) February 26 Tell a Fairy Tale Day February 27 Polar Bear Day February 28 DNA discovered (1953) February 22 – 28 Eating Disorders Awareness Week MONTH-LONG HOLIDAYS & EVENTS American Heart Month Bird Feeding Month Black History Month Children’s Dental Health Month From the editor: Library Lovers Month National Cherry Month National Heart Month th I have a deadline of the 25 of the month, because of my work schedule at the end of each month. Your cooperation with this deadline will be greatly appreciated.
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