WELLINGTON ART N E1'ts9LErTE FeeRu^tFty - Mnneg CLUB R ZOIE Th€UfdingtonArt Club,E$tblisbediE I *92. l? CtrehotSr€€f,Mirmfr, W€ningbn6022.Tcl:(04)3gg.Tz33 Olympia's CLat *d4A4 kls&,4/.*, ta er*,u|ntu, We'reinto the New Yearnow andit's beenlovely andhot for us herein Wellington- you still can't beatthis city on a goodday.\ife haveall enjoyedtrapFyChristmasyfamily times andnow it's time to organisethe eventsthat are coming up. Del te Rito is enthusiasticallyorganisingseveralSaturdayworkshopstlloughout the year.please see the postertelling of Shirley Sutten'supcomingworkshepcu Sunday19ftApril. (Theseare always keenlyaftended)and therewill be trvo afherworkshapsduring fhe year- Richardponderfrom Rona Gallery in Eastbournein the middle cf the year, and our own Helen Wilson in October. More information abouttheseworkshopslater Wb are busy organizing Artists in Action coming up SaturdayFebruary28e to SundayMarch 1*1. on behalf of the wellington Art club and aspart of the ticket raffle draw,Mary Mitchell and shirley Suttanhaveeachdonateda small 10x10artwork for the 2015art trail draw after trailershavevisited ten or more galleries-And therewill be cver fweaty small artworks on display at ChocolateFish in ShelleyBay for all to view The letest issueof NZ Artist magazinehas a fantastic article - four pagescovering the Wellington An Club's pastandpresent. Our appreciationts Linda Smith for this article, the information about our club wasperfect I am now retired - YAE!! 2015 AUTUMilIEXHIBITION will be held at the WellinsltonArt Club Saturday2Sh Febrffarl$and Sunday1'r March,loam to 4 pm Entryformsandyourentryfee shouldbe receivedat the clubroomsno laterthan Tueday lFtr February Tosubmitpaintings youmustbea fullypaidup member. Threepaintings maybesubmitted" Han$ngFee $4.00perpainting.Miniatures wetcome as extras cvs of all contributing artistswill beavaitahle at the clubrooms. Painting3to be deliveredto ClubroomsbyThursday26ilrFebruary Painti$g5m$stbe readyfar hanging Pleaseensurethat painting$ arereadyfor han$ngwath D-rings andcordandlabelledon back withartisfsname. Alsoinetudea swinglabelattachedto a strang andtapedto the backof yourpaintingwiththe artist'sname,titleof work,mediumandsellingpricedetailsfilledin (soihat thosemiXing labelsto attachto eachpaintingcando so withouthavingto referto the back). Unframed artworks forourrackswouldbewelcome. placenameof artist,medium Please andpriceon the baclc and list. ArtCcmmission on paintings soldwillbe 15%. Artr*orks that havesold:.payout byBanktransfer. Youmaybe required ph:-g344873 to providebankingdetail$ to Treasurer: Pleasebe prepar&to takeawayanyartworkpresently on wallsnot to be disptayed tttisweekend. TsattfrfemFers, Csmean$ be Fartof Artistsin Action. Let'sshowour publicwhal a vital,fufl on and interestedclubwe are. Let'shavea crowdin our clubrooms. Weweleome some home baktngfCIr the weekenclf*r viewersto have tea/coffee - gold coin donation. our appreciation to tlwse members egreeing to help tt*i p"opl". Subscriptions 2015 our subscriptions are now duefor 2ot5 andwe hcpethesewill be paidby endof March. Sso.ooper personper year. Pleasepay by 31s Marc$.Thereaftersubgrrifi be $60.00. f Subseanbe paidby EFTPOS duringthe weekof the MPAT. f canbe paidby lnter*et Banking.Fleasebe ctearwith details,namesetc. for our treasurer to identiS. I X Canbe paid by cashor cheque. TheOutdoorArt Club The first outdoor art sessionwill he held on sunday8thFebruary2015 commencing at L0.00am followedby refreshments at a nearbyeaf6.Thesessisnwill be heldat that EvansBayMarinacarpark (closeto the end af EvansBayParadeI CcbhamDriveintersection, wherethe wind needleusedto be.) ff yo$ are uncertainaboutthe weatheron the day,phoneor text Martin on 027-6047329.A decisisn will be madeat 9am. Please do tell yourfriendsaboutthb socialgroup. All mediumswelcome.A full schedule of locations anddatesfor the nextsixmonthswilt be providedto you in due course. Bestregards, MartinJenkins,Ph:384489J.,MB:S2?-6$47329 Artistsin Action AUTUMNEXHIBTTION 2015 ENTRYFORM NAME. Please place this form and entrv fee in an envelopetabe/ed MPATFxhibition Enty in the box marked Exhibiuon Fntriesng,jafrtttanftf4$ar t7't FefuaryTherewitibea g4.oa-nuis,ngfee. Theformwiltbe usedforpfcturelabellf ngandcaiatoguerfsting. FffirrergstF0eat tfre ctubraoms ni rnursaay 2@ February. Peoplewillbe therein the evening. Shirley Satton AcryIic Workshop One llay SundaylgAprrlt0ls gsmto$rrr At W€Xinlrarfft Osb Z7 Chell€a itrast Mlramr,Wefi&rgton Coit 560 per p€rion, Clessci!e: 15 - t0 peopb To enrd contact ller Te Ffto - phooe 3tgg2320r ernail: [email protected] Thh wll be a fun wcdqhop lor tlrrr* ronting to _tplash ult crlthecfl/,ic.,\o p.s1i1sus experienceit requirsd tor a day pected full of easyrn follory tecfidque,,nd tiFs to mJt€ you, paintingcome alive. you will appty paint udng different mctlxxJi to o,btair on abstract ba.tgmund, kecprngs balanreorfrorours and csmpssiti{xrto eshirve a vibranf eryf *rramic peintin6. The wor*.rJropil ;inrcd lfl rnDtiffite and inspire ycu in a re*aed and enlovabreatrnorphere aed to erpre,n r'urse,,with conficencc. ll tinrc permiB we will t:nd ttre dav wtth a filftrtruc$ne cdtiqu€ til strow tie rlrefigtlt <d erch n/$rk. PleaseBring: Your lunr-h Lar6ePalettc - lraper to$reh or ti.lsues $ueterf,onttincr Srurhe: - 1 x flst lcnr epprox- | x lcm apptror - 1r riggerfrorrmall linel Itdrnts; De€prrd hrfnn Ysllow,brtsftl npd Cobaltbfrrr,lltrlnyine V\lhile,Erown Greeafl$daflyglhrrrlou haye. It h Jqo rn advantrge to hew a set of liqrridircrylirs, astfrcs*rare grea: lor fourirlg on ttebad$qsnd, rayS or 4 coloursonly. Theahwtre rtadec bul bringwhatyou ha'e. AIio a snra' ;prry bottle or dnythingets* yru thint you rrrayli*e to u.ee. canvrr - I r illl-6 x 50.Bcm{16 x ZOincirl Uqder_pr,nlwith sne csat of rvhite ge!5(r wellitrytonfutc.fuh Prcsident: olptptuasbon*. (Mtj,ss.sszs hail: olympiaoz{@)nnrnil.com InJbrmation:Ikltc Rito. pk (Ul)J55.9232 EmaiL &Lterito@xio"o.i Newsletter&litor: Dak sbeaney.Ph (04)ssu.sz06 hail: [email protected] EIFg CT,ASSDRAWTNG - 2_pAyS Vy-EEKENU"L4rH MARCIi fl":,,-,-,li .J!.;j j '-;i: .:- -. ;i-:,; .. i -; - ai,;_i;- ;;;: ,.i;; :-rili' - -... * i.,-;, i:-li*j - -,.., i-ji:.*: j I will be runninga two day paintingand drawinglife classin the weekendof March(see details)withmaleandfemalemodels...Male ModelSaturdayMarch14th10 -10.30112hr warm up poses 2 x 45minsposeslG30am-12...1hrlunchbreak... 2x1hr 1pm - 3pm then afiernoontea & buscuits last pose thr 3.30pm-4 .30pmend. Supper SundayMarch 1Sthboth Male and Femalemodellingtogether10am -12pmt hr warm ups 6 x Smins...3 x 1 0 m i n s 2 x ' l 5 . . 3 x 2 0 m i n s . . . 1 h r l u n c h b r e a k . . 2 x 3 O m i n s 1. .pt h mr--3. p m t h e n a f t e r n o o n t e a & buscuits last pose thr 3.30pm-4 .30pm Supper... All mediums / Watercolour/ Acrylic / Oil only with odourlessturps I Pastel / Charcoal / Pencil / mixed media etc let me know if you are interestedthe fee would be $50 cash per person tG the two days paid to Chris .. - before start of course... to cover models fee and club hire i rea and buscuitsand supper later... ZOpeoprcma>.
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