The Chronicle February 2015 LENT So the journey begins– forty days and six Sundays in a season called Lent that moves us from the ashes and an awareness of our own mortality on Ash Wednesday to the grave and awareness of our immortal life given to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter. We begin these holy days in the solemn and deeply moving worship of Ash Wednesday, where we are marked on our foreheads with ashes, reminding us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. But we also share the Sacrament of Holy Communion – our sign and remembrance of God’s amazing love and grace in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Plan to be a part of these holy days with us as we worship our Lord. Begin with ashes. End with resurrection! Each year, men’s college basketball has a tournament for Division I schools nicknamed “March Madness” - from a field of 68 teams, it will be narrowed until just 2 teams play for the national championship. Only one will win. In conjunction with this annual sporting event, our worship during the season of Lent—a period of 6 weeks, culminating in the Holy Week activities of Jesus’ passion, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection on Easter—will follow a similar “March Madness” theme—seeing Jesus pitted against the forces of our world and lives, finally facing the ultimate challenge of life over death. The Championship Series of Jesus— reaching its victory event on Easter. Join us in worship for March Madness, 2015. WORSHIP OF ASHES AND COMMUNION FEBRUARY 18, 2015 12 Noon—Childs Chapel 7 pm—Sanctuary A moment with Mernie... In the Christian church, Lent is a season in which we take time to consider our human nature, our bent toward sinning, and our sins’ deadly consequences for both the individual and society. It is also a season to consider new ways in which Jesus Christ calls us to respond. To this end, I invite you either to forgo something or to take on a new discipline with the intention of being spiritually transformed long past the Lenten season. Either endeavor can be effective in reconnecting you with God. For those of you who have never embarked upon this exercise, let me give you some details. Lent consists of 40 days, from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday excluding Sundays. You may wonder why we do not include the six, in-between Sundays during this time. The reason is because the Lord’s Day (the Sabbath) is set aside in the church to rest, to refresh, and to feast. God “rested from all the work that He had done in creation” on the seventh day (Gen 2:2) and intends for us to incorporate a regular Sabbath into our lives, as well. As we enter this new season, I would also like to share with you a meditation from Dietrich Bonhoeffer that is part of a book presented to me at my ordination. Bonhoeffer was a theologian whose words have continued to inspire Christians for decades. Each time I humble myself at the cross, I am reminded of the death of my old person in Jesus Christ and amazed at the depth of joy and contentment found in my new person. Bonhoeffer reflects thoughtfully on every Christian’s cross: “The cross is laid on every Christian. The first Christ-suffering which every person must experience is the call to abandon the attachments of this world. It is that dying of the old person which is the result of our encounter with Christ. As we embark upon discipleship we surrender ourselves to Christ in union with His death--we give over our lives to death. Thus it begins; the cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise God-fearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ. When Christ calls us, He bids us come and die. It may be a death like that of the first disciples who had to leave home and work to follow Him, or it may be a death like Luther’s, who had to leave the monastery and go out into the world. But it is the same death every time--death in Jesus Christ, the death of the old person at his call.” (Bonheoffer, Dietrich. A Testament to Freedom: The Essential Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Edited by Geffrey B. Kelly and F. Burton Nelson. San Francisco: Harper-San Francisco, 1995, 94). In Him who loved us first, Mernie INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY – on weekdays Calvary UMC will follow the schedule posted by Anne Arundel Community College. If the church is closed on a weekday, evening activities are also cancelled. On Sunday, if worship and activities are cancelled due to weather, you can find information at the following places: the church website,; the church office, 410-268-1776; and radio station WNAV – 1430 AM and 99.9 FM. The radio station will report information as it fits in their programming so you may want to try the church website and phone system first. Page 2 CONGREGATION NEWS On January 11, 2015 we celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism for: Joanna Marie Cook, who is the daughter of Cheryl and Ryan Cook and Connor William Vragovich, who is the son of Amanda and Jeremy Vragovich. We would like to thank our Calvary family for all they have done for us after the passing of Alli. We really appreciate everything and everyone. DIRECTORY UPDATES Art and Gen Turman 6209 River Crescent Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 Dale Magnusson and Judith Reichard 8615 Wandering Fox Trail, #307 Odenton, MD 21113 Sincerely, Kristy and Cam Cantrell and Anna Delaney WINTER RELIEF SHELTER at Calvary February 16-23 Winter Relief is just around the corner! If you haven’t already signed up, we hope that you will consider joining your Calvary family as we open our doors to the homeless in Annapolis. For a current list of vacancies, please visit our Winter Relief page on Calvary’s website at We always need overnight hosts between 9 pm and 7 am each night. Being on overnight does not mean that you are up all night! Hosts typically take a shift and sleep in the back designated classroom on cots that are provided. This way we have several hosts available should an emergency arise. Sign up to volunteer on-line or by contacting Pam & Rob Biddlecomb at 410-440-1719 or [email protected]. Volunteer opportunities include: Help prepare/serve/clean up breakfast, help prepare lunch, be an evening host (5-9 pm), be an overnight host (9 pm-7 am), help with guest laundry, help set up/tear down (prior to and end of Shelter), help with medications, supply individually packaged snack foods, or 2-L bottles of soda, provide pillow cases (can be gently used). ...a Mediterranean cruise… ….a Biblical journey… You are invited to join Rev. Wright on a trip to follow the pathway of the Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys in the development of early Christianity…. aboard a luxury ship cruising the Mediterranean Sea….November 7-19, 2015….an incredible trip of inspiration and relaxation not to be missed! An informational time for those interested will be held at Calvary Church on Wednesday, February 11 at 7 pm. Brochures and more information are available outside Rev. Wright’s office door (main hallway), by contacting him at 410-268-1776, or email to [email protected]. Page 3 AUDIO/VISUAL UPGRADE UPDATE 2014 proved to be an important year of assessing the needs for replacing old equipment and adding new equipment to upgrade our audio/visual capabilities for our worship services. One of our problems became apparent Christmas Eve and over the following weeks as the two pastors' microphones quit working properly. The assessment was part of a months-long study that included the free services of two professional engineers (one of whom had done work at Goddard Space Center), thus saving us money. Specific recommendations were made and approved, with careful attention to the needs and opinions of many constituent groups and individuals, and the fundraising process began. We are pleased to announce that our fundraising goal of $60,000 has been met and even exceeded, so we are moving forward with plans for equipment purchase and minor construction. Thank you to all who have donated money and supported this project. The new equipment will enable us to hear better, add a visual element to our worship services with cameras and monitors, and begin a new phase of outreach through online streaming of services. We have endeavored to balance the needs of those who want to see little or no physical changes in our 70’s era sanctuary with the needs and desires of worship leaders of all services who will be using the new technology. We have also attempted to keep the process transparent so that there are no surprises or misinformation. Information has been disseminated to the congregation through the use of special presentations, newsletter articles, and announcements. One of the trickiest issues has been where to place those who will be running sound, cameras, and power point presentations. We knew that they needed to be somewhere out in the sanctuary as opposed to inside an enclosed booth, where they aren't really hearing the sound as the congregation hears it. As the vision was first formed, it was thought that the operators might be able to be placed unobtrusively in the balcony, but as the vision further developed, it was realized that this plan would take up too much of the limited floor space that's used by brass and other instruments for special programs. The only logical compromise is to place the operators in the left rear corner of the sanctuary. We will work to retain the beauty of the sanctuary with minor construction of secure cabinetry and wooden railing that matches the other railing of the room. One or two pews will need to be shortened to make space (much like what happened for the grand piano and the handicapped row), and the side aisle will be moved to dogleg around the area so that we still have an aisle. Another issue of concern expressed has been about the use of screens. It proved to be too expensive and unfeasible to install descending screens and long-range projectors. Our solution has been to get large monitors attached to the front walls near where the current speakers hang. These will be fairly unobtrusive, with very little plastic "lip" to them, so as to not detract from the natural beauty of the sanctuary. The plan also calls for some additional speakers to enhance the sound, new microphones and outlets, and hidden audio and visual monitors for the choir and leaders in the chancel area. We will have wonderful new capabilities to enhance our worship services and further engage the congregation. As we move forward with this upgrade, we will need teams of volunteers for each service who can learn to remotely operate cameras, assist Malcolm with sound, and create and operate power point presentations. We ask that those of you with an interest in these positions to please contact Stan Livengood at [email protected]. Your servant, Stan Livengood, Director of Music and Arts Page 4 DISCIPLESHIP January 14—February 11 Epiphany Study , Kenan Habetler, Parish Minister Wednesdays 10:30—11:30 am, Room 119 January 11-February 15 “Who Is This Man”, Cathy and Ford West Sundays, 10-11 am, Feldmeyer Parlor, Room 103 January 21 & 28, February 4 & 11 How To Pray Aloud..and Alone, Pastor Mernie Wednesdays 6-7 pm, Room 119 NEW January 11 Bible Study, Book of John, Brian Berger 5-6:30 pm, Room 105 (Library) We had our first Confirmation meeting and it is not too late to join us if you have an 8th grader who wants to be confirmed………..Below are some important dates to make note of: January 28, 6:30—8 pm March 15, 3 pm April 18, 9 am—3 pm May 15, 6:30 pm May 17, 11:15 am Confirmation orientation meeting Group Confirmation Meeting Retreat at West River Confirmation Banquet Confirmation Worship Service If you have any questions, please call Nancy Mills at 410-268-1776, ext. 104. Page 5 Coming Up: 2/1/15– Mission Trip Sign Up Deadline 2/7/15– Cookie Factory 2/8/15 – SNY 2/15/15 – SNY 2/17/15 – Pancake Supper 2/22/15 – SNY Winter Relief Dinner 2/27/15-3/1/15 – SNOW CAMP 3/7/15 – Cookie Factory 3/8/15 – SNY 3/15/15 – Confirmation Class for Mentors and Confirmands 3/15/15 – SNY SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER The annual Youth sponsored Pancake Supper is Tuesday, February 17 from 5:30-7 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The youth work hard serving pancakes, sausage and applesauce. Donations are graciously accepted! Proceeds from this fundraiser go toward summer youth mission trips. Please stay tuned to the weekly email updates, for all times and other details of our events. If you would like to receive the updates please contact Sarah at [email protected] * We are always looking for adults who would come to walk alongside our youth, if you are interested in accompanying us on one of our upcoming trips Snow Camp and this summer’s mission trip, or even if you just want to pop in on a SNY, please don't hesitate to ask how you can become involved, please email Sarah at [email protected] Page 6 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: February 1 (Choir Performances) 8:45—K-2nd; 10—Angel February 8 Scout Sunday February 8, 15, 22 Disciple Ship *Children serving at Winter Relief on Feb. 16 CALVARY CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF JESUS! Give A Warm Calvary Welcome! The nursery welcomes Ms. Beki Andres to our Sunday nursery staff. Beki became a member of Calvary UMC this past September . She brings to Calvary a wealth of experience in caring for children and wonderful creativity. Her nurturing and loving heart will be a blessing to our precious ones. Page 7 UNITED METHODIST MEN Meetings and Missions The men of Calvary are invited to gather on Tuesday evening, February 17, for an evening of fellowship and faith. See the bulletin and check your e-mail for the speaker and upcoming events. Tentative plans will include presentations by leaders from community service organizations. New Crew! The January meeting marked the assumption (or continuation) of leadership and responsibility roles for the UMM. On the bridge of the good ship UMM Calvary during the 2015 cruise are: President, Ken Forrester; Vice President, Bill Lovelace; Secretary, Dave Myers; Treasurer; Bob Bold; Project Coordinator, Tony Fowler; and Program Coordinator, Bill Abner. Welcome aboard! Winter Relief, Part Deux Rob and Pam Biddlecomb will be heading the next session of outreach to those in need beginning February 16. Please check the bulletin and elsewhere in this edition of the Chronicle for details. And PLEASE consider assisting with the wide range of opportunities to give to those in need. Yard Sale Information Ready to get that garage cleaned out?! The date for the UMM Yard Sale is being finalized. Although it will be hard to part with some of those dust covered family treasures (like hula hoops), we will do everything we can to pick them up and move them along ASAP. Details regarding pick-up begin with Ken Forrester (410-991-7099 or [email protected]) or Tony Fowler ([email protected]). A few young fellas would be appreciated to help. A wide range of events and gatherings are being planned for the coming year Bill Lovelace will present a beautiful program regarding the Stations of the Cross at the March 17 monthly meeting to celebrate the Lenten season. The Shower Ministry will stand-up again in April for a run to October. If needed, mission relief teams will assemble with tool belts strapped on. Golf outings, fishing trips, and raft-ups will provide opportunities for fun and fellowship. Dave Born's Mighty Parking Players will reconvene on September 5, 2015, when the Mids entertain the Colgate Raiders. Baysox baseball will grace a warm summer's evening, while pizza or barbeque may get served on a monthly basis prior to meetings with speakers of interest. (Baby sitters may be available!) The UMM Men's Choir will again raise their voices while opportunities to attend retreats with others to seek a spiritual connection with the Lord will be scheduled. "Why what's the matter, that you have such a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness – do ye not know that pitchers and catchers report on the 19th?" Apologies to William Shakespeare. Have a very blessed February, and don't forget St. Valentine's Day! God Bless, Dave Meyers Page 8 Page 9 9 Lori Perron Wendy Preslan Linda Van Ry 8 Erica Bowen Marilyn Edwards Annette Lanham Rose Lovelace 26 Judy Johnson Alice Pride Matthew Frantzich 25 Kathleen King Polly Spates 23 Lora Bleacher Cheryl Bosler Katie Crane Larry Penix 22 Sally Jurowsky Virginia Pritchett Eric Parker 24 19 18 Kate Cumberpatch Beth Schoeller Nan Walker Jonathan Wintrode 27 Clarence Banwell Jim Gatlin Robyn Modly Pamela Phillips Amy Robbins-Salm Sandy Warner 20 Rich Bowan Trish Marshall Diane Maier Brad Mudd 17 13 12 Marla Miles Toby Groff Jodi Quillen Michael Roblyer 6 Friday 11 5 Thursday Frank Basil Carol Clark Deborah Dudas Rachel Heisman Madelynn Sampson Wesley Hill 4 Wednesday 10 Betty Foreman Janis Hosmer 3 Tuesday George Benson George Deuringer David Fisher Linda Geers Sean Gownley Mary Hinkins 16 Mimi Collison Dorothy Karr Margaret Ann Webster 15 2 Tanya Atwell Fred O’Fiesh Monday 1 Sunday February 2015 Birthdays Leanne Berget Garnette Skordas Buzz Stillinger Betty Thompson 28 21 Kim Bowman Kathryn Conley 14 Blair Bernhardt Beth Hutcheson 7 Saturday Page 10 11 9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc. 10:30 Epiphany Study 6:00 How to Pray 7:00 Paul Trip Meeting 7:00 Chancel Choir 10 8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc. 6:00 UMM Board 7:00 Book Club 7:15 Handbells 8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc. 9 12:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc. 7:00 Stephen Ministry 8 Thursday 9:00 Employment Support 6:00 Disciple IV 7:00 Praise Team 7:30 Calvary Choir 19 9:00 Employment Support 6:00 Disciple IV 7:00 Praise Team 7:30 Calvary Choir 12 9:00 Employment Support 6:00 Disciple IV 7:00 Praise Team 7:30 Calvary Choir 5 25 9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc. 6:00 Lenten Dinner and Program 7:00 Chancel Choir 24 8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc. 7:00 Book Club 7:15 Handbells 8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc. 23 12:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc. 7:00 Stephen Ministry 22 SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 5:00 Disciple Ship (Bible Study and Children’s Choirs) 5:00 Sunday Night Youth 5:00 Covenant Bible Study 5:00 John Bible Study 9:00 Employment Support 6:00 Disciple IV 7:00 Praise Team 7:30 Calvary Choir 26 WINTER RELIEF FEBRUARY 16—23 9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc. 12:00 Worship Service 1:00 Harmony Circle 7:00 Worship Service 8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc. 5:30 Pancake Supper 6:30 UMM 7:00 Friendship Circle 7:00 Book Club 7:15 Handbells 8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc. PRESIDENT’S DAY Church Offices Closed SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 5:00 Disciple Ship (Bible Study and Children’s Choirs) 5:00 Sunday Night Youth 5:00 Covenant Bible Study 5:00 John Bible Study 6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc. 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 17 16 15 SCOUT SUNDAY SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 5:00 Disciple Ship (Bible Study and Children’s Choirs) 5:00 Sunday Night Youth 5:00 Covenant Bible Study 5:00 John Bible Study 9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc. 10:30 Epiphany Study 6:00 How to Pray 7:00 Chancel Choir 8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc. 7:00 Book Club 7:15 Handbells 8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc. 12:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc. SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 1:00 Covenant Bible Study Wednesday 4 Tuesday 3 Monday 2 1 Sunday February 2015 Events Friday Saturday 21 7:30 Maintenance Breakfast 14 7:30 Cookie Factory 7 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE SNOW CAMP FEB. 27-MAR. 1 28 Traditional Worship Children’s Sunday School 10:00 Contemporary Worship Children’s & Adult Sunday School 11:15 Traditional Worship 8:45 27 WOMEN’S RETREAT FEB. 20-22 20 13 6 Page 11 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am—5 pm [email protected] [email protected] 410-268-1776 FAX: 410-268-5283 CALVARY CHURCH OFFICE Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore-Washington Conference The Rev. Evan Young, Annapolis District Superintendent Office Manager, Calvary Center School…….. Kimberly Koepping 410-268-3812, [email protected] Director of Audio/Media Ministries……………. Malcolm McFadden Sunday Nursery Attendants………….Susan Giokas, Beki Andres Director, Calvary Center School…...Johnna Parker [email protected] Office Assistant…………………...………..Karen Conroy [email protected] Administrative Assistant………...……..Janis Hosmer [email protected] Organist.…………………………....….……...David Beatty Director, Handbell Choir………..…...…..Bruce Smith Director, Children’s Choirs………..….…..Noël Butler Director, Praise Team………..……….….Ira Ostrowski Treasurer………………………..……...Pam Biddlecomb Ext. 106, [email protected] Director of Music & Arts..……...Stanley Livengood Ext. 105, [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries…………....Sarah Lanzi Ext. 115, [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries …….Christy Little Ext. 104, [email protected] Director of Discipleship…………………...Nancy Mills [email protected] Parish Minister …………………..…….Kenan Habetler Ext. 103, [email protected] Associate Pastor……………………………Mernie Crane Ext. 102, [email protected] Senior Pastor……………………….Harold B. Wright, II CHURCH STAFF Chairperson, Church Council…………….Jim Phillips Lay Leaders…………………….David & Beth Schoeller Lay Members, Annual Conference……..Bill Abner, Roberta Liddick, Al Keyser, Doris Glover Chairperson, Staff-Parish Relations MT…. Lee Johnson Chairperson, Trustees MT…….……..…Lon Slepicka Co-Chairpersons, Finance MT....Jackie Nicholson, Kipp Snow Financial Secretary.……………………….Donna Kurrle Chair, Stewardship MT………………Nelson Gardner Chairperson, Missions MT……………...Bill Lovelace Co-Chairpersons, Education MT…..Sandy Crosier, Kevin Peters Co-Chairpersons, Outreach MT………Susan Amos, Lynn McReynolds Co-Chairpersons, Congregational Care MT… Jody Glancy, Marla Marthens Co-Chairpersons, Worship MT……....……Jay Irwin, David Conover Chairperson, Stephen Ministry………...…..Jo Layne Leader, Children’s MT…………..…….Tia Titgemeyer Leader, Youth MT……………………Keith Biddlecomb Leader, Older Adult MT………….....Kenan Habetler President, United Methodist Women.... Claudette Cozad President, United Methodist Men...Ken Forrester Co-Chairpersons, Building MT ……...Doug Sweely, Lori Sweely Chairperson, Calvary Center School… Jaime Hanafourde Public Relations…………………………………Dave Born (MT = Ministry Team) CHURCH LEADERSHIP Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Annapolis, MD Permit 207 Calvary United Methodist Church 301 Rowe Boulevard Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Ph: 410-268-1776 Fax: 410-268-5283 E-mail: [email protected] As a committed United Methodist community, we strive to know and worship God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; to grow in faith and love through ministry, discipleship, and fellowship; and to go into the world to bring others to Christ through mission. We at Calvary Church are committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Know….Grow…Go... FEBRUARY HIGHLIGHTS Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Super Bowl Sunday Cookie Factory Scout Sunday Maintenance Breakfast President’s Day—Church Offices Closed Feb. 16-23 Winter Relief Feb. 17 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday Feb. 20-23 Women’s Retreat Feb. 27March 1 Snow Camp
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