February 2015 template copy.pages

Good News for the People of God
February 2015
The First Congregational Church of Eliot, United Church of Christ
February 15 ”Cups and Containers” Teach Us to Pray !
February 22 “Name Tagged” Our Father !
March 1 “Kingdom, Come!” Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done !
March 8 “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” Give us this day, our daily bread !
March 15 “Remember the Duck” Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors March 22 A Season of Lent
This time of Lent serves as an opportunity for Christians to
prepare for the coming celebration of Easter. The season of Lent
is not made up prayer, confession, forgiveness, signs, symbols,
scripture and steps. Each service of worship that we will share
together is intended to be a part of the total preparation time of
Lent. It is our hope that you take advantage of this opportunity
of six special weeks to prepare. Maybe it will be the Lenten
Lunches with the pastor. Maybe it will be the book study. Surely
it will be our Sundays together and hopefully you will attend the
Wednesday ecumenical worship services. After these six weeks of
dedicated preparation, the Gospel proclamation of Good Friday
and Easter Sunday will be that much sweeter to taste. !
“I Can Resist Anything but Temptation” Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
The Seminarian Says
January's month of vacation
wa s a wonderful time of
rejuvenation for me. But
n o w I a m r e a d y to h e a d
back to school, and I am
excited to be heading back
down to "The Hil l" this
Signs & Symbols of Lent
A Kittery-Eliot Clergy Association
Eccumencial Worship Invitation
February 18 !
Second Christian, UCC!
Rev. Linda Hirst, preaching!
February 25
Meetinghouse Village!
Pastor Bill Humphrey, preaching!
!March 4
Eliot United Methodist Church!
Fr. Scott Mower, preaching!
!March 11
St. Mark's United Methodist!
Rev. Bob Hett, preaching!
!March 18
Kittery Point, UCC!
Rev. Sue Frost, preaching!
!March 25 !
St. Raphael's Catholic Church!
Rev. Brad Hirst, preaching!
!April 3
First Congregational, Eliot!
Kittery-Eliot Clergy Association!
The Echo
I will have three classes this
semester, of a nice variety. I
will continue Systematic
T h e o l o g y a n d t a ke t h e
second part of a two part class. It will be with the same professor
that I had last semester. I loved the course and am really looking
forward to continuing with this challenging but rewarding class.!
This semester I will take the first of a two part introductory
series to the New Testament, centered mostly on the Gospels. I
have been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to take this course
because of my love for the gospels, so I am thrilled that the
opportunity has finally arrived.!
Finally, I am taking a new class with a visiting professor called
Theology of Emotions. This seminar uses movies, music, theatre,
liturgical theory, affective neuroscientific research and affective
theological studies to retrieve the lost emotional foundation of
liberal faith. According to the professor, students will use insights
gained from this multidisciplinary work to create new liturgical
strategies that can uplift the heart of liberal faith in their own
Christian Sunday services. !
I am most looking forward to this course this semester.As you
can see, I have quite the adventure ahead of me. Thank you so
much for going with me! I appreciate your continued support you have no idea how much it sustains me! I think of you all
often when I am at school and smile with joy!!
Prayerfully studying,!
Church Newsletter
Sandy Norris!
Good News for the People of God
For Our Prayers
Marice Barzal!
Mary Heller !
Ginny Elwell!
Jeanette Driver !
Bill and Betty Baran !
Steve Pike!
Dick Bogh!
Rev. Randy Rehbein !
Tyler Spinney !
Alaina Goodnough!
Nancy Shapleigh !
Charlie Brooks !
Colin Quinn!
Linda Stevens !
Judy & Doug Bryant !
Donald Forbes!
Pat Cress!
Rev. David Pearson !
Cynthia & Paul Johnson!
Linda Stevens !
The parents of Tina Cunningham!
Myrtle Boyer !
Bob and Anita Nelson !
Amy Becker!
Laurie Smith!
George (friend of Wheelers) in final
days !
Mary Seibert!
Ruth Vetter!
Gage Paul!
Rob Quinn’s mother!
Our men and women in the service!
Those who are seeking shelter.!
February 2015
Christian Education
We hope you enjoyed our January bulletin board of New
Year wishes. Have you added yours? It’s fun to watch visitors
peruse our boards and a great way to introduce them to our
church. If anyone has any ideas for a future display, please
share them! Keep an eye out for our new bulletin board
coming soon. !
! T h e Jo y S q u a d i s s t u d y i n g a b o u t D a n i e l . Yo u m a y
remember Daniel from the lion’s den but there is more to his
stor y. Daniel teaches us about the importance of our
reputation and our choices, courage, humility and faith.!
! As Kidz Church continues to grow we are looking for
people (men & women) who would be willing to assist in a
class or teach a class from time to time. We would love for
you to get to know our fabulous children. You can teach a
topic of your choice or we can supply the lesson. Do you
have a talent for music, drama, games, art, cooking or crafts
you can share?!
! Do you have an idea for a landscape/garden project? We
want to keep our classes fresh and get the children up &
moving. We
also want to
teachers a
chance to
a t t e n d
P l e a s e
speak to
J o a n
S o n y a
S h e r r i
Ann Bailey or Sherry Goodnough.!
Thanks to all who helped with our sub fundraiser!!
The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
A Page From the Pastor
Dear Friends, Oh, how I love the Church and oh
how I love THIS church! Each week is a gift and
each worship time we spend together is a blessing.
During my recent holiday time in Ohio with my
sister, I realized how much I missed being with
you all. I was giddy to return and excited to step
back into the pulpit and our life together. I
actually had butterflies of excitement as I walked
through the sanctuary doors. It was a great
feeling and even as I write this, my mind is
buzzing with all kinds of ideas and vibes for what
will happen this year as we live into our call
together. So, I’m going away again. What! Did
she just say that? !
the church and the minister. Thom Rainer (2014),
a consultant for making healthy churches, talks
about the reasons: !
Yes. This year, I will take the first part of my
three part sabbatical. It will be four consecutive
weeks for each of the next three years. (This
year’s date has not been solidified yet but it looks
like June is the optimal choice). This is not my
vacation time nor is it my time in relationship
with the UCC conference when I serve Pilgrim
Lodge Ministries. Rather, it is a part of my call
and covenant that you and I came to agree upon
when I first came to ser ve. This season of
sabbatical will give us both a chance to live more
deeply into our relationship with each other, by
having some time apart. Sabbatical in simple
terms, means time away for rest and/or study. In
our denomination it is typically a 12 week stint. I
fully recognized that was not the right rhythm for
us as a congregation so we are breaking it up. The
pastor is given this paid leave for rest,
rejuvenation and deeper reflection. !
Pastors need time of uninterrupted study. It
doesn’t usually happen in the study at church or home.
There is always the crisis or need of the moment.
Church members expect sermons that reflect much
prayer and study. The pastor’s schedule often works
against that ideal. The sabbatical can offer much
needed, and uninterrupted, study time.
While I’m away we will have capable pulpit
supply and dedicated deacons to serve. And we
shall have lots of time to talk together about how
this will all work but for now, I share with you 5
reasons why pastor sabbaticals help strengthen
The Echo
A pastor has emotional highs and lows unlike
most other vocations. In the course of a day, a pastor
can deal with death, deep spiritual issues, great
encouragement, petty criticisms, tragedies, illnesses,
and celebrations of birth. The emotional roller coaster is
draining. Your pastor needs a break—many times a
break with no distractions.
A pastor is on 24-hour call. Most pastors don’t
have an “off” switch. They go to sleep with the
knowledge they could be awakened by a phone call at
anytime of the day. Vacations are rarely uninterrupted.
It can be an exhausting vocation, and a sabbatical can
be a welcome time to slow down.
Pastors who have sabbaticals have longer
tenure at churches. Though my information is
anecdotal, I do see the trend. And while I cannot prove
a cause-and-effect relationship, I feel confident that
pastors who have sabbaticals are much more likely to
stay at a church because they are less likely to
experience burnout.
Pastors who have sabbaticals view the time off
as an affirmation from their churches. I have heard from
many pastors who share with me a sentence similar to
this one: “I know my church loves me because they
give me a sabbatical.” Pastors need affirmation.
Sabbaticals can accomplish that goal.
I feel very affirmed as your pastor! I thank you for
your continued support.I look forward to talking
with you about this plan as it comes to life and all
the plans that God has for us!!
See you in church! I’ll bring the butterflies!!
Pastor Beth
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
Testimonial Talk
by Doris Grover
I was introduced to the First Congregational
Church in Eliot in the late 50’s through a friend
who I knew from the Grange. Her name was
Molly Bartlett and she was a Sunday school
teacher for years. She convinced me to become
the first grade Sunday school teacher and I
accepted that position for fifteen joyful years.
We taught a lot of basic church principles
through the use of many stories, and had a large
sandbox that stood on legs, and was the pretend
desert for the children to act out some of the
these stories. !
It wasn’t quite all fun; for instance, I had a child
who delighted in kicking me under the table and
had to be called out of the class before he
stopped. There were about 75 children in Sunday
school then, some in high school. In fact, some
of the high school students helped to build the
Pa r i s h Ha l l . At o n e p o i n t I b e c a m e t h e
superintendent of Sunday school, a job I held for
three years.!
Somewhere along the way, bean suppers were
introduced. It wasn’t long before I found myself,
with the help of Betty Grogan and Barbara
Crosby, in the Parish Hall in the a.m. (not too
early) preparing for the suppers (enjoying hot
dogs for our lunch). Soon, the rest of the “next
shifts” would be there.!
It was not a surprise to see me working the grille
in the kitchen for the church fairs.!
As a lover of music, I joined the choir and sang
until about 15 years ago. My heart leaps with joy
when I hear the current choir sing. If my voice !
The Echo
was still strong enough I would join right in.
There are so many qualified people in the group,
and the musical director, Lisa, brings out the best
in them. During the recent Ecumenical Concert
at the Methodist Church, our choir knocked it
“out of the park.” I was so proud to be
represented by this active, talented group of
I ha ve also ser ved on many of our church
committees and have enjoyed sharing with the
other members. I feel friendship has grown
knowing all of these people, my friends.
Friendship is still among us, whether it is work or
play – remember, all work and no play makes a
dull day. Here, it is laughter ninety-nine percent,
tears one percent!!
I guess I could be considered naturally a “perky”
kind of person, and I thoroughly enjoy the path
which Pastor Beth has taken in this church. She
adds some fun to the message and helps us deal
with the real world with her clear perspective.
Over the years through all the changes, I still
have to say: “This is my church and I will never
leave it.”!
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
Ladies Circle
Mission Ministries
With only 11 ladies present for our January 7th
meeting, homemade soup by Jane Spinney and
dessert by Doris Grover was enjoyed by everyone.!
Well, another year of the Project Share program
has been completed. On behalf of the Eliot
Lions Club, I would like to thank the members
of our church for all the work and support that
went into making this the most successful
Project Share program I can ever remember in
the over-twenty-five years that I have been
involved in this great community ser vice. After we delivered the boxes of food to the
families in need in Eliot, we had two truckloads
of food left over that were delivered to the
Footprints program to help other people in our
Dottie reported that 178 helmet liners were made
this year by the ladies of our church and turned in
to the Pease Greeters and there are still more
being made. Great work, Congratulations!!!
We are once again thinking Mission Kits. Carole
said there is a need for hand towels, face clothes,
ivory soap and individually wrapped toothbrushes.
For the buckets we put together, some of the
things needed are 100ft clothesline, cloth pins,
work gloves, sponges of all sizes, DAWN dish
Our church continued this year to play a crucial
r o l e i n t h e s u c c e s s o f t h e Pr o j e c t S h a r e
program. In addition to church members
donating food, we again had individual church
members who helped in unloading, sorting, and
packing the food that had been delivered to our
church from the Eliot schools. The fact that
our church clears out the Thrift Shop area and
allows it to be used as the collection and
distribution center for the program is incredibly
important in making the coordination of the
whole program work.
Much discussion was held about the fair for this
November. We are asking for people to crochet
or knit items for babies or toddlers but also any
items for the fair. If you would like to help and
need some suggestions or patterns, speak to Jane,
Dottie or any one in Ladies Circle. !
For our February 4th meeting at 11:30 we will be
putting together bags of small items for ladies for
Valentine's Day to be given to Footprints. Ladies
are asked to help by bringing in small items to be
put into the bags. Ladies are asked to bring a
sandwich and Sue Bicknell will have devotions
and refreshments.!
On March 4th we will be going out to eat at
Norma's in York. We would invite anyone who
would like to join us to please tell Jane ahead of
time as we have to make reservations. !
February 2015
Thanks to all who were involved for showing,
again, why our church is such a special part of
the overall Eliot community!
Dick Bogh
Eliot Lions Club!
-Jane Spinney!
The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
Sunday Servants
Fellowship Hosts
1 -Nancy Hoyt and Lisa Marshall
8 -Jan McMullen and Jeanne Morin
15 -Jean Paulantonio , Sonya Quinn
22 -Carole Shirk and Jane Spinney
1 - Liz Futterrer and Sandy Norris
8 -Rob and Sonya Quinn
15 -Peggy Gray and Robin Wheeler
22 - Brad and Jennifer Swanson
1 -Ushers
8 - Liam Quinn
15- Andy Wormwood
22 - Felicia Nelson
1 - Linda Gove
8 - Laurie Hair
15 - Sherri Anderson-Wormwod
22 - Brad Swanson
Ann Bailey
Lynn Vetter
Jimmy Libby
Lynn Osgood
Carly Osgood
Donna Collins
Faith Follum
Sylvia Walcott
Brianna Wayburn
Ellie Sanborn
Nancy Hundley
Andy Wormwood
Jeannette Driver
Heidi Roberge
Michelle Oeser
Lois Widi
Deacon of the Month
Jan McMullen
The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
1 Super Bowl
2 Groundhog Day
Baptism of Marco
Holy Communion
10a Worship and
Sunday School
11:30p Ladies'
1p Banjo Lessons
6:30p Choir
8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class 9a Church Office
4p Bluegrass
10a Worship and
Sunday School
7p Craft Group
9a Church Office
5:30p Deacons
rescheduled for
mini retreat TBA
11:30a Sr.
Citizens Group
1p Banjo Lessons
5:30p Property
8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class
12p Garden Club 9a Church Office
4p Bluegrass
at Sanford Parish,
UCC All invited
14 Valentine's Day
6:30p Choir
16 Presidents' Day
17 Mardi Gras
18 Ash Wednesday 19
10a Worship and
Sunday School
11:30a Finance
7p Craft Group
9a Church Office
celebrating FAT
1p Banjo Lessons 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class
4p Bluegrass
9a Church Office
At Second
Christian in Kittery
There will not be a
Council Meeting on
this day due to
Mardi Gras!
The Half Way
Gang is
especially invited
to attend worship
with Pastor Beth.
We will gather at
6:30 and travel
together to
10a Worship and
Sunday School
11:30a Christian
Ed Meeting
7p Craft Group
9a Church Office
1p Banjo Lessons 8a Exercise Class 8a Exercise Class 4p VIRTUAL Ham
4p Bluegrass
9a Church Office & Bean Supper
Stay tuned for
more good info!
6:30p Choir
! Re-Lent Study Lunches with the pastor- TUESDAYS 11:00- 12:00pm beginning Feb 24*!
Lenten Book Study Meeting Jesus Again !
MONDAYS 7:00pm beginning Feb23*!
*Dependent on interest and commitment.
The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
Pancake Supper
February 17th, 2015—5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
First Congregational Church of Eliot
1361 State Road, Eliot ME 03903
$5.00 Suggested donation at the door.
Looking for volunteers to:
Will accept donation of:
Cuisinier (Cook)
Aider à mettre en place (Help set up)
Aider à nettoyer (Help clean up)
Mélange à crêpes (Pancake Mix)
Jus (Juice)
Lait (Milk)
Bacon (Bacon)
Saucisse (Sausage)
Salade de fruits (Fruit Salad)
Sirop d'érable (Maple Syrup)
Contact for volunteering or donations:
Mark Dodge
(207) 370-2171
[email protected]
Lisa Marshall
(207) 450-8079
[email protected]
Linda Gove
(207) 439-3856
[email protected]
The Echo
Church Newsletter
Good News for the People of God
February 2015
An afternoon of music!
Not to be Missed!
Quint-Essential Winds
When: Sunday,
March 8, 2015
Time: 2 – 4pm
Suggested donation: $10
Where: First Congregational Church of Eliot,
1361 State Road, Eliot, Maine
A fundraiser to help in the missions of the church
Quint-Essential Winds debuted in 2008 bringing together five
musicians with more than 150 years of collective study and
performance spanning three continents. While changes in schedules
and priorities have led to variations in the makeup of the group,
the dedication and commitment to quality performance has endured.
The quintet has appeared in several communities in Maine and New
Hampshire performing recitals, wine tastings, weddings, dinners and
Christmas parties. The group has redirected its focus to specialize in
performances for young audiences and has prepared several pieces for
quintet and narrator. They maintain an extensive library and can
play everything from Bach to Basin Street Blues.
For more information please contact Lisa Marshall at 207-450-8079
The Echo
Church Newsletter