rd 3 February 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL AN OUTSTANDING START TO THE YEAR Congratulations to all students, teachers and parents for supporting such an outstanding start to the 2015 school year. The children have come to their exceptionally wellprepared classrooms ready and eager to learn. Thank you to the teachers for their extensive preparation in their holiday time and the amazing office staff who made the fee collection, book pickup and uniform sales so smooth this year. A warm welcome is extended to our new staff members, who will enrich our teaching profile in many diverse ways: Michael Ramsey is our new Assistant Principal and comes to us from his position over the past three years as Principal at Dookie Primary School in Northern Victoria. Kim Jones is the Team Leader of Year 5 and has taken a promotion to Serpell from her previous school at Plenty Parklands, where she has taught Year 6 for several years. Lucy Morris is teaching in Year 1. She has experience in several schools, and her previous school was Hawthorn West Primary, where she taught Year 3. Claire Laidlaw is teaching in Year 3 and is well known to us as she worked here at Serpell in Year 2 in 2014, completing her Masters Degree. Claire has previously had a career in nursing. Katherine D’Aquino is teaching a Year 5 class and brings experience in the teaching and coaching of gymnastics as well as a theatrical background. Rebecca Squire will be teaching a Foundation class in 2015. She has been a keen traveller and brings international experience from living in many, many countries. John Zheng joins our LOTE Chinese teaching team and will teach Chinese as well as extended graphics, coding and computer gaming design. This is certain to be a very popular elective! FOUNDATION COMMENCES THURSDAY The Foundation students will have their first day at school this coming Thursday. This is a really exciting time for both the children and their families and we wish them all a very happy and positive learning experience. We welcome our new families to Serpell and hope that they will quickly enjoy contributing to and being a part of our thriving community. The Foundation students will be arriving in the car park in the mornings, so please take care and watch for tiny children. For the month of February they will dismiss in the afternoon at 3pm, so we suggest that regular parents come after that time in preparation for the 3.30 pickup. HOLIDAY WORKS Over the vacation we had a new portable building installed at the end of the driveway, the sandpit refilled, artificial turf laid along the concrete pathways adjacent to Year 3 and 4 classrooms, cabling for ICT and many more facilities projects. Unfortunately we also had a flood in the stadium which will necessitate a complete new floor. The building was insured, but it will be out of action for about three weeks later in the term whilst a new floor is installed. We will also take this opportunity to have the stadium painted and refurbished. I would particularly like to thank Assistant Principal Rhys Coulson, who willingly organised and supervised all of the works in his holiday time. Our school gardener, Kevin Francis is also to be congratulated on the brilliant job that he has done transforming our beautiful gardens and play areas. NEWSLETTER TUESDAYS The school newsletter is published each Tuesday and is distributed in paper form to the eldest child in each family. It is also available on line at www.serpellps.vic.edu.au and on Facebook. Twitter will alert parents to significant dates and school events. ASSEMBLIES ON MONDAY AFTERNOONS. School assemblies are held in the stadium each Monday afternoon at 2pm for Years F/1 & 2, 2.30pm for Years 3 & 4 and 3pm for Years 5&6. We also have whole school assemblies regularly, which will be detailed in the newsletter. Parents, grandparents and friends are most welcome to attend our assemblies and to join in the fun. Assemblies will not be held in extremely hot weather. WILMA CULTON Please fill out the return slip below if you are interested in attending this Literacy Education Program and return it to the school office. We will be in contact with you before the workshops begin to confirm that we have sufficient numbers to run these classes. Sue Young Barbara Bell Assistant Principal. Reading Recovery Teacher FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Parent Literacy Education Sessions Welcome to 2015…a BIG Walking year! Our Walk to School program is up and running again from this Thursday. Come along and join in the fun from the Black Checkpoint and challenge yourself to walk 850metres to school! The first group will walk to school at 8.15am, next at 8.20 and the final group will leave at 8.30 sharp. So, set your alarms, eat a good healthy breakfast and see you at Green Gully Park in Serpells Road!!! Sue Young and the ‘walking crew’…Mr. Niblo, Miss Sleeth, Mrs Brunelli, Mr Tottenham, Miss Hoskin, Mrs Rees, Mr Sais, Mrs Waters ….and more great teachers. PARENT LITERACY SESSIONS. EDUCATION CLASSROOM HELPER TRAINING/SUPPORTING CHILDREN IN EARLY YEARS LITERACY LEARNING. Morning and Afternoon sessions Term One. Parent training sessions for the Classroom Helpers program will be held in the morning and afternoons this term. These sessions are designed around the areas of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. If you are interested in assisting in the Foundation, year one or year two classrooms, attendance at the four training sessions is essential. If you would like to learn more about the way your child learns literacy skills, you are most welcome to attend. There are four sessions each of approximately 90 minutes duration. You must commit to the whole four sessions. The following sessions will be held this term: Mornings: 9.15 – 10.45 on Wednesday Feb. 18; Wednesday Feb 25; Wednesday March 4 and Wednesday March 11 Afternoons: 1.30– 2.45pm on Friday Feb.20; Friday Feb 27; Friday March 6 and Friday March 13. All sessions are held in the staff room. No pre-school children please. I will be attending the Parent Literacy Education sessions. Please circle the session you will be attending. Morning OR Afternoon (Circle One) Parent Name:___________________________________ Contact Telephone Number:_______________________ Child’s name:_______________________ Class ______ Summer break Facilities upgrades As you may have already noticed, we were extremely busy over the summer break with the upgrade and maintenance of many facilities and resources around the school. The Christmas break is always the perfect time to organise such projects and these included: Installation of a new double portable classroom (Rooms 36 and 37) Synthetic turf upgrade along the Year 3 and 4 walkways Installation of fibre optic cabling to enlarge and speed up our internet capacity Installation of the new bike rack we received in a grant (located outside Mrs Cavalcante’s classroom) Many landscaping maintenance and upgrades, including outside the art room, canteen area and basketball court Carpentry, electrical, playground and plumbing maintenance A big thank you must go to Serpell fathers David Pappas (Imogen in Year 2) and Nishantha Jayawardena (Pavara in Year 5) for giving up their time to construct and install the bike rack. It is the contribution of parents such as Nishantha and David that makes Serpell such an amazing community. Rhys Coulson SCHOOL BANKING School Banking will resume next Tuesday, 10th February, 2015. If you don’t have a Student Bank Book, you can go into any Commonwealth Bank to sign your child up. If you are not a Commonwealth Bank customer, please take 100 points of identification with you – please see the Commonwealth Bank website for more details. PARENT’S ASSOCIATION th AGM – FRIDAY 13 FEB Welcome to 2015! The first PA meeting for the year, which is also the AGM, th will be held on Friday 13 Feb in the staffroom after drop off. If you would like to get involved, find out some more information or just hear about the plans for the year, please come along. If you have any questions feel free to email me on [email protected]. 2015 CLASS REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED Would you like to be a Class Representative for your child’s class? This is a very special, valuable and important role that will not only enable you to become more involved with your child’s class, but with the school community as a whole. As a Class Rep all you need to do is to prepare and distribute your new Class’s Friendship List. The Class Friendship List enables us to keep in contact with each other and for the class children and parents to keep in touch with each other. You are also encouraged to arrange at least one social activity per term which could be morning teas, an after school play in the park, school holiday social events, mum and teacher dinner or mums movie night, a whole family dinner event etc. There are so many ideas of things you can choose to do with your class. Ideally we need two class reps for each class so this is perfect to do with a friend, as it is a very easy and rewarding role, which doesn’t take up much time either. If you would like to volunteer please e-mail Dora Demos our Class Rep Coordinator at [email protected] with your name, your child’s name and class and your phone number. Natalie Lauder President, Parents’ Association DIARY Thu 5th th Thu 5 First Day of 2015 – Foundation (Prep) Foundation parents morning tea staffroom th Fri 6 Feb Yr 4,5,6 Swimming Trials – Aquarena th Tue 10 Feb School Banking resumes th Fri 13 Feb PA AGM & morning tea for new families Mon 9th Mar Labour Day Holiday th Tue 10 Mar School Photos Wed 11th Mar School Photos SCHOOL ASSEMBLY School Assemblies are held every Monday afternoon in the Sports Stadium. Each session runs for ½ hour. Parents, carers and Grandparents are more than welcome to attend. Feb Feb 2:00pm Year Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2 2:30pm Year 3 & 4 3:00pm Year 5 & 6 FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE Absences: If your child is absent from school there is no need to ring the school, just send a note explaining their absence upon their return to school. The absence note must have the child’s full name and class on it. If you child arrives late to school, you do not need to come via the office, just take your child straight to class and let the teacher know why they are late, the class roll will be adjusted accordingly. If you wish to pick your child up early from school, you must come via the office, complete an early release slip and then take it to your child’s teacher. Messages: Please only ring the office with messages for your child if it is urgent. Sending Money: Please ensure any money sent to the office is in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name and class on it. Your assistance with this is much appreciated. SPORT Swimming Trials Children from Year 4,5 and 6 will participate in the school Swimming Trials to be held at Aquarena this Friday, 6th February from 10am – 12.30pm. After the trials a swimming squad will be selected to compete at the Templestowe District Swimming Carnival th on the 13 February at Aquarena. Any parents who can assist at our Swimming Trials will be most welcome. Graham Matthews Sports Coordinator BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE Welcome to Camp Australia Before and After School Care. We hope everyone is settling back in after a fun and restful holiday. With the start of term 1 there will be lots of time outdoors and to follow regulations, the children need to be wearing sun-smart hats; this is either a bucket shaped hat, wide brimmed hat or a legionnaire hat. We do acknowledge some of the children are required to leave their hats in the classroom. Please supply a hat that can stay in your child's bag. Any questions please stop in and see us. We also require all enrolment forms to be updated. Please allow time to sign forms over the next few weeks as we work our way through the enrolments. We also require you to update us with any medical changes for anaphylaxis, asthma, allergies, dietary requirements and also update medication if necessary. This week we will be celebrating summer with the warm weather on its way back. Fun sunflowers, sun catchers, games of cricket, soccer and basketball along with fun drawings, indoor games and so much more, come along and enjoy the fun. To register for before school and after school care please visit our website: www.campaustralia.com.au Bullen Primary School Competition Games are held on week nights at the Bullen Stadium or Templestowe Leisure Centre and the summer season commences in March. For further information please contact: Gordana Duvnjak Co-ordinator – Serpell Community Basketball Association (Bulleen) [email protected] Mob:0418 147 817 COMMUNITY NOTICES NEW STAR ART CLASS 2015 ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN The New Star Art after school art classes this term have been very successful with many of the students achieving outstanding results. They are now taking enrollments for term1,2015 and welcome all those that wish to develop their creative skills further. rd Term1,art classes will start on Tuesday 3 Feb 2015 Tuesday 3:45pm – 5:15pm (during school term) Library, Serpell Primary School For more information please check the school website : newstarart.com. (online enrollment is available) Contact Ms Jiang: 0417104975 or John 0411491201Email: [email protected] Christine and Educators SERPELL BASKETBALL CLUB The Serpell Community Basketball Association provides the opportunity for both Serpell & St Charles students to represent their schools in basketball throughout the year. We aim to provide a fun environment for our kids to experience a great team sport. We participate in 2 primary school competitions: Leeds St Primary School Competition Games are held on Saturday (girls in the morning & boys in the afternoon) at Leeds St or DISC and seasons follow the school terms. The summer season commences this Saturday 7 February 2015 & whilst most teams are full, we still have vacancies in the following divisions: · Girls U9 (Born 2007, 2008) – Serpell Sunrays; · Boys U11 (Born 2005, 2006) – Serpell Spartans. If you are interested in joining one of these teams or require further information please contact: Kim Voulanas Co-ordinator – Serpell Community Basketball Association (Leed Sts) [email protected] Mob: 0400 546 855 The Department of Education does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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