सीएसआईआर-केंद्रीय विद्युतरसायन अनुसंधान संस्थान CSIR-CENTRAL ELECTROCHEMICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (िैज्ञाननक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान पररषद/Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) WALK-IN-INTERVIEW कारै कुडी/KARAIKUDI – 630 006 NOTIFICATION No.PS-01/2015 Walk-in-Screening Test/Interview will be held at Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi on 16.02.2015 for selection of suitable candidates for the temporary positions to be engaged in various projects. Position & Stipend Essential Qualification Project Title Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) MSc in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) MSc in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) “ TAP SUN (Chem SOLAR) “ NWP-56L Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) MSc in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) MSc in Chemistry/Physics with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) “Advanced Carbon Materials” ADCARBMATE - CSC-0121 Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) MSc in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) “Development of Lithium ion Super capacitors as smart and clean energy storage devices” GAP-05/12 Project Assistant-III `.14, 000/-p.m. (01 Position) MSc in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) “Hydrogen Energy; overcoming materials challenges in PEMFC towards Generation, Separation, Storage and Conversion of Hydrogen (HYDEN)” CSC-0122 Age limit “Dye sensitized Solar cell(DSSC)/Quantum dot Dye sensitized solar cell (QDSSC)”GAP-03/12 28 Years “Studies on pyrochlore compounds for mixed ionic electronic conductivity “. General Conditions: 1. Age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/PH/Women candidate’s upto 5 years and 3 years for OBC for all the above positions as per GOI instructions. 2. Reservation: As regards reservation, if all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC candidates may be given preference over General candidates so as to ensure their representation. 3. Candidate should possess the required educational qualification as on the date of interview. 4. If the number of candidates is more, the candidates will be short listed for interview through a written test. 5. The engagement will be purely on temporary basis, initially for a period of six months, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of the project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee as the case may be and does not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit on any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CECRI/CSIR. Eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in-Screening Test / Interview with all original & self attested copies of certificates and duly filled-in application at 09:00 AM on 16.02.2015 at CECRI, Karaikudi. INTERIM QUERIES WILL NOT BE ATTENDED TO. NO TA/DA WILL BE PAID FOR APPEARING THE INTERVIEW. THE DECISION OF THE DIRECTOR, CECRI REGARDING SELECTION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. Controller of Administration CSIR- CENTRAL ELECTROCHEMICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) Karaikudi – 630 006 Affix your recent passport size photograph 1. Notification No. : PS- 2. Position applied for : 3. Name in full (Block Letters) : 4. Father’s / Spouse Name : 5. Age (as on : __ __ / __ __ / __ __ [YY/MM/DD] ) a) Date of Birth : __ __/ __ __ / __ __ __ __ [DD/MM/YYYY] [Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day;] 6. Present Address : a) Ph. /Mob. No. : b) Email ID : 7. Category : [SC / ST / OBC / UR] 8. Nationality : 9. Marital Status : Married / Unmarried 10. Educational Qualification : Exam Passed Board/Univ. Subjects % of Marks Year of Passing .2. .2. 11. Technical Qualification: Exam Passed Subjects Class Year of Passing 12. Experience: Employer Date of Joining Date of Leaving Post Held 13. Any other relevant matter: 14. Do you have any close relatives working at present in CECRI/CSIR Labs? If so, give name and designation: Declaration: I hereby declare that, all the particulars made in the application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false at any stage, my candidature is liable to be rejected. Place: Signature of Candidate Date: Name:
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