A d vt. N o. CS IR -4P I/PF /01 /2 015 CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR- 4PI) (Formerly CSIR- C-MMACS, Bengaluru) NAL B e lur Campus, W ind Tunnel Road , Ben galuru - 560 037 , Karnataka, INDIA. LOOKING FOR BRIGHT YOUNG RESEARCHERS TO BE RECRUITED AS TEMPORARY PROJECT FELLOWS Council of S cient ific a nd Ind ustrial Research (CS IR) is one o f t he lar ge st and most diversified p ublicl y fund ed sc ient ific and industria l r es earch orga nizat io ns in t he world ha ving a net wo rk of near l y 4 0 state-of-the-art Lab oratories, more than 45 00 scient ists and the largest number of researc h scho lars. CSIR Fo urth Paradigm Inst itute is a unique, multi- locat ion Inst itu te dedicated to BIG D ATA s cie nce. Scie nc e empowering Ou r vis ion is pursu it of “High End Computatio nal Dat a Intensive Scientific D iscover y” in tra ns- disciplinar y are as t hrough lar ge scale scient ific computing. Our fac ilit ie s inc lude world-clas s supercomputing environme nt ; attract ive academic programs; strong network of CS IR Labs wit h do main exp ert ise. For its o ngoing Pro jects in B angalore, CS IR-4 PI is looking for well qu alified temporar y Pro ject As sistant s, Project F ellow s, S enior Project Fe llo w a nd Res earc h Associat e in variou s dis ciplines. A ccordingl y, applicat io ns are invit ed fro m India n Nat io na ls for the se temporar y posit io ns. For more details, please see our website www.csir4pi.in Applications must be downloaded from the above website and submitted by email only to [email protected] CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLETED APPLICATIONS: 27 March 2015. A d vt. N o. CS IR -4P I/PF /01 /2 015 I. PROJECT FELLOWS (PF): Remuneration : Rs.16,000/- per month + House Rent Allowance (HRA) Age Limit : 28 years, relaxable for SC/ST/OBC & Women Candidates as per GoI / CSIR orders. 1. POST CODE: PF/CCOM/01 : (03 Posts) Qualification : First Class in M.Sc/M.Sc-Tech (Maths/Physics/Oceanography or Equivalent), B.E/B.Tech [CS/IT/ECE/Mechanical/Environmental or Equivalent] or MCA or equivalent degree from a Recognised Institution / University. Job Requirements: Mathematical Modelling, Computer Simulation and Analysis of Data from observations and models, Operation of the Instruments at the Stations and Data Collection. 2. POST CODE: PF/CCOM/02 : (04 Posts) Qualification : First Class in M.Sc/M.Sc-Tech (Maths/Physics/Oceanography/ Earth Science or Equivalent), B.E/B.Tech [CS/IT/ECE/Mechanical or Equivalent] or MCA or equivalent degree from a Recognised Institution / University. Job Requirements: Mathematical Modelling, Computer Simulation and Analysis of Data from observations and models. 3. POST CODE: PF/HPC/01: (01 Post) Qualification: M.Sc. (First Class) in Computer Science or B.E / B.Tech (First Class) in Computer Science or MCA or equivalent degree from a Recognised Institution / University. Desirable Knowledge: Programming, Scripting, Computer Networking, Communication Protocol, Network Security and Cryptography. Job Requirements: Cyber Security Research and Observation. 4. POST CODE: PF/S EMP/01 : (04 Posts) Qualification: First Class in M.Sc/M.Sc-Tech (Maths/Physics/Geophysics / Geology/Earth Sciences or Equivalent), First Class in B.E/B.Tech [CS/IT or Equivalent] or MCA or equivalent degree from a Recognised Institution/University. Job Requirements: GPS Data collection and Analysis, Deformation Modelling, Server Operation and Maintenance. A d vt. N o. CS IR -4P I/PF /01 /2 015 II. SENIOR PROJECT FELLOWS (SPF): Remuneration : Rs.18,000/- per month + House Rent Allowance (HRA) Age Limit : 32 years, relaxable for SC/ST/OBC & Women Candidates as per GoI / CSIR orders. 1. POST CODE: SPF/HPC/01: (01 Post) Qualification : M.Tech (First Class) in Computer Science or B.E / B.Tech (First Class) in Computer Science (or MCA or equivalent degree) from a Recognised Institution / University with minimum 02 years of experience. Desirable Knowledge: Programming, Scripting, Computer Networking, Communication Protocol, Network Security and Cryptography. Job Requirements: Cyber Security Research and Observation. III. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (RA): Remuneration : Rs. 22,000/- per month + House Rent Allowance (HRA) Age Limit : 35 years, relaxable for SC/ST/OBC & Women Candidates as per GoI / CSIR orders. 1. POST CODE: RA/HPC/0 1 : (01 Post) Qualification : Ph.D (Electronics). Desirable Knowledge: Cryptography and FPGA Programming. Job Requirements: Cyber Security Research and Observation. IV. PROJECT ASSISTANT [Level – II]: Remuneration : Rs. 15,000/- per month. Age Limit : 28 years, relaxable for SC/ST/OBC & Women Candidates as per GoI/ CSIR orders. 1. POST CODE: PA/CCOM /01 : (03 Posts) Qualification : First Class in M.Sc/M.Sc.Tech (Maths/Physics/Oceanography / Earth Science or Equivalent), B.E/B.Tech or Equivalent [CS/IT/ECE/ Mechanical/Environmental or Equivalent] from a Recognised Institution / University. Job Requirements: Programming to solve mathematical equations, Analysis of Data from observations and models, A d vt. N o. CS IR -4P I/PF /01 /2 015 IMPORTANT INSTRUCIONS – · Candidates appl ying for more than o ne p ost must su bmit separate App licat io n Form for each p ost, clearl y indicat ing t he Post Cod e. · The applicant s should ment io n t he post code in the subject line of the ema il to be sent to [email protected] · ALL COR RESPONDEN CES WILL BE THROUG H EMAIL ON LY. GENERAL: (1) The above posit ions are purel y Temporary a nd on Contr act bas is for the duration of the P roject s onl y. The co ntract may be terminated at any t ime b y giving o ne mont h’ s notice b y eit her s ide. The ap plica nt s w ill have no cla im imp licit or explicit for considerat ion a gainst an y CS IR po st. (2) Age limit w ill b e rec koned as on 2 7 March 2015. Age limit is rela xab l e for SC/ST/OB C a nd Women ca nd idates as p er Go vernment of Ind ia / CSIR o rd ers. (3) As re gards reservat ion, if all t hings are equal, SC/ST/OB C c andid ates ma y be give n preference o ver G eneral c andidates so as to e nsure t heir represe ntat ion. (4) Engagement of Pro ject Ass istants/Pr oject Fe llow s/Se nior Project Fello ws /Research Associate shall be as per CSIR Guide lines. (5) A Scree ning Committee will be const ituted, based on the recommend at ions of w hich c and idates will be s hortlisted and called for Test / Int erview. S ho rtlist ed Candidates will be int imated b y ema il onl y. (6) No TA/DA w ill be paid to the candidates for ap pearing in t he Test / Inter view. Candidate s fu lfilling t he ad vert ised qualific at ions, field of spec ializ at ion, experience, age limit et c. ma y download the Application Form from CSIR-4PI websit e : www.csir4p i.in Comp leted ap plicatio ns mu st be submitted by email to [email protected] ON OR BE FORE 27 March 2015. INTER IM ENQUIR IES WILL NOT BE ATTENDED TO. Sd/Administrative Officer CSIR-4PI
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