APC NEWS Inside this issue: Left: Colin VK3UDC and John VK3HCT at the Christmas Party. More pictures inside. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 1 of 26 Left: The VK3AFW antenna system is back in operation. Not quite all bands but there is a 40/80 m trap dipole – one trap can be see as the white cylinder at bottom left—a triband 4 element 20/15/10 m beam, a 5 element 6 m beam, a 15 element 2 m beam, a 16 element 70 cm beam and a 33 element 1296 MHz Beam. A 2/70 vertical sits atop of the mast. The tower is in its lowered condition and only gets cranked up to the full 12 m in calm weather. Read more about it in the article on page 12 APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 2 of 26 CONTENTS Item Page Aerials and Stuff Antenna Rebuild Christmas Party Pictures Club Award Club Nets Club Meetings ` Club Repeaters Status Committee Members EU Visitor Join the M&DRC Meetings, Activities and Speakers Payment Method SOTA Conference SOTA Ladder The Editor’s Desk The President’s Piece Trade Discounts 14 12 6 22 24 25 19 26 11 21 17 20 18 16 4 5 23 January February 2015 BEEN SOMEWHERE? Done something Interesting? Tell the Editor. He needs material for the next issue of APC News. Please include pictures too. Email: [email protected] © All material in this magazine is subject to Australian Copyright Laws. Contact the editor if you wish to reproduce any of the contents. APC NEWS Number 237 BUILT SOMETHING? www.mdrc.org.au Page 3 of 26 THE EDITORS DESK - Ron VK3AFW Welcome to 2015. I have had a number of significant distractions that have kept me off the bands for a month, not just because the antennas were under rebuild. I hope Christmas New Year was good for you. One member seems to have acquired a new rig, I wonder if any of the rest of you got something special too. Why not tell us about it? I’m always looking for photos of club members and stories on your activities. Your help will be appreciated. Congratulations to Kaye Wright VK3FKDW who has volunteered to take on the role of Secretary for the AR publication Committee. She and Noel VK3BMJ our publicity officer will publicize the Club IF you can give them some input. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is. Without publicity we will not grow. I look forward to receiving some interesting material in the coming year from you the Club member. And remember if something is too small on your screen use the zoom control. 73, Ron, VK3AFW APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 4 of 26 THE PRESIDENT’S PIECE Ian is indisposed but will be back for the next issue. He is on the mend and we wish him a speedy and full recovery. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 5 of 26 CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 This year we had a change in the menu and judging by the reaction of the hungry hordes it was well appreciated. The photos are not quite up to standard—a mobile phone does not perform well when hand held under low light. Can you name everybody in the pics? APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 6 of 26 CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 CONT’D APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 7 of 26 CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 CONT’D APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 8 of 26 CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 CONT’D What is Brian VK3MCD (above right) doing? Playing a type of flute? No he is assembling his Buddy Pole field ops antenna. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 9 of 26 CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 CONT’D APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 10 of 26 EU VISITOR Peter DL8FBT (left) has visited the Club several times in January. He travelled to Australia on a cargo ship and is staying with a friend In NarreWarren South. His home QTH is North East of Frankfurt. His preferred mode is CW but he did come with a hand held dual band FM radio. Welcome Peter. . APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 11 of 26 ANTENNA REBUILD Following damage to the antenna array Ron VK3AFW has rebuilt and refurbished it over the NY period. Above is the bent 40 mm mast that was replaced with a 50 mm mast. The replacement is the same length—above is the offcut from the 6.5 m length purchased from Robot Trading.in Clayton. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 12 of 26 ANTENNA REBUILD CONT’D The rebuild included: Replacement stronger mast. New coax for all antennas, including heliax for 1,296 MHz and foam dielectric for 2 m and 70 cm. New dipole and reflector for 2 m beam—aluminium instead of copper. New baluns for 2 m and 70 cm beams—see the 70 cm one under construction below. Stainless steel hardware where possible, rust resistant paint on plated components. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 13 of 26 AERIALS AND STUFF PORTABLE TRANSMITTING LOOP Left we see Brian VK3MCD with his home brew HF transmitting loop. As is done with most of these a standard 2 gang capacitor is used to resonate the RG213 coax loop. The difference here is that a second variable capacitor is used to match to 50 ohms. The loop is supported by electrical conduit as the loop is not self supporting. It is easily disassembled for putting in a pack. 40 m tuners well on this one. The outer screen of the coax forms the loop conductor. While not as effective as a dipole it is quick to deploy and occupies a much smaller space than the wire on a squid pole so common these days. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 14 of 26 AERIALS AND STUFF CONT’D The basic schematic is shown on the right. For QRP levels standard broadcast receiver two gang capacitors can be used—250 to 300 pF max is enough. Different sized loops can be used for different frequency ranges but a 2:1 range is probably the limit to achieve reasonable efficiency. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 15 of 26 SOTA LADDERS While SOTA is not a competition, most involved like to see how they are progressing toward their goals and how others are going. The Club has four active SOTA enthusiasts at present. Congratulations to Tony VK3CAT who has achieved Super Sloth Status as a Chaser. All four activators have progressed with Brian nearly a Mountain Goat. The points can change daily so check SOTAWATCH for the current listings. ACTIVATOR LADDER CHASER LADDER Brian VK3MCD 900 pts Tony VK3CAT 10,214 pts Tony VK3CAT 422pts Ron VK3AFW 7,209 pts Ron VK3AFW 186 pts Brian VK3MCD 2,678pts Ian VK3IFM 3 pts Ian VK3IFM 307 pts. Brian is #4 activator in VK3 and Tony is #3 chaser in VK3 APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 16 of 26 M&DRC MEETINGS, ACTIVITIES AND SPEAKER SCHEDULE MONTH January 2015 February 2014 March 2015 DATE SPEAKER DATE No Friday meeting 7th th SOTA Annual Conference ACTIVITY Tuesday coffee meetings 27th Informal meeting. Room and garage clean up and natter 13 Useful Field Antennas for HF: Ron VK3AFW 13th Remote Rig operation. TBA 21st Informal meeting. Room and garage clean up and natter John Moyle Field Day TBA 21st 22nd 18th th April 2015 10 Informal meeting. Room and garage clean up and natter May 2015 8th 8th Annual Club Hamfest 8th, 9th 8th, 9th WIA AGM, Canberra there or APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 17 of 26 Below: The Xiegu X108, one of the two Chinese HF transceivers to be described in the conference APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 18 of 26 CLUB REPEATERS STATUS VK3RMC Frequencies & Operating Status Analogue O/P 2m I/P 147.325 MHz 50 watt Running. 25 watt 25 watt Running (Analog/digital) Running (IRLP enabled) TBA In limbo 439.375 MHz 439.875 MHz 434.375 MHz 434.875 MHz 23 cm 1,273.600 MHz 1,293.600 MHz O/P Status 147.925 MHz 70 cm D-star Digital Pwr I/P Pwr Status 2m 146.7625 MHz 146.1625 MHz 25 watts Running (Gateway enabled) 70 cm 438.120 MHz 432.725 MHz 25 watt Running (Gateway enabled) 23 cm 1,273.950 MHz 1,293.950 MHz 10 watt Running (Gateway enabled) 23 cm 1,298.100 MHz 1,298.100 MHz 10 watt Future upgrade 128K data All repeaters are located near Berwick. Information supplied by Graeme VK3GL. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 19 of 26 PAYING SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE M&DRC . Paying by computer. Go to Internet Banking on your computer and select the account from which you want to make the funds transfer. Do not select a Credit Card Account. In the “Transfer Money” screen enter the following. 1 2 3 4 5 In the ACCOUNT NAME box to which the funds are to be transferred, enter MOORABBIN AND DISTRICT RADIO CLUB INC In the BSB box enter the number 033-385 In the ACCOUNT NUMBER box enter the number 77-4955 In the TRANSACTION DETAILS or ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION box enter your name or Call sign in uppercase. Email the treasurer to advise of your payment. Paying by cash over the counter at the bank Go to a Westpac bank and fill out a deposit slip as below. Take this plus the necessary cash to the teller. 1 2 3 4 5 In the FOR CREDIT OF box enter MOORABBIN AND DISTRICT RADIO CLUB INC In the BSB box enter the number 033-385 In the ACCOUNT NUMBER box enter the number 77-4955 In the TRANSACTION DETAILS or ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION box enter your name or Call sign in uppercase. Collect the receipt and email the treasurer to confirm payment. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 20 of 26 LIKE TO JOIN US AT THE M&DRC? 1 Pick a category from the table. Schedule of Fees (Annual) Amount Joining Fee Nil Annual Membership Fee, standard $45.00 Student, Retiree, Pensioner Annual Membership Fee $40.00 Family Membership Fee $60.00 Honorary and Life Members Membership Fee Nil EFT Payments can now be made Updated July 2014 Send your application with cheque† to: The Secretary M&DRC Box 58, Highett, Victoria Australia 3190. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 Or send your membership fee by EFT and apply by email to : [email protected] www.mdrc.org.au Page 21 of 26 CLUB AWARD The award is gained by working / logging the required number of stations on air. An excellent opportunity is provided by our during our weekly club nets. The club station VK3APC 5 points Club members 1 point Life members 3 points To qualify: VK amateurs have to collect 15 points, non VK amateurs 5 points and shortwave listeners 7 points. Send your log entries to: The Awards Manager, PO Box 58, Highett, Australia., 3190 We do ask for a small fee of $3 to cover postage and processing; non VK residents can send 2 IRCs in lieu. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 22 of 26 TRADE DISCOUNTS FOR CLUB MEMBERS at ALTRONICS and JAYCAR. Moorabbin and District Radio Club Inc. members can now buy over the counter at Trade prices from both Altronics and Jaycar. When making a purchase ask for Trade Discount and for Altronics quote the Club's Trade account number 32323 and your call sign or for Jaycar quote FK000921. This is NOT a charge account so you use your money. Note: Minimum purchase of $20 may apply. Check out these companies at their websites. Get your photo ID discount card from Ian VK3IFM NOW http://www.altronics.com.au APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au Page 23 of 26 CLUB NETS VHF net. Wednesdays: 146.550 MHz FM Starts at 20:00 (local) HF net Wednesdays: 3.566 MHz (± QRM) LSB. Starts at 20:30 (local). D- STAR repeaters are now operational. Drive Time net For more information about D-STAR go to the Club’s web page Week days: 146.550 MHz FM Starts at about 16:40 (local) www.mdrc.org.au Please drop in and join the Nets and catch up on the latest happenings around the Club. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 click on the link to Susan VK3ANZ’s Newbies Guide to Using D-STAR www.mdrc.org.au Page 24 of 26 CLUB MEETINGS Formal Meeting. Second Friday night of the month, 8:00 PM and Coffee Group. Informal Meeting. Fourth Saturday morning of the month 10:00 AM Check the web site and the weekly Club nets for the latest doings. APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 Every Tuesday morning 10:00 AM to 11 AM. Retired? Come along, swap yarns, bits of gear and info or get helpful advice all with a biscuit and a cuppa. Visitors are always welcome. Free disposal items for financial members at most meetings www.mdrc.org.au Page 25 of 26 COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND OFFICE BEARERS President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Committee members: Ian VK3IFM Lee VK3GK Ken VK3KIM Brian VK3MCD Gerard VK3GER Graeme VK3GL Publicity Officer Repeaters Webmaster: Museum Officer Speaker schedule Education and Training Station Officer: QSL Cards Librarian: Magazine Editor: Noel VK3BMU Graeme VK3GL Ian VK3IFM Colin VK3UDC Gerard VK3GER & Ron VK3AFW Graeme VK3GL Tony VK3CAT Denis VK3BGS Alistair VK3KAD Ron VK3AFW [email protected] APC NEWS Number 237 January February 2015 www.mdrc.org.au [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Page 26 of 26
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