SACRED HEART PARISH LA PARROQUIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZON a people called to be a Christian GIAO X U THANH TAM community and to stand on the side of PAROISTE AN CHROI NAOFA life with all the struggling people of Camden and the world. Gathering around God’s table every Sunday, we celebrate that Christ is Risen and ultimately all is well. 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME We continue in this ordinary time (only two weeks this year) before Lent begins. The “great hinge of the year,” Candlemas, has turned; with hopeful hearts we look to the coming of spring. The days are longer, brighter, and we are making our way. Come, let us worship God. Let us bow down in the presence of our maker, our God. (Psalm 94: 6-7) Today’s Entrance Antiphon In the Gospel, Simon says to J e s u s , “Everyone is lo o k ing for you.” Jesus is having great success healing many people and driving out demons. All who encounter him adore him. People are paying great attention to him - “the whole town was gathered” at the door of Simon and Andrew’s house. Nonetheless, Jesus moves on to other villages. His ministry is not about drawing attention to himself, but about preaching the Good News of salvation. Yet, his ministry is about himself, for He is the Good News. Living Liturgy, 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES this week! We pray for: Anthony Damato baptized on February 11th at Epiphany Church, Philadelphia, PA; Zachary Egan baptized on February 11th at Corpus Christi Church, Willingboro, NJ; Moira Connell baptized on February 13th at St. Barnabas, Philadelphia, PA. Monday to Friday, at 7:40 AM at the Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper Street, across from the Sacred Heart driveway. FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, this year we will honor the legends of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The Friendship Nine was a group of African American men who went to jail after staging a sitin at a segregated McCrory’s Lunch Counter in Rock Hill, South Carolina in 1961. The group gained nationwide attention because they followed an untried strategy called "Jail, No Bail", which lessened the huge financial burden civil rights groups were facing as the sit-in movement spread across the South. They became known as the Friendship Nine because eight of the nine men were students at Rock Hill's Friendship Junior College. They are sometimes referred to as the Rock Hill Nine. The first sit-in happened in February 1960 when four black students from North Carolina Agriculture & Technical College sat down at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. The movement spread across the South, reaching Rock Hill on Feb. 12, when about 100 black students staged sitins at various downtown lunch counters. Over the next year, several sit-ins were held in the city. On Jan. 31, 1961, students from Friendship Junior College and others picketed McCrory's on Main Street in Rock Hill to protest the segregated lunch counters at the business. They walked in, took seats at the counter and ordered hamburgers, soft drinks and coffee. The students were refused service and ordered to leave. When they didn't, they were arrested. The next day, 10 were convicted of trespassing and breach of the peace and sentenced to serve 30 days in jail or to pay a $100 fine. One man paid a fine, but the remaining nine — eight of whom were Friendship students —chose to take the sentence of 30 days hard labor at the York County Prison Farm. Their choosing jail over a fine or bail marked a first in the civil rights movement and sparked the "jail, no bail" strategy that came to be emulated in other places. A growing number of people participated in the sit-ins and marches that continued in Rock Hill through the spring and into the summer. Since these protestors chose prison instead of bail, they were sent to a work camp, where twice they refused to work, were put on bread and water as punishment. In 2007 the city of Rock Hill unveiled an historic marker honoring the Friendship Nine at a reception honoring the men. At that time, eight of the Friendship Nine were living: Robert McCullough (died on August 7, 2006), John Gaines, Thomas Gaither (at the time, he was a field secretary with the Congress of Racial Equality and was the only one of the nine who was not a Friendship student); Clarence Graham, W.T. “Dub” Massey (is now a substitute teacher in the Rock Hill area), Willie McCleod, James Wells, David Williamson, Jr., and Mack Workman. In 2015, Judge Mark Hayes of Rock hill overturned the convictions of the nine, stating: "We cannot rewrite history, but we can right history." At the same occasion, Prosecutor Kevin Brackett apologized to the eight men still living, who were in court. The men were represented at the hearing by Ernest A. Finney, Jr., the same lawyer who had defended them originally, who subsequently went on to become the first African-American Chief Justice of the South Caroline Supreme Court since Reconstruction. Pray for Peace...People Everywhere! Masses for the Week Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: 8:15 AM in the rectory chapel. Feb. 9th for Helen Burton Feb. 10th Scholastica for Gene Luyster Feb. 11th Our Lady of Lourdes for Margaret Christensen Feb. 12th for Marie/Dominic DiBartolomeo Feb. 13th for Anna M. Perletta Feb. 14th Cyril & Methodius for Larry DiPaul Mass in Lourdes Chapel Saturday, 4 PM; Sunday, Noon for people on the east side of the parish who cannot get to Sacred Heart. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK that they may be healed and comforted. This week, we especially remember: Justin Laurenzi, Jack Shannon, William Greenan, Kathleen Pierce, Doris Cunningham, Laura Lipetz, Othmar Carli, Betzaida Ortiz, Josephine Sliwowski, Michael Dixon, Olga Ianelli, Joe Hess, Harry Watson, Robert Dixon, Doris Gaus, Kathy Hainsworth, Tito Miranda, Carey Thomas, Sara Wisely, Michael Sheridan, Marianne Emanuele, Clare Dunn, Pat Bennett, Anna Whitman, Tony Virgilio, Jim Muller, Mary Nevins, Jim Hally, John Koonz, and Brenda Lawrence. WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD especially those we knew, were privileged to love, and whose lives touched ours. This month we remember those who died and were buried from our church during the month of February: Katie Cofsky, Leon Komar, Alice Marie Reynolds, William Bell, Lillian Egan, Ted Knecht, Philip Hitchner, Jackie Turlington, Betty Donnelly, Hai Nguyen, Kevin O‘Donnell, Sophie Domenices, Anne MacDonald, Jimmy Paglione, Catherine Larkin Ruck, Florence Yarnell, Bonnie Sanders, Barbara Reed, Concetta Matteo, Sal Ricci, Josephine Regan, Mary Volpe, Robert Morgan, Marianne Conroy Grandowicz, John Grabowski, Tom White, Carmen Lo Monico, Gene Luyster, Jeanette DiCarlantonio, Guillerma Alicea Quiles. WE REMEMBER OUR PARISHIONERS WHO DIED and were buried from this holy Church since March: Eve Belefanti, Cosimo DeLeo, Arie Love Burton, Jimmy O’Donnell, Isabella Giambrone, Michael Verrecchia, Betty Rodriguez, Carlo Veterano, and Theresa Raufer. CARNEVALE 2015 IS COMING! next Sunday, February 15th The last Sunday before Lent. We say goodbye to meat and dance in the face of death. Even though winter’s hold is strong, we trust that new life will break out upon the we trust that each one of us, though faced with death, will break out into glorious life. Things are not what they seem! They are far, far, better! Don’t forget, PANCAKES by George! VALENTINE’S DAY BIRTHDAYS…. we know of four: Pat Kelly, Joe Volpe, Mary Lawrence, and Lesly D’Ambola! God bless them and their sweet mothers! Also, to Theresa Boyce on a BIG Birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday to all! 02-08-15 CELTIC SPRING CONCERT 2015 TODAY, FEBRUARY 8TH AT 3 PM with Gerry Timlin, Tom Kane and Friends, Haley Richardson, (No. 1 in the World!), and Irish Step Dancers. Of course, good soda bread! Enjoy a great afternoon of music, singing and dancing to Benefit The Heart of Camden Housing Program. Free to get in! Expensive to get out. Donations expected! RAFFLE TICKETS FOR A TRIP TO IRELAND for two! (Or someplace of equal importance!) We sell only 200 tickets at $25 a chance. Tickets are ALL SOLD! Thanks be to God! Drawing will be made at the Concert TODAY! BROTHER MICKEY’S NEW BOOK Dear young people….Inspiration from Pope Francis for Everyone is now available! You can order them at or Brother Mickey’s colorful and whimsical art along with Pope Francis’ vision for making the Kingdom of God real in our world. Cost: $20. Books are available from Susan Cedrone after both Masses today! THE DIOCESE OF CAMDEN Food Drive 2015: faithFULL is scheduled for Sunday, March 1st. Goal is to collect 100,000 pounds of food! Food donations of canned: vegetables, vegetable juice, tomato products, spaghetti sauce, fruit, applesauce, fruit juice, tuna, chicken, soup, beans, chili, beef stew and peanut butter. Food donations can be dropped off at any Catholic Church in the Diocese on March 1st. Sponsored with Diocese of Camden Life & Justice Ministries, Food Bank of South Jersey, Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Catholic Charities and Society of SVdP. Our own, Andy Zonay, will be here on March 1st to collect our contributions and bring them to the Diocese. Please remember to bring EXTRA food on March 1st. BLACK HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION MASS Sunday, February 15th at 1:30 PM at St. Michael, The Archangel Parish, Church of the Nativity, 2677 Delsea Drive, Franklinville, NJ. Afternoon of Jazz, Plus at 3 to 8 PM at Masso’s Crystal Manor. $40. Call Lisa Scott Coley at (856) 583-6184 or email [email protected]. “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” CORNER Violence breeds violence….Pure goals can never justify impure or violent action...They say the means are after all just means. I would say means are after all everything. As the means, so the end...if we take care of the means we are bound of reach the end sooner or later. Mahatma Gandhi Peace Community of Sacred Heart’s next meeting is on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Brigid’s House, 1719 Ferry Avenue, Camden at 10 AM. All are welcome! Sacred Heart Church Up-Coming Events FEBRUARY LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 9th at 7 PM in the Rectory Chapel. All coordinators of Ministries and Special Liturgies are expected to attend. All parishioners are invited to attend. 2015 PEACE GATHERING AT SACRED HEART Saturday, February 14th from 9 AM to 3:15 PM entitled “The Silent Coup: The Overreach of Government and the Cause of Peace.” Registration/Welcome 8:15 to 8:45 AM. Free Admission. Lunch Provided. Ray McGovern, Bonnie/ John Raines are the keynote speakers. Register by emailing Linda Hayes at [email protected] or at (609) 792-1094. Supporters and CoSponsors for this event include Brandywine Peace Community, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Coalition for Peace Action, and Pax Christi NJ. 1739 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 966-6700 Fax: (856) 756-0102 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Priests: Michael Doyle, Pastor Dennis Bajkowski Music Director: Barbara Dever Editor of Bulletin: Susan Cedrone Sacred Heart School Janet Williams, Principal (856) 963-1341 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] The Heart of Camden Lisa Kiernan, Executive Director (856) 966-1212 DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, February 14th at 4 PM coordinated by Edna LoMonico, Jackie/Dave Partridge. Please call them at (856) 848-4852. Clothes from the Heart FEBRUARY 18TH IS ASH WEDNESDAY! Ashes from 7 AM to 6 PM. 8:15 Mass in the Church. Evening Service at 7:30 PM with ashes. See Gail Gooney if you can be a greeter for one of the hours or call her at (856) 429-3129. Lenten Series begins at the 7:30 Service. Our theme this year is “Focus on the Family.” DINNERS AT JOE’S PLACE yesterday thanks to Tom Pierson/MJD Field House Team and all their helpers! It is holy work to feed the poor especially on Broadway! You can do it too! Please call Ted Fox at (856) 424-1863 to volunteer! You will be mentored by an experienced member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Don’t be afraid! Say: “Yes!” FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT OF LENT Friday, February 27th at 6 PM for Soup/Bread dinner and then 7:30 PM for program Sister Catherine Nerney will present her work with families in Rwanda, Africa to set a global tone for our focus on the family. Please come! SOUP! WONDERFUL SOUP! WILL YOU HELP? This year, there will be FIVE soup nights. We will need five or six soups each night. All soups should be here by 6 PM...enough for 25 servings. Naturally, meatless. Let us know the type of soup in advance. Perhaps you would like to add to our bread and drinks table. Please call Josephine/ Michael Giacchino at (609) 387-4951. FEBRUARY FOOD SHARING DAY Saturday, February 28th from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Most volunteers begin the day at Morning Mass at 8:15 AM. Prayer Service with the Neighborhood folks approximately 9:15 AM. Volunteers always needed. Please contact Susan Cedrone at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE! In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Sunday, March 8, 2015, Brother Mickey McGrath will present WISE and HOLY WOMEN in Art and Stories at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ at 2 PM. Tickets are $10. Benefits The Heart’s Corps which includes Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper and Mickey’s Studio, 420 Jasper Street. Please see or call Susan Cedrone at (856) 966-0301 or email [email protected]. 1811 Broadway (856) 541-7288 Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM PRAYER TEAMS Feb. 8th: Pat Kelly, Kathleen/ Jim MacFarland, Sheila/Gene Dickson, Michelle/Frank Balzano, Lynn/ Jim Cummings, Thanh Nga Huynh. Feb. 9th: Barbara Dever, Pat/Bill Wisely, Suzanne/Andy Musetto, Don Kelly, Denise Ginson. Feb. 10th: Sue/Burt Hitchcock, Jerry White, Mary Blackman, Colleen Deacon, Margaret Malesich. Feb. 11th: Pat Bennett, Patricia/Jay Strausbaugh, Pat Johnston, Paula Manerchia, Kate Walsh, Marge/Bob Keogh, Dee Dowling. Feb. 12th: Pauline Davis, Marge Cofsky, Mattia family, Torres family, Margaret O’Donnell, and Dorothy Augustyn. Feb. 13th: Elisa Dearhouse/John Doyle, Anne Marie/Bob Dixon, Kay Caracciolo, Dorothea Rex, Kaitlyn Menefee, Marge O’Donnell, and Connie Pennock. Feb. 14: Rod Herrera/Maria Mitarotondo, Rosemary/Jim Hally, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, Gail/Ernest Bollin, Pat Browne, Gina Kost, and Florence MacDonald. For more information, please call Gail Gooney at (856) 429-3129. Will you sponsor the education of a child for $300? $300 - 1 payment $100 - 3 payments YEAR 2014-2015 WE NEEDED 3000 SPONSORS WE HAVE 2194 SPONSORS WE NEED 806 SPONSORS Name $50 - 6 payments $25 - per month “People come to Sacred Heart to this lonely church in a forlorn neighborhood. They bring food for the poor, money for the school and they listen to the priest plead for Camden.” Harry Reasoner - CBS 60 Minutes _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip__________ Phone____________ Happy Valentine’s Day!
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