SACRED HEART PARISH LA PARROQUIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZON a people called to be a Christian GIAO X U THANH TAM community and to stand on the side of PAROISTE AN CHROI NAOFA life with all the struggling people of 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 - 31ST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 21 OFAPLL ENTECOST AST LLSSUNDAY AINTS & SOULS November is with us with its melancholy call to re-member all those who have died. It begins with the Feast of All Saints and All Souls basically and delightfully calling us to honor in our remembrance our favorite saints, our favorite loved ones, and all who have gone before us. Today is a holy, holy day, honoring all who have gone before us, the saints well known and the unknown, the countless millions whose dust sanctifies the earth we walk on, the land and water that feed our lives. Saved let each one be! Blessed may each one be! Let us all rejoice in God and keep a festival in honor of all the saints. Let us join with the angels in joyful praise to God. All Saints Entrance Antiphon THE “WE REMEMBER” BOOK This memorial book, bearing the names of people buried from Sacred Heart in recent years, is being carried to the shrine altar these Sundays in November in memory of loved ones who have died this past year. Today, at the 8:30 Mass, Irene Paxson is carrying forward the book in memory of her mother, Mary Lou Kraemer (she made the cover of the book) who died on December 15, 2013; and at the 10:30 Mass, Margaret O’Donnell in memory of her spouse, Jimmy O’Donnell who died on April 20, 2014. May they rest in peace! Tis lovely and holy! NOVEMBER IS CERTAINLY HIS MONTH With his grandfather’s and his own birth on November 3rd, (TOMORROW!) his baptism on November 4th, his beloved sister’s (Anna Mae Doyle) death on November 6th, his mother’s (Rosetta Creegan Doyle) birth on November 9th, Michael Doyle will also celebrate 40 years at Sacred Heart next week, November 11th! May God be with you, Michael, as you journey through this holy time! ANNA MAE DOYLE Sister Mary Concepta in religious life...a nurse, a Sister of Mercy, the daughter of Rosetta Creegan and John Doyle, the sister of Michael Doyle, died on November 6, 1975...39 years ago on Thursday! Struck while walking by a car driving in the rain with only one windshield wiper! “Where this is no vision, the people perish!” We all think we know her well. Her sweet smile and Michael’s memories keep her alive in all our hearts. May she rest in peace! NEW GRANGE IN CAMDEN 2014! We saw the morning sun shine down Ferry Avenue through the front doors of the church and onto the altar this week! GLORIOUS on Monday and Tuesday! (Phyllis and Johnny O’Reilly witnessed it before leaving for Ireland!) AWESOME on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! RAIN Saturday (Sean Dougherty arrived stating: It’s a terrible day, thanks be to God!) This year we certainly praise God and say: O God, How Great Thou Art! INSPITE OF HEAVY RAIN 30 people gathered for Mass yesterday morning to celebrate All Saints Day! We remembered Tom Gough on his 14th anniversary. Judy Gough Volpe, and Tom’s sister and her daughter came a distance to be with us! May he rest in peace! RICHARD “DICK” MCCARTHY ( 1917 - 2014) A husband, a father, a deacon. He was born at home in the Bronx on January 10, 1917, an important day because Alice Paul of Moorestown led her first picket of the White House demanding the right to vote for women. He and Dorothy were married in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City by Fr. George Guilfoyle who in 1976, (Bishop George Guilfoyle) ordained Richard as a deacon for the Camden Diocese. Dorothy and Dick were blessed with six children. He was a most faithful Catholic, and a great Vincent de Paul man. Service was his middle name. A friend of Michael Doyle for 50 years. Eternal rest to him! Pray for Camden A LETTER OF APPRECIATION to the Sacred Heart Congregation: Our gratitude to you for all you do, for all you are. Thank you. Thank you for the warmest of welcomes to your church and community. Your warmth and sense of social justice and commitment truly inspired our group. (And thank you also for inviting us to daily mass and feeding us….the Irish Soda Bread was delicious! Much love, The Villanova Group at CFET Monday to Friday, at 7:40 AM at the Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper Street, across from the Sacred Heart driveway. PLEASE BRING EXTRA FOOD to Mass on Sunday, November 16th to participate in the Diocese wide food collection for those who are hungry in our communities. Andy Zonay will collect and deliver on November 23rd. Please put extra food in your car for our collection day! SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE Bring the pictures of the dead to place on our shrine altar for the month of November. Also make a little shrine in your home with pictures of the dead as well. “Do not forget your ancestors!” Camden and the world. Gathering around God’s table every Sunday, we celebrate that Christ is Risen and ultimately all is well. Masses for the Week Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: 8:15 AM in the rectory chapel. Nov. 3rd Martin de Porres/Malachy for Creegan/Doyle Family Nov. 4th Charles Borromeo for Dorothy Murray Nov. 5th for Rudolph Pileggi Nov. 6th for Anna Mae Doyle Nov. 7th for Jim O’Donnell Nov. 8th for Deborah Hill Mass in Lourdes Chapel Saturday, 4 PM; Sunday, Noon for people on the east side of the parish who cannot get to Sacred Heart. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK that they may be healed and comforted. This week, we especially remember: Justin Laurenzi, Jack Shannon, William Greenan, Kathleen Pierce, Doris Cunningham, Laura Lipetz, Othmar Carli, Betzaida Ortiz, Josephine Sliwowski, Michael Dixon, Olga Ianelli, Joe Hess, Peggy Murphy, Michael McShea, Harry Watson, Robert Dixon, Doris Gaus, Kathy Hainsworth, Tito Miranda, Carey Thomas, Sara Wisely, Michael Sheridan, Marianne Emanuele, Clare Dunn, Pat Bennett, Anna Whitman, Jackie Aiken, Tony Virgilio, Jim Muller, Mary Nevins, Mary Heron, and Jim Hally. WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD especially those we knew, were privileged to love, and whose lives touched ours. This month we remember those who died and were buried from our church during the month of November: Al Konat, Alfred Ricci, John McGuire, Francis Cook, Anna Bocchicchio, Anthony Rapczynski, Josephine Snyder, Florence Brown, Joseph Iezzi, Thomas Gough, Johnny Balzano, Jeanette Davis, Jack Petro, Jack Fox, Rosemarie Cianfrani, Jack Canal, Bill Grimmer, Agnes Henefer, David Shank, Philip MacDonald, Angelo Del Rossi, and Paul Than Vu. WE REMEMBER OUR PARISHIONERS WHO DIED and were buried from this holy Church since December 2013: Anna Hornback, Mary Lou Kraemer, 2014: Michael Dunn, Eve Belefanti, Cosimo DeLeo, Arie Love Burton, Jimmy O’Donnell, Isabella Giambrone, Michael Verrecchia, Betty Rodriguez, Carlo Veterano, and Theresa Raufer. A BIG BIRTHDAY FOR FRANCES CICALI! What age is she? Take the number of letters in her age and divide by Patricia Ave, multiply by Fran Cicali’s mother and divide by October twenty-five and multiply by she leads Eucharistic Ministers and divide by she gets food for Hearts and Hands, multiply by mother Dorothy Schellhas and divide by great Seder man Dom Cicali, multiply by how old is she and you will have the number of letters in her age. Happy Birthday, Fran! BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK! We pray for: Marissa Manzo and Bridget Coyle baptized on November 3rd at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ; Michael Doyle baptized on November 4th at St. Columcille, County Leitrim, Ireland; Reynoldo Santiago baptized on November 5th, Holy Name Church, Camden, NJ; on November 7th: Alexis Manzo baptized at Sacred Heart, Camden, NJ and Morna Moran at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, Dunmore, PA. 11-02-14 GREAT TRADITION AT SACRED HEART In the beginning of each year of worship on the First Sunday of Advent is the Blessing of Expectant Mothers and the making of new things for the A Fair of the Heart. The key to it all is creativity in the womb and workroom. It is Sunday, November 30, 2014 this year! The Blessing of Expecting Mothers If you or someone you know is expecting a child and would like to be blessed at either the 8:30 Mass or 10:30 Mass, see or email Susan Cedrone at [email protected] or call (856) 429-3973. Looking for a good time? Circle Sunday, November 30th on your calendar! Invite your friends and bring extra cash. It's the A Fair of the Heart! Lots of good things to buy, eat and enter the basket raffle. Contact Annie Kelly [email protected]. The Raffle is a very worthwhile fundraising addition to our annual Fair. Email Kathleen Finley at [email protected] or call (856) 217-9994. November 20th is the last day to accept donations. All items can be dropped off on Saturday, November 29th between 9 AM and 1 PM. FIRST COMMUNION/FIRST RECONCILIATION If you have a child 8 years old (2ndgrade) or above and are interested in information about First Communion and First Reconciliation, please come to the children’s chapel on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 9:45 AM (between the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses). We will have snacks, answer questions and talk about plans for the preparation process. It is very important that you attend this meeting with your child if you plan to receive the sacraments this spring. For more information, contact Jessica (Damato) Dzielak, who has graciously volunteered to do this holy work, at [email protected]. CELTIC TWILIGHT CHRISTMAS In advance of their sold out Carnegie Hall appearance, please join Phil Coulter, Andy Cooney and the Irish Pops Orchestra on Saturday, December 6, 7:30 PM at the TD Bank Arts Center in Sewell, NJ. Buses and groups are welcomed! Special discount for groups. Groups should contact, Jim Wiener (856) 218-8902 or [email protected]. Proceeds will support the South Jersey Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships for financial assistance to attend Catholic Schools. To purchase tickets, make a donation, or sponsor the event, please visit or call Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Pray for Peace...People Everywhere! “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” CORNER It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. Eleanor Roosevelt Peace Community of Sacred Heart’s next meeting is on Saturday, December 6th at Brigid’s House, 1719 Ferry Avenue, Camden at 10 AM. All are welcome! Up-Coming Events CIRCLES OF CONTEMPLATION AT SACRED HEART Tuesday, Nov. 4th at 7 PM in the Children’s Chapel. See Dee Dowling. DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, November 8th at 4 PM coordinated by Maria/Bob Esche/Celeste Bonfanti. Please call them at (856) 234-0911 with your usual offers of food and time. You will be certainly blessed! NOVEMBER LITURGY COMMITTEE Monday, November 10th at 7 PM in the Rectory Chapel. All coordinators of ministries and special liturgies are expected to attend. All parishioners are invited to attend. Please come! RITUAL OF REMEMBRANCE/THANKSGIVING DINNER Saturday, November 15th at 6 PM. This is not a pot-luck dinner, it is very planned. Please call Michelle Budd at (302) 561-0799 or Edna LoMonico at (856) 845-1214 regarding what food item you will bring. Bring a picture of the person who want to especially re-member and be thinking of the person you most want to toast! MARITIME MUSEUM TOUR Sunday, November 16th following both Masses. The doors will be open just for us to visit the great changes in the building and to see the plans for the future. Everyone should walk down to Broadway and Viola Streets to the former Our Savior Episcopal Church. $100 - 3 payments YEAR 2014-2015 WE NEEDED 3000 SPONSORS WE HAVE 976 SPONSORS WE NEED 2024 SPONSORS Name E-mail: [email protected] Website: Priests: Michael Doyle, Pastor Dennis Bajkowski Music Director: Barbara Dever Editor of Bulletin: Susan Cedrone Sacred Heart School Janet Williams, Principal (856) 963-1341 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] The Heart of Camden Lisa Kiernan, Executive Director (856) 966-1212 DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE yesterday thanks to Edna LoMonico and all her helpers. It is holy work to feed the poor especially on Broadway! You can do it too! Please call Ted Fox at (856) 424-1863 to volunteer! You will be mentored by an experienced member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Don’t be afraid! Say: “Yes!” FAIR TRADE TODAY! CfET will have fair trade coffee and chocolate available after the 10:30 Mass in the cafeteria! AN EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE/GRATITUDE Friday, November 21st at 7:30 PM at Sacred Heart Church for a gathering of prayer and reflection for people in recovery, those suffering from addiction and those who love them. Grounded in 12 step spirituality. All are welcome! Nov. 2nd: Vargo Family, Mary Gorton, Christine/Ben Schiavone, Maeve Albanese, Maureen Laffin, Barbara Mayock. Nov. 3rd: Jasmine Davis, Joyce McCullough, Ralph Andrews, Hanigan/Levy family; Gina/Rose Moscateli; Audry Thomas. Nov. 4th: Bill Kelly, Rita Lavell, Carmella Hirnickel, Nosek Family, Joan/Bob Conway, Ricci Family, Minh Pham, and Theresa Banford. Nov. 5th: Morna/Bob Moran, Keith Rolland, Madge Hempsey, Eileen/ Edward Doherty, Sally Palmer, and Laura Randell. Nov. 6th: Carole/Tom Murtha, Nancy Malone/Arthur Ng, Eileen Vogel, Mary Alice/Tom Curley, Sandy Hoey, Joe Borman. Nov. 7th: Michael Doyle, Liz Egan, Susan/Dan Rysz, Emma Neal, Phyllis/Johnny O’Reilly, and the Hessert family. Nov. 8th: Pat Kelly, Kathleen/Jim MacFarland, Sheila/Gene Dickson, Michelle/Frank Balzano, Lynn/Jim Cummings, Thanh Nga Huynh. For more information, please call Gail Gooney at (856) 429-3129. NOVEMBER FOOD SHARING Saturday, November 22nd, 9 AM to 12 Noon. This is our most difficult Food Share. Expectation are high; numbers are usually high. ONLY experienced volunteers on this day, no new comers. (Sorry!) Please email Susan Cedrone at [email protected]. MASS FOR THOSE MURDERED IN CAMDEN Sunday, November 23, 2014. The names will be read at the 8:30 Mass. Family members will be invited to the 10:30 Mass. Names will be read and either a family member or parishioner will stand and light a candle for each person. It is a holy and solemn day...the Feast of the Cosmic Christ! The last Sunday of the church calendar year! THANKSGIVING EVE, NOVEMBER 26TH at 7:30 PM. Plan to come and celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving and share your harvest. Remember to bring food for the poor. We ALL participate in the offertory procession. $50 - 6 payments $25 - per month “People come to Sacred Heart to this lonely church in a forlorn neighborhood. They bring food for the poor, money for the school and they listen to the priest plead for Camden.” Harry Reasoner - CBS 60 Minutes _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City 1739 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 966-6700 Fax: (856) 756-0102 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, November 20th at 7 PM in the Rectory Chapel. All members are expected to attend. Please send agenda items to Susan Cedrone before November 18th. Will you sponsor the education of a child for $300? $300 - 1 payment Sacred Heart Church ____________________ State ____ Zip__________ Phone____________ PRAYER TEAMS
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