SACRED HEART PARISH LA PARROQUIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZON GIAO X U THANH TAM a people called to be a Christian community and to stand on the side of PAROISTE AN CHROI NAOFA life with all the struggling people of Camden and the world. Gathering around God’s table every Sunday, we celebrate that Christ is Risen and ultimately all is well. 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 CARNEVALE SUNDAY Today, the last Sunday before Lent begins, we are light-hearted in an “Easter-come-early” way...we have come to the edge of spring and we know for sure that life has the edge on death, always! These days before us are good days. Forty of them. Preparation days. Time to get in tune with the stirrings of Spring in the earth. Time to turn over our lives, dig out the weeds and put on ashes – not to dirty the garden but to fertilize new growth. Let us prepare together for the Great Paschal Feast when night will become day on a Sunday morning in April. Michael Doyle, March 1976 ASH WEDNESDAY 2015 is this Wednesday, February 18th! Ashes will be given out all day from 7 AM to 6 PM in the Church and during the 7:30 PM service. Mass at 8:15 AM in the Church. See Gail Gooney if you can be a greeter for one of the hours or call her at (856) 429-3129. ASH WEDNESDAY COLLECTION this year is for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. It supports essential unmet pastoral needs in Central and Eastern Europe and areas of Asia formerly under Soviet control. Our assistance is vital to the growth and strength of the Church in these regions. OUR LENTEN SERIES BEGINS Ash Wednesday evening with a prayer service and distribution of ashes at 7:30 PM in the Church. We will put ashes on our foreheads while embracing the cross, a reminder that there is nothing easy or comfortable about the journey we are on or the task which we are about to begin again called Lent. (No Soup on Ash Wednesday.) See Lilac flyer for more details. DAILY MASS AT 8:15 AM Attendance at morning Mass in most parishes increases, often dramatically, during Lent. Not at Sacred Heart. Make it happen in the Year 2014. Come! 7:40 AM - Monday to Friday at the Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper across from the Sacred Heart driveway. Pick one day a week to pray with us! Come pray for Camden! FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, this year we will honor the legends of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. James Morris Lawson, Jr., is an American activist and university professor. He was a leading theoretician and tactician of nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement. During the 1960s, he served as a mentor to the Nashville Student Movement and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. He continues to train activist in nonviolence. He was born on September 22, 1928 in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He grew up in Orlando, Florida. As a freshman at Baldwin Wallace College in Berea, Ohio, he joined the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) an organization led by A.J. Muste, and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), an organization affiliated with FOR. Both FOR and CORE advocated nonviolent resistance to racism; CORE conducted sit-ins in some northern cities in the late 1940s and embarked on a freedom ride more than a decade before the more famous ones of the early 1960s. Consistent with those principles of nonviolence, he declared himself a conscientious objector and refused to report for the draft in 1951. He served fourteen months in prison after refusing to take either a student or ministerial deferment. After his release from prison, he went as a Methodist missionary to Nagpur, India, where he studied satyagraha, the principles of nonviolence resistance that Mohandas Gandhi and his followers had developed. He returned to the United States in 1955, entering the Graduate School of Theology at Oberlin College in Ohio. One of his Oberlin professors introduced him to Martin Luther King, Jr. who had led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Montgomery, Alabama and had also embraced Gandhi’s principles of nonviolent resistance. King urged Lawson to come South, telling him “Come now. We don’t have anyone like you down there.” He moved to Nashville, Tennessee and enrolled at the Divinity School of Vanderbilt University, where he served as the southern director for CORE and began conducting nonviolence training workshops for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In Nashville, he trained many of the future leaders of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, among them Diane Nash, James Bevel, Bernard Lafayette, Marion Barry, and John Lewis. In 1959 and 1960, they and other Lawson-trained activists launched the Nashville sit-ins to challenge segregation in downtown stores. His students played a leading role in the Open Theater Movement, the Freedom Rides, the 1963 March on Washington, Mississippi Freedom Summer, the 1963 Birmingham Children’s Crusade, the 1965 Selma Voting Rights Movement, the 1966 Chicago Open Housing Movement, and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement over the next few years. He became Pastor of Centenary Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee in 1962. In 1968, when black sanitation workers went on strike for higher wages and union recognition after two of their co-workers were accidentally crushed to death, Reverend Lawson served as chairman of their strike committee. He invited Dr. King to Memphis in April 1968 to dramatize their struggle, which had adopted the slogan I am a Man. Dr. King delivered his famous "Mountaintop" speech in support of the strike in Memphis on April 3, 1968, the day before his assassination. His expulsion from Vanderbilt University as a result of these activities became one of the celebrated incidents of the era and eventually a source of deep embarrassment to the university. During the 2006 graduation ceremony Vanderbilt apologized for its treatment of Lawson; he is now a member of its faculty. As a pastor in Los Angeles 1975-1999, and continuing today, Lawson has been tireless in the nonviolent struggle for justice and peace. Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD especially those we knew, were privileged to love, and whose lives touched ours. This month we remember those who died and were buried from our church during the month of February: Katie Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: 8:15 AM in the rectory chapel. Feb. 16th for Anne Trabulsy Cofsky, Leon Komar, Alice Marie Reynolds, William Bell, Lillian Egan, Ted Knecht, Philip Hitchner, Jackie Turlington, Betty Donnelly, Hai Nguyen, Kevin Feb. 17th 7 Founders of the Servites for Audrey Farnum Feb. 18th Ash Wednesday for Nicholas Rossi Feb. 19th for Joseph Tedesco Feb. 20th for Kathryn & Joseph Laphan Feb. 21st Peter Damian for Kevin O’Donnell O‘Donnell, Sophie Domenices, Anne MacDonald, Jimmy Paglione, Catherine Larkin Ruck, Florence Yarnell, Bonnie Sanders, Barbara Reed, Concetta Matteo, Sal Ricci, Josephine Regan, Mary Volpe, Robert Morgan, Marianne Conroy Grandowicz, John Grabowski, Tom White, Carmen Lo Monico, Gene Luyster, Jeanette DiCarlantonio, Guillerma Alicea Quiles. WE REMEMBER OUR PARISHIONERS WHO DIED and were buried from this holy Church since March: Eve Belefanti, Cosimo DeLeo, Arie Love Burton, Jimmy O’Donnell, Isabella Giambrone, Michael Verrecchia, Betty Rodriguez, Carlo Veterano, and Theresa Raufer. BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK! We pray for: Patricia Conroy baptized on February 17th at St. Christopher, Somerton, NJ; Carmen Finizio baptized on February 20th at St. Mary of the Eternal Church, Philadelphia, PA; Sam Walcott Sonn baptized on February 20th at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ; Ted Fox baptized on February 21st in Llanerch, PA. Masses for the Week Mass in Lourdes Chapel Saturday, 4 PM; Sunday, Noon for people on the east side of the parish who cannot get to Sacred Heart. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK that they may be healed and comforted. This week, we especially remember: Justin Laurenzi, Jack Shannon, William Greenan, Kathleen Pierce, Doris Cunningham, Laura Lipetz, Othmar Carli, Betzaida Ortiz, Josephine Sliwowski, Michael Dixon, Olga Ianelli, Joe Hess, Harry Watson, Robert Dixon, Doris Gaus, Kathy Hainsworth, Tito Miranda, Carey Thomas, Sara Wisely, Michael Sheridan, Marianne Emanuele, Clare Dunn, Pat Bennett, Anna Whitman, Tony Virgilio, Jim Muller, Mary Nevins, Jim Hally, John Koonz, and Brenda Lawrence. 02-15-15 Up-Coming Events TET - VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR starts on Thursday, February 19th! It is the year of the Goat! We are most grateful to God for our Vietnamese Community. TET is the occasion for Vietnamese to express their respect and remembrance for their ancestors as well as welcoming the New Year with their beloved family members. To make it easier, one can imagine TET as a combination of Christmas and New Year: every family will get together to have big meals, decorate TET trees and eat TET food but to welcome the new year. Happy New Year! DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, February 21st at 4 PM coordinated by Maria/Bob Esche/Celeste Bonfanti. Please call them at (856) 234-0911 with your usual offers of food and time. You will be blessed! FIRST FRIDAY NIGHT OF LENT Friday, February 27th at 6 PM for Soup/Bread dinner and then 7:30 PM for program. Sister Catherine Nerney, who some of us know from the Women’s Retreat 2014, will present her work with families in Rwanda, Africa to set a global tone for our focus on the family. Please come! Chuc Mung Nam Moi! LENT 2015 – A SPECIAL TIME We are going to make a special effort this year to come together at Sacred Heart for the weekly teaching and prayer for Lent. Let’s invite one another to share these evenings together. They will do us good. Mark your calendars now: The Lenten Series begins on Ash Wednesday evening, February 18th at 7:30 PM, and the following nights: Friday, February 27th, March 6th, Friday, March 13th, Friday, March 20th, and Friday, March 27th, A simple meal of soup and bread before each evening except for Ash Wednesday.Our Lenten Series handout is available! It is lilac in color! LENTEN SACRIFICES Catholics who have celebrated their 14th birthday are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in Lent, including Good Friday. In addition to abstaining from meat, Catholics who have celebrated their 18th birthday, and until their celebrated their 60th birthday, are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Those who are bound to this regulation may eat only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain one’s strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. BROTHER MICKEY’S NEW BOOK Dear young people….Inspiration from Pope Francis for Everyone is now available! Brother Mickey’s colorful and whimsical art along with Pope Francis’ vision for making the Kingdom of God real in our world. Cost: $20. Books are available from Susan Cedrone today! “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” CORNER In the attitude of silence, the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous guest after Truth. Mahatma Gandhi Peace Community of Sacred Heart’s next meeting is on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Brigid’s House, 1719 Ferry Avenue, Camden at 10 AM. All are welcome! SOUP! WONDERFUL SOUP! WILL YOU HELP? This year, there will be FIVE soup nights. We will need five or six soups each night. All soups should be here by 6 PM...enough for 25 servings. Naturally, meatless. Let us know the type of soup in advance. Perhaps you would like to add to our bread and drinks table. Please call Josephine/ Michael Giacchino at (609) 387-4951. FEBRUARY FOOD SHARING DAY Saturday, February 28th from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Most volunteers begin the day at Morning Mass at 8:15 AM. Prayer Service with the Neighborhood folks approximately 9:15 AM. Volunteers always needed. Please contact Susan Cedrone at [email protected] DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, February 28th at 4 PM coordinated by Judy Sweeney (856-795-3339) and Jack Cantwell (609-220-4537. Please call them with your usual offers of food and time. THE DIOCESE OF CAMDEN Food Drive 2015: faithFULL is scheduled for Sunday, March 1st. Goal is to collect 100,000 pounds of food! Food donations of canned: vegetables, vegetable juice, tomato products, spaghetti sauce, fruit, applesauce, fruit juice, tuna, chicken, soup, beans, chili, beef stew and peanut butter. Food donations can be dropped off at any Catholic Church in the Diocese on March 1st. Sponsored with Diocese of Camden Life & Justice Ministries, Food Bank of South Jersey, Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Catholic Charities and Society of SVdP. Our own, Andy Zonay, will be here on March 1st to collect our contributions and bring them to the Diocese. Please remember to bring EXTRA food on March 1st. SAVE THE DATE! In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Sunday, March 8, 2015, Brother Mickey McGrath will present WISE and HOLY WOMEN in Art and Stories at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ at 2 PM. Tickets are $10. Benefits The Heart’s Corps which includes Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper and Mickey’s Studio, 420 Jasper Street. Please see or call Susan Cedrone at (856) 966-0301 or email [email protected]. Will you sponsor the education of a child for $300? $300 - 1 payment $100 - 3 payments YEAR 2014-2015 WE NEEDED 3000 SPONSORS WE HAVE 2230 SPONSORS WE NEED 770 SPONSORS Name $50 - 6 payments $25 - per month “People come to Sacred Heart to this lonely church in a forlorn neighborhood. They bring food for the poor, money for the school and they listen to the priest plead for Camden.” Harry Reasoner - CBS 60 Minutes _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip__________ Phone____________ Sacred Heart Church 1739 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 966-6700 Fax: (856) 756-0102 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Priests: Michael Doyle, Pastor Dennis Bajkowski Music Director: Barbara Dever Editor of Bulletin: Susan Cedrone Sacred Heart School Janet Williams, Principal (856) 963-1341 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] The Heart of Camden Lisa Kiernan, Executive Director (856) 966-1212 Clothes from the Heart 1811 Broadway (856) 541-7288 Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM Camden Community House 1718 Broadway (856) 966-9088 DINNERS AT JOE’S PLACE yesterday thanks to Edna LoMonico and Jackie/Dave Partridge and all their helpers! It is holy work to feed the poor especially on Broadway! You can do it too! Please call Ted Fox at (856) 424-1863 to volunteer! You will be mentored by an experienced member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Don’t be afraid! Say: “Yes!” PRAYER TEAMS Feb. 15th: Pam Laurenzi, Patty Connor, and Pat McMullen. Feb. 16th: Betsi Bell, Henry Brann, Nadia Newell, Jeanette McMurtrie, Quan Tran, Francine Grabowski/ Tony DeSantis. Feb. 17th: Lily/Pat Mulligan, Kim Ngan/Thanh Nguyen; Amanda Higgins, Helen Scanlon, S.J. McGeady, and Jackie Aiken. Feb. 18th: DeLarge-Morgan fami l y; Donn ell y F a mi l y, an d Annmarie/John Dunn. Feb. 19th: Irene/JoeGavin, Nha/Hung Nguyen, Karen Beckmeyer, Anne Bower, and Marie DiGilio. Feb. 20th: Modesta Belefanti, Anna Maria Kelly, Kathleen O’Connor, Betsy/Ed McBride, Terry Briscoe, Thuy/Dai Nguyen. Feb. 21st: Gail Gooney, Bette/Joe Hinger, Judy/Tom Huder, Atkins Family, Jean Jennings. For more information, please call Gail Gooney at (856) 429-3129.
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