2. 3. Department of Agricultural Resourse Management (ARM) a) Master of Science. ( Integrated Soil Fertility Management - (ISFM) b) Master of Science (Land and Water Management (LWM) c) Master of Science (Dry-land Agriculture and Enterprise d) Master of Science (Animal Nutrition and Management) WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL WITH THE DIGITAL SCHOOL OF VIRTUAL AND OPEN LEARNING. Department of Agricultural Science and Technolog(KST) a) Master of Science (Agronomy) b) Master of Science (Plant Breeding) c) Master of Science in Crop Protection (Entomology) d) Master of Science in Crop Protection (Plant Pathology) e) Master of Science (Seed Technology and Trade) KENYATTA UNIVERSITY’S DIGITAL SCHOOL Digitize Masomo THE ANWHERE SCHOOL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 1.Department of Computing and Information Technology (SIT) a) Diploma in Information Technology b) Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT 1. Department of Hospitality Management (HTM) a) Diploma (Tourism Management b) Master of Science (Hospitality Management) 2. Department of Tourism Management (BTM) a) Bachelor of Science (Tourism Management) b) Master of Science (Tourism Management) SCHOOL OF APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 1. Department of Physical and Health Education a) Master of Science (Physical and Health Education) 2. Department of Recreation Management & Exercise Science a) Master of Science (Exercise and Sports Science) b) Master of Science (Recreation and Sport Management) 3. Department of Recreation Management & Exercise Science a) Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Administration and Management ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES KCSE Grade C v v EACE Division III v Equivalent qualifications UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES KCSE Grade C+ v EACE Division II v KACE/EACE I Principal and I Subsidiary v v KCSE Grade C with Diploma Certificate with At least a Credit Pass in the relevant area of study Equivalent qualifications POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES Bachelors degree with at least 2nd lower division from a recognized institution in the relevant area of study. 1. 1 All newly admitted students will be provided with a free Tablet uploaded with the units registered for. The potential of digital instruction its enormous. It enables the learners to schedule and pace their learning and expand their access to resources thereby enriching their learning immensely. 2. 2 The programmes will be run on a trimester cycle, which means that students enrolled for the undergraduate programmes will complete their studies within 3 calendar years. 3 The fee charged for the programmes are lower than the one charged for students enrolled on full OR part time basis. 4. The establishment of the Regional Centres ensures that students can receive personalized attention and guidance on issues pertaining to the programmes they have enrolled for. 3. 4 The Registrar (Academic), Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844 – 00100, Nairobi. Tel: 020-8710901/2/3 Extension 3061 Digital School Contacts: 0719 739445 / 0716 208832 / 0736 244464 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Live Chat: http://chat.ku.ac.ke/ Visit: www.ku.ac.ke KENYATTA UNIVERSITY DIGITAL SCHOOL OF VIRTUAL AND OPEN LEARNING DIGITAL SCHOOL OF VIRTUAL AND OPEN LEARNING (DISVOL) The Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning (DSVOL) is the youngest of the sixteen schools in the University having been established from the former Open Distance and e-Learning Institute. The creation of this School is embedded in the university's long and cogent tradition of outreach and the noble desire to promote educational opportunity by widening access to higher education through virtual learning environment and blended open learning. This is to cater for students who are unable to study the university through the traditional full-time on campus mode. The Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning is positioning itself to became a centre of excellence and the preferred School of choice in promoting educational opportunity by providing quality higher education, training and professional development to meet the learning needs of our many constituencies, through eLearning grounded in the use of modern technologies. This is borne out of recognition that learning is moving out of the classroom and into the learners environment, both real and virtual, and technology is central to this inevitable and indispensable transformation. It is along this lines that the philosophy of the new School in embedded on the moto; Education Anywhere, Anytime, At Your Own Schedule and Pace. The Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning therefore seeks to provide learning opportunities to students who are unable to take up full-time on-campus programmes. The School provides a wide range of quality programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate and Post-graduate levels through Open and Distance Learning modes, using blended learning that combines digital instruction with live tutorials in the following Regional Centres: Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Garissa, Kisumu, Kakamega, Embu, Nyeri, Marsabit and Dadaab. Vision To become the preferred School of choice in the use of modern technologies in the delivery of quality education, training and professional development. Mission To enhance the quality of higher education through flexible modes of delivery and modern technology, for individual and society development. OBJECTIVES: 1. 1 To provide learning opportunities to clients who are in full time or part-time work, who have family or community commitments, or who are unable to take up full time on campus programmes. 2. 2 To provide a wide range of quality programmes at certificate, diploma and degree levels, that respond to needs of the market, through flexible modes of delivery and modern technologies. 3 3. To customize programmes to meet specific needs of individual organizations or institutions locally and in the region. 4. 4 To partner with similar institutions and organizations locally, regionally and internationally, in pursuit of the School mandate. 5. To undertake continuing capacity development of staff to enable them to orient and adjust to new technologies and approaches in e-Learning. 5 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION a) Bachelor of Education (Arts): Geography, C.R.E, Islamic studies, Kiswahili, History, English, Business studies, Mathematics, Literature and French (NB: Two teaching subjects and education units are done in this degree program) b) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education Arts (French) c) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education Arts (German) d) Bachelor of Education (Science): Mathematics, Biology (Zoology, Botany), Geography, Physics, Chemistry (Nb: Two teaching subjects and education units are done in this degree program) 1. Department of Early Childhood Studies (ECE) a) Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education b) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) c) Masters of Education (Early Childhood Studies) 2. Department of Educational Communication & Technology (ECT) a) Post graduates Diploma in Education b) Diploma in public Relations c) Post graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication 3. Department of Educational Psychology (EPS) a) Master of Education (Guidance & Counselling) b) Masters of Guidance & Counselling c) Diploma in Guidance and Counselling 4.Department of Library & Information Science (ISC) a) Bachelor of Science (Library & Information Science) b) Bachelor of Science (Records Management and Information Technology) c) Bachelor of Education (Library Science) d) Master of Library and Information Science e) Master of Science (Records Management and Archive administration) 5. Department of Special Needs Education (SNE) a) Bachelor of Education (Special Needs Education) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS a) Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)- Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management , Management Science b) Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Marketing, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Finance, Project Management, Management Information Systems Option c) Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation d) Certificate in Project Management e) Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS 1. Department of Economic Theory (EET) a) Bachelor of Economics SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES a) Bachelor of Arts (Geography, History, English, Literature, Kiswahili, C. R. E, Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Business studies and French) b) Bachelor of Security Management and Police Studies c) Diploma in Security Management and Policy Studies d) Diploma in Project Management e) Bachelor of Public Policy & Administration (BPPA) f) Master of Arts (Kiswahili) 1. Department of Geography (a) Master of Arts in (I) Geography (ii) Economic & Industrial Geography (iii) Geography & Marketing (iv) Transport Geography (v) Urban & Regional Planning (vi) Populatio n & Settlement Geography (b) Master of Science in (I) Biogeography (ii) Climatology (iii) Geomorphology (iv) Hydrology & Water Resources (v) Integrated Watershed Management 2. Department of Sociology (ASC) a) Diploma in Disaster Management b) Diploma in Crime Management and Prevention SCHOOL OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES a) Bachelor of Science: Mathematics, Biology (Zoology, Botany), Geography, Physics, Chemistry (Three subjects are done in this degree) SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT 1. Department of Agribusiness Management and Trade (KBT) a) Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness Management and Trade) b) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) i.) Animal Science Option ii.) Crop Science Option c) Bachelor of Science (Crop Improvement & Protection)
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