THE PARISH OF ST ALOYSIUS & ST JAMES HEBBURN Parish Priest Permanent Deacon Parish Secretary Office Hours Hall Caretaker (St Aloysius) Hall Bookings (St Aloysius) Room Bookings (St James) S.V.P. (St Aloysius) S.V.P. (St James) e-mail (Parish Office) e-mail Website February 8th Father Martin Morris 01914832165 Rev. Peter Jones Wynn Schembri 01914832165 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 10.00am – 1.00pm Mary Watkins 07592565771 Ann Fisher 01914835195 Fred Patterson 0191 4213975 Richie Gordon 01914834913 Billy Gatens 01914208379 [email protected] [email protected] 5th Sunday of the Year Page 134 of the Mass Book Masses and Other Services 7th February to 15th February 2015 February Saturday 7 Weekday th Confessions 10.30am – 11.00am Confessions 5.15pm – 5.45pm Sunday 8th 5TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Monday 9th Weekday Tuesday 10th St Scholastica Wednesday 11th Our Lady of Lourdes ST. ALOYSIUS 6.00pm • Florence & Henry McDonald (Anniversaries) • Nellie Atherton (Birthday) 11.00am The McColgan family 4.00pm – 6.00pm Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary & Benediction 9.10am (Chapel) Rosary 9.30am • Florence & John (Anniversary) Maher • Coyne & Cassidy family 9.00am – 9.15am (St Aloysius Junior School) Guided Prayer (School Prayer Room) 7.15pm (Church) Mass for the Sick Thomas & Catherine Patterson 10.00am Requiem Mass for Joseph Ridley Kelly 12.45pm Funeral Service for Tony Gallagher 7.00pm (Church) Novena 7.15pm • Cathleen Power (Recently Deceased) • Patrick Scullion (Recently Deceased) Friday 13th Weekday 9.15am (Chapel) Morning Prayer of the Church 9.30am Mary Hawkes (Recently Deceased) 12.45pm Funeral Service for Brian Butler 6.00pm • Margaret T Mogey (Bennett) (Recently Deceased) • Frances Dennison (Recently Deceased) Patrons of Europe 9.15am • Diamond Wedding Anniversary – Margaret & John Jobling • Peter Forshaw (Anniversary) 7.15pm Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 7.00pm Evening Prayer of the Church 7.15pm David Craig (Anniversary) 8.55am (Emmaus Room) Rosary 9.15am Colin Harding (Recently Deceased) 7.00pm (Emmaus Room) Journey in Faith Thursday 12th Weekday Saturday 14th SS Cyril & Methodius ST. JAMES Confessions 10.30am – 11.00am Confessions 5.15pm – 5.45pm Sunday 15th 6TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 11.00am • The Freel family • Leslie (Anniversary) & Catherine Halliday 9.15am • Winnie McElwee (Wedding Anniversary) • Special Intention A.C. May they rest in peace: Brian Butler, Patricia Farrow, Tony Gallagher, Joseph Ridley Kelly Anniversaries: Peter Forshaw Liturgy of the Word During these dark winter days, our God calls us here to witness the example set by Jesus. Gathered as we are in the warmth and light of this building, what do we do to bring that warmth and light outside with us? Let us pray that we move beyond our daily drudgery to mission, inspired by the energy of Jesus. There will be tea/coffee after Mass on Sunday - All welcome THIS SUNDAY afternoon St Aloysius Church is open for Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Exposition. Why not come along, even for just a few minutes and spend some time in quiet prayer, with our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. LENT Next Wednesday 18th February is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. We will have two Masses that day; St Aloysius at 10.00am and St James at 7.15pm. Please make every effort to begin the season of Lent by receiving the Ashes. It is also a day when we are called to Fasting and Abstinence or some other act of selfdenial. STATIONS OF THE CROSS are held each Friday in St Aloysius at 7.00pm, and alternatively on Sundays at one of the Churches. Could all groups please sign the list at the back of Church to lead the ‘way of the cross’ on Friday evenings. PRAYING WITH HOLY SCRIPTURE Each Thursday evening beginning the 19th February Fr Martin will lead a half hour session, “how to pray with the Gospels.” Why not come along to the Day Chapel at 8.00pm and pray God’s word in a contemplative way. CONFIRMATIONS Bishop Seamus will visit our Parish for Confirmations on 18th September 2015 at 7.00pm in St Aloysius. Fr Martin invites any young person in Year 8 or above, who would like to prepare for the Sacrament, to a meeting in St Aloysius Hall on Sunday 22nd February at 6.00pm. Parents are also invited along to find out more about the Confirmation programme. ST ALOYSIUS AND ST JAMES PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday 10th February at 7.45pm in St James’ Emmaus Room. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE SICK takes place on Wednesday 11th February. We will have an evening Mass at 7.15pm at St Aloysius which will include the Sacrament of the Sick, holy anointing and finishing with a torchlight procession. Refreshments in St Aloysius Hall afterwards. LOURDES GROUP FUNDRAISING NIGHT at the Iona Club on Friday 13th February at 7.00pm. Tickets are £3 and are on sale at the back of St Aloysius Church. All money raised will be used to send sick people on pilgrimage to Lourdes in July 2015. VALENTINES NIGHT St James are hosting a fundraising night in the Emmaus Room on Saturday 14th February at 7.00pm. Buffet supper with glass of wine and some fun games. Tickets cost £5 and are available at the back of St James Church. RAFFLE TICKETS on sale at back of St Aloysius Church. Raffle prizes include; Turkey, Alcohol and various other gifts. Cost of tickets – 50p per strip. All proceeds to go to St Aloysius Hall Fund. CATHERINE MALLOY The family would like to thank all parishioners for their kind words, cards and flowers on the recent death of their Mam. Love and God Bless. FOREIGN CURRENCY The SVP would like to thank everyone who donated any foreign currency. A total of £128.91p was made. OUR FAITH TEACHES The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for Para 27 MOTHERS DAY TEA Sunday 15th March immediately after Mass in St Aloysius Hall. £3 per person Please place your money in ‘marked’ envelope from back of Church and pay at the shop. On offer are; finger sandwiches, sweet treats and beverages. All proceeds to Breast Cancer. REFLECTION Picture the prodigal son, slowly plodding toward his Father’s house, full of hesitation and doubt, not knowing that already his Father has seen him and is running toward him. Thank you Anne & Joe Hewitt would like to thank everyone for their cards and kind wishes on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. God Bless you all. PRAYER Father, help us to recognise that you offer all the truth and happiness that we are searching for. Help us to find it in you. 30th Jan 200 CLUB T Forshaw No: 47 £100
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