421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church November 23, 2014 Page Two CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK CODE: (PC) Parish Center (CH) Church (NH) Nursing Home (OP) Out of Parish (PG) Parish Grounds (RE) Rectory SATURDAY - November 22 8:30 AM Deceased Members of St. Aloysius † VIGIL: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 5:00 PM Felice Malfi † 7:30 PM Beatriz Plaza † (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - November 23 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30 AM Alfonso Magli † 8:30 AM (Korean Language) 10:15 AM Anne Galvin † 12:15 PM Salvatore Torrisi † 3:00 PM (Korean Community) MONDAY - November 24 8:00 AM James & Delia Tierney † TUESDAY - November 25 8:00 AM Paul Kim † WEDNESDAY - November 26 8:00 AM Frank & Josephine DeNino † THURSDAY - November 27 8:00 AM Jerry Ondris † 9:00 AM John Blake † FRIDAY - November 28 8:00 AM W.E. FitzGerald † SATURDAY - November 29 8:30 AM Eleanor Larssen † VIGIL: First Sunday of Advent 5:00 PM Norman Malwitz Sr. † 7:30 PM Florita & Eusebio Mota † (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - November 30 - First Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Frank Flanagan † & Mark Jorgensen † 8:30 AM (Korean Language) 10:15 AM Ella Katharina Savarese † 12:15 PM Luciano Schiff † 3:00 PM (Korean Community) A † signifies the person remembered at this Mass is deceased. OFFERTORY GIFTS: If you would like to bring up the gifts during the Offertory at Mass, either because it is your preference or because the Mass intention is for a friend or relative, You Must Inform an Usher Before Mass. Sunday 9:30 AM 5:30 PM November 23 Korean Community (9:30AM-4PM) Charity Night at Leonard’s Monday 8:00 PM November 24 AA Weekly Meeting (PC) Tuesday 8:30 AM 7:00 PM November 25 Miraculous Medal Novena Charismatic Prayer Group (CH) (PC) Wednesday November 26 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group (PC) (PC) (OP) Thursday November 27 Friday 7:00 PM November 28 Cursillos (PC) Saturday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 4:00 PM November 29 Saturday Morning Prayer Group Food Pantry (9:30AM-11AM) Confessions (CH) (PC) (CH) Sunday 9:30 AM November 30 Korean Community (9:30AM-4PM) (PC) SOCIAL MINISTRY (Outreach) Opens each weekday at 8:30AM in the Parish Center. Altar Rose is offered this week For Prayers Answered Blessed Mother Rose is offered this week for Strength & Courage for Our Dear Julie Requested by Nannie & Poppie Sanctuary Light is offered this week for O’Regan & Foley Families Requested by Catherine O’Regan 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Page Three St. Vincent de Paul Society - Outreach Office Next Food Pantry: November 29th 9:30AM-11AM Today as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear Jesus say: “… whatever you did for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Knowing that we find the face of Christ in the poor, this month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to serve at 90 visits to the pantry with food, clothing and furniture. “Giving tree” starts next weekend. A special thank you to Great Neck North High School Key Club and to the Office Staff Association of the Great Neck School District for their very generous food donations to our Food Pantry. BULLETIN REFLECTION This week in Religious Education our Kindergarten students will be tested on the proper Sign of the Cross. First graders will see a 10 minute movie on the Parables that Jesus used.... including the Good Samaritan and others. Fourth graders will see a 10 minute movie on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Commandments. Some children learn better with VISUAL aides and it is wonderful that we have the resources to do this at St. Aloysius. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, Our upcoming calendar through Christmas is as follows: KING OF THE UNIVERSE Classes as usual November 25th and 26th When the Son of Man comes in glory, may we be Classes as usual December 2nd and 3rd among those who have fed the hungry, welcomed the Classes as usual December 9th and 10th stranger and clothed the naked. For Jesus tells us clearly that it is those who have demonstrated good Classes on December 16th and 17th which will include our annual Christmas Party for all students. stewardship by sharing their gifts with the less No classes December 23rd and 24th fortunate who will receive God’s blessing and inherit No classes December 30th and 31st the kingdom. Classes will resume on January 6th, 2015 !!! We will celebrate a special Mass at 9AM on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 27th. We strongly encourage our parishioners to begin their Thanksgiving Day celebration with the most appropriate sign of our giving thanks to God - the Holy Eucharist. There will be a special Blessing for the bread and wine you will use at your Thanksgiving Dinner. So, please remember to bring your bread and wine to Mass to be blessed. This week as we celebrate Thanksgiving in our homes and in our Parish, we wish to mention how GRATEFUL we are for the many men and women who volunteer their time and services to the Religious Education Program in our Parish. May God bless them for their goodness and their willingness to step forward and help where needed. St. Aloysius Religious Education is the B E S T !!! LOOKING FOR A LASTING GIFT REMEMBERANCE? Bricks are still available on the lawn surrounding the statue of the Blessed Mother. Personalize a brick for your family or in memory of a loved one. Order forms can be found throughout the church and on our website staloysiusgn.org. For more information please call the Rectory 516-482-2770. 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church November 23, 2014 Page Four STEWARDSHIP A WAY OF LIFE Our goal for financial solvency is $8,000 per week. Please help us make and maintain this goal. WEEKLY OFFERING FOR NOVEMBER 15TH/16TH: $6,508.00 VOTIVES: $110.00 POOR BOX: $ 85.00 TOTAL MASS ATTENDANCE FOR NOVEMBER 15TH/16TH: 820 For your continued generosity to St. Aloysius Parish of your time, talent and treasure, especially in these difficult economic times– I offer my deepest appreciation, May God reward your generosity a hundredfold! Saturday, November 29th 5:00PM - M. Reed, K. Santelli, S. Snorteland Sunday, November 30th 7:30AM - R. Lee, A. Santos 10:15AM - C. & C. Nochella, T. Aita 12:15PM - E. & V. Gasparski, A. Leo Saturday, November 29th 5:00PM - L. Mevorach Sunday, November 30th 7:30AM - A. Gotta 10:15AM - M. Corno 12:15PM - D. Paulo PLEASE PRAY FOR… All our SICK AND HOMEBOUND especially, Alfredo Alvaro, Hans Berglund, Peter Bernatovich, Bruce Brown, Blanca Cales, Mirtha de Chahud, Clara de del Carpio, John Cossman, Anthony Dombroski, Tom Farley, Lillian Fernandez, Karla Guerra, Trevor Hassett, Henry Hess, Sophie Hogan, Agnes Howard, Baby John Paul, Rosemarie Kokis, Polly Kovner, Saturday, November 29th 5:00PM - R. Alamo, D. Perez Sunday, November 30th 7:30AM 10:15AM - J. Ciciliato, G. Lee, M. Descorbeth 12:15PM - A. & B. Walter Judi LaRocca, Ann NotarFrancesco, Nicholas Pedone, Baby Jace Quinn, Rosa Pauca Quiroz, Yolanda Rivera, John Russo, Justin Seims, Ida Tesoriero, Terence Ullrich, Joan Viard, Helen Werner, Ricardo Wilson & Andrew Wykowski. And for all our FAITHFUL DEPARTED. When the circumstances change for someone listed above or they return to better health, a family member or friend should notify the Rectory. For Advent we have made available, “THE M AGNIFICAT ADVENT COMPANION.” This booklet contains readings, reflections and prayers for Advent. Please take one this weekend. All we ask is a donation of $1.00 per copy to help defray the cost. Place your donation in the contribution basket located next to the booklets. You are cordially invited to attend! Lessons & Carols St. Aloysius Church 4:30PM Sunday, December 7th Please join our Music Ministry for a gift of seasonal songs and scripture. We promise an afternoon that will help your Christmas Season be what it should be, filled with the hope of our Savior among us. 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church November 23, 2014 Page Five The Sociables Friends fostering understanding, care and support through luncheons and preferred activities The Sociables invite you to our Christmas Luncheon on Tuesday, December 9th at 1:00PM at the Milleridge Inn Jericho, NY Come One ~ Come All Rev. Msgr. Brendan P. Riordan will join us $35 per person (all inclusive) Cash Bar Transportation and directions, to and from, are available for you if needed Chairpersons: John Hyland (516) 482-3795 & John A. Tokar (516) 829-1303 RSVP before December 4th ****************************************************************** Name: ___________________________ Telephone #: _________________ Please make check payable to St. Aloysius R.C. Church Mail to: St. Aloysius R.C. Church 592 Middle Neck Road Great Neck, NY 11023 Attn: The Sociables Open Seating ~ No Refunds 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church November 23, 2014 Page Six Blessing of Food for Sharing This form of blessing can be used before your family’s Thanksgiving Dinner or before any meal. One person at the table is designated as the “Leader” for this blessing. The prayer begins with the leader inviting all to join in making the sign of the cross. Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Leader: Amen. Bless, O Lord, this fruit of your good earth, and the work of human hands. It comes to us through your grace and the loving care of many people. May we who eat this food be joyful today for it is a sign of your greatest gift: your Son Jesus who redeems us in faith, and your Holy Spirit who unites us in hope. Let this gathering be a taste of your kingdom where all things are transformed by love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. All make the sign of the Cross. All: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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