Summer Programs 2015 “Forming honorable men and women through a classical education grounded in a Christ-centered world view.” 713.666.3111 • • 4900 Jackwood • Houston 77096 STE RADIANT SUMMER 2015 CALENDAR June 1 8 July 15 22 6 13 August 20 27 3 ENRICHMENT Lower 8–9 a.m. Cursive Handwriting 9–Noon Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Cooking with Colors Reading Between the Lines LEGO Camp Learn to Type Pirates & Mermaids Beauty of Chemistry What on Earth Castles & Kingdoms Girls Just Wanna Have Fun LEGO Engineers Fun with Ceramics Let’s Hear Your Roar Seven Wonders of the World Fun with Ceramics Project Imagination Origami Passport to Spanish NXT Explorers Just Listen Super Science Learn to Type Kinder Prep Jump Start Grammar Math Camp Penmanship Camp Middle Upper Intensive Reading Frog Guts Learn to Type Photography & Graphic Design 9-Noon Middle Study & Reading Skills Middle Gaming 3.0 Fun with Ceramics Babysitter’s Bootcamp Upper Grammar Booster 4 Gr. 8-9 Algebra I 9-2 p.m. Preschool Fun J U L Y Preschool Fun Preschool Fun Love Does Noon-4 p.m. Passport to Spanish Eco-Friendly Art NXT Explorers Gr. 8-9 Algebra I Preschool Fun Preschool Fun Middle 12:30-3:30 p.m. Middle W E E K V B S W E E K Middle Math Mania Learn To Type Middle NXT Specialists Gr. 8-9 Algebra I Preschool Fun Preschool Fun All Levels Musical Theatre AT H L E T I C S 9-10:30 a.m. Soccer Ages 5-9 (Mon–Fri)) Soccer Ages 5-9 (Mon–Fri)) 10:30 a.m.-Noon Soccer Ages 10+ (Mon-Fri) Soccer Ages 10+ (Mon-Fri) D AY C AT I O N S 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Daycations Session 1 Daycations Session 2 Daycations Session 3 Daycations Session 4 Daycations Session 5 Daycations Session 6 Daycations Session 7 Middle Penmanship Camp Upper Spanish Refresher Contents Enrichment Lower School.............5 Middle School..........14 Upper School...........18 Athletics Lower School...........22 Middle School..........22 Upper School...........22 Daycations Lower School...........23 Middle School..........23 Radiant Summer at STE! Saint Thomas’ Episcopal is pleased to offer Radiant Summer– an enriching summer experience for 3 year-olds through students entering the twelfth grade. Academic enrichment, challenging sports, and Daycations offer a multitude of fun activities and games. Radiant Summer is open to everyone, not only to STE students. For more information go to, or call 713.666.3111. Amanda L. Welch Summer Program Director Phone: 713.666.3111 • Fax: 713.668.3887 [email protected] Overview Enrichment Camps Saint Thomas’ offers a comprehensive summer academic program designed to meet many student needs: enrichment, acceleration, review, and strengthening of basic skills. Small classes ensure optimal opportunity and individual attention. Students may concentrate on a single course or many for a focused learning experience. A relaxed, informal atmosphere and dedicated faculty help create a pleasant learning environment. The minimum enrollment per enrichment course is eight students, unless noted under course description. Our enrichment courses are from June 1–August 7. All campers must be signed in and signed out upon drop-off and pick-up. Course fees and dates are included within each course description. Course fees include: • textbook(s) • field trips (if applicable) • supplies • camp t-shirt 1 The instructors will distribute books on the first day of class. Extended day options are available for our enrichment camps, excluding preschool summer fun. Athletic Camps Saint Thomas’ offers challenging athletics for children in grades 1-12. The minimum enrollment per camp is ten students. Our athletic camps are from June 22–July 24. All campers must be signed in and signed out upon drop-off and pick-up. Camp fees and dates are included within each course description. Camp fees include a t-shirt and any supplies required for the camp. All campers should be dressed in the proper attire for the activities and bring a water bottle. Extended day options are available for our athletic camps. Daycations St. Thomas’ Daycations offer a variety of activities including: • art • sports • theatre • outdoor adventure • music All campers must be signed in and signed out upon drop-off and pick-up. Lunch and snacks are not provided and must be brought each day by the participant. Lunch from The Healthy Lunchbox may be ordered each week; however, the order form and payment must be submitted online the Friday prior to the week of the desired lunch(es). Campers will take several field trips throughout the summer. Daycations is open to those entering kindergarten through sixth grade in August 2015. Extended day options are available. Policies and Student Responsibilities All students are expected to adhere to the academic and personal standards of conduct and behavior outlined in the Saint Thomas’ StudentParent Handbook. A copy of the handbook is available upon request for non-STE students. Students who miss more than two instructional days during a six-week course may not receive credit for academic courses. 2 Late Pick-Up Fees Campers not picked up by the designated end time for each camp will accrue a $5 per minute late fee. After the third time, it will increase to $8 per minute. Late fees will be billed and must be paid to the business office. Campers will not be admitted to camp if there are unpaid fees. Application & Payment Saint Thomas’ reserves the right to cancel or modify camps as circumstances require. Campers affected will be notified immediately. Please register online at under the Radiant Summer tab. Registration Fee: $30 per family Registration dates (unless noted otherwise under camp description): • Enrichment: Early: April 10, 2015. Regular registration begins April 13. Regsitration deadline is May 8, 2015. • Soccer: Registration deadline May 8, 2015. • Daycations: Early: April 10, 2015. Regular registration due two weeks prior to each session start date. Applications submitted after the regular registration deadline accrue a $50 late fee that must be paid with tuition. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of online registration. Applications must only be submitted online only and students will not be admitted to a camp unless an application has been submitted online. The Radiant Summer program admits students of any race, color, nationality, religion, or ethnic origin. Refund/Transfer Policy Written requests for tuition refunds are accepted, less a $50 administrative fee per camp per child, until May 8, 2015. After that date, Radiant Summer will make no tuition or fee refunds. Please understand that after this date we have made firm financial commitments to our faculty and have purchased materials. However, transfers may be made after May 8, 2015, for a fee of $40 per camp per child, and any difference in camp fees. Transfers must be made two weeks prior to the first day of the camp in which they are enrolled. 3 Enrichment Before & After Care Before Care: Grades: Time: Cost: 7:30-9:00 a.m. Entering K-7 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. $35 per week per camper After Care: Grades: Time: Cost: 4:00-5:30 p.m. Entering K-7 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. $35 per week per camper Before & After Care Cost: $60 per week per camper Instructors: Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson Location: G1 Extended Day Options There are two extended day options for campers who need to arrive earlier or stay later than regular camp hours. Emphasis is on supervised, recreational, and creative activities. Before care: 9:00 a.m.- Noon Grades: Entering K-7 Cost: $50 per camper per week After care: Grades: Cost: Instructors: Location: Noon-4:00 p.m. Entering K-7 $70 per camper per week Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson G1 Competitive Dance Classes Dance classes will be available for children entering fourth through twelfth grade. Please contact Mrs. Cusack, [email protected] for dates, times, and cost. 4 Lower School (Ages 3-5th grade) Musical Theatre Join this fun-filled two weeks of learning about musical theatre! Each day students will be exposed to different aspects, such as acting, singing, movement, and dance. The students will perform an ensemble to showcase their work on the last day of class. Grades: Entering 1-5 Camp Date: July 20-31 Time: Noon-4:00 p.m. Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Noelle Laufer & Allison Czach Room: Theatre Kinder Prep This camp reviews basic academics for Kindergarten. Students will work on letter recognition, sound, and writing skills. Shapes, colors, and numbers are a focus, as well as name writing and the beginner stages of reading. This is a great way for your child to build more confidence before starting Kindergarten. Grade: Entering Kindergarten Camp Date: July 27-31 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Kelli Freeman Room: E3 Shh…Just Listen This camp is designed to reinforce listening, writing, and oral reading skills in a fun and exciting environment. Having a hard time following directions and staying focused? This camp will help. Grades: Entering K-1 Camp Date: July 20-24 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Paige Whitson Room: E2 5 Let’s Hear Your Roar Come join the fun as we discover the world of dinosaurs! We’ll visit the Dino Lab and see dinosaurs in their habitat and learn about when they lived, what they ate and why they disappeared - or did they? We’ll dig up skeletons, make fossils, play dinosaur games, sing dinosaur songs, make dinosaur snacks, and even visit the paleontology museum! Grades: Entering K-2 Camp Date: June 22-26 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Allison Czach Room: A1 Project Imagination This camp allows students to read/listen to stories, then create a character or scene from the story using a variety of different tools. Imagination is key in this class. Come explore your imagination with us. Grades: Entering 3-4 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: Theatre Passport to a Spanish-Speaking World Come explore the worlds of Spanish and Hispanic art, literature and music! Each day we will focus on a different artist, author or poet, and musician. Not only will we view art, read literature, and listen to music, but we will try our hand at creating art, poetry, and music. We will learn new vocabulary in Spanish (names of the musical instruments) along the way. Grades: Entering 4-5 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Beth McCarty Room: C2 6 Preschool Summer Fun This is a weekly camp that will have a different theme each week. During the weeks of the summer, campers will be exposed to Bible lessons and academics. From arts and crafts to outside water play, this is a guaranteed great time for all. Ages: 3-4 Camp Dates: June 1-5 Session 1 (Paige Whitson) June 8-12 Session 2 (Paige Whitson) June 15-19 Session 3 (Tammy Knight) June 22-26 Session 4 (Paige Whitson) July 6-10 Session 5 (Allison Czach) July 20-24 Session 6 (Tammy Knight) July 27-31 Session 7 (Frannie Hicks) Time: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Cost: $175 per week if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 per week if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructors: Allison Czach, Paige Whitson, Frannie Hicks and Tammy Knight Room: ECLP 3 Jump Start First Grade Spend a fun week with your first grade classmates getting acquainted with one another while playing games! You will brush up on oral reading skills, handwriting, and arithmetic to be ready for the first day of school. This camp is full of surprises to give you a jump-start to first grade! Grade: Entering 1 Camp Date: July 27-31 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Kim Chapa Room: B1 7 What on Earth Explore what’s on and in the earth’s crust. Dig up worms, make and take home your very own worm farm. Start a collection of cool rocks, minerals, and gemstones as we learn how to sift for rocks. Make a volcano - it is up to you how high it will erupt. Dig for fossils and help uncover a dinosaur skeleton. Learn about the awesome force of water and make a model village, which will then be struck by a tsunami! Grade: Entering 1-5 Camp Date: June 8-12 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Erica Maw & Emily Mitchell Room: C4 Cursive Handwriting Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School begins cursive writing instruction in the first grade, and all written work from the second year forward must be prepared in cursive. This camp provides cursive writing instruction for new students who have had little or no previous instruction in cursive, and also for currently enrolled students who wish to improve their handwriting. All new STE students entering second and third grades this August are required to attend. Grades: Entering 2-3 Camp Date: July 27-31 Time: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Cost: $125 if registered by April 10, 2015 $135 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Kim Chapa Room: B1 Pirates & Mermaids Our first of two imagination vacations will take place on the Isle of Saint Thomas’. Join us for a week-long treasure trove of fun with pirates, mermaids and adventure seeking explorers. We will perfect our pirate moves, whip up some mermaid munchies, play island games, and meet new friends. Ages: 4-6 Camp Date: June 8-12 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Kelli Freeman Room: E3 8 The Beauty of Chemistry In this camp, campers will learn to make their own lotions, lip balm, soaps, bath salts, and much more. Each camper will package, label, and name their very own creations, in addition to creating their own recipe books with each of their items listed. Grades: Entering 1-3 Camp Date: June 8-12 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Frannie Hicks Room: D2 Seven Wonders of the World Did you know there are more than seven wonders of the world? Seven wonders of the ancient world, the medieval world, the modern world etc. Come join us to study the wonders of our world and discover them with your own eyes. Grades: Entering 2-5 Camp Date: June 22-26 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: A2 Castles & Kingdoms Explore a week in the kingdom of Saint Thomas’ where knights and dragons, fairies and princesses abide. This imagination vacation will offer art, crafts, cooking, dress-ups, games, music, story times, and royal snacks. Ages: 4-6 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Kathlene Rothkop Room: E3 9 Learn to Type Have you ever noticed another person’s incredible ability to type at the speed of light while maintaining accuracy? Now is your chance to be that person! With helpful computer programs and one-on-one teacher assistance, this camp will help get you on your way to becoming the best typist you can be. Grades: Entering 5-6 Camp Date: June 1-5 Session 1 July 20-24 Session 2 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Rebecca Stewart Room: 104 Cooking with Colors Campers will participate in a variety of simple, hands-on cooking lessons. Each day campers will enjoy food and cooking activities to correspond to a color, with emphasis on healthy eating habits and the 5 food groups. Campers will also learn about kitchen safety and cleanliness. Ages: 4-6 Camp Date: June 1-5 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Frannie Hicks Room: ECLP 4 Reading Between the Lines This camp is designed to boost phonics skills and increase reading readiness in a fun atmosphere. This is ideal for those just learning to read and also for those who are already reading. Join us for a week of fun-filled activities to improve your skills for the upcoming school year. Grades: Entering 1-2 Camp Date: June 1-5 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: A1 10 Explorer’s LEGO® WeDO Sets This camp, for the younger engineers, will coach the campers on ways to build structures, the different ways the parts work together, and allow each camper “free” building time to create their own constructions. Grades: Entering 3-4 Camp Date: June 1-5 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Brenda Lary Room: 105 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Join us for this fun-filled week of girls being girls and having fun. Campers will participate in a variety of crafts and activities that will encourage teamwork and individual independence, such as making tie dye shirts, beading suncatchers, and other fun and girly-girl items. We will dance, sing, and laugh together in this activity filled camp. Don’t miss out on all the fun! Grades: Entering 1-3 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: B1 Beginning Engineers LEGO® WeDo Sets The next level campers will use the WeDo parts to construct a variety of functional structures from a plan that unfolds through a series of pictures. This level is best suited for children who are advanced in their ability to focus on a long term goal, can persist when challenged, and follow through with a plan. Grades: Entering 4-5 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Brenda Lary Room: 105 11 NXT Explorers Campers will build the REM bot (learning construction techniques), attach sensors, and learn the graphical version of Labview software to start programming their robot to perform missions. Grades: Entering 5-6 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Brenda Lary Room: 105 Super Science Exploration Join us for fun science experiments and activities! While completing a daily science experiment, students will also sharpen skills such as oral reading, reading comprehension, math, and handwriting. Grades: Entering 2-3 Camp Date: July 20-24 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: A1 Grammar - Math Camp The math portion of this camp will cover number sense, fact games, fractions, and logic. The grammar portion will cover parts of speech, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, and diagramming. There will be light homework. Grades: Entering 4-5 Camp Date: July 21-August 1 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 for one week $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 for one week Instructor: Pam Copeland Room: F3 12 Fun with Ceramics Express yourself in three dimensions by creating pieces in ceramic clay. Campers will master the additive and subtractive methods of sculpting while building 3-dimensional art pieces and gain the skills to focus on contextual clues in which art is created, contextual clues in which manner and setting are experienced in art, and the functions and purposes of art. Grades: Entering 5 Camp Date: June 15-22 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Diane Arrington Room: 108 Cross Your T and Dot Your I-Cursive Writing Refresher Are you struggling with capital S or G? How are your m & n’s? What about T’s and F’s? Did you know that longhand script has many advantages? It develops fine motor skills, reinforces learning, helps students with disabilities, is faster than printing, is a form of art, and connects students to the past; which is a requirement for STE students. Practice makes perfect! Let’s work together on improving our penmanship. Grades: Entering 4-5 Camp Date: August 3-7 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Dawn Durain Room: C3 Origami-Art of Paper Folding Come and learn to play with “shapes” with just a piece of paper! We will explore how it can become so many fun things--animals, flowers, boats, fans, trinket boxes, bookmarks, and more. Even a dollar bill can become a heart. Grades: Entering 3-5 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Annie Lee Room: A2 13 Middle School (Grades 6-8) Musical Theatre Join this fun-filled two weeks of learning about musical theatre! Each day students will be exposed to different aspects, such as acting, singing, movement, and dance. Students will perform an ensemble to showcase their work on the last day of class. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: July 20-31 Time: Noon-4:00 p.m. Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Noelle Laufer & Allison Czach Room: Theatre Study Skills & Reading Workshop This camp is designed to help students entering sixth through eighth grade improve their study habits and reading comprehension through fun, interactive activities that will put skills into practice. The study skills component will focus on areas of keyboarding, organization, time management, goal setting, note taking, and test preparation. The reading component of the curriculum is designed to produce independent learners by teaching students to think clearly, perceptively, and critically while focusing on writing mechanics and reading comprehension concepts. The program as a whole will help to improve student abilities as learners and is geared for all skill levels. The lessons learned will apply to all parts of the academic environment in the middle school. Join us for an action-packed, fun week of skill development! Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 22-26 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Charles Gramatges & Mari Low Room: C2 & D1 14 Photography & Graphic Design This camp introduces students to the basics of using a digital camera (DSLR), as well as the ability to digitally enhance photos using computer software (Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Lightroom). The main objective of the course will be to create a small portfolio of pictures using the skills acquired during the camp. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 1-5 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Justyna Brewczyk Room: G4/Yearbook Room NXT Explorers Campers will build the REM bot (learning construction techniques), attach sensors, and learn the graphical version of Labview software to start programming their robot to perform missions. Grades: Entering 5-6 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Brenda Lary Room: 105 Frog Guts This camp is designed to expose students to proper dissection procedures and allow them to have a fun, hands-on science experience. Students will learn appropriate dissection terminology, safety, and procedures. As an introductory practice, participants will dissect earthworms. Subsequently, stuents will conduct an extensive dissection of a grass frog specimen, identify organs and structures, and learn how these structures function. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 1-5 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Erica Maw Room: C4 15 Passport to a Spanish-Speaking World Come explore the worlds of Spanish and Hispanic art, literature and music! Each day we will focus on a different artist, author or poet, and musician. Not only will we view art, read literature, and listen to music, but we will try our hand at creating art, poetry, and music. We will learn new vocabulary in Spanish (names of the musical instruments) along the way. Grades: Entering 6 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Beth McCarty Room: C2 Babysitter’s Bootcamp The Babysitter’s Boot Camp is a week long course designed for young adults ages 12 and older who are interested in babysitting for friends, family and neighbors. Campers will learn the basics of childcare including, feeding, diapering, choosing age-appropriate games and toys and handling behavior problems. Red Cross Babysitting Handbook, CPR and First Aid certifications will be included. Grades: Entering 7-8 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Allison Czach & Frannie Hicks Room: Ingram Room Cross Your T and Dot Your I-Cursive Writing Refresher Are you struggling with capital S or G? How are your m & n’s? What about T’s and F’s? Did you know that longhand script has many advantages? It develops fine motor skills, reinforces learning, helps students with disabilities, is faster than printing, is a form of art, and connects students to the past; which is a requirement for STE students. Practice makes perfect! Let’s work together on improving our penmanship. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: August 3-7 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Dawn Durain Room: C3 16 Love Does What does “Love Does” mean to you? As a group, we will examine ways to subtly spread God’s love to those around us. We will discuss and study the stories found in Love Does by Bob Goff. Students will study scripture and participate in a devotional based off of the story Love Does. Let’s examine ways to love, respect, and honor those around us just as our Lord has done for us! Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 22-26 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Emily Mitchell Room: C3 Gaming 3.0 Interested in playing some games? Looking for a new, dynamic challenge? In Gaming 3.0, gamers will unplug from television and work face-to-face to achieve team-based goals, vanquish evil, and save the planet. We will play games such as: Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Pandemic, Terra Mystica, Settlers of Catan, and more! Each of these games requires groups to work together to come up with a solution to intricate puzzles. Join in exhilarating, science fiction fantasy environments as we escape dungeons, cure epidemics, and beat the clock to achieve our goals. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Charlie Gramatges Room: D1 Math Mania Students will explore percent, proportions, probability, and integers through fun and games. Join us as we develop and strengthen your understanding of these essential math skills. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to get a leg up on middle school math! Grade: Entering 6 Camp Dates: July 7-11 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Sara Miller Room: C2 17 Eco-Friendly Art This camp will encourage students to be creative and eco-friendly. All projects and crafts will be completed with recyclable, reusable, household materials. Think green! Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: July 6-10 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Erica Maw Room: C4 Fun with Ceramics Express yourself in three dimensions by creating pieces in ceramic clay. Campers will master the additive and subtractive methods of sculpting while building 3-dimensional art pieces and gain the skills to focus on contextual clues in which art is created, contextual clues in which manner and setting are experienced in art, and the functions and purposes of art. Grades: Entering 6-8 Camp Date: June 15-22 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Diane Arrington Room: 108 Upper School (Grades 9-12) Musical Theatre Join this fun-filled two weeks of learning about musical theatre! Each day students will be exposed to different aspects, such as acting, singing, movement, and dance. The students will perform an ensemble to showcase their work on the last day of class. Grades: Entering 9-12 Camp Date: July 20-31 Time: Noon-4:00 p.m. Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Noelle Laufer & Allison Czach Room: Theatre 18 Refresher Bridge to Spanish II This camp will help students review Spanish I and prepare them for the high school credit course, Spanish II A/B, beginning in August 2015. The main focus will be to review irregular verbs and grammar needed to be successful in high school Spanish, but we will also review important vocabulary. Grades: Entering 9-12 Camp Date: August 3-7 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Beth McCarty Room: 104 Algebra I This camp is mandatory for STE students with a D average or lower from eighth grade algebra. It is also open to students who would like additional review of Algebra I. Topics include: variables, functions, rational numbers, linear equations, exponents, etc. Students who improve their grade from eighth grade may receive credit. This camp may not be taken instead of Algebra I during the school year. Grades: Entering 9 Camp Date: June 1-July 17 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon (5 weeks) Noon-3:00 p.m. (last week only) Cost: $885 if registered by April 10, 2015 $895 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Rodney Ferguson & Adagena Balaban Room: C1 Grammar Booster This grammar camp is for returning STE students entering ninth through twelfth grade who need additional review. The camp covers the eight parts of speech, sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, proper word usage, and diagramming. STE students only. Mandatory for returning students who fail the Grammar Booster Test. Grades: Entering 9-12 Camp Dates: June 22-26 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by May 8, 2015 $185 if registered after May 8, 2015 Instructor: Elizabeth Schwartz Room: 106 19 Intensive Reading This camp is for STE students who did not pass one or more required reading tests. Homework will be assigned and must be completed. After successfully completing the course, students will receive credit for up to two required reading books. Grades: Entering 10-12 Camp Date: June 8-12 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 if registered by April 10, 2015 $185 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Marcel Widzisz Room: 103 Fun with Ceramics Express yourself in three dimensions by creating pieces in ceramic clay. Campers will master the additive and subtractive methods of sculpting while building 3-dimensional art pieces and gain the skills to focus on contextual clues in which art is created, contextual clues in which manner and setting are experienced in art, and the functions and purposes of art. Grades: Entering 9-12 Camp Date: June 15-22 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $335 if registered by April 10, 2015 $345 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Diane Arrington Room: 108 Babysitter’s Bootcamp The Babysitter’s Boot Camp is a week long course designed for young adults ages 14 and older who are interested in babysitting for friends, family and neighbors. Campers will learn the basics of childcare including, feeding, diapering, choosing age-appropriate games and toys and handling behavior problems. Red Cross Babysitting Handbook, CPR and First Aid certifications will be included. Grades: Entering 9-12 Camp Date: June 15-19 Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Cost: $185 if registered by April 10, 2015 $195 if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructor: Allison Czach & Frannie Hicks Room: Ingram Room 20 Athletics Before & After Care Before Care Grades: Entering K-7 Time: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Cost: $35 per week per camper After Care Grades: Time: Cost: Entering K-7 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. $35 per week per camper Before & After Care Cost: $60 per week per camper Instructors: Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson Location: G1 Extended Day Options There are two extended day options for campers who need to arrive earlier or stay later than regular camp hours. Emphasis is on supervised, recreational, and creative activities. Before care: 9:00 a.m.-Noon Grades: Entering K-7 Cost: $50 per camper per week After care: Grades: Cost: Instructors: Location: Noon-4:00 p.m. Entering K-7 $70 per camper per week Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson G1 21 Lower School (K-Grade 5) Soccer Camp This camp is designed to teach the basics to those wanting to learn more about soccer. It is also for those who would like to improve their skills. Grades: Ages 5-9, 10+ Camp Dates: June 22-26 Session 1 July 20-24 Session 2 Camp Days: Monday-Friday Time: 9:00-10:30 a.m., Ages 5-9 10:30 a.m.-Noon, Ages 10+ Cost: $175 Coach: Kenneth Hoerner Location: STE Soccer Field Middle School (Grades 6-8) Soccer Camp This camp is designed to teach the basics to those wanting to learn more about soccer. It is also for those who would like to improve their skills. Grades: Ages 10+ Camp Dates: June 22-26 Session 1 July 20-24 Session 2 Camp Days: Monday-Friday Time: 10:30 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 Coach: Kenneth Hoerner Location: STE Soccer Field Upper School (Grades 9-12) Soccer Camp This camp is designed to teach the basics to those wanting to learn more about soccer. It is also for those who would like to improve their skills. Grades: Ages 14+ Camp Dates: June 22-26 Session 1 July 20-24 Session 2 Camp Days: Monday-Friday Time: 10:30 a.m.-Noon Cost: $175 Coach: Kenneth Hoerner Location: STE Soccer Field 22 Daycations Before & After Care Before Care Time: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Cost: $35 per week per camper After Care Time: Cost: 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. $35 per week per camper Before & After Care Cost: $60 per week per camper Instructors: Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson Location: G1 Daycations This is a fun-filled camp for children entering grades K-sixth. Each morning will start with a welcoming that will consist of high-energy activities and small group enrichment. Campers will participate in a variety of handson interactive learning such as cooking, sports, painting, science, arts and crafts, swimming, and team building activities. Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Camp Dates: June 1-5 Session 1 June 8-12 Session 2 June 15-21 Session 3 June 22-26 Session 4 July 6-10 Session 5 July 20-24 Session 6 July 27-31 Session 7 Cost: $150 per week per camper if registered by April 10, 2015 $160 per week per camper if registered after April 10, 2015 Instructors: Allison Czach, Tiffini Levingston, Frannie Hicks and Paige Whitson Location: G1 23 About STE The Radiant Summer program is one of many outstanding programs at Saint Thomas’ Episcopal Church & School. Since 1955, forming honorable men and women through a classical education grounded in a Christ-centered world view. Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School offers excellent educational opportunities for Kindergarten through grade 12, as well as an Early Childhood Learning Program (ECLP) for preschool children. To learn more about the school or the many other programs offered by Saint Thomas’ Episcopal Church, please call our office. 713.666.3111 Fax: 713.668.3887 [email protected] 24 St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church 4900 Jackwood Houston, TX 77096 s m a r g o r P r e m m Su 2015 713.666.3111 • • 4900 Jackwood • Houston 77096
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