Fr. Norman Schwartz Bulletin 5th Sunday Ordinary Time How often do our lives seem like that of Job in today’s first reading? We all know the experience of that night dragging on and experiencing that “restlessness until the dawn,” while trying to cope with a death of a loved one, an illness in the family or any other of countless situations that we find ourselves in. In these times of hardship and pain we very frequently turn our minds to God in prayer and petition as well we should. Many that I have talked to say that it was just in those moments of despair that they had a conversion experience or profound encounter with God. It may be that when we are hurting the most we tend to turn to that power which we believe to be the only hope for us to move on in our lives and the response and consolation from God is there. It says in today’s psalm, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds,” and how we need our emotional and spiritual wounds tended to. There is a story of a woman who experienced this type of encounter with God at one of the lowest points in her life when she experienced several tragedies in a short period of time. Her life was turned around in her spiritual life and she became closer to God than she ever had been in her life. She asked her priest how this could happen during such a time even when she was not seeking anything from God. The priest simply responded, “Sometimes our hardened hearts have to be broken to allow God to enter.” Deacon Bill Watzek FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 1 2015 LENTEN SCHEDULE ASH WEDNESDAY: Wednesday, February 18: 6:45am, 8:15am,9:15am, 12:00 noon, 5:00pm, & Spanish Mass 7:00pm. LIVE STATIONS OF THE CROSS: MONDAY, Mar. 30: at 8:45am, TUESDAY, Mar. 31: at 8:25am & 9:30am in Mercy Center. LENTEN DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: 6:45am, 8:15am and 12 noon in the Church Mon.–Fri., Saturdays 8:15am in the Chapel. COMMUNAL CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: 7:00pm MONDAY, Mar. 23: at St. Joan of Arc Church TUESDAY, Mar. 24: at St. Jude Church. PARISH LENTEN MISSION: Presenter: Fr. Jude M. Krill O.F.M., Conv. Theme: Holiness, A Journey Into Love Preaching at all weekend Masses (except 12:15pm) Feb. 21 & 22, 8:45am & 7pm Presentations on Feb. 23, 24 & 25 in the Church. CONFESSIONS: MONDAY, Mar. 30: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel. TUESDAY, Mar. 31: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00am to 11:30am at SJA Chapel. WEDNESDAY, Apr. 1: After the 6:45am & 8:15am Masses, 11:00 am to 11:30am in the Chapel. Confessions will not be heard after Wed. Apr. 1 at noon to allow for the prayerful observance of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. SPANISH LENTEN VIA CRUCIS & MASS: THURSDAYS; Feb. 26, Mar. 5, Mar. 12, Mar. 19, Mar. 26, at 7pm in the Chapel. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday during Lent in the Chapel at 3:30pm. TENEBRAE SERVICE: Wednesday, Apr. 1: 7:00pm at SJA Church. WORD FROM OUR BISHOP Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for all of your prayers, Masses, support and assistance. They have meant a great deal to me and I am deeply grateful. I had a seven hour surgery and am doing quite well. Again, thank you so much! See you soon and know of my prayers. God bless all of you!! Bishop Barbarito If you would like to send him an email, please send it to [email protected] 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 February 8, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 9, 2015 MONDAY – February 9 6:45am Lila Snyder by Elizabeth Buenaventura Mary McCarthy by Michael & Phyllis Costa 8:15am The Kunz Family by Ed & Celise Johnson Anna DeCapua by John Sparks TUESDAY – February 10 6:45am Nathanal Cedeno by Jackson Messick Jack Brown by Tom Vincent 8:15am Mel Carlough by His Daughters Adrienne Parisi by Antonia Froehlich WEDNESDAY – Febrary 11 6:45am Louise S. Lowe The Walsh Family by The Messick Family 8:15am Mary McCarthy by Diane Tuozzolo Peter Logan by Maureen & Ken Tator THURSDAY – February 12 6:45am Concetta Di Maio Perrone by Your Four Loving Grandsons Francisco Quebral by Antonia Froehlich 8:15am Concetta Di Maio Perrone by Mr. & Mrs. J. Gerardi Janet Rose Ferreri by Mother, Jean Ferreri Mass Intentions Available for 12 noon during Lent Feb 18- April 1 FRIDAY – February 13 6:45am John Delaney by Martha & Tony Nicolli 8:15am Mrs. Mary Galletta by Mr & Mrs. J. Gerardi & Sons Mary Louise Brown McCarthy by Diane & Lou Walewski SATURDAY – February 14 8:15am Olga Salerno by The Lawless & Bariso Families 4:30pm Ann Balian by Cynthia Donnelly The Price & Farrell Families 6:30pm Mrs. Emma Jawhari by The Marciales Family Jose “Pepe” Touzard by The Quellier Family SUNDAY – February 15 7:30am Maria Carlsen by The Sullivan Family Mary McCarthy by Paul & Eleanor Farbanish 9:15am Scott Mangone by The Parents Mary & Wilbur Richards by Daughter, Dorothy Ferron 10:45am Raymond Torricelli by Keith & Fran Maisano Lucile Scaturro by Jim & Karen Keenan 12:15pm Joseph Pietropaolo by The Slaight Family Phyllis Fornabaio by The Slaight Family 5:00pm Joan Castiglione Love, Jan Dymtrow Jean Fisher Love, Jan Dymtrow OUR CELEBRATION OF FAMILY FAITH AND FUN This weekend we have our annual Family Faith and Fun Day. It is an opportunity for us to pay attention to the basic unit of society and church, the family, the “Domestic Church”, the “Church of the Home”. We all were born into and grew up within a family. Our basic sense of personal security and identity was shaped within our family of origin. We learned what it meant to be a human being, how to share, forgive, support and love unselfishly. We also learned the important lessons of working together to make good things happen and to accept and learn even from failure. The bonds of family give us nurturance, security and a sense of belonging. From the religious perspective, family is the first place that we learn the most important truth that we are created and loved by God and have a mission and purpose in this world. Family faith, practiced regularly, becomes a good habit that will support us through life’s triumphs and tragedies. I would like to congratulate all of the families of Saint Joan of Arc for the great work you do to live and pass on our faith. I want, also, to acknowledge the pressures, tensions and difficulties that are also a part of family life. Concerns of finances, job security, health, marital happiness, issues of maturity and aging, child-rearing stresses etc. all require strength and courage. It is with faith, however, that they are manageable and may even be the source of development in character and virtue. It is not easy to be a counter cultural family of faith that believes in the existence of non-material reality and the existence of a loving God. Christian life today has an element of struggle and disconnect with a culture that is non-believing, secularized, and materialistic. But, we also have to celebrate the vitality and endurance of the “Family of Faith” of today and so we come together to support one another and to have fun together. Our “Celebration of Faith and Fun” brings us together for a morning and early afternoon in order to have fun and enjoy God’s great gift of “Play”. We know that without play we tire, lose enthusiasm, creativity and a zest for living. Play gets us out of the world of work, routine, the predictable and the boring. When we play we live in a different world of spontaneity, creativity, freedom and the time out of time that we call “playtime”. As adults we can participate directly and vicariously in the events of “Family, Faith and Fun Day”. But most of all, we are filled with joy as we see our children with painted faces, engrossed in “musical chairs” or the “ring toss” or a slide down the Titanic beached on our athletic field. Family Faith and Fun come together and perfectly complement one another on February 7 in Boca Raton, Florida. Amen, Alleluia! -Msgr. Michael D. McGraw FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 3 Weekly Offertory Collection for January 31/February 1, 2015 totaled $22,354.00. 718 envelope users contributed $17,647.00 and non envelope users contributed $4,707.00. ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appt. only. MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL PLANT Paul Micelli, 561-392-0007 ext. 2850 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 COUNSELING CENTER (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006. Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30am to 4:30pm. 561-215-0208 Sat, 9:00am to 5:30pm Counseling Director Sun. 9 am to 1:30 pm Catholic Charities Diocese Of Palm Beach Boca Raton Office SACRAMENTS St. Joan Of Arc Catholic Church Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: 298 SW 3rd Street, Boca Raton,FL 33432 First Saturday of the month following the COUNSELING CENTER 8:15am Mass. Please call (Private Practice) Pamela Diane Sigda, Ph. D. the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional 561-706-2277 Hospital. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Chinchilla, 561-952-2858 USHERS MINISTRY Javier Palomo 561-445-1782 MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Wesler Hilaire, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 1. 2. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mrs. Caroline Roberts 561-392-7974 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 St. Joan Of Arc Catholic School SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 (Special Projects) WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages 4 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 3. Friday Benediction St. Joan of Arc Chapel Friday, February 13, 2014 Prayer Service and Benediction Father Wesler Hilaire 8:00pm to 9:00pm 29th Annual Interfaith Dialogue Weekend Sitting Down at the Table of Friendship February 19 – 22, 2015 Our Guest Speaker this year is Fr. Bill Burton, O.F.M. Fr. Burton is a Franciscan priest who is an expert on the Bible. He is best known for his website, and Biblicist DVD series which bring the scriptures to life. Doctorate (STD) in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and Licentiate in Sacred Scripture (SSL) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, also in Rome. MED in Higher Education from Loyola University in Chicago. FEBRUARY 20 Our 29th annual Interfaith FRIDAY, All are invited to a Shabbat service at Weekend with Temple Beth El Temple Beth El at 6:00pm. Spaghetti Dinner at Temple Beth El. will celebrate how the simple 7:30pm $15.00 Adult & $10 child. RSVP online at act of sharing a meal is much more than just eating SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 together, but transmits All are invited to attend the 12:15pm at St. Joan of Arc followed by values, principles, and ideals Mass a reception in Our Lady of Mercy Center. and can be a sacramental act. Clergy and choirs from each congregation will participate in the service and Liturgy. Don’t miss sharing this St. Joan of Arc/Temple Beth El tradition, in its 29th year anniversary! FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 5 SJA LENTEN MISSION Koinonia Parish Retreat 2015 This is a spiritually uplifting weekend experience that takes place right here in our parish, while you go home to sleep in the comfort of your own home. REGISTER NOW February 27, 28 & March 1 Please fill out registration form and return to the church office at: St Joan of Arc, 370 SW 3rd Street, Boca Raton, FL 33432. Spaces are limited to the first 36 persons. Retreat fee of $85.00 per person includes all three days. No one will be denied for the lack of funds. For more information contact Tessie O’dea at 561-952-2852 Presenter: Fr. Jude Michael Krill O.F.M. Conv. Holiness: A Journey Into Love To be human is to be holy. We tend to forget, amid all the supernatural happenings found in the Sacred Scripture, that the warmth of human love, the gift of faith, and the blessing of hope are the constantly recurring graces that open our hearts to one another and allow us to share God’s goodness. When, on the evening before his death, Jesus came together with his disciples around the table, he shared the bread and the cup as a sign of friendship and all gathered received love, friendship, and community. The disciples learned that God wants to come close to us, and we are to be holy. All are invited to participate in our Lenten Mission Fr. Krill will be preaching at all Masses on the weekend of February 21 and 22. Lenten talks at 8:45am and Mission at 7:00pm Mon., Feb. 23, Tues., Feb. 24 & Wed., Feb. 25. DON’T MISS THIS MISSION OF SPIRITUAL RENEWAL! 6 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 National Catholic Schools Week January 25 - 31, 2015 During Catholic Schools Week, St. Joan of Arc honors the families who give of their time to assist the school by announcing the Volunteers of the Year. On Monday, January 26, Mrs. Patricia Auger was recognized as the Grandparent of the Year for her daily help in the school’s lunch program. Mrs. Auger has volunteered almost every single day since her grandson, William Lamphear in 6A, came to St. Joan of Arc in first grade. This comes out to almost 1,000 days of volunteering, an amazing commitment! On Wednesday, at the Catholic Schools Week liturgy, Mr. Hugo Nunez and Mrs. Neisy Nunez were honored as the Volunteers of the Year, and their list of service is extensive: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Dad’s Club, the Scout float at the Boca Raton Holiday Parade, Cheerleading Coach, Hispanic Minsitry, the Blessing of the Nativity at Sanborn Square, the Santa Ana Circle, and field trips and work as homeroom parents. Then on Thursday, the second Volunteer of the Year award was given to Mr. George Barlow. Since Mr. Barlow has been a soccer coach for the JV and Varsity boys soccer teams for ten years, it was fitting that he received his award as part of the school’s Field Day program. He has also been instrumental in organizing the Dad’s Club, their dinners, Breakfast for students, and their support and underwriting of the purchase of athletic team uniforms and the school garden. Mr. Barlow has also served as a church lector, volunteered with the Care Ministry, and facilitated the involvement of St. Joan students with Our Father’s House, a local soup kitchen. We congratulate all of our volunteers, especially Mrs. Auger, Mr. Nunez, Mrs. Nunez, and Mr. Barlow, and thank everyone who helps our school and parish with the many fun and helpful events we have throughout the school year. St. Joan of Arc Catholic School recognized some of its top students from the Eighth Grade during a special induction ceremony for the new members of the National Junior Honor Society at the Catholic Schools Week liturgy on Wednesday, January 28. Inducted into the Society were: Courtney Baer, Elisa Carrillo, Taylor-Rose Connors, Chloe Dohler, Davis Elordi, Aliya Himawan, and Eve Williams. Students were chosen by the school’s NJHS Committee based upon five criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. These are students who have shown by their grades, behavior, and the living out of their Catholic faith that they are deserve to be known as the role models for their classmates at St. Joan of Arc. These students are to be congratulated for this achievement and for their continued dedication to their studies and to their Catholic faith. FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 7 WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING AT SAINT JOAN OF ARC? OUR SOCIAL LIFE In addition to being a spiritual community, Saint Joan of Arc is a community that knows how to have FUN! Each year there are many opportunities for our community to celebrate friendships, common interests, special events and charitable gatherings that bond us with one another and are really enjoyable. All of these together express the deep human need that we have to belong and to play. Without the humanizing effects of play, we could really become a dull or boring community that has lost its enthusiasm for life. Too much work and not enough play, has a deadening effect that isn’t Spirit filled, hopeful or life enriching. Our parish is a unique place where fun, community, spirituality and ministry all come together in a joy filled and Christ centered community. At Saint Joan of Arc many of the social activities like the dances, parties, special dinners (Fish Fry), style shows, are designed and organized by parish organizations like: Dad’s Club, Knights of Columbus, Columbiettes, Council of Catholic Women, LIGHT (Young Adults), Alleluia Club. They are always a great time! Many other social activities are the fruit of the imagination and energy of our different ministries: Mommy and Me (Moms together with their babies and young children), Family parties (Pumpkin Carving, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Egg Hunt), EDGE parties, Youth Group fun times, Men’s Spirituality Group (Caroling and Visitation of Nursing Homes) just to name a few. Many spiritual/social activities also provide wonderful experiences of community and faith sharing: Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival, Our Lady of Caridad Festival, Family Faith and Fun Day, International Festival Celebration (smorgasbord celebrating our parish’s wonderful diversity), International Mission of Friendship Annual Spaghetti Dinner supporting our Mission partners (Saturday before Palm Sunday). Every year, in addition, our parish sponsors our Annual Appreciation Dinner (for all involved in volunteerism, March 7), our Annual Gala Auction (To support Church and School), our Annual Parish Mission (Growing in Faith together) and our Koinonia Parish Retreat (a powerful spiritual and community experience). If you are a little overwhelmed by the possibilities for social and community interaction and fun, please stop and rest for a while after the Sunday 10:45 Mass for coffee and donuts (Coffee and Donut Ministry ) or try a quiet cup of coffee and biscotti outside of the Gift Shop in our “Holy Cafe”. Remember that true “faith in action” involves the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Here at Saint Joan of Arc that is the vision that we seek to make a reality together. 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 From The Director of Marriage Ministry Aaron John Snyder and Sarah Elizabeth Dickson Aaron was welcomed in to our Catholic Faith on 12/02/2012 at Our Lady of Hope in Port Orange, FL. Sarah was baptized on 3/18/1990 in St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church. Aaron and Sarah were united in Marriage here in St. Joan of Arc on 06/22/2013. One year later, their desire for service and their strong faith led them to begin a much needed ministry here at St. Joan of Arc. As Young Catholic Adults they realized that in order to grow in their faith and give support to each other the Young Adult Ministries needed to be rekindled. Our “Light Ministry” now has many members. They meet every Monday at “the Ark House” and the Ministry continues to strengthen every day. Aaron and Sarah’s faith is visible to those whom they meet. Their love is contagious and their service has started to play a vital role in our Parish. This is just the beginning of a life of ministry and service for two wonderful young adults whose married life began here at St. Joan of Arc. FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 9 10 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 SUNDAY SESSION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 9:00 A.M. TO 10:15 A.M. WEDNESDAY SESSION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 4:45 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Religious Education is Halfway Through It’s truly amazing how times flies. It feels it was only yesterday we welcomed the smiling, excited faces Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. of our Religious Education Students back in September. Now we only have three more months to go! Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Things are really picking up speed in these last three months, We just had Family Faith Fun Day and Fridays: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lent is just behind it, parent meetings and preparations for First Communion are knocking at the Sundays: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. calendar door. Yes, it’s going to be a pretty hectic ride from now “till May, but I assure you it will be a And by appointment fun and worthwhile one. I ask the parents to dust off your Religious Education Calendar booklet to catch up on upcoming dates. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Here is a preview Wednesday Religious Education Classes: Feb. 18- ASH WEDNESDAY- the students in Wednesday Session will go to Ash Wednesday Mass at February 11th - Classes 5:00p.m. Students of the Sunday session are also invited to come. And as usual Parents are VERY welcome. Homeschool Feb. 25 and March 1- Students in grades 3 to 8 of both Sunday and Wednesday Sessions will have Next Family Catechesis (Homeschool) Sessions: the opportunity of going to Confession to get ready for the Lenten Season. Sunday, February 8th Wednesday, February 11th Because of Spring Break and Holy Week special days we will have a long break in Religious Ed. Check your calendar for those dates. Baptismal Preparation Class for 2015 March 7 – First Communion Retreat for the second graders preparing for First Communion. March 5th March 28- First Reconciliation Day. April 9th As you see it will be busy these next couple of months. Parents, please make note of the important May 7th dates in your calendars. While I understand life is busy for families today I assure you these dates are June 4th necessary and will help the whole family in growing in love of God and faith. July 9th Please register with main Parish Office to attend I also want to remind parents that as First Communion day gets closer we will need to test the children in their knowledge of the basic prayers and catechism topics. Please, pray with your children at home. It the class. will be the best way for them to learn their prayers. Lastly, I would like to welcome some late registrations we’ve had lately, several families have moved to RCIA NEWS our area and are registering their children in the religious education program. That is GREAT news. Our RCIA group is getting ready for the Rite of I do want to remind everyone though that at this point of time we cannot accept any new students in Sending and Election on February 22, 2015. The Rite of Sending will take place during the 9:15am the Sacramental program. New students are more than welcome in our regular catechism classes. Religious Education Office Hours: Mass. Catechumens and Candidates will be sign their names in the Book of Elect and sent by the Parish to the Cathedral for the Rite of Election with the Bishop. At the Cathedral they will join hundreds of other Catechumens and Candidates around the Diocese to be presented to the Bishop and elected to the final stage of the RCIA process. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CATECHUMENS AND CANDIDATES. AN INVITATION TO WEDNESDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PARENTS Parents of students in the Wednesday Session of Religious Education are invited to come and reflect on your faith with Sr. Ellen Murphy, RSM. While your children are in religion classes, come and share with other parents. There will be prayer, faith discussions, videos, Bible study and much more. Don’t miss it! What: One Lord, One Faith Catholic Faith Program When: Wednesdays, 4:45PM - 5:45 PM, during Religious Education classes Where: Conference Room B FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 11 PRAY THE ROSARY- 6:15am in the Chapel, to pray for our Pope, Bishop, Priests, Deacons, and Religious, and for vocations. Join us every morning after the 8:15am Mass in the Chapel to pray to end abortion. AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) - Saturdays at 10am in Immaculata Center, Mondays,7:00pm, Art Room, and Wednesdays at 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. AL - ANON/ALA TEEN - Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays,10am in Immaculata Center. ST. JOAN OF ARC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS- We are a part of this great dynamic Catholic International Organization. Call Bob Vetto, G.K.: 561-716-6070. ST. JOAN OF ARC COLUMBIETTES- Please join us as United We Stand to embark on this fresh new year in building a strong bond in our parish. For details call Mary Lou Hotchkiss at 561-362-5952. MOMMY & ME- Weekly get together every Tuesday between 10:00am and 1:00pm. Come and go as you please.Please contact Amanda Roccapriore at 561-859-8684 or [email protected] for information. SCRIPTURE STUDY- Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 10:30 am. in Conf. Room B. Thursday Morning Scripture Study 9:00am at the Casa Hispana. (corner of 3rd ave & 4th St.) SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY- Join us to pray the rosary at the Planned Parenthood site at 8177 Glades Rd., West Boca. We meet in front of the shopping center at 9:45am on Fridays. For information call Terri at 561-901-7312 KOINONIA- Our Annual parish Retreat, a spiritually uplifting weekend experience that takes place in our Parish Grounds. More information please contact Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 P.O.P.S. (Parents of Prayer & Service)- Meet every Thursday during the school year, 7:45am to 8:15am in the Convent Chapel. Please join us. ALLELUIA CLUB IS A MEETING OF PARISHIONERS 50 + More information please call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 SHARED CARE- Each Wednesday at Temple Beth El, 9:30am to 2:30pm. For more info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. NA (Narcotics Anonymous)- Meets at St. Joan of Arc Fridays at 7 pm, in Immaculata Center. More information call: 561-276-4581. UPGRADE YOUR CLOSET! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC USHERS WANT YOU!!! Are you tired of your wardrobe and deciding what to wear to Mass each week? Let us dress you! Call Javier Palermo at 561-445-1782 or Dennis Jordan at 561-395-8329. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT- Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. KNIT/CROCHET SOCIAL- Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am in the at the Casa Hispana (corner of 3rd Ave and 4 th St.). Beginners to experts are needed to make prayer shawls and projects for preemies, kids and our troops. Call Claire at 445-4802 or Dottie at 395-2681 for more information. SJA DAD’S CLUB- Every Monday in Mercy Center at Drop off - 7:45am. All dads in the Parish welcome. THE MEN’S MINISTRY- We meet Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm at The Ark. ALL men of the Parish are most welcome. For information please call Paul Paschke at 561-392-2476. SJA SCHOOL ALUMNI- We invite you to register on our St. Joan of Arc website as an alumnus if you haven’t already done so at [email protected] WOMAN OF GRACE- Find your purpose... feed your soul. Embark upon a 10-week Journey of Discovery and Transformation that is life-changing! For details contact, Tessie O’Dea 561-952-2852 or Martha Nicolli at [email protected] THE SJA PUBLIC ADVOCACY COMMITTEE- is requesting the current members and any other parishioners who wish to join, to send their email/phone number (whichever you wish) to Joseph Kabbas, Chairman of Public Advocacy at [email protected]; phone 561-299-8921; fax 561-362-7134 SUNDAY TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND- Each week at 9:00am on Estrella network. Mass for the Homebound can be seen. For a copy of the Sunday Missal, call the Diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY- Call us if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the elderly & infirmed Parishioners. 561-392-0007. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT- Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW)- St. Ana Circle 4th Wednesday at 8am, St. Clare Circle 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. St. Elizabeth Circle 2nd Tuesday at 8am-9:30am at Casa Hispana, Sts Martha & Mary Circle 3rd Thursday at 7pm. St. Monica Circle 4th Monday at 2pm. St. Therese of Lisieux 3rd Tuesday at 8am. Please join us, make new friends, as we are Women Making a difference. For more information call 561-392-0007 Ext. 8104. The LIGHT’s Young Adults Social Event Salsa Evening at Uncle Julio’s Resturaunt (449 Plaza Real Boca Raton, FL 33432) Monday, February 9,2015 Mommy & Me Alleluia Bingo Sunday, February 8th at 1:30 PM in Mercy Center. Come join us for lots of fun! Call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 for any questions. Feb 9th-Sky Zone Trampoline Park 1834 SW 2 Street, Pompano Beach, FL Toddler Time is from 10 AM-12 PM $10 per child plus $2 special socks Feb 16th-The ARK Please contact Amanda Roccapriore Herrera at 561-859-8684 for more details FR. RANDALL’S BOOK CLUB 2015 Praise & Worship Feb 17: My Antonia, Books 3-5; the use of paradox Meetings will be held in the Ministry building in Conference Room B from 3:00pm-4:30pm Join our SJA Youth Choir Sunday, February 8 immediately following the 5pm Mass in the Church. 12 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 Alva, José Avalos, Zuany Barone, Lydia Beucher, Joe Braithwaite, Richard Busanni, Arturo Cacace, Vincent Cassani, Angela Conaghan, Patrick Cuccolo, Anthony Cwalinski, Saxon Danaher, Johanna Desmarais, Clovis De Opina, Argenida Martinez De La Quintana, Carmen De La Torre, Eugenia Dillevig, (Baker) Patricia Espinoza, Milagros Evans, Richard Farrell, Helene Feerguson-Byrne,Ashley Ferguson, John Feliz, Mary Fisher, Harry Formica, Robert Gesner, Carmella Golden, Dorothy Gomez, Umbelina Gonsalves, Pat Gulisano, Jean Hamilton, Bob Hamilton, Ashley Horn, Amy FEBRUARY Holmes, Mary Hughes, Barry Jacobs, Katherine Kabbas, Diane Kassing, Robert Kenny, Pauline M. Kenney, Brigid Kenney, Robert Kenney, Eileen Kick, Debbie Kolcun, Laverne Kolesar,Donald Krasne, Mary Rose Krzewnski, Roy LaHoma, Cloeren Lugo, Miguel Lupo, Ana Lynn, Adele Mahoney, Suzanne Maloney, Jim Manno, Jean Manno, Angela Margolis, Robert Marquiles, Ricardo Miller, Betty Muriel McCarthy, Suzanne McCormick, John Nguyen, Christopher Nofi, Dianne Pelles, Angelica Petito, Joseph Pearson, Linda Petho, Ellen Preble, Happy Pinto, Kevin Pfistner, Paul Ridge, Teresa Rishoff, Gertrude Rishoff, Walter Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez Mary Ann Sagaria, Joyce Takacs, Linda Theriaule, Roberta Thorson,Kim Tousignant, Helen Tremblay, Stephan Vathauer,Theresa Vizcaino, Raquel Williams, Shirley Woolley, Bill Word, Charlotte Yacona, Lenny Yee, James Zimmerman, Shirley WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? February 8: In loving memory of Charles “Fran” Giblin by his family. Baptisms We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Benjamin Creed, PVT. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. Djibouti. You can do this to celebrate special dates,(birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). You can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord’s table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement. FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 13 Events at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 2015 1300 US Highway One, North Palm Beach,FL Feb 13-15: Scripture Retreat with Fr. Don Senior, C.P. Cost: $225.00. Registration & deposit required Feb 18: Ash Wednesday; Day of Reflection 10am-2:30pm & Evening of Reflection 6:30pm-9:30pm. Reservations required. $30.00 Discussion group on Building Peace Any parishioners interested in participating for three meetings, once per month, of an inter-racial small group discussion focused on building peace should contact Marjorie O’Sullivan at 561-395-6029. Meetings will be facilitated and conducted in a friendly home setting. Carmelite Workshop Feb 21, 2015 8am-3pm St Jude parish, 21689 Toledo Rd, Boca Raton,FL Presenter: Fr. Jack Welch Topic: The Little Flower and The Mercy of God. Feb 20-22: Charismatic Retreat led by Dr. Carol Razza and team. Cost: $30 and includes lunch Cost: $210.00, Registration & deposit required. For more information please call 561-622-2418 or [email protected] Following in the Footsteps of St. Paul An 11 day tour with Fr. Tom Barrett will visit Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, and Florida State Divine Mercy Conference most meals. October 20-30, 2015. The cost is $3,579 per person. Please Saturday, February 28th, 8:30am to 5pm, in St. Lucie Church’s Fr. Hickey Center, call Fr. Barrett at (561)-622-2565 for a brochure and more information. 290 S.W. Prima Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34983. 31st Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples Speakers include Msgr. Tom Skindeleski, Fr. Richard Champigny, O.Carm., Dr. Bryan Thatcher (Founder and Director of the world-wide Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy); and Robert Allard (Director of Opening Mass at 8:30am, followed by breakfast with talks starting at 10am. Lunch at 1pm. Vigil Mass available at 5:30pm. Free-will offering ($40 suggested). Registration is recommended to insure seating. Call 772-343-9475 for more information. Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will preside at the celebration of our 31st Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, February 14, 2015, at 10:30AM, at Holy Spirit Church in Lantana. Cake, coffee and punch will be served in the parish hall after the Mass. All couples who will be 40 Days for Life Campaign. celebrating 25, 40, or 50 or more years of marriage in the calendar The Respect Life Ministry invites you to participate in year 2015 are invited to participate. the 40 Days for Life campaign of peaceful prayer. We Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) weekend Rekindle and renew your love on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Available date for 2015 is May 1-3. For more info, contact Roberto and Maria Ibarra at Home (954)-972-8129 or via E-mail [email protected] at least two weeks before the weekend. Please use this bulletin for $35.00 off the application fee. 8th World Meeting of Families September 22-27, 2015 Location: Philadelphia Check it out: for more info! 14 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 meet from Ash Wednesday, February 18 until Palm Sunday, March 29 from 7:00am to 6:00pm at “The Presidential Women’s Center”, 100 Northpoint Parkway WPB. Call Shift Leaders Joan: 561-338-3017 or Kathleen: 815-451-2386 for information and direction. Thank you. Women’s Circle 11th Annual Gala of Hope Monday, March 2, 2015. Elegant event at Delray Dunes Golf and Country Club. Jim Sackett, retired anchor for WPTV NewsChannel 5, will be the special guest speaker. Seating is limited. Tickets are $100 in advance. For information, please contact: Women’s Circle, Inc. 912 SE 4th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 or call 561-244-7627 x 105 FAX 561-244-7629 [email protected] FEBRUARY 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 15 Mes de febrero Proclamadores de la Palabra Sábado Sábado Sábado Sábado 7 14 21 28 Nora Acevdo – Paul Mora Rosis Suarez – Maria Lucrecia Lozada Sandra Castro - Luis Cortes Carmen Bruckner – Anibal Lozada Sábado Sábado Sábado Sábado 7 Yanet 14 Cynthia 21 Yanet 28 Cynthia Sábado Sábado Sábado Sábado 7 14 21 28 Liturgia de los Niños Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristia: 16 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • FEBRUARY 8 Maria de los Angeles Angulo y Paula Patino Luis Chavez y Rachel Licciardino Fernando y Jeannette Cordova Nelcy Sua y Rebeca Vera
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