Feb. 8, 2015 – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER We three parishes have an active phone/online prayer line ministry. If you wish to make a prayer request, please phone or email the prayer line ministry coordinator. You need not be a member to request prayer. Your request will then be forwarded to all those who are willing to pray for your intention. Requests do not have to be for parishioners of our three parishes. Prayers may also be requested for relatives/friends living elsewhere. Please phone Irene Kukura (306 332-5752) or email your prayer request to [email protected]. St. John the Baptist Balcarres Our Lady of Sorrows Fort Qu’Appelle PRE-AUTHORIZED WITHDRAWAL AVAILABLE AT OUR LADY OF SORROWS MASSES THIS WEEK Our Lady of Sorrows Parish is now able to offer parishioners an alternative donation method. If you wish, you may sign up for pre-authorized withdrawals directly from your account. Two options are available: a weekly amount which will be withdrawn from your account on Fridays each week, or one nd monthly amount which will be withdrawn from your account on the 2 day of each month. If you would like to take advantage of this convenient donation method, please fill out the form which you will find on the table at the entrance to the church and attach a void cheque, Forms and cheques can either be forwarded to Jean or mailed to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, P.O. Box 518, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0. You will be contacted to confirm that your request has been received and processed. Questions? Call Jean at 306-332-5788. If you would like to utilize the pre-authorized withdrawal and are not able to pick up a form in person, email Jean at [email protected] and one will be emailed to you. Monday, February 9 Mass – Our Lady of Sorrows (Fort) – 9:00 a.m. Parishioners using this method will still find a box of envelopes at the entrance to the church. This enables you to donate to the special collections throughout the year, if you so wish. Wednesday, February 11 Mass – Standing Buffalo – 10:30 a.m. for the peaceful repose Lucy Larocque requested by Don and Shirley Warner Tuesday, February 10 Eucharistic Holy Hour & Mass Our Lady of Sorrows (Fort) – 6:00 p.m. for the peaceful repose Lucy Larocque requested by Don and Shirley Warner for the peaceful repose Lucy Larocque requested by Teresa Sternson Mass – Sacred Heart (Lebret) – 6:00 p.m. MY GENERATION YOUTH RALLY The My Generation Youth Rally invites all students in grades 8-12 to come spend a high energy, funfilled, purpose-filled weekend exploring how God is calling you to make a difference in the world. Come “make a mess” with us! (A GOOD kind of mess). Rally will be held March 21-22, 2015 at Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School in Regina. Cost $50 person/$100/family. (Sponsorship available if needed). To resister or get more info visit www.mygenrally.ca or call Michelle at 306 352-1651 ext. 223 for the peaceful repose Lucy Laroque requested by Jerry and Gwen Salamon Thursday, February 12 Mass – Our Lady of Sorrows (Fort) – 9:00 a.m Friday, February 13 Mass – Our Lady of Sorrows (Fort) – 9:00 a.m Sacred Heart Lebret Rev. Louis Kim Nguyen Box 518, Fort Qu’Appelle S0G 1S0 Phone: 306-332-6030 (Rectory) 306-332-6684 (Office) FAX: 306-332-6830 e-mail: [email protected] SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Half hour before Saturday evening Masses or anytime by appointment. Infant Baptism: Those wishing Baptism for their child, please contact Fr. Louis at least one month prior to Baptism. RCIA: Any adult wishing to be received into the Catholic Church should contact Fr. Louis. Matrimony: Please contact Fr. Louis Nguyen at least 6 months prior the time you would like to be married. Anointing: Please contact Fr. Louis at any time. For anointing of the Sick and other emergencies you may contact Fr. Louis at 306-530-0126. for the peaceful repose Lucy Laroque requested by Teresa O’Connor BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS / E-MAIL Contact Jean at 306-332-5788 (please leave a message) or e-mail [email protected]. You may also leave your information with Fr. Louis. All information must be received no later than Wednesday for insertion the following weekend. If you would like to receive a copy of the bulletin by email, send a message to [email protected] Parish Centre Bookings: Our Lady of Sorrows: Bonnie Breti 306-332-4314 Sacred Heart: Ralph Blondeau 306-332-6566 St. John’s: Gerald Hoffart 306-334-2697 Envelopes or Parish Information: Our Lady of Sorrows: Marie-Anne Gyorfi – 306-336-2506 Sacred Heart: Sandra Williams 306-332-5094 St. John’s: Rick Englot 306-333-4807 Valley Native Ministry Centre: 306-332-6838 Saturday, February 14 Mass - St. John’s (Balcarres) – 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15 Mass – Sacred Heart (Lebret) - 9:00 a.m. Mass - Our Lady of Sorrows (Fort) – 11:00 a.m. For all parishioners QU’APPELLE HOUSE OF PRAYER Phone 306-332-6765 www.qhpstillness.ca Friday, Feb. 13 11:30 am Qu’Appelle Deanery website: www.qdw.ca MINISTRIES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 – 9:00 A.M. SACRED HEART PARISH COUNCIL needs two new members to start in March. It is important for our parish to have as many people as possible involved. We need to include more parishioners to come up with new ideas and to share the tasks to keep our parish active and our church open. Think about joining parish council to help out. Thanks. YOUR OPINION MATTERS: JOIN THE WORLD WIDE DISCUSSION ON THE FAMILY At the conclusion of last year’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Pope Francis decided to make public the Relatio Synodi, the document which concluded the synod’s work. At the same time, the Holy Father indicated that this document would be the Lineamenta (outline) for the next Ordinary General Assembly to take place October 2015. The topic will be The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World. To prepare for the next synod a series of questions are being asked and again, Pope Francis wishes to receive even more feedback from Catholics. We are working with a very tight deadline from the Canadian Catholic Council of Bishops in Ottawa and from Rome. In order to participate in this process, the Archdiocese of Regina will be hosting a Day of Discernment on February 21, 9:00 a.m. at Miller High School in Regina. Representatives have been invited from the deaneries, schools, Catholic organizations, clergy and religious. However, anyone else who is interested in being heard is welcome to contact their deanery representative or attend the meeting themselves provided they register in advance. To attend you must register with Tina Kleisinger ([email protected]) by Friday February 13th. Lunch will be provided and we need to know how many are coming. If you would like to review the Vatican’s Relatio Synodi (document summarizing last year’s Synod) and the questions for this year (Lineamenta) before you attend the Day of Discernment, just click on the following link: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20141209 _lineamenta-xiv-assembly_en.html THE WINTER 2015 EDITION OF THE ARCH WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE: http://archregina.sk.ca/sites/default/files/thearch/pdfissues/Arch%20Winter% 202015.pdf COMING UP IN THE PARISHES Monday, February 9 OLOS Finance Committee Meeting – 7:00 p.m. OLOS Parish Center Wednesday, February 11 Sacred Heart Parish Pastoral Council – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 12 Knights of Columbus Mtg. – 7:00 p.m. – OLOS Parish Center Friday, February 13 Too Good to be Threw - 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Lebret Sunday, February 15 OLOS Movie Sunday – 9:30 a.m. OLOS Parish Center – Everyone welcome! MASS - SACRED HEART, LEBRET Readers: Don Jewitt – Susan Haddad Greeters: Elizabeth Racette Gifts: Shirley & Lonnie Logel Communion Servers: Leah & Mike Schill Erron & Mary Racette, Kathy Reece Counters: Don Jewitt SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 – 11:00 A.M. MASS - OUR LADY OF SORROWS, FORT Host Team: Readers: Greeters: Gifts: Collection: Bread: Cups: Pastoral Care: COME AND ENJOY AN EVENING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! th Tuesday, February 9 and 10th Mark Mallett is a Catholic singer, songwriter, speaker and author who will be in Regina at Resurrection Parish, 3155 Windsor Park Road on Monday, February 9th @ 7:00 pm and Our Lady of Grace Parish in Sedley on Tuesday, February 10th @ 7 pm. A free will offering will be taken up in support of Mark's ministry and family. Mark and his wife Lea have 8 beautiful children one daughter who just got engaged this Christmas and another daughter who has just published a book called the Tree. Lea is planning on coming on tour with Mark and has accompanied him with her lovely voice in the past. Thurs. Feb. 12 - Come join us for another evening of song at Our Lady of Peace. Country Gospel Sing-A-Long Music led by Free Spirit & Friends. Thurs. Feb. 12 @ 7pm. 425 Broad St. N Free Will Offering Refreshments & fellowship to follow. Wheelchair accessible CWL Dale Turgeon – Bonita Breti Teresa Howden – Irene Fritz Ev Chubak – Marlene Pivovar Mary Gorgichuk – Marj Butel Bev Czemeres – Vange Krupski Lucy Koolen Virginia Kobsar – Frances Rumancik Helene Bespalko – Marlene Pivoar Marie Koolen – Delores Palmer VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – OLOS We are in need of individuals or teams of two who would be able to provide pastoral care to our parishioners. If you think you could help out, or would like more information, please contact Delores Palmer. MOVIE SUNDAY AT OLOS February 15, 2015 – 9:30 a.m. We invite everyone, children, parents, parishioners It is wonderful support for those preparing for the sacraments in June. We will be finished just before the Sunday Mass in OLOS. MAILING ADDRESS NEEDED For the parishioner holding envelope number 118 at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. Please call Jean or leave a message at 306-332-5788 to provide your mailing address (box number and community) as well as the correct spelling of your name.
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