Our Lady of Sorrows Church February 8, 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk My Dear People: Advanced Notice: The date has been set to restore Communion under both species – the first Sunday of Lent. Again, we thank Kent Graeve for all the scheduling of Extraordinary Ministers, servers, and lectors, and we thank the three sets of ministers just mentioned for reading the schedules and fulfilling their commitment. Just a reminder, that if one is still concerned about various viruses, there is a complete option to receive only one species. Jesus is completely present under either of the species. At the 6:30 a.m. daily Mass there must be 75 people present, and they are presently spread out over the whole naïve of the church. At the sign of peace, we look at individuals and wave to them. Hand shaking is one way to spread germs, and as long as we are in that season, there is no need for the physical contact, though it does have meaning. The Church has always lived by the goodness of those who volunteer for the religious life or lay state, helping the community in a parish with instructions of the young and, I especially stress, choirs. In this regard: BREAKING NEWS! After 40 years of unmitigated service directing the Folk Group at the 6 p.m. Mass, the two 40 year champs, Ann Hardin and Jenny Sims, have given up the leadership. If you are called or know someone who might be called to take over, please call Ann at 222-7510 or Jenny at 823-0114. MORE BREAKING NEWS! Our Director of Music, Alexandra “Sasha” Naylor, has also decided to leave us. A committee has been formed to search for our new Director of Music/Organist. Sasha has worked tirelessly for OLS for 14 years. She started the Our Lady of Sorrows Day celebration, which we celebrate each September, and her dedication and goodness will be missed. We wish her all the best in her next adventure! I can still hear Bishop Foley’s voice ringing in my ears from his dynamic presentation on the JOY OF THE GOSPEL. There are 20 CDs in the vestibule for the taking and listening. Call the office if we run out. With prayers and blessings, Father Muller Monday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, Feb. 10 Wednesday, Feb. 11 Thursday, Feb. 12 Friday, Feb. 13 Saturday, Feb. 14 Sunday, Feb. 15 Ida Wilker Bee Atkinson Sp. Int. Ashleigh Thornton Special Intention Bee Atkinson Sp. Int. Stephen Bissot Lena Carruba Jake Monte Kate Foster Special Intention Walter Cooney Sp. Int. Caroline Saia Dean Romano, Sr. Joseph J. Milazzo Josephine Sicola Elizabeth Saia Frank D’Agro Donald Taccone People of the Parish William Thomas, IV Special Intention Kathleen Herald, John Schilleci, Eddie Smith, A. J. Carpri, Melanie Smith Gilchrist, Bill Barnes, Jason Barksdale, Lee Maniscalco, Hassell Marcus CHAPEL OF OUR SAVIOR 10:14). For more information, please call Kim Stephens at 823-8886. The Chapel needs permanent Committed Adorers for: Tuesday at 2:00 PM (To Share Hour) Wednesday at 3:00 PM (To Share Hour) Thursday at 1:00 PM (To Share Hour) Friday at 6:00 PM (To Share Hour) Saturday at 5:00 PM Our goal is to have at least 2 people on each hour. These are the hours needed, but do select an hour that best fits your schedule. Please call Mary Claire Brouillette at 871-2909 or Trudy Carpri at 945-0742. “Any time spent before the Eucharistic presence, be it long or short, is the best-spent time of our lives.” (Saint Catherine of Genoa– 1447 to 1510) PSR Family Dinner and Benediction Wednesday, February 11th 6-8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information visit our website at www.ourladyofsorrowspsr.com under the What’s New tab. Everyone is welcome to attend Adult Education: Renew & Rejoice on Sunday, February 22. Our speaker will be Father Paschal Mary Yohe, MFVA. His topic will be Diving into the Our Father. The gathering begins in the Parish Hall at 9:45 a.m. with fellowship and light refreshments. We will not meet on Sunday, February 15. Adult Education and the OLS Knights of Columbus invite everyone to a special evening to enhance the Lenten Season. Diane Penney will present Meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary on Wednesday, February 25. The night begins at 6:45 p.m. in the Parish Hall. It is a multimedia sensory presentation. The 2015 Day of Recollection will be held on Friday, February 27. All ladies of the parish are invited to join the Altar Sodality for a Lenten day of prayer and penance. Benediction will begin at 8:45 a.m. with confessions and the Sacrament of the Sick at 9 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Lunch will be served in the Parish Hall at 11:15 a.m. Our speaker will begin at 12 Noon. An $8 donation is requested to cover the cost of lunch. For reservations contact your Altar Guild Representative, or Angela Cashio (9798989), or Ann Rohling (822-8694) at [email protected]. Children’s Eucharistic Adoration Please join us for Children’s Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, February 11, from 10 – 10:30 a.m. in the church. Children of all ages are welcome, including newborns and infants. This time is a wonderful opportunity to encourage your child’s faith and prayer life while fulfilling Christ’s command to “. . . Let the little children come to me . . .” (Mark The OLS Altar Sodality invites all parishioners to join us as we pray the Rosary on Tuesday, February 10. We will meet at 8:15 a.m. (immediately following the 7:30 Mass). You are encouraged to bring written prayer requests and prayers of thanksgiving. All prayers will be placed in a basket, which will be taken to the Chapel of Our Savior. Children are welcome. We hope that you will come to pray with us. Madonna and Child Guild will meet on Friday, February 13, at 9 a.m. Our speaker will be Kim Stephens and her topic will be Eucharistic Adoration. To reserve your child’s spot in the nursery, contact Chi Ranieri at [email protected]. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Guild will meet on Tuesday, February 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sodality Room. Our Lady of Grace Guild will meet Monday, February 9, in the Sodality Room. Sister Marie Leonard will give a reflective talk entitled “Sparks of the Divine: Gifted by God.” We will also collect magazines and travelsized items for the Centennial Lodge and canned goods for the Catholic Center of Concern. Hostesses will provide appetizers, drinks, and desserts; please bring your own sandwich. All women of the parish are welcome. Call Teresa Flynn at 205-979-2955 for more information. What’s Goin on In High School Youth Group? Feb. 8: Faith Formation at 10 a.m. Youth Mass at 6 p.m. Youth Group, “Spent: A Focus on Tithing” at 7 p.m. Hey, Middle Schoolers! Join us Sunday in the Parish Hall for our youth group EDGE! The night goes from 7-8:30 p.m. and dinner is provided. Visit www.OLSyouth.com for more info! The Elementary Children’s Ministry will meet on Friday, February 20, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. We invite all 1st - 5th graders to join us in celebrating Lent. Dinner will be provided for all participants and their families. Please RSVP with Chi Ranieri at [email protected] or text 9157570. Family Honor, Inc. will present Real Love & Real Life at Our Lady of Sorrows on Saturday, February 28, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Parents and their 7th & 8th graders will have the opportunity to connect and communicate about God’s gift of sexuality, chastity, dating and marriage, fertility appreciation, friendships, and lots more. The deadline for registering is February 14. Space is limited, so register online at www.familyhonor.org. There is no charge for this program. For more information contact Mrs. Anne McMahon (936-9183) at [email protected], or Mrs. Kyle Becher in Huntsville (256-479-5630) at [email protected]. If you are still interested in the trip to Italy with Fr. Jaya, it is not too late to sign up. The trip is scheduled for May 22, through June 1. The last day to sign up is Monday, February 16, with a $500 deposit. The cost for the trip is $3999.00 per person, which includes airfare, and breakfast and dinner each day. You can contact Proximo Travel at 508-340-9370 or 855-842-8001. You can also call Fr. Jaya in the Church Office at 8718121. Looking for a Lenten alms giving opportunity? OLS needs your help! OLS and other parishes are coming together to build a Habitat home in honor of Pope Francis. We are at the “Carpenter” level and OLS has committed $5000 and 25 volunteers to help build this home. The date is Saturday, February 28, from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. No skills required; anyone 14 years old and older can participate, and you can come for as little as 4 hours. To sign up, contact Marc Corsini at [email protected] or 222-4622 or Kent Graeve at [email protected] or 999-3474.
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