FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 1 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status NORTH LESLIE PLANNING AREA IS BOUNDED BY 19TH AVE. TO THE NORTH, HWY. 404 TO THE EAST, ELGIN MILLS RD. TO THE SOUTH, AND BAYVIEW AVE. TO THE WEST. BAYVIEW EAST LANDOWNERS Official Plan Amendment to implement a proposed Secondary Plan for the North Leslie Planning Area bounded by: 19th Avenue to the North; Highway 404 to the East; Elgin Mills Road East to the South; Bayview Avenue to the West. REVISED Secondary Plan Submissin June 9, 2005 in response to the Greenbelt Plan. File Re-Assigned Denis Beaulieu 13 3 Castro Liu D02-03072, D03-03013 11546 LESLIE STREET MAYVON INVESTMENTS LIMITED IN TRUST Request to add the subject lands to the proposed North-Leslie Secondary Plan by redesignating the lands from Rural to Urban including a mix of residential, commercial and Open Space designations. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 11 3 Castro Liu D02-03024, D03-03005 ELGIN MILLS ROAD 1325999 ONTARIO INC. Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and related draft Plan of Subdivision to permit the development of 265 townhouse units. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D06-06026, D02-06014 45 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST AND 53 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST 1338480 ONTARIO LTD. Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval for the following: a) 5-storey high mixed use building with commercial on first two floors and; b) 24 condo apartment units on upper three floors. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 22 3 Castro Liu D02-06015, D06-06027, D12-07164, D12-07314, D12-07315 64 & 72 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST, 115 AND 119 CHURCH STREET SOUTH MULTIPLE REVISED SUBMISSION: Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan approval for: a) one 6-storey building terracing down to 3 storeys (87 units); b) one semi-detached dwelling on Church Street; c) retention of existing single detached dwelling on Church Street, and d) relocation of a single detached dwelling from Major Mackenzie Drive to Church Street. Circulation Status Letter sent Andy Karaiskakis 23 5 Karen Cilevitz Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-00011 D01-02014 D01-03008 D01-06003 D01-06004 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 2 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-07018 11305 YONGE STREET P.A.C.I.F.I.C. INC. REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of revised Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate the construction of a 6-storey commercial office building having a GFA of 6,334.0m2 (68,180.84 ft.2). Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 15 2 Tom Muench D03-06003, D05-06002, D06-06015, D02-08031 10665 BAYVIEW AVENUE SANMIKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Re-Submission - Proposed Official Plan application to permit 4 apartment buildings ranging in height from 8 to 10 storeys, providing for a total of 532 dwellling units and an FSI of 2.15. OMB Hearing Scheduled Denis Beaulieu 19 3 Castro Liu D02-09014, D06-09036 11575 YONGE STREET SKN DEVELOPMENT INC. SECOND RE-CIRCULATION: A request for approval of a 3-storey mixed use building. NOTE: The Applicant has revised their submission and is proposing the relocation of the existing heritage building to the south-end of site and the construction of a 3-storey mixed use building at the north end of the lands. The proposed development is to have a total floor area of 815.8 m2 and an FSI of .65. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Ferdi Toniolo 10 2 Tom Muench D02-10018 13572 & 13586 BAYVIEW AVENUE AZAN HOLDINGS INC. RECIRCULATION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a residential development on the subject lands. The proposal has been revised to reduce the building height from six (6) to four (4) storeys and an increase in apartment units from 46 to 48 units. Circulation Status Letter sent Andy Karaiskakis 2 1 Greg Beros D02-10024, D06-10076 10747 BAYVIEW AVENUE CIM DEVELOPMENT INC. RE-APPLICATIONS: Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed-use development comprised of two 6-storey apartment buildings and 81 4-storey townhouse dwelling units. The proposed development includes a total of 306 dwelling units, 691 parking spaces and approximately 3,003 square metres of commercial floor space along Bayview Avenue. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 19 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-07003 D01-08008 D01-09004 D01-10006 D01-10008 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 3 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-10032, D06-12089 12050 YONGE STREET GOLDEN HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CORP. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a 6-storey mixed use building with 133 apartment units, 617.0 m2 of ground floor retail and a detached 2-storey commercial building with a floor area of 921.4 m2. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 9 4 David West D02-11031, D01-11007, D02-11032 0 ADDISON STREET (YONGE BLOCK) BAIF DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed use, high density development comprised of townhouses and condominium apartment buildings with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes a maximum building height of 31 storeys, a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 4.32, a total of 1560 residential units, and a total of 2249 parking spaces. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Denis Beaulieu 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-11006, D02-11032 0 HOPKINS STREET (MAJOR MACKENZIE BLOCK) BAIF DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed use development comprised of townhouses and a condominium apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Major Mackenzie Drive West. The proposed development includes a maximum height of 9 storeys, a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.63, a total of 421 residential units, and a total of 480 parking spaces. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Denis Beaulieu 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D02-12023, D06-12066 8890 YONGE STREET GREAT LAND (WESTWOOD) INC Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan approval to permit a mixed-use, high density residential development. The proposal is for an 18 storey residential tower on a six storey base building for a total of 24 stories, 257 apartment units, Gross Floor Area of 23,761 square metres (FSI: 4.99), 333 parking spaces and 932 square metres of retail space. Processing Fee Letter Sent Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-10010 D01-11006 D01-11007 D01-12006 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 4 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-12027, D06-12082, D01-12009, D02-12028, D06-12085 8874 YONGE STREET CIMETTA, ANGELO, LOUISE & JOSEPHINE REVISED SUBMISSION: Request for approval of Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application for a mixed use, high-density residential development on the subject lands. The proposal consists of two buildings - an 18 storey tower on a 6 storey podium (total 24 storeys) and a 13 storey tower on a 4 storey podium (17 storeys total). A total of 427 apartment units are proposed with a total GFA of 34,906 square metres, a combined FSI of 5.09, 496 parking spaces. DARC Meeting Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-12008, D02-12027, D06-12082, D02-12028, D06-12085 8874 YONGE STREET CIMETTA, ANGELO, LOUISE & JOSEPHINE REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a 10 storey retirement residence with 180 units. The total GFA is 16,373 sq. m. and the FSI is 1.8. DARC Meeting Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D02-12032, D06-12100 9861 YONGE STREET TWO Z INCORPORATED Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to permit a mid-rise, mixed-use development comprised of an 8-storey terraced apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes 82 residential units, 97 parking spaces and a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 3.46. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 23 5 Karen Cilevitz D02-12041 386, 396, 400 HIGHWAY 7 EAST 1857481 ONTARIO INC. A REVISED request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications to permit a residential development consisting of 88 three storey townhouse units on private roads, having a density of 47 units per hectare (19 units per acre) has been received. Urban Design Review Meeting Deborah Giannetta 27 6 Godwin Chan Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-12008 D01-12009 D01-12011 D01-12012 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 5 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-12042, D06-12122 153 16TH AVENUE AND 370 RED MAPLE ROAD SIGNATURE 153 16TH INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a high density residential development on the subject lands. The applications propose two residential towers 16 and 18 storeys in height and connected by a three storey podium at the second storey of each tower. A total of 396 apt. units are proposed with a combined G.F. A. of 31,045 m2 (334,124 ft.2), an overall F.S.I. of 2.5 and 486 parking spaces are to be provided. OMB Acknowledges Receipt of Appeal Deborah Giannetta 26 6 Godwin Chan D02-12017, D06-12041 49 NORTH LAKE ROAD THE TRUSTEES FOR THE SAINT ARCHANGEL GABRIEL PARISH OF THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Proposed Official Plan Amendment to permit a place of worship on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Phoebe Chow 2 1 Greg Beros D02-13009, D06-13029 219 & 227 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST MULTIPLE RESUBMISSION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a residential townhouse development on the subject lands. The applications have been revised to reduce the number of units from thirteen (13) units to eleven (11) units having a height of four (4) storeys (11metres). Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 23 5 Karen Cilevitz D12-07266, D02-13036, D03-13016 11190 LESLIE STREET SANDMILL DEVELOPMENTS INC. Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 28 single detached dwellings, 61 street townhouse dwellings and 50 block townhouse dwellings, in addition to the creation of blocks for future development, elementary school, stormwater management, open space and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-12013 D01-13001 D01-13002 D01-13003 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 6 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-13037 12030 YONGE STREET J-G CORDONE INVESTMENTS A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a 9-storey mixed use building having 155 apartment units, 565.00 m2 of ground floor retail and an FSI of 4.27. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 9 4 David West D02-14002 0 NORMAN BETHUNE AVENUE 2179548 ONTARIO INC. & 2303042 ONTARIO INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit increased heights and densities to facilitate the construction of future phases of a high density residential development comprised of three (3) condominium apartment buildings, each with 200 units and heights of 13, 14 and 19 storeys. The overall site development will be comprised of five (5) condominium apartment buildings, 1,000 units and an overall density of 2.54 FSI. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 28 6 Godwin Chan D02-14006 9825 YONGE STREET FBNM ENTERPRISES LTD. Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a high-rise, mixed-use development comprised of a 10-storey apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes 80 dwelling units, 89 parking spaces, 357.4 square metres of commercial gross floor area and a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 3.00. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 23 5 Karen Cilevitz D02-14014 11488 YONGE STREET AND 49 GAMBLE ROAD THE EMERALD DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a 5-storey apartment building and an 8-storey apartment building on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 16 4 David West Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-13004 D01-14001 D01-14002 D01-14003 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 7 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D02-14030, D03-14012 155 SNIVELY STREET YAZDANI-ZENOOZ, BEHROOZ A request for approval of an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development consisting of 13 single detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 12.2 metres on a public road and a 0.09 hectare Open Space Block has been received. Meeting - Council Public Deborah Giannetta 2 1 Greg Beros D02-14031 24 BROOKSIDE ROAD BROOKSIDE CASTLE CORPORATION A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a four (4) storey Medical Office Building with ground floor medical related retail on the subject lands. Acknowledgement Letter Sent Andy Karaiskakis 16 4 David West D02-14038, D03-14016, D05-14009, D06-14105, D05-14011 0, 40 AND 60 HARRIS AVENUE METROPOLE DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium (Standard and Common Element) and Site Plan applications to facilitate a townhouse development consisting of 77 units. Complete Application Ad request for location map Shelly Cham 9 4 David West HILLSVIEW DRIVE 644749 ONTARIO LTD. AND ROUGH RIDERS Application Received Department Planning S & A STRASSER LIMITED Complete Application Department Planning To be reviewed for closing Denis Beaulieu 14 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D01-14004 D01-14005 D01-14007 D01-42088 D01-77162 D01-89024 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST 711284 ONTARIO LIMITED General Commercial and High Density Residential. NORTHEAST CORNER OF BAYVIEW AND ELGIN MILLS. FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Related File Nos. Municipal Address Page: 8 of 32 Ward Councillor Owner Description of Application Status 19TH AVENUE LANDOWNERS GROUP Proposed Official Plan Amendment seeking to amend existing Rural designation to Urban consisting of Low and Medium Density Residential, Conservation Area and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial designations. To be reviewed for closing Denis Beaulieu 11 3 Castro Liu YONGE BAYVIEW HOLDINGS INC. A proposed amendment to By-law No. 278-96 to rezone the subject lands to permit high and medium density residential uses and to establish site specific development provisions for same. By-law Adopted Gus Galanis 26 6 Godwin Chan Planner PD D01-97015 D02-01008 D03-93004, D03-01001, D01-02009, D06-14004 D02-02042 D03-02002 11289 BAYVIEW AVENUE DEVON LANE CONSTRUCTION LTD. RE-SUBMISSION: A request for approval of a revised Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development consisting of 182 semi-detached units, 58 street townhouse units, a 0.631 ha park block, a 2.098 ha open space block, a stormwater management pond, a future residential development block, a 1.261 ha special policy block and a 3.211 ha buffer block has been received. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-02004, D10-07001 200 SNIVELY STREET & 0 BRIARHILL BOULEVARD SUGARBRIDGE ESTATES INC. REVISED draft Plan of Subdivision and related ZBA for the development of 23 single detached lots and an EPA Buffer Block. The plan has been revised to slightly adjust the proposed lotting on the draft plan. The ZBA application is to rezone the subject lands from "A" to "R4" and "EPA2" with site specific development standards for reduced rear yard setback, to permit bay window encroachments, reduced setback to daylight triangle, reduced lot area and an increase to the lot coverage from 40% to 45%. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 2 1 Greg Beros D01-03008, D03-03005 0 ELGIN MILLS ROAD 1325999 ONTARIO INC. Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments and related draft Plan of Subdivision to permit the development of 265 townhouse units. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D02-02056 D02-03024 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 9 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D03-03006, D12-07048 10971 BAYVIEW AVENUE RAKI HOLDINGS INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 211single detached dwellings, 53 street townhouse dwellings and 125 dwelling units within two medium density residential blocks, in addition to the creation of blocks for future development, elementary school, park, stormwater management, open space, natural heritage system/protected countryside and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-03007 11430 LESLIE STREET RAKI HOLDINGS INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 207 single detached dwellings and 39 dwelling units within a medium density residential block, in addition to the creation of blocks for stormwater management, open space, buffer, natural heritage system/protected countryside and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-03009 1521 19TH AVENUE UPPER CITY CORP.& CLEARPOINT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Re-Application - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision application to facilitate the development of 41 single dwellings, 116 semi-detached dwellings, 65 street townhouse dwellings and 82 back-to-back townhouse dwellings, in addition to the creation of blocks for future medium/high density development (100 dwelling units), employment, park, natural heritage system, open space, walkway and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 13 3 Castro Liu D03-03010 BAYVIEW AVENUE & 19TH AVENUE 21241750 ONTARIO INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 279 street townhouse dwellings and 427 dwelling units within various medium density residential blocks, in addition to the creation of blocks for stormwater management, park, parkette, open space and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-03030 D02-03031 D02-03039 D02-03044 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Related File Nos. Page: 10 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status LESLIE STREET & 19TH AVENUE MAYVON INVESTMENTS LIMITED IN TRUST Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Related draft Plan of Subdivision consisting of 401 single detached residential units, 97 townhouse units, commercial use and future residential blocks. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 11 3 Castro Liu THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL A Town-wide sewage capacity By-law. Appealed to OMB Janet Babcock 1 1 Greg Beros Planner PD D02-03072 D01-02014, D03-03013 D02-04034 D02-04056 D03-04008 11211 BAYVIEW AVENUE PARKGATE HOLDINGS INC Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and related Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit the development of 181 single detached lots with frontages ranging from 11.0 to 12.4 metres and a school/park campus block with collector road connections to adjoining properties. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-04009 10961 & 11121 LESLIE STREET LESLIE ELGIN DEVELOPMENTS INC. REVISED APPLICATION: SUBMITTED May 2013, circulated August 2013 Proposed draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 889 residential units, a 0.95 hectare office block, a 1.12 hectare neighbourhood commercial block, 2.98 hectares of parkland, two stormwater management ponds, a school block, 23 metre collector road and a series of 18 metre local roads. This application is under an open File at the Board. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 13 3 Castro Liu D06-06026, D01-06003 45 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST AND 53 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST 1338480 ONTARIO LTD. Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval for the following: a) 5-storey high mixed use building with commercial on first two floors and; b) 24 condo apartment units on upper three floors. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 22 3 Castro Liu D02-04057 D02-06014 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 11 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-06004, D06-06027, D12-07164, D12-07314, D12-07315 64 & 72 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST, 115 AND 119 CHURCH STREET SOUTH MULTIPLE REVISED SUBMISSION: Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan approval for: a) one 6-storey building terracing down to 3 storeys (87 units); b) one semi-detached dwelling on Church Street; c) retention of existing single detached dwelling on Church Street, and d) relocation of a single detached dwelling from Major Mackenzie Drive to Church Street. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Andy Karaiskakis 23 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-07003 11305 YONGE STREET P.A.C.I.F.I.C. INC. REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of revised Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate the construction of a 6-storey commercial office building having a GFA of 6,334.0m2 (68,180.84 ft.2). Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 15 2 Tom Muench D06-05033 10766 YONGE STREET & 19 LEONARD STREET MULTIPLE Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the retail use and medical offices on the site, reduce front yard setback to 2.0m, reduce landscape strip requirements along Yonge Street and Elgin Mills Road and reduce parking space length to 5.8 m. This site is split zoned: GC1, NC and F under By-law 190-87 as amended. Revisions to related site plan application D06-05033 will follow. Awaiting Revised Submission Bruce Robb 16 4 David West D01-08006, D06-10093, D20-11008, D03-14001, D05-14001 650 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST EMPIREWALK ESTATES INC. RE-CIRCULATION - A request for Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan approval to permit 70 townhouse units on a common element road. DARC Meeting Phoebe Chow 15 2 Tom Muench Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-06015 D02-07018 D02-08007 D02-08023 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 12 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status 11575 YONGE STREET SKN DEVELOPMENT INC. Applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval were received in June of 2009 to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a four-storey mixed use building. The bottom two floors would be used for commercial uses and the upper two floors would contain four residential units. The applicant has revised the submission and is proposing to relocate the heritage building to the southend of the site and use if for commercial purposes and construct a three-mixed use building at the north end. The ground floor would be used for commercial uses and the upper two floors would contain two residential units. The development will have a total floor area of approximately 1,004.4 m2 with an FSI of 0.8. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Ferdi Toniolo 10 2 Tom Muench 546 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST 2006366 ONTARIO LTD. Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a multi-tenant residential building consisting of three (3) residential units. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 18 2 Tom Muench D01-08001, D03-11004, D06-12116 1577-1621 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST MAJOR MAC 404 REALTY INC. REVISED SUBMISSION: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to establish mixed use employment centre land uses as permitted under OPA 38 and 139. OMB Hearing Held Salvatore Aiello 21 3 Castro Liu D03-03004, D02-03021, D03-09007 0 19TH AVENUE PRIMONT HOMES (BAYVIEW) INC. 2ND RE-SUBMISSION: A proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application and a Draft Plan of Subdivision application to facilitate a 48-unit draft Plan of Subdivision. NOTE: Lots on north side of Street 'B' reoriented to face towards rail corridor; Block '55' labeled 'Open Space'; Lot 1 frontage reduced to 13m; grading and planting incorporated into Block 55; Block 56 will be conveyed to the Town and will include entire length of noise berm and fence, servicing corridor, walkway connection and open space; walkway connection added to Block 56 to serve as a pedestrian/cycling connection to 19th Avenue; and servicing corridor contained within Block 56. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 10 2 Tom Muench Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-09014 D01-09004, D06-09036 D02-09021 D02-09023 D02-09034 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 13 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status 526 CARRVILLE ROAD ST. DUMITRU ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the development of a 1-storey place of worship. File Closing Letter Sent Andy Karaiskakis 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D12-07228, D01-10002, D03-10001 123 HILLSVIEW DRIVE CORSICA DEVELOPMENT INC. REVISED SUBMISSION: Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to permit low and medium density residential development (531 units) and to provide blocks of land for other uses, including the David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) and associated structures, woodlots, parkland and storm water ponds. The revised plan has been submitted following the submission of a revised MESP for the DDO lands. File Re-Assigned Shelly Cham 23 6 Godwin Chan D06-00075, D12-07106, D06-10021 25 CENTRE STREET WEST HAYAMI, JUDY RE-SUBMISSION: A request to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a medical office with residential limited to the second floor, as an additional permitted use under the R2 (RM2) zone in By-law 66-71 and to permit site specific development standards. Circulation Status Letter sent Shelly Cham 17 4 David West D01-10006 13572 & 13586 BAYVIEW AVENUE AZAN HOLDINGS INC. RECIRCULATION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a residential development on the subject lands. The proposal has been revised to reduce the building height from six (6) to four (4) storeys and an increase in apartment units from 46 to 48 units. Circulation Status Letter sent Andy Karaiskakis 2 1 Greg Beros 0 VOGELL ROAD BAIF DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED A request to permit a retail warehouse as an additional permitted use on the subject lands. Pre-Hearing Conference Scheduled Denis Beaulieu 21 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-10003 D02-10006 D02-10012 D02-10018 D02-10022 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 14 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-10008, D06-10076 10747 BAYVIEW AVENUE CIM DEVELOPMENT INC. RE-APPLICATIONS: Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed-use development comprised of two 6-storey apartment buildings and 81 4-storey townhouse dwelling units. The proposed development includes a total of 306 dwelling units, 691 parking spaces and approximately 3,003 square metres of commercial floor space along Bayview Avenue. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 19 3 Castro Liu D02-07022, D06-10084, D27-14001 715, 719, 725 CARRVILLE ROAD CARRVILLE SOUTH DEVELOPMENT CORP. RE-CIRCULATION: A request for approval of zoning by-law amendment and related site plan applications to permit an 17-unit townhouse development with a common element condominium road. Clerk's Certificate Issued Shelly Cham 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-10010, D06-12089 12050 YONGE STREET GOLDEN HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CORP. RE-APPLICATION: A revised request for Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval to facilitate the construction of a 6-storey mixed use building with 206 residential units, 655.7 m2(7,058.1 ft.2) of ground floor retail commercial uses and a detached 2-storey medical office building with 396.6 m2 (4,269.1 ft.2) of ground floor retail commercial uses and 524.8 m2 (5,649.1 ft.2) of second storey medical office space. The revised development proposal will have a floor space index of 2. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 9 4 David West D06-92050, D06-13096 550 EDWARD AVENUE 1191368 ONTARIO LIMITED A request to amend the Zoning By-law in order to permit a commercial vehicle and repair facility as an additional permitted use on the subject lands. File Closing Letter Sent Shelly Cham 15 2 Tom Muench D12-07524, D01-11004 13723 YONGE STREET YONGE AND BLOOMINGTON LTD. A request for approval of an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate the construction of a neighbourhood commercial plaza comprised of six (6) freestanding buildings. NOTE: File is to remain open until December 12, 2016 To be reviewed for closing Phoebe Chow 2 1 Greg Beros Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-10024 D02-10028 D02-10032 D02-11002 D02-11019 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 15 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status 230 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE WEST TITAN 230 MAJOR MACK INC. RE-APPLICATION: A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval applications of a 28-unit common element condominium townhouse development on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Shelly Cham 17 4 David West 329 & 343 CARRVILLE ROAD NAJAFI, KEVIN RE-SUBMISSION: A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit a 18-unit common element condominium townhouse development. The original proposal was for 21-unit condominium townhouses. Pre-Hearing Conference Scheduled Phoebe Chow 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-11006 0 ADDISON STREET (YONGE BLOCK) BAIF DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed use, high density development comprised of townhouses and condominium apartment buildings with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes a maximum building height of 31 storeys, a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 4.32, a total of 1560 residential units, and a total of 2249 parking spaces. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Denis Beaulieu 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-11006, D01-11007 0 HOPKINS STREET (MAJOR MACKENZIE BLOCK) BAIF DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a mixed use development comprised of townhouses and a condominium apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Major Mackenzie Drive West. The proposed development includes a maximum height of 9 storeys, a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.63, a total of 421 residential units, and a total of 480 parking spaces. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Denis Beaulieu 24 5 Karen Cilevitz Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-11021 D06-13051 D02-11026 D02-11031 D02-11032 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 16 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-11116 9737 BATHURST STREET DIMARTINO HOMES LTD. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and related Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of 4 townhouse units on the subject lands. The request is to rezone the lands from Second Density Residential (R2) Zone under By-law 2523, as amended, to Multiple Family One (RM1) Zone with site specific development standards under By-law 181-81, as amended. DARC Meeting Shelly Cham 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D06-12045 19 CENTRE STREET WEST JASNIK GROUP INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a professional office as an additional permitted use under the R2 (RM6) zone in By-law 66-71 and to permit site specific development standards. File Closing Letter Sent Shelly Cham 17 4 David West D06-12041, D01-13001 49 NORTH LAKE ROAD THE TRUSTEES FOR THE SAINT ARCHANGEL GABRIEL PARISH OF THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to permit the construction of a place of worship. The amending by-law would include site-specific development standards to facilitate the proposal. Meeting - Council Public Phoebe Chow 2 1 Greg Beros D01-12005, D06-14050 10568 BAYVIEW AVENUE ELGINBAY CORPORATION Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit a medium density residential development comprised of 89 townhouses. OMB Decision/Order Issued Denis Beaulieu 18 2 Tom Muench D02-04039, D02-11033, D03-12005 16 LONG HILL DRIVE ELZOKM, FADY & TALAAT GHOBRIAL, NANCY Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to rezone the subject lands to Single Detached Six (R6) and Single Detached Four (R4) zones under By-law No. 235-97, as amended and create three (3) new building lots and an extension of Escapade Drive. Sewer Allocation Granted Katie Pandey 10 2 Tom Muench Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-11034 D02-12008 D02-12017 D02-12019 D02-12020 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 17 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-12006, D06-12066 8890 YONGE STREET GREAT LAND (WESTWOOD) INC Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan approval to permit a mixed-use, high density residential development. The proposal is for an 18 storey residential tower on a six storey base building for a total of 24 stories, 257 apartment units, Gross Floor Area of 23,761 square metres (FSI: 4.99), 333 parking spaces and 932 square metres of retail space. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-12008, D06-12082, D01-12009, D02-12028, D06-12085 8874 YONGE STREET CIMETTA, ANGELO, LOUISE & JOSEPHINE REVISED SUBMISSION: Request for approval of Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application for a mixed use, high-density residential development on the subject lands. The proposal consists of two buildings - an 18 storey tower on a 6 storey podium (total 24 storeys) and a 13 storey tower on a 4 storey podium (17 storeys total). A total of 427 apartment units are proposed with a total GFA of 34,906 square metres, a combined FSI of 5.09, 496 parking spaces. DARC Meeting Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-12008, D02-12027, D06-12082, D01-12009, D06-12085 8874 YONGE STREET CIMETTA, ANGELO, LOUISE & JOSEPHINE REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a 10 storey retirement residence with 180 units. The total GFA is 16,373 sq. m. and the FSI is 1.8. DARC Meeting Deborah Giannetta 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D06-12087 22 BAYVIEW COURT SOUTH DIMARTINO HOMES LTD. RE-APPLICATION: A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan application to facilitate the creation of two new semi-detached dwelling lots on the subject lands. Final Circulation of Revised Memo Sent Shelly Cham 2 1 Greg Beros Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-12023 D02-12027 D02-12028 D02-12029 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 18 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-12011, D06-12100 9861 YONGE STREET TWO Z INCORPORATED Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to permit a mid-rise, mixed-use development comprised of an 8-storey terraced apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes 82 residential units, 97 parking spaces and a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 3.46. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 23 5 Karen Cilevitz D18-07002, D03-12008 0, 104, 134 , 182 HARRIS AVENUE HEATHWOOD HOMES (JEFFERSON) LIMITED RE-CIRCULATION: A request for approval of revised applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a low density development consisting of 113 single detached units, parkland and Open Space lands. Clerk's Certificate Issued Bruce Robb 9 4 David West D03-12010 0 GLENMORE AVENUE AND 91 SNIVELY STREET DORA HOMES INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of five (5) single detached lots and the construction of a new public street. Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural (A) Zone" under By-law No. 1703, as amended, to "Single Detached Four (R4) Zone" under By-law No. 313-96, as amended. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 2 1 Greg Beros D01-12012 386, 396, 400 HIGHWAY 7 EAST 1857481 ONTARIO INC. A REVISED request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications to permit a residential development consisting of 88 three storey townhouse units on private roads, having a density of 47 units per hectare (19 units per acre) has been received. Urban Design Review Meeting Deborah Giannetta 27 6 Godwin Chan Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-12032 D02-12034 D02-12039 D02-12041 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 19 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-12013, D06-12122 153 16TH AVENUE AND 370 RED MAPLE ROAD SIGNATURE 153 16TH INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a high density residential development on the subject lands. The applications propose two residential towers 16 and 18 storeys in height and connected by a three storey podium at the second storey of each tower. A total of 396 apt. units are proposed with a combined G.F. A. of 31,045 m2 (334,124 ft.2), an overall F.S.I. of 2.5 and 486 parking spaces are to be provided. OMB Acknowledges Receipt of Appeal Deborah Giannetta 26 6 Godwin Chan D12-07139, D05-12008 27 CHURCH STREET NORTH TUSHINGHAM, MARGARET, E. This application to amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Condominium proposes the creation of 4 additional building lots for the development of 4 single detached dwellings east of the existing single detached dwelling on the subject property. Access to each lot is through a proposed shared, common element driveway. The applicant is proposing a site specific zoning by-law amendment to accommodate the development of the single detached dwellings. OMB Decision/Order Issued Gus Galanis 18 2 Tom Muench D03-12012 11011 BAYVIEW AVENUE AUTUMNHILL INVESTMENT LTD. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 30 single detached dwellings, in addition to the creation of blocks for future development, elementary school, stormwater management, natural heritage system/protected countryside and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Denis Beaulieu 14 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-12042 D02-12044 D02-12045 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 20 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D03-12013 11061 BAYVIEW AVENUE RICHVIEW 19 HOLDINGS INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 350 single detached dwellings, 74 street townhouse dwellings and 50 dwelling units within medium density residential blocks, in addition to the creation of blocks for future development, elementary school, park, stormwater management, open space, natural heritage system/protected countryside and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D06-13012 1600 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST LIUNA LOCAL 506 RE-CIRCULATION: A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of a 4,312 m2 (46,415.5 ft.2) building expansion to the existing LIUNA training centre facility located on the subject lands. The proposed addition will accommodate additional classrooms, training bays and administrative uses. An additional 88 parking spaces are also proposed. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 20 3 Castro Liu D03-13002, D05-13002, D06-14077 493-565 CARRVILLE ROAD CARRVILLE INVESTMENTS LTD. REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of an 84-unit common element condominium development consisting of 76 townhouse and 8 semi-detached residential units. The applications are for a Zoning By-law Amendment, draft Plan of Subdivision and draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium. Awaiting OMB Order Bruce Robb 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D01-13002, D06-13029 219 & 227 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVE EAST MULTIPLE RESUBMISSION: A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications and a related Site Plan application to permit a residential townhouse development on the subject lands. The applications have been revised to reduce the number of units from thirteen (13) units to eleven (11) units having a height of four (4) storeys (11metres). Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 23 5 Karen Cilevitz Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-12046 D02-13006 D02-13007 D02-13009 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 21 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status 10454 AND 10456 YONGE STREET 1667973 ONTARIO LTD. AND AL LALANI (IN TRUST) A request for approval to permit a reduction in parking and establish a minimum of 25 parking spaces to serve the existing commercial uses located on the subject lands. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Ferdi Toniolo 17 4 David West D06-13060 11 JEFFERSON SIDEROAD YONGE JEFFERSON CANADA LTD. A request to permit a mixed-use office and retail/commercial development comprised of two (2) two-storey multi-unit buildings, a combined gross floor area of 2,692 square metres (28,981 square feet) and 58 parking spaces. Meeting - Council Public Deborah Giannetta 9 4 David West D03-00009, D03-13006 170, 176 & 178 DOUGLAS ROAD RONDEV HOMES LTD. RESUBMISSION: A request for approval of a draft Plan of Subdivision and related Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the construction of seven (7) single detached lots, the extension of Headwater Crescent, future residential blocks (to be developed with the lands to the east and west) and an open space block has on the subject lands. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 7 1 Greg Beros D06-13063 440 SUNSET BEACH ROAD KESLICK, SUSAN A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan to legalize two existing single detached dwellings and to establish site specific development standards to permit the construction of a two (2) storey accessory detached garage on the subject lands. Circulation Status Letter sent Shelly Cham 7 1 Greg Beros D03-13010, D06-13079 73, 79 AND 87 BENSON AVENUE 2309011 ONTARIO INC. REVISED SUBMISSION: A request for approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications to permit nine (9) street townhouse units has been received. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 17 4 David West Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-13012 D02-13017 D02-13018 D02-13020 D02-13025 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 22 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-13082 70 AND 80 DOUGLAS ROAD ARTENOSI, BRUNO & FISICO, FRANK A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications to facilitate the creation of three (3) residential building lots to accommodate three (3) single detached dwellings on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Deborah Giannetta 7 1 Greg Beros D06-13085 10703 BATHURST STREET TITAN 10703 BATHURST INC. RE-SUBMISSION: A request for approval of a revised proposal for Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan applications to permit 72 semi-detached dwellings and 5 single detached dwellings with access from a public road has been received. Circulation comments due back Deborah Giannetta 17 4 David West D03-13011 183, 195 AND 209 SNIVELY STREET SHOWCASE DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to permit 53 single detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 9, 12 and 18.3 metres, two (2) open space blocks, the extension of Worthington Avenue and a new public road. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Deborah Giannetta 2 1 Greg Beros 176 ELGIN MILLS ROAD WEST SHCOLYAR, GIL A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit eight (8) townhouse units on a condominium road. Meeting - Council Public Shelly Cham 16 4 David West 24 WELDRICK ROAD WEST 2360313 ONTARIO LTD. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium applications to permit the development of 17 townhouse dwelling units fronting on a private, common element condominium street. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 24 5 Karen Cilevitz Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-13026 D02-13027 D02-13028 D02-13029 D02-13030 D03-13012, D05-13004 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 23 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-13093 188 19TH AVENUE WOO, ANTHONY & LILY A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to permit a 2-phase expansion and conversion of an existing detached dwelling into a day nursery on the subject lands having a total enrollment not exceeding 58 children. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 10 2 Tom Muench D03-13013, D05-13007, D06-13097 741 CARRVILLE ROAD TREAHILL DEVELOPMENT LTD. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Site Plan and Draft Plan of Condominium applications to facilitate a medium density development consisting of 9 common element condominium townhouse units. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 25 5 Karen Cilevitz D03-13014, D05-13008, D06-13102 9601 & 9611 BATHURST STREET ONEFOUREIGHT DEVELOPMENT CORP. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium applications to facilitate the construction of a medium density development consisting of 15 common element condominium townhouses on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 24 5 Karen Cilevitz D03-13015 0 LESLIE STREET 775377 ONTARIO LIMITED Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the creation of blocks for low density residential, medium density residential, office, future development, park, stormwater management, greenbelt, natural heritage system, Trans Canada Pipeline and road widening purposes. The proposed low and medium density residential blocks are proposed to accommodate a total of up to 370 dwelling units. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 13 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-13031 D02-13032 D02-13033 D02-13035 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 24 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D12-07266, D01-13003, D03-13016 11190 LESLIE STREET SANDMILL DEVELOPMENTS INC. Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 28 single detached dwellings, 61 street townhouse dwellings and 50 block townhouse dwellings, in addition to the creation of blocks for future development, elementary school, stormwater management, open space and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D01-13004 12030 YONGE STREET J.G. CORDONE INVESTMENTS LIMITED A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a 9-storey mixed use building having 155 apartment units, 565.00 m2 of ground floor retail and an FSI of 4.27. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 9 4 David West D06-14012, D06-14013 341 SUNSET BEACH ROAD GHESHLAGHI, ZAHRA & HASHEMI-DEHAGHI, ABOLGHASEM A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan application to facilitate the creation of two new single detached dwelling lots on the subject lands. Final Circulation of Revised Memo Sent Melissa Morgan 7 1 Greg Beros D01-14001 0 EAST BEAVER CREEK ROAD 2179548 ONTARIO INC. & 2303042 ONTARIO INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit increased heights and densities to facilitate the construction of future phases of a high density residential development comprised of three (3) condominium apartment buildings, each with 200 units and heights of 13, 14 and 19 storeys. The overall site development will be comprised of five (5) condominium apartment buildings, 1,000 units and an overall density of 2.54 FSI. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 28 6 Godwin Chan Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-13036 D02-13037 D02-14001 D02-14002 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 25 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-14011 1000 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST 374427 ONTARIO LIMITED O/A RICHMOND SPRINGS RESORTS INC. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to facilitate the development of a retirement lifestyle community comprised of two apartment buildings ranging in height from 5 to 10 storeys, with self-contained convenience retail, service commercial and recreational uses. The proposed development includes 990 residential units, 564 parking spaces and a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.10. Acknowledgement Letter Sent Denis Beaulieu 14 3 Castro Liu D06-14016 10856 BAYVIEW AVENUE GML GARDEN HOLDINGS INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application and a related Site Plan application to permit a two-storey addition of 1646.28 m2 GFA to an existing commercial building and a 464.40 m2 one-storey standalone commercial building. Circulation Status Letter sent Shelly Cham 15 2 Tom Muench D01-14002 9825 YONGE STREET FBNM ENTERPRISES LTD. Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a high-rise, mixed-use development comprised of a 10-storey apartment building with ground-related commercial floor space along Yonge Street. The proposed development includes 80 dwelling units, 89 parking spaces, 357.4 square metres of commercial gross floor area and a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 3.00. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 23 5 Karen Cilevitz 31 ANGLIN DRIVE LEONARDI, ANNA A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate the creation of two additional building lots with frontage onto Anglin Drive. Meeting - Council Public Shelly Cham 10 2 Tom Muench 10268 YONGE STREET TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit a Farmers' Market as a Temporary Use on the subject lands. Clerk's Certificate Issued Shelly Cham 17 4 David West Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14003 D02-14005 D02-14006 D02-14007 D02-14008 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 26 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-99031, D06-11117, D06-12094 13380 AND 13390 YONGE STREET HIDES INTERNATIONAL LTD. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from "GC1" and "GC2" zones under Zoning By-law No. 366-86, as amended, to "YSC" Zone under Zoning By-law No. 313-96, as amended, to permit a retail store as an additional permitted use on the subject lands. Meeting - Committee of the Whole Andy Karaiskakis 1 1 Greg Beros D05-14002, D06-14027 9781 BAYVIEW AVENUE 1737383 ONTARIO LTD. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Condominium and Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of a residential development consisting of sixteen (16) townhouses and one (1) semi-detached dwelling on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 22 3 Castro Liu D18-07002, D06-14029 39 JEFFERSON SIDEROAD DORMER INC. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment application and a related Site Plan application to permit a residential townhouse development on the subject lands. The applications propose ninety (90) units having a height of three (3) storeys and one (1) level of underground parking. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 9 4 David West 9631 YONGE STREET CLARISSA SQUARE LIMITED A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to amend the "General Commercial One (GC1) Zone" under Zoning By-law No. 263-98, as amended, to permit a Commercial School as an additional permitted use. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 23 5 Karen Cilevitz 243 16TH AVENUE ZEN HOMES (AZURE) INC. A request for approval of Zoning by-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium and Site Plan applications to facilitate a medium density development consisting of 13 common element condominium townhouse units. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 26 6 Godwin Chan Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14009 D02-14010 D02-14011 D02-14012 D02-14013 D03-14002, D05-14003, D06-14038 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 27 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D01-14003 11488 YONGE STREET AND 49 GAMBLE ROAD THE EMERALD DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a 5-storey apartment building and an 8-storey apartment building on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Ferdi Toniolo 16 4 David West D03-14003 396, 404 AND 416 KING ROAD KING EAST DEVELOPMENTS 396 INC., KING EAST DEVELOPMENTS 404 INC. & KING EAST DEVELOPMENTS 416 INC. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate a residential development consisting of seven (7) single detached dwelling lots and fifteen (15) townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Andy Karaiskakis 1 1 Greg Beros D03-99014, D04-14009 0 ALPACA DRIVE DUKE OF RICHMOND DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for removal of the "H" symbol to facilitate the construction of eight (8) single detached dwellings on the subject lands. By-law Adopted Melissa Morgan 9 4 David West D03-14004 930 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST ELBAY DEVELOPMENTS INC., Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 51 street townhouse dwellings, in addition to retaining an existing single detached dwelling and creating blocks for natural heritage system and stormwater management purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-14005, D06-14063 0 BAYVIEW AVENUE 2233721 ONTARIO INC. A request for approval of Zoning By-Law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan approval to facilitate the construction of 10 single detached lots with frontage on Old 16th Avenue and a commercial building with a gross floor area of 772.0 sq. m having frontage on 16th Avenue. Acknowledgement Letter Sent Ferdi Toniolo 27 6 Godwin Chan Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14014 D02-14015 D02-14016 D02-14017 D02-14018 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 28 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D03-14006 0, 10956 & 11060 LESLIE STREET MATTAMY (ELGIN MILLS) LTD. O/A MATTAMY HOMES Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the development of 127 single detached dwellings, 42 semi-detached dwellings, 528 street townhouse dwellings and 200 dwelling units within a medium/high density residential block, in addition to creating blocks for future development, park, stormwater management, protected countryside/natural heritage system, open space and road widening purposes. File Re-Assigned Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D06-06015, D06-14069 10665 BAYVIEW AVENUE BALLANTRY HOMES Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan Amendment applications to facilitate the development of 2 single detached dwellings within Block 'J', whereas 2 semi-detached dwellings are currently permitted. Meeting - Council Public Denis Beaulieu 19 3 Castro Liu 0 LOWTHER AVENUE KING HILL HOLDINGS INC A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to remove the subject lands from By-law No. 986 and rezone them to "Multiple Residential One (RM1) Zone" under By-law No. 313-96, as amended, to create one (1) townhouse block comprised of six (6) units. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 1 1 Greg Beros 10217 AND 10225 YONGE STREET SALNA, ROBERT, ROBERT SALNA HOLDINGS INC. & PENNYTECH INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the construction of an eight (8) storey mixed use development on the subject lands. Meeting - Council Public Deborah Giannetta 18 2 Tom Muench 19 CHURCH STREET SOUTH MALEKI RAEI, AFARIN & BEHROOZIAN, REZA A request for approval of Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of a two (2) storey semi-detached dwelling on the subject lands. Circulation Status Letter sent Andy Karaiskakis 18 2 Tom Muench Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14019 D02-14020 D02-14021 D02-14022 D02-14023 D06-14085 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 29 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D03-14008 223, 235, 251, 273, 291, 305 JEFFERSON SIDEROAD, 226, 234, 246, 260, 276, 288, HARRIS AVENUE & 30 BEECH AVENUE JEFFERSON SOUTH DEVELOPEMENTS 307 INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision for a residential development consisting of 49 single detached dwellings, 40 semi-detached dwellings, 32 townhouse dwellings, four (4) future residential development blocks and a stormwater management pond on public roads has been received. File Re-Assigned Shelly Cham 9 4 David West D03-14009 307 HARRIS AVENUE JEFFERSON SOUTH DEVELOPMENTS INC. & BRUNETTO, GIUSEPPINA A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision for six (6) single detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 14 metres (46 feet) and the northerly extension of Wicker Drive has been received. File Re-Assigned Shelly Cham 9 4 David West D03-11007, D03-13007, D03-13008, D03-13009 63 & 65 PUCCINI DRIVE, 6 & 8 TOSCANIN ROAD, 600, 632, 662 & 690 KING ROAD AND 10349 BATHURST STREET KING SOUTH DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of a zoning By-law Amendment Application to permit sites specific development standards to facilitate draft approved plans of Subdivision. Meeting - Council Public Shelly Cham 1 1 Greg Beros 11300 YONGE STREET MILLWIN INVESTMENTS LTD. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to amend the "General Commercial one (GC1) zone" under By-law No. 190-87, as amended to permit retail use as an additional permitted use. Meeting - Council Public Shelly Cham 16 4 David West 12 & 24 BEECH AVENUE & 319 HARRIS AVENUE PEARL VIEW LAND DEVELOPERS INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development consisting of 10 single detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 11 metres on public roads, two (2) residential blocks that are proposed to be developed for 14 single detached dwellings on private roads and a 0.583 hectare Open Space Block has been received. File Re-Assigned Shelly Cham 9 4 David West Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14024 D02-14025 D02-14026 D02-14027 D02-14028 D03-14011 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 30 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D06-14096 10027 YONGE STREET 2295190 ONTARIO INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications to facilittate the construction of a commercial development on the subject lands comprised of the preservation of the two (2) storey designated heritage building and a proposed four (4) storey addition to the Heritage Building. Notice Published in The Liberal Andy Karaiskakis 18 2 Tom Muench D01-14004, D03-14012 155 SNIVELY STREET BEHRAZ YAZDANO-ZENOOZ; ROHAN AHRARI YAZDANI A request for approval of an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development consisting of 13 single detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 12.2 metres on a public road and a 0.09 hectare Open Space Block has been received. Meeting - Council Public Deborah Giannetta 2 1 Greg Beros D01-14005 24 BROOKSIDE ROAD BROOKSIDE CASTLE CORPORATION A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a four (4) storey Medical Office Building with ground floor medical related retail on the subject lands. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 16 4 David West 27 ANGLIN DRIVE BAO, CAISHUN A request for approval of a zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate a future severance for the creation of an additional building lot with frontage onto Anglin Drive. Final Circulation of Revised Memo Sent Diana DiGirolamo 10 2 Tom Muench 1,3, 5, REAR OF 7 AND 9 TOSCANINI ROAD, 6, 7, 8 AIDA PLACE, 446, 456, 476, 490 AND 500 KING ROAD KING EAST DEVELOPMENTS 1A INC., ET AL A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate a residential development consisting of forty nine (49) single detached dwellings, twenty-two (22) semi-detached dwellings, thirty-eight (38) townhouse dwelling units and seven (7) future development blocks on the subject lands. Circulation comments due back Andy Karaiskakis 1 1 Greg Beros Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14029 D02-14030 D02-14031 D02-14032 D02-14034 D03-14013 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Page: 31 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status D03-14014 1080 ELGIN MILLS ROAD BLUEGROVE INVESTMENTS INC. A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development to consist of up to 123 Townhouse units on private roads, 1.31 ha open space block, stormwater management blocks, and portions of two (2) public roads has been received. Notice Published in The Liberal Deborah Giannetta 14 3 Castro Liu D03-14015 363 JEFFERSON SIDEROAD, 60 BEECH AVE. AND 48 BEECH AVE. MULTIPLE A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential development to consist of 48 townhouse units on private roads, 0.168ha open space blocks and 0.048 ha of row widening. Circulation comments due back Shelly Cham 9 4 David West D06-14104, D05-14010 8905 BAYVIEW AVENUE POULOS, ALTHEA CLARE ANNE A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment , Draft Plan of Condominium and Site Plan Applications to facilitate a mix use development consisting of 22 townhouse units and a day nursery building with a GFA of 566.7m2. Complete Application Ad request for location map Shelly Cham 27 6 Godwin Chan D01-14007, D03-14016, D05-14009, D06-14105, D05-14011 0, 40 AND 60 HARRIS AVENUE METROPOLE DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium (Standard and Common Element) and Site Plan applications to facilitate a townhouse development consisting of 77 units. Complete Application Ad request for location map Shelly Cham 9 4 David West D03-14017 8, 10, 12 & 14 BOSTWICK CRESCENT IDEAL (BC) DEVELOPMENTS INC. A request for approval of Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate a residential development consisting of forty (40) semi-detached dwellings on the subject lands. Development Section Meeting Andy Karaiskakis 8 1 Greg Beros D06-90031, D06-96025 9665 BAYVIEW AVENUE MARKHAM 18-20 LIMITED A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit additional uses within the existing commercial plaza located on the subject lands. Circulation comments due back Diana DiGirolamo 22 3 Castro Liu Related File Nos. Planner PD D02-14035 D02-14036 D02-14037 D02-14038 D02-14039 D02-15001 FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOR UPDATED STATUS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION ON APPLICATION PLEASE CONTACT PLANNING & REGULATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4TH FLOOR, 225 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD. 9058-771-8910 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications February 03, 2015 PD = PLANNING DISTRICT File No. Related File Nos. Page: 32 of 32 Ward Councillor Municipal Address Owner Description of Application Status 172 HILLSVIEW DRIVE MAURINI, ERNESTO & CLARA An application for a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the creation of three (3) additional building lots, each of which will support one (1) two-storey single detached dweling and have frontage onto Kristen Street. Development Section Meeting Melissa Morgan 23 6 Godwin Chan 11352 YONGE STREET ANTONIO DIVINCENZO A request to rezone the subject lands from GC1 to GC2 zone in order to recognize the existing legal non-conforming automotive service use on the lands anad to add the sales, service, rental and repair of automobile, etc. as an additional permitted use. Application Deferred by Owner Salvatore Aiello 16 4 David West LESLIE STREET SOUTH OF BETHESDA MULTIPLE Official Plan, Zoning By-law Amendments and draft Plans of Subdivision to facilitate approval of the West Gormley Secondary Plan area to be comprised of low and medium density residential, institutional, neighbourhood commercial and neighbourhood Park designations. The lands comprising this Secondary Plan Area will encompass approximately 103 hectares (255 acres) and are generally located within the area bounded by Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Area designation to the west, Leslie Street to Meeting - Committee of the Whole Bruce Robb 6 1 Greg Beros Planner PD D02-15002 D02-99016 D02-99054 D01-99018, D03-03018, D03-03019
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