Prayer Requests Marilyn Aber, Chuck Allen, Sue Atkinson, Sharon Bologna, Joshua Boudreaux, Mindy Boroussard, Kacee Bercegeay, Daniel Carlton, Clay Casey, Fred Casey, James T. Cinnamond, Tracy Cobia, Michelle Clancy, Mae Conaster, Baby Sophia Cooper, Marge Crow, Darya & Danika Darley, Josh Doherty, Jan Ebbecke, Andrea Eller, Anne Ferfuson, Ann Floreck, Nick Gallo, Maria Gouin, Hayden Green, Rosemary Greenkorn, Richard Hackle, Lori Herring, Jeff Hill, Thomas, Jahanian, Mike Klein, MaryAnn Krebs, John LeBleu, Joseph LeBleu, Concetta Loduca, Tony & Dee Logue, Monica Lopez, Jim Mahan, Betty Miller, Patrick, Malambrie, Patrick Miller, Brian Murray, Pat Neal, Berenice Newell, Carolyn Opar, Boone Pendergrast, Steve Peterson, Christopher Pierce, Samantha Reed, Deborah Roberts, Melissa Savoie, Susie Segar, Joyce Schilly, Charles Shromer, Chris Simerly, Liz Skalicky, Nick Sorel, Jennifer Trousdale, Keith Tullos, John Vambro, Cliff Wesson THIS WEEK AT ST. RITA Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Mass Intensions Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. Feb. 7, 8:30 AM………………………..Dee & Tony Logue By Mitch & Mary Slater 5:30 PM…….………………...+Florence A Teixeira By Brenda & Tom Roache Sun. Feb. 8, 8:00 AM………………….................. Betty Trahan By Charles Hebert 10:00 AM………………………......…+ Merna Place By Roger Place 12:00 PM..………...CTK…..+Joseph Crawford, Sr. By Marge Crawford 5:00 PM…...…...……....+ Fr. Ed Richardson SMA By Dee & Tony Logue Boy Scouts 6pm MSSR Prayer Group 7pm Church Mon. Feb. 9, 8:30 AM ………….…..+ John & Anna Marie Reilly By Phyllis McGhee Catholicism Class 9:15am MSSR Tue. Feb. 10, 8:30 AM……………………........….+ Bruce Zimmer By Zimmer Family Lunch Bunch The Vue 12pm Wed. Feb. 11, 8:30 AM………………..……….......+ Gloria Ullman By Robert Ullman Men's Grow Group 7pm Office Movie Night ( Life of St Rita ) 6pm MSSR Feb. 11 Sewing Group 9am MSSR Thur. Feb. 12, 11:00 AM……..………..………..….+ Margie Quast By The Knights of Columbus Fri. Feb. 13, 8:30 AM……...…………..………...…+ Pat McGhee By Phyllis McGhee Youth Group M-S 5pm MSSR Youth Group H-S 6pm Office RCIA 7pm Office Feb. 12 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. Feb. 14, 5:30 PM………………..….…………...+Larry Victor By The Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM……………………………….Spanish Mass New Catholicism Study 6:30pm Office Sun. Feb. 15, Interested parents are invited to meet with Adele, Wednesday Feb 11 in the Mary Star of the Sea Room at 3:30. We will discuss when the best time and date for your choir rehearsals our expectations. CARING & SHARING website: CaringsharingofWaltoncounty Please take donations to the Mary Star of t he Sea Room Thank you! 8:00 AM ……………...+ Fr. Leonard M. Mullaney By Brenda & Tom Roache 10:00 AM………..………………+Norman Swindell By R. & B. Mc Sherry 12:00 PM ...CTK………………...……Brian Grogan By Pat Grogan 5:00 PM ...……………………...Ganine O’Connor By Janice Schmitt CALL SAINT VINCENT dePAUL Do you need help? Know anyone in need? Call: 888-229-6582 i necesita ayuda o conoce a alguien necesite, llamem usted a la Sociedad de la San Vincente de Paul, y pregunte por Felita al 850-278-6166 despues de las 5 de la tarde. ST. RITA STEWARDSHIP Offertory $ 11,562.00 Building Fund $ 2,004.80 Burse $ 55.00 Upon This Rock $ 1 ,682.00 Thank You!!! Gracias!!! Please e-mail info for the bulletin to [email protected] by Sunday. Thank you! February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Food SQUAD and Refreshments GOD MOVIEProvided NIGHT GOD SQUAD MOVIE NIGHT SAINT RITA Please plan to join us at the 34th ANNUAL CELEBRATION COMMEMORATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH OF CASCIA February 10th, 6:00 PM Mary Star of the Sea Presented by the Catholic-American Cultural Awareness Group of Okaloosa County THEME: RECEIVE JESUS! SHARE JESUS! Date: Sunday, February 8, 2015 GOD SQUAD MOVIE NIGHT FISH FRY FRIDAY’S 3pm-7pm Eglin Brotherhood Choir at 2:00 Sacred Liturgy at 2:30 St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 110 St. Mary Ave., S.W. , FWB Best Fish Fry On the Coast Celebrant: Bishop Gregory Parks Bishop of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee Saint Rita Catholic Church 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach 32459 Guest Homilist: Rev. Jeffery M. Ott, O.P. Pastor of Our Lady Of Lourdes, Atlanta, Georgia February 20 March 6 & March 20 ** ** Hosted by Knights of Columbus Adults $10.00 • Children 6-12 EASTER WEEKEND MASS TIMES Saint Rita : Saturday, April 4th: Easter Vigil 8pm Easter Sunday, April 5th: 7:30a, 9:30a, 11:30a & 5:00pm Christ the King : Mass at 9:00am $3.50 Fried Fish —Chicken Fingers for the Kids— Corn Nuggets - Coleslaw - Bread-Butter Baked Beans - Dessert - Coffee - Iced Tea UPDATE ON FATHER KEVIN 2/8 TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE Father Kevin continues to improve. His doctors believe he is making very good progress. His sister bought an electric scooter to increase his mobility. He’s getting very good at maneuvering around the house. Wheelchair ramps were built for him at the rectory & the parish office in preparation for him. No date has been set for his return. Everything depends on his doctors giving the OK. When he returns he will probably begin by con-celebrating the Mass from his scooter. San Destin 5.9 Miles West on Community 98 Church generous support! Moll Drive for your St. Rita 137 Moll Drive Santa Rosa Beach Helen McCall Park Ball Field Gulf Place & 30A Thank your 393 Many thanks to Fr. T. J., Fr. Angelo, Fr. Terry, Fr. Tibbits, Fr. Bob and Monsignor Crawford who will continue to celebrate Mass at St. Rita and CTK along with other priests. Father Kevin thanks everyone for their prayers and cards. Please continue to February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Presentation Submarine Warfare in the Gulf of Mexico WWII RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: VERY IMPORTANT DATES February 21: Middle School Retreat, Niceville March 1 : Rite of Sending 10 am Mass Rite of Election Pensacola 3pm Mar 14: 1st Communion Retreat/1st Reconciliation 10-1pm Mar 28: Reception of Candidates 5:30pm Mass; Practice 10am Apr 4: Easter Vigil Mass 8pm (RCIA Practice 10am) Apr 10 thru 12: High School Campout, Camp Timpoochee Apr 14 CHRIST THE KING CONFIRMATION 6PM Thursday, February 19th at 7:00 pm Apr 19: Confirmation : 5pm Mass (Practice TBD) Apr 26: 1st Communion: 10am Mass (Practice Apr 25th 10am Refreshments Available Mary Star of the Sea Room From the God Squad Rosary= Peace in our hearts is born from simplicity in our lives. Simplicity is the key to perfection. There is no more powerful story than that of Jesus Christ. The Rosary helps us to know His story and teaches us to integrate it into our lives. In the Rosary we have twenty mysteries that beget twenty lessons in life, love, the attainment of virtue, and the genius of God’s plan for humanity. Give yourself a test to name 1) Title of mysteries and 2) put them in order. TTLE__________________ TiTLE_________________ 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ TITLE_________________ TITLE_________________ 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ Put them in order of Christ’s Life. Grade yourself. Catholics should be able to bring forth the Rosary from their Spiritual Storehouse from time to time as the Spirit prompts them. STATUS OF 2014 CATHOLIC SHARING APPEAL Last year 234 St. Rita parishioners gave a total of $75,807.65. We reached 117% of our goal! $11,558.80 HAS BEEN RETURNED TO OUR PARISH MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! “Later in Mark’s gospel, when Jesus tells the apostles, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15) He was speaking to the whole Church. Let us take ownership of our call. May we all use our God-given gifts, our time, our talent and our treasure-to proclaim the good news: Christ has come to save all people. He offers everyone life everlasting. It is a wonderfully hope-filled message.“ Catholics from our Diocese & throughout the world will join an international day of prayer through Mass, private prayer & Vigils to raise awareness about human trafficking. February 8th is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita who was kidnapped as a child in Italy and sold into slavery in Sudan. Once was freed, she dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. Pray that all human beings may be free! February 8, 2015 Estudio Biblico los martes a las 7PM ! Please Pray For Father Kevin and His Continuing Recovery Prayer requests for God’s Divine Healing to soothe the hearts and souls of those around the world wishing to destroy Christians. We ask that their evil thoughts be turned toward the goodness of God!!! CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1552 Scenic Highway 331 Freeport, Florida 32439 850-267-2558 FAX 850-267-3711 Fr. Kevin Johnson, Pastor “IN CHRIST’S CORNER” Church Ministry for TODAY February 8, 2015: Eucharistic Minister-Reese Orlosky; Lector- Luann Schley; Ushers-Laureen Riggi ,Chuck Kersten A complete update of Fr. Kevin’s condition is in the St. Rita Bulletin on page 1. Church Ministry for NEXT Sunday, February 15, 2015 Eucharistic Minister-:Maryann Guss; Lector-Laureen Riggi; Ushers-Don Norse. Reese Orlosky PARISH ROSTER Helen Flaws has generously updated the entire CTK Parish Roster as well as the Altar Guild’s List and their Birthdays. An email was sent this past week to all parishioners for whom that we have email addresses! If you did not receive these lists and would like them, please contact Ina Santos (835-0037)with your request. For future reference, you should keep these lists in a folder on your computer. Thank you to the record crowd at the“Soup’s On” Dinner ! RELAY FOR LIFE FUNDRAISER NEXT Sunday, February 15th at the Freeport Presbyterian Church (Highway 20 East)…. Soup, Salad and Dessert $5 Hours 11AM-2PM CTK Social Hall...Family Members who wish to utilize the Hall are to make arrangements through Dave Doring at [email protected] or 835-5470 For CTK Family Members, Relatives & their Friends: We also pray for these CTK Family Members; their Relatives and their Friends: Mel Chaney, Ruth Wilson, Joyce Schilly, Ann Aultman, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer, Gerald Foreman, Lily Mc Coy, Gloria Caggiano, Phillip and Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr., Yvonne Payne, George Dunnigan, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, Dave Baron, Gary Kinnen and Skippy Hoffman Please also pray for the eternal repose of the souls of John Charette and Raymond (Buddy)Hayes who passed away this past week. CTK Ten-Week Bible Study Group regarding “JamesPearls for Wise Living” by Jeff Cavins will continue this week on Wednesday, February 11th at 7PM in the CTK Social Hall Pinochle Games Friday, we will be starting regular Pinochle games. This is open to all parishioners… please try to attend if you enjoy a great card game! No need to register; just show up. Cards, etc Groups Night. Several Church members have asked if we can have regularly scheduled “Cards Night”… Poker, Pinochle, Texas Hold’em, Bunco, the Social Hall. Please use the “SUGGESTION BOX” in the vestibule to express your desires/needs/wants Bible Class: Spanish Language Bible Class meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CTK MEN’S CLUB has been suggested: Sign-up sheet is in the vestibule for those who would like to discuss this activity.February 15 Freeport Relay for Life Fundraiser Soup, Salad and Dessert Buffet at Freeport Presbyterian Church 11-2 February 18: Ash Wednesday; February 20: Stations & Rosary February 22- Ladies Altar Guild--Birthdays Celebration after Mass at the Bay Restaurant; Restaurant CHRIST THE KING Offertory $ 880.00 Building Fund $ 341.00 Upon This Rock April 14th is Confirmation at Christ the King at 6:00pm Thank You!!! Gracias!!! Send information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to have your name added to the CTK Info e-mail list t February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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