As the Body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the world. June 7, 2015 WORSHIP PRAY/ENCOURAGE Christ the King Lutheran Church offers the following opportunities to worship: Please keep these members and friends in your prayers: David, Doris, Damien, Char- Sunday: 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 am Third Sunday of each month: 1:30 pm at Michiana Rehab. Center on Douglas, with Pr. Terri Monday: 6:30 pm Wednesday: 11:30 am Mid day prayer Second Friday of each month: 3:00 pm at the Hearth at Juday Creek, with Pr. Terri TODAY New Members Richard, Paula, and Jason James will become members of CtK at the 9:30 am service today. They moved to the South Bend area from California in 2008. Larry and Karen Hettig will become members of CtK at the 8:15 am service today. They are transferring their membership to CtK from Peace Lutheran, St. Joseph, Michigan. Sign up for Summer Special Music at CtK!: Do you sing, play an instrument, or have another talent you’d like to share with Christ the King this summer? Don’t be shy - get creative and be sure to get your name on the schedule for Summer Special Music at CtK! A sign-up sheet is posted outside of Hillary Doerries’ office, Room 304. If you need help selecting a piece, Hillary is more than happy to assist you. Just email her at [email protected]. Dollars For Diapers — 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, in July: CtK will have an in-kind offering of money for diapers to be sent with the youth attending the Gathering, so diapers may be purchased in Detroit. You may make a check out to CtK, noting it is for ELCA Youth Gathering Diaper Ministry. lie, Brianna, Wendy, Ann, Sandy, Sue, Sarah, Ron, Jan, Megan, Jeff, Earl, Chris, Marianne, Bruce, Bernice, Tina, Brenden, Connie, Gayle, Lorrie, Karl, Jackie, Catherine, Cynthia, Don, Pat, Don, Karen, Louis, Avery, Peg, Dan, Marvin, Ruth, Miriam, Jack, Moles family, Dylan, Connie, Katie, Bob, Shari, Ryan, Gaynetta, Luise, Andy, Allison, Geraldine, Natalie, Susan, Bob, Lorrie, Virginia, John, Paul, Joe, Josh, John, Karana, Taylor, Robb, Amy, Karen, Adam, Lamar, Annie, Julie, Lowel, Jonathan, Valerie, Charles, Amy, Tom, Declan, Logan, Scarlett, Janice, Mary Ellen, Jenny, Dean, Riley, Martha, Jane, Christine, Harvey, Raul, Everett, Caroline, Mary, John, Betty, Len, and Cheryl. PRAYERS FOR MILITARY Please pray for those in the military: Senior Master Sergeant Jeremy Yates (Langley AFB/stateside); US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Bill Krueper, son of Elly; Joshua Thompson (Royal Air Force, Scotland), son of Jon & Marilyn Thompson; Captain Jacob Della Pia (Stateside), nephew of Sue Koski; Scott Esler (Air Force), son-in-law of Mike & Sandy Hollowell; Daniel Rudisel (Army), nephew of Donna Gradeless; Staff Sergeant Brian Beal (Army/Stateside), son of Chris & Katie Schlotfeldt and grandson of Dee Schlotfeldt; Stefon Allen (Army/ Afghanistan), brother-in-law of Bryant Vande Kolk; Doug Smith (USAF/Afghanistan), son of Diane Guerrant; Nathan Granlund (Coast Guard/Saudi Arabia), nephew of Andy Trundle; and Kevin Kurtz (Army/Kuwait), great nephew of Doug & Rita Kurtz. Thanks be to God and thank you for commitments to the campaign. Thus far: 148 pledges $934,615 pledged $275,197 received THIS WEEK THIS WEEK continued... Card Ministry Meeting Through The Summer: Come and have fellowship and fun while PASSAGES - Death Please pray for the family of Mike & Laura Garver as they mourn the loss of Mike's mother (and Josie's grandmother), Thelma Garver, who passed away on May 28, in the Indianapolis area. Please pray for the family of Jan & Bob Daniels as they mourn the death of Jan’s nephew, Steven A. Jones who passed away from cancer on May 31. Please pray for the family of Doug and Jan Irvine as they mourn the death of Doug’s cousin, Jerry DeYoung, who died on June 2 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. making cards for CtK. On the second Friday of each month at 10 am, we punch patterns, do easy stitching, cutting and taping. Please join us! Hope to see you on Friday, June 12 (corrected date) at 10 am in room 504. Outdoor Worship: Worship in the outdoor chapel will be at 9:30 am on June 14, July 26, & August 30 (additional dates may be added later). NEXT WEEK - BIBLE STUDIES Women’s Journey All women are welcome to join us on Wednesday mornings at 10 am in VOH. Child care is available in room 303. We will begin reading Boundaries, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Wednesday 10 am Bible Study Group resumes on June 10: Our topic will be “Mythbusting - 10 Things You Thought You Knew About Martin Luther," an article from the January 2015 issue of The Lutheran magazine will start on June 10th in Room 201 (by the church office). Copies of the article will be provided with permission from The Lutheran. Plans are also being made to have a study of the parables this summer. Questions: Contact Sharon Esmont at (574) 272-5481. Vacation Bible School-VBS For 4 year olds (potty trained) through 6th grade Where: Outside at CtK August 3 - 5, 9am—11:45am, Rain days on August 4 and 5, if needed $15 per person; $25 max per family You may sign up on the website or fill out the form in the narthex and return it to Craig’s mailbox Contact Craig Swendsen at 574-272-4306 Or by e-mail: [email protected] Registration Deadline: 7/24/15 SOCIAL MINISTRY The Priestly Benediction Numbers 6:22-27 (NRSV) The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the Israelites: You shall say to them, The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. So they shall put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them. Hymn (ELW 545): Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing NOTES FROM THE OFFICE Communion Clean-up Help is Needed: There is a need for people to help clean-up after communion at the 8:15 am and 9:30 am services. It requires about 15-30 minutes, depending on how many people are cleaning up. Many hands make light work. Training is provided, and there is an instruction booklet available on the counter in the sacristy. Your help is greatly appreciated. If you have questions, please call Jan Irvine, (574)277-8805 or Ginny Gorman, (574) 256-9956. All Group Leaders: Regular meeting locations may need to remain flexible as we go through the construction phase this summer. Room 303 is set up as the nursery. VOH, room 201, and room 103 will remain open for meetings at this time. HABITAT BUILD Saturday, June 20 9:00 am - 12:00 noon 120 West Marion St, Mishawaka Our team still has 6 slots available. Sign up today in the narthex. Even if you’re not a builder, be sure to stop by & “Sign the Stud” to show CtK’s support. Donations appreciated but not required with your signature. On the build day, simply go to the construction address listed above. Jamaica Team Request- Twin Sheets Thank you to everyone who donated supplies & money to this mission. Your support of our team is what makes our trip so successful! We’re leaving June 25 so it’s not too late to contribute to this ministry. Here’s how to help: Purchase some twin sheets & drop them by CtK ASAP as we pack on June 13! Monetary donations are greatly appreciated in order to buy groceries while we are there. It takes a lot to feed 42 boys, the Sunbeam staff and our CtK team! We’d also like to treat the boys to a day at the beach which requires entrance fees and food costs. The boys don’t get to go there often. Help us treat them to a fun day! You can write a check to CtK & place “Jamaica” in the memo, or place cash in an envelope and also designate it for “Jamaica.” SERVING TODAY Preaching/Presiding: Pastor Steve Schwier and Pastor Terri Peterson 8:15 9:30 11:00 Ushers Michele & Glenn Jensen Karen & Chris Schwelnus Rita Donley Bill Lightcap Acolytes none scheduled Noah Layher Libby Haberling Logan Huchko Assisting Minister Mike Strong LeAnne Marsh Mike Strong Readers Matt Dowd Marty Werling John Seng Communion Servers Julie & Bob Freske Kris Monagle Deb Frecka Marilyn Wood Greeters: No summer Greeter schedule, please welcome all new visitors. PowerPoint Projector (9:30 service): Vicky Mohajeri Communion Bread was baked by: Debbie Radecki Communion Setup: Dee Schlotfeldt, Barbara Myers, Julie & Bob Freske, Sue & Sarah Henderson, Karen Wendling and Accamma Koshy Altar flowers donated by: Pat & Craig Rogers in memory of Viola & William Pekoc Softball/Golf: CtK fields a co-ed softball team in the area church league. The game is slow pitch, with five women and five men, for fun. High school aged and older are eligible to play, Tuesday evenings, 6:15 pm on diamonds at Edison School. The season has begun! Sign up on the kiosk or call Don Zerfas at 261-2370. Anyone for Golf? Come join our Thursday afternoon/evening golf ‘league’ at Blackthorn Golf Club. If you purchase a ‘black card’ for $99, you can play any day after 2 pm for $28 (includes golf, cart and GPS). We play every Thursday, but it is not necessary for you to be there every week. For more information, contact John Huchko or Pastor Steve. **THIS WEEK** Monday, June 8 12:00 pm 6:15 6:30 Honker’s Fit & Faithful Worship Tuesday, June 9 12:00 pm 6:15 7:00 Staff Meeting-Worship Planning Co-Ed Softball at Edison School Council Meeting Wednesday, June 10 10:00 am 11:30 7:00 pm Adult Study Group Women’s Journey in VOH No Mid day Prayer *AA Meeting Thursday, June 11 7:00 pm Xalt! Rehearsal Friday, June 12 10:00 am 3:00 pm 7:00 Card Ministry Hearth at Juday Creek Worship *AA Meeting Saturday, June 13 8:00 am *AA Meeting Sunday, June 14 8:15 am 9:30 11:00 7:00 pm Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship (Outdoor Chapel) Traditional Worship * AA Meeting * indicates a community activity held at CtK Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Road, South Bend, IN 46635 574-272-4306
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