eircom Price List 2015 Part 4.1.9 eircom Consumer Multi Product Bundles Dual Play Bundles 1 Fixed Line & eFibre Broadband eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) eTalk (2014) Offpeak ex vat inc vat €39.0244 €48.00 €43.0895 €53.00 eTalk (2014) Anytime ex vat inc vat €43.0895 €53.00 €47.1545 3 eVision Essential ex vat inc vat €44.7155 €55.00 Broadband + TV eFibre Advanced €58.00 eFibre Advanced (unlimited) 2 Fixed Line & NGB Broadband NGB Advanced NGB Advanced Unlimited eTalk (2014) Offpeak ex vat inc vat €39.0244 €48.00 €43.0895 €53.00 eTalk (2014) Anytime ex vat inc vat €43.0895 €53.00 €47.1545 4 €48.7805 €60.00 €58.00 5 Fixed Line & Mobile eTalk (2014) Offpeak eTalk (2014) Anytime Broadband & Mobile eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) eMobile 150 ex vat €36.5854 inc vat €45.00 ex vat €44.7155 inc vat €55.00 eMobile 150 ex vat €43.0895 inc vat €53.00 ex vat €47.1545 inc vat €58.00 eMobile 300 €44.7155 €55.00 €52.8456 €65.00 eMobile 300 €51.2196 €63.00 €55.2846 €68.00 eMobile 500 €52.0326 €64.00 €60.1627 €74.00 eMobile 500 €58.5366 €72.00 €62.6017 €77.00 eMobile Unlimited €56.0976 €69.00 €64.2277 €79.00 eMobile Unlimited €62.6017 €77.00 €66.6667 €82.00 (Effective from 06/11/14) Page 1 eircom Price List 2015 Part 4.1.9 eircom Consumer Multi Product Bundles Triple Play Bundles 1 2 Fixed Line + eFibre Broadband + Mobile eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) eTalk (2014) Offpeak eTalk (2014) Anytime eTalk (2014) Offpeak eTalk (2014) Anytime ex vat €51.2196 inc vat €63.00 ex vat €55.2846 inc vat €68.00 eMobile 150 ex vat €51.2196 inc vat €63.00 ex vat €55.2846 inc vat €68.00 €59.3496 €73.00 €63.4147 €78.00 eMobile 300 €59.3496 €73.00 €63.4147 €78.00 €66.6667 €82.00 €70.7318 €87.00 eMobile 500 €66.6667 €82.00 €70.7318 €87.00 €70.7318 €55.2846 €87.00 €68.00 €74.7968 €59.3496 €92.00 €73.00 eMobile Unlimited eMobile 150 €70.7318 €55.2846 €87.00 €68.00 €74.7968 €59.3496 €92.00 €73.00 €63.4147 €78.00 €67.4797 €83.00 eMobile 300 €63.4147 €78.00 €67.4797 €83.00 €70.7318 €87.00 €74.7968 €92.00 eMobile 500 €70.7318 €87.00 €74.7968 €92.00 €74.7968 €92.00 €78.8618 €97.00 eMobile Unlimited €74.7968 €92.00 €78.8618 €97.00 Fixed Line + NGB Broadband + Mobile NGB Advanced NGB Advanced Unlimited 3 Fixed Line + Broadband + TV eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) eTalk (2014) Offpeak ex vat inc vat €51.2196 €63.00 €55.2846 eTalk (2014) Anytime ex vat inc vat €55.2846 €68.00 €68.00 €59.3496 eVision Essential €73.00 4 Mobile + Broadband + TV eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) (Effective from 06/11/14) eMobile 150 ex vat inc vat €51.2196 €63.00 €55.2846 €68.00 eMobile 300 ex vat inc vat €59.3496 €73.00 €63.4147 eMobile 500 ex vat inc vat €66.6667 €82.00 €78.00 €70.7318 eVision Essential €87.00 eMobile Unlimited ex vat inc vat €70.7318 €87.00 €74.7968 €92.00 Page 2 eircom Price List 2015 Part 4.1.9 eircom Consumer Multi Product Bundles Quad Play Bundles Fixed Line + Broadband + Mobile + TV eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) (Effective from 06/11/14) eTalk (2014) Offpeak ex vat inc vat €60.9757 €75.00 eTalk (2014) Anytime ex vat inc vat €65.0407 €80.00 eMobile 150 €69.1057 €85.00 €73.1708 €90.00 eMobile 300 €76.4228 €94.00 €80.4879 €99.00 eMobile 500 €80.4879 €65.0407 €99.00 €80.00 €84.5529 €69.1057 €104.00 €85.00 eMobile Unlimited eMobile 150 €73.1708 €90.00 €77.2358 €95.00 eMobile 300 €80.4879 €99.00 €84.5529 €104.00 eMobile 500 €84.5529 €104.00 €88.6179 eVision Essential €109.00 eMobile Unlimited Page 3 eircom Price List 2015 Part 4.1.9 eircom Consumer Multi Product Bundles - Components eircom Broadband Components Level eFibre Advanced eFibre Advanced (unlimited) Bandwidth (up to) 102400kbps / 20480kbps 102400kbps / 20480kbps Monthly Limits Download Upload 30GB Unlimited eircom eTalk 2014 Components eTalk (2014) Off-Peak Unlimited Offpeak Local, National calls and 30 Off-peak minutes to certain Mobile Operators eTalk (2014) Anytime Unlimited Anytime Local, National calls and 30 Anytime minutes to certain Mobile Operators eVision Component eVision Essential eMobile Components eMobile Component inclusive minutes inclusive texts landline calls eMobile and Meteor Calls Internet Base Pack - see eVision (part 11.1) on this price list for available options eMobile 150 150 150 unlimited unlimited 150Mb eMobile 300 300 300 unlimited unlimited 500Mb eMobile 500 500 500 unlimited unlimited 500Mb eMobile Unlimited + Data unlimited 10000 unlimited unlimited 5Gb * unlimited eMobile calls have a fair usage ceiling of 45000 minutes (Effective from 06/11/14) Page 4 eircom Price List 2015 Part 4.1.9 eircom Consumer Multi-Product Bundles The Company may provide a Facility in the eircom Price List (referred to as “eircom Consumer Multi-Product Bundles Facility”, or “The Facility”) to eircom customers who simultaneously avail of at least one instance of two or more of the following Facilities – eTalk 2014 Facility; eircom broadband Facility; eMobile Facility; eVision Facility. The Facility may be provided whereby such customers may avail of discounted bundled rates on the rates payable on certain eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile and eVision facilities. The available discounted bundled rates and the eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile and eVision facilities to which they apply are as set out above. By giving relevant notice in accordance with normal requirements, the Company may at its absolute discretion withdraw any or all instances of the Facility from any or all customers. A copy of the Regulations may be inspected at eircom, 1 Heuston South Quarter, St. John’s Road, Dublin 8, Ireland; by visiting www.eircom.ie/pricing; or by contacting Freefone 1901. It shall be a condition of the application of the Facility that: 1. The Facility is only available to customers who simultaneously avail of at least one instance of two or more of the following: eTalk 2014 Facility; eircom broadband Facility; eMobile Facility; eVision Facility. The only available discounted bundle rates and the eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile and eVision facilities to which they apply are those as set out above. 2. Usage of the Facility is deemed to be acceptance of the Facility terms and conditions. 3. In addition to these terms and conditions, the standard terms and conditions of the relevant eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile and eVision facilities apply. (effective from 06/11/14) Page 5 eircom Price List 2015 4. Part 4.1.9 The Facility is made available subject to an 18 month minimum contract term (24 month minimum contract term may apply depending on the mobile handset chosen). For the avoidance of doubt, where any of the eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile or eVision services are ceased within the minimum contract period the early cease charge(s) applicable to the service(s) ceased will apply (see “Applicable Early Cease Charges” as outlined in table below). 2014, eircom Customers who wish to cease any of the eTalk broadband, eMobile or eVision services and retain other remaining eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile or eVision services, may, by contacting eircom by telephone or in writing, apply to have their bundle changed to a bundle relevant to the service(s) they wish to retain, if available as set out above, subject to commencing a new 18 or 24 month contract on the retained service(s) and subject to payment of any early cease charge(s) applicable to the service(s) ceased. Otherwise, the customer shall continue to avail of the component(s) of the Facility which it has not ceased on the terms and conditions that apply to those components, at undiscounted prices and subject to the remainder of the minimum contract term of the original bundle. Applicable Early Cease Charges 5. Ceasing Product Applicable Early Cease Charge Treatment eFibre Advanced ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e5r. 150 eFibre Advanced Unlimited ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e5r. 150 eTalk 2014 Anytime ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e0r. 100 eTalk 2014 Offpeak ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e0r. 100 eircom Broadband Advanced ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e5r. 150 eircom Broadband Advanced Unlimited ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s6e5r. 150 eVision Essential ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract or ECC cap, whichever is l e0s.s2e6r8.2 eMobile150 ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract. 0.5420 Not Applicable eMobile300 ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract. 0.9485 Not Applicable eMobile500 ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract. 1.3279 Not Applicable eMobile Unlimited+Data ECC daily rate multiplied by number of days outstanding on minimum contract. 1.4634 Not Applicable ECC Daily Rate (€ @ 0% VAT) ECC Cap (€ @ 0% VA 150 In the event that the customer ceases within the minimum contract period and fails to return any supplied eircom broadband modem within 14 days, eircom reserves the right to charge the customer the cost of the modem as defined in the eircom Price List. (effective from 06/11/14) Page 6 eircom Price List 2015 6. Part 4.1.9 The following business rules apply to customers wishing to avail of the Facility (i) customers availing certain promotions may be ineligible to avail of this Facility until such time as said promotion(s) have expired or are removed upon agreement with the customer. (ii) customers availing of Split Billing are not eligible for the Facility. 7. The Facility shall automatically cease on a customer’s account if the customer ceases to avail of any of the eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile or eVision components of the Facility. In such event, (i) the provisions of clause 5 hereof shall apply where applicable. (ii) the customer shall continue to avail of the component(s) of the Facility which it has not ceased on the terms and conditions that apply to those components, at undiscounted prices and subject to the remainder of the minimum contract term of the original bundle. In such event the customer may, by contacting eircom by telephone or in writing, apply to avail of the bundle Facility relevant to the service(s) they wish to retain, if available as set out above, subject to commencing a new 18 month contract on the retained service(s) and subject to payment of any early cease charge(s) applicable to the service(s) ceased. 8. A customer may change their bundle by availing of a new eTalk 2014, eircom broadband, eMobile or eVision Facility subject to commencing a new minimum contract 9. as applicable to the bundle to which they move. Where a customer avails of more than one instance of a service as part of their bundle the applicable minimum contract terms applies to each instance. Where a customer agrees to enter into a new minimum contract term in respect of any instance of a service that forms part of their bundle, that contract term may supersede the original bundle contract minimum term in respect of that service. 10. Where the customer changes from one of the eircom Consumer Multi-Product Bundles to another, the benefits applicable to the ceased bundle shall apply on a pro-rata basis to the new bundle as per the date on which the change was made. (effective from 06/11/14) Page 7 eircom Price List 2015 11. Part 4.1.9 For bill display purposes, the costs of individual rated items may be shown rounded to the nearest whole cent based on standard rounding. An adjustment may be applied to the bill in order to reconcile any difference between the total of the rounded values shown and the applicable total based on the actual unrounded cost of individual items. 12. One month’s notice will be given to the Customer of any increase in either the charges for calls made from the telecommunications line rented by the Customer or in the rentals for the telecommunications line(s) or equipment. Full details of all eircom’s current charges can be obtained by visiting www.eircom.ie/pricing or by contacting Freefone 1901 (Residential Customers) 13. In the event of changes notified by eircom to these terms and conditions, the Customer may terminate the Agreement without charge, by serving notice in writing prior to the date of implementation of any such changes. The Customer shall be deemed to have accepted any implemented changes, by continuing to use the Services. 14. Unless otherwise agreed or eircom otherwise decides, all monies due to eircom by the Customer become payable as soon as an account or a demand is issued to the Customer. Unless otherwise agreed or eircom otherwise decides, payment shall be due within fourteen days of the date of the issue of the account, unless otherwise stipulated within the Customer’s direct debit agreement terms. The Customer can view their phone bill, the methods of payment and make a payment by Laser/Visa Debit Card or set up a Direct Debit by visiting www.eircom.ie. For Bill enquiries, Residential Customer can contact us on Freefone 1901. (effective from 06/11/14) Page 8 eircom Price List 2015 15. Part 4.1.9 eircom will try to resolve any dispute with the Customer as quickly as possible. All complaints received by letter, fax or e-mail will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt. The Customer will be provided with a unique reference number and advised of the expected investigation and resolution timelines. Details of our complaint handling procedures and how to log a complaint are set out in eircom’s Customer Care Code of Practice for Complaint Handling, which can be viewed by visiting www.eircom.net/codeofpractice. The Customer can log a complaint by contacting Freefone 1901 (Residential customers) or by sending a fax to our Customer Care Centre at 1800 200 480. In the event the parties cannot agree the Customer may refer the dispute to any recognised dispute resolution service in accordance with the Customer Care Code of Practice for Complaint Handling. 16. These terms and conditions together with the eircom General Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the Facility. Terms and Conditions (where applicable) General Terms & Conditions: http://www.eircom.net/group/pricing/price_list/ eTalk 2014: http://www.eircom.ie/bveircom/pdf/Pt2.3.9.pdf Broadband: http://www.eircom.ie/bveircom/pdf/Part3.1.pdf eVision: http://www.eircom.ie/bveircom/pdf/Pt11.1.pdf eMobile: http://www.emobile.ie/terms/ The Customer can obtain further support or information on all available Residential Tariff Plans on www.eircom.ie or by contacting Freefone 1901. (effective from 06/11/14) Page 9
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