This Week at Trinity We Gather In Community We Listen for God`s

This Week at Trinity Sunday, Feb 8 10:00 am Morning Worship Monday, Feb 9 Church Closed Tuesday, Feb 10 9:00 am Meditation Group 10:00 am Bible Study Group 10:00 am Membership Mtg 11:00 am Tai Chi 1:00 pm Pastoral Care 1:00 pm Shadow Effect 5:30 pm NOYFSS Dinner Mtg Wednesday, Feb 11 9:00 am TOPS 12:00 pm Healing Pathways 1:00 pm Blood Donor Clinic 6:00 pm Beavers 6:00 pm Sparks 7:00 pm VCS 8:30 pm VCS Sweet & Savoury Thursday, Feb 12 9:00 am Wearable Art 10:00 am Healing Practice 10:00 pm Baby Talk 12:30 pm Blood Donor Clinics 1:30 pm Al-­‐Anon 3:15 pm Prayer Group 7:00 pm Scouts Committee Mtg 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Friday Feb 13 12:30 pm Blood Donor Clinic 1:30 pm UCW Friendship Mtg Saturday, Feb 14 Noon VJH Carnival for The Disabled TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sanctuary Room 3 Room 3 Room 4/5 Hall Spare Office Chapel Rooms 6/7 Room 6/7 Chapel Hall Room 4/5 Room 6/7 Sanct. Narthex Room 6/7 Chapel Rooms 3/4/5 Hall Room 3 Room 3 Room 4/5 Chapel/Sanct. Hall Room 3 Hall February 8, 2015 – Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Minister – Rev. Jeff Seaton Welcome to Trinity United Church. This time of worship is enriched by your presence. Please stay for a cup of fair trade coffee or tea after the service in the Hall. You’ll find a guest book and information about Trinity at the Information Centre by the front entrance, and on the web at Youth and children are encouraged to participate in the first part of the worship service, until they are invited to go to Sunday School. Feel free to accompany your child. Prayer requests can be written on the cards at the entrance and left in the basket. Prayer concerns may be heard during worship and will be given to the Prayer Group for their Thursday gathering. At places marked V, you may stand, as you are able. We Gather In Community Gathering Song: MV 97 Listen, God is Calling Words of Welcome Passing the Peace: MV 14 Where Two or Three Are Gathered Call to Worship V We Sing: MV 98 VU 670 MV 4 Like a River of Tears Precious Lord, Take My Hand All Who Are Thirsty Opening Prayer The children leave for Sunday School. We Listen for God’s Word Prayer for Illumination Reader: Sigrid-­‐Ann Thors Gospel Reading: Mark 1:29-­‐39 (NRSV p.813) Sermon Musical Reflection A Gift of Music: Bless the Lord, O My Soul Chancel Choir Music by Douglas E. Wagner; based on the tune “Bless the Lord” and Prelude in C by J.S. Bach. We Respond in Joy and Faith Prayer Song: MV 96 The Offering MV 191 What Can I Do? U The Prayer of Thanksgiving U The Lord’s Prayer (VU 959) We Go into the World Trinity in Action V We Sing: Sandee Carson VU 79 Arise, Your Light Is Come V Commissioning & Blessing V Sung Blessing: VU 87 I Am the Light of the World The Prayers of the People are adapted from Celebrate God’s Presence. A friendly reminder
The Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday March 1st
Following the Worship Service
Lunch will be served
For more information contact
Marilyn Erdmann: 250-542-9056
ANNUAL REPORTS: Thank you to everyone who submitted their reports! A friendly reminder to those who have not to please do this as soon as possible. Reports can be emailed to [email protected] HEARING ASSIST volunteers needed on Sundays to help with the signing out and in of the units. Please phone Teresa @250-­‐545-­‐
0797 or email: [email protected] And When You Call For Me The Prayers of the People V Offering Song: In & Around Trinity THE SHADOW EFFECT, a visually stunning documentary revealing the transformation of the power of the Shadow, taking place Tuesday February 10 at 1:00. For more information visit Sign up in the Narthex or contact Sharon Hartwick 250-­‐558-­‐5774 or Linda DeBelser 250-­‐542-­‐9715. CHERISHED BY CHOCOLATE! Saturday February 14, 6-­‐8 pm in the basement of St. Andrew’s United Church in Enderby. Fundraiser for 2015 Camp McKenzie summer programs. Talk to Don McNair for more details. LABYRINTH WALK is scheduled for Tuesday February 17th. Please note start time is 7:30 for this evening only. Mark Malek to lead. FAITH NIGHT – VIPER HOCKEY TICKETS: Feb 20th, tickets are $7.00 each. Contact Evelyn Wendt: 250-­‐542-­‐0667 MEN’S NIGHT OUT: Feb 20th @ 5 pm. Full dinner & guest speaker. $5.00 or Food Bank Donations. Contact Gary Wendt: 250-­‐542-­‐
0667 A NIGHT IN AFRICA! Feb 27 @ 6 pm, includes authentic African dinner, slides, entertainment and stories. Contact 250-­‐558-­‐3745 for tickets. $35.00 per person. This is a fundraiser for the Anglican Diocese of Kagera hosted by Irene Hart & Ivy Thomas. HEALING PATHWAY -­‐ PHASE 2 WEEKEND taking place at TUC March 27-­‐29. Brochures are in the Narthex or contact either Pat Riegel @250-­‐306-­‐1620 or Betty Chenoweth @ 250-­‐542-­‐2763. LECTIONARY PASSAGES FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 2 Kings 2:1-­‐12, Ps. 50:1-­‐6, 2 Cor. 4:3-­‐6, Mk. 9:2-­‐9