The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India VASAI BRANCH OF WIRC T E A M NEWSLETTER Together Everyone Achieve More January-February 2015 Happy Mahashivratri k HappyMa ar San ranti Happy Republic Day PHOTO - GALLERY Glimpses of Mega Members Conference on 21st & 22nd December 2014 L-R : CA. Sumeet Doshi (Committee Member), CA. K. B. Kothari (Committee Member), CA. Dayaram Paliwal (Chairman- Vasai Branch of WICASA), CA. Preksha Jain (Secretary & Treasurer-Vasai Br.), CA. Tarun Ghia (CCM), Chief Guest CA. Kamlesh Vikamsey (Past President-ICAI), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman- Vasai Br.), CA. Anil Bhandari (Chairman-WIRC), CA. Umesh Mestry (Vice Chairman-Vasai Br.), CA. Shruti Shah (Secretary-WIRC), CA. Ramanand Gupta (Immediate Past Chairman-Vasai Br.), CA. Vimal Agarwal (Committee Member- Vasai Br.) at the dais. Chief Guest CA. Kamlesh Vikamsey (Past President-ICAI), CA. Tarun Ghia (CCM), CA. Anil Bhandari (Chairman-WIRC), CA. Shruti Shah( Secretary-WIRC), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman-Vasai Br.) & Managing Committee Team and various eminent dignitaries at Inauguration Session Our Speakers for Mega Members Conference 2014 CA. Bhupendra Shah CA. Dhinal Shah CA. Mayur Chokshi 2 Jan-Feb 2015 CA. Rakesh Upadhay CA. Pankaj Ghadiali CA. Ramnath Iyer CA. Sanjeev Lalan CA.Atul Bheda CA. Sunny Bilaney The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATION Saffron – Strength and Courage …. The White middle band for Peace and Truth … The Green – for Fertility, Growth and Auspiciousness … Branch also completed two jointly programme with Thane Branch on Seminar on Project Finance and Cricket Tournament. My India , My Pride – Vande Mataram … Happy Republic Day Branch also conducted various events for Students such as Career Counselling and Joint Seminar with S N College on area of opportunities with CA Professions. Sports Competition Indoor & Outdoor Games at Vasai Hostel, One Day Seminar on Accounting Standard-12 & Wealth Tax & Education visit at Yogathon and many more. Wish You a Great, Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Energetic and Extremely Happy, Happy New Year 2015, Happy Makar Sankranti, Happy Mahashivratri & Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti. In a landmark visit, US President Barack Obama and PM Narendra Modi sealed on many important deals and committed that the two nations will be partners in economic progress. The two leaders put the civil nuclear deal to work, took defence cooperation up another notch, besides US endorsing India for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. In the year 2014, Vasai Branch had organized a number of 7HFKQLFDODQGVRFLDOHYHQWVIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI WKH0HPEHUV Particularly in the month of December, we had organized a number of programs to assist Members to enhance their knowledge. Branch had successfully completed Mega Members Conference 2014 organised jointly with WIRC on the theme ‘Global Challenges & Opportunities before CA Profession’ wherein 200 plus member gathered. I would like to thank our Chief Guest, CA Kamlesh Vikamsey, Past President, ICAI, for having graced this Conference. Members appreciated his expert insight and applicable information on global opportunities. I also thankful to CA. Anil Bhandari & his Team for continuous support and Guidance to made this event a successful. %UDQFK DOVR VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRPSOHWHG WK %DWFK RI &HUWLÀFDWH Course on Concurrent Audits of Banks, we are thankful to Internal Audit Standard Board Committee for giving us an opportunities to host this course at Vasai Branch. CA. Shriniwas Joshi, Central Council Member & Vice Chairman of IASB Committee who enlighten participants on subject knowledge and importance of Banks Audit. We are pleased to inform you that Vasai Branch of WIRC submitted its Yearly Activity Report to ICAI & WIRC before deadline. Hoping for this year also Vasai Branch will elect as Best Branch & Best WICASA. Branch conducted various activities throughout the year for Members, Students & Societies (please refer Major Highlights on Page No. 4 & 5.) Forthcoming Programmes I am please to inform you that Vasai Branch is supporting to Committee for Members in Industry in organizing Campus 3ODFHPHQW IRU 1HZO\ 4XDOLÀHG &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQWV ZKHUHLQ Orientation Program schedule on 8th Feb and Campus Interview on 13th & 14th Feb 2015. To cheer up the mood of the members from the stressful Professional Environment of today, the branch has taken the initiative in organizing some social events like Grand Cricket Tournament 2015 for Members, Students with other department like Police Department, Press, Doctors, Corporators & Advocates. Public Meeting on Union Budget 2015 and Seminar on Women Day schedule in the month of March. I congrats to all Final Students those who cleared in their exams and become member of CA Parivar and those who have not cleared, never lose hope, try for better efforts and prepare in next exam. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” --Winston Churchill Branch also completed other programme such as Seminar on Project Finance, Intensive Course on Companies Act, Service Tax & Mvat, Residential Refresher Course at Mohili Meadows Resort jointly with Vasai Virar CPE Study Circle & Celebrated 9th Branch Annual Day. With Warm Regards CA Kishor Vaishnav MANAGING COMMITTEE CA. Dayaram Paliwal WICASA-Chairman CA. Vimal Agarwal Committee Member Vice-Chairman CA. Ramanand Gupta Imm. Past Chairman CA. Sumeet Doshi Committee Member Secretary & Treasurer CA. K. B. Kothari Committee Member CA. Shruti Shah WIRC-Nominee CA. Kishor Vaishnav Chairman CA. Umesh Mestry CA. Preksha Jain EDITORIAL BOARD Editor : CA. Kishor Vaishnav z Joint Editor : CA. Vimal Agarwal CA. Unmesh Narvekar, z CA. Haresh Mehta, z CA. Pramod Dhamankar, z CA. Hemant Shah, z CA. Haresh Kenia, z CA. Lalit Munoyat, Kamal Dhareva, z CA. Preeti Agarwal, z CA. Rajesh Utkur, z CA. Sanjay Paharia. z CA. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Jan-Feb 2015 3 MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 2014 MAJOR ACTIVITIES BY VASAI BRANCH FOR MEMBERS, STUDENTS & SOCIETY We contributed in our best way to achieve the vision of our Visionary Leader of ICAI and WIRC. During the Year we have conducted 147 Activities for Members, Students, & Society. Activities For Members Programme Conducted Jointly with Committee of ICAI & WIRC 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7th IRRC programs at Tashkent jointly with Committee for Members in Industry with overwhelming response of 50 participants on 12th to 17th August 2014. Mega Members Conference jointly with WIRC with participants of 203 plus Members across Maharashtra & Gujarat. Conference was held at Green Court Club, Mira Road on 20th & 21st Dec’ 2014. First time Vasai Branch organized Campus Placement Programme jointly with Committee for Members in Industry – ICAI ZKHUHLQ6L[W\6HYHQ1HZO\TXDOLÀHG&$0HPEHUVSDUWLFLSDWHG'HORLWWH+DVNLQV6HOOV//3)LUP-RLQWIRU Interview for Members. Two Investor Awareness Programme under the guidance of Committee of Financial Markets & Investor Protections. &HUWLÀFDWH&RXUVHRQ,QGLUHFW7D[HVMRLQWO\ZLWK Indirect Taxes Committee with the participated of 21 Members. 2QH+XQGUHGWK7KLUW\)LUVW%DWFKRI WKH&HUWLÀFDWH&RXUVHRQ&RQFXUUHQW$XGLWRI %DQNVMRLQWO\ZLWKInternal Audit Standards Board with 60 participants. Seminar on Income Tax Act jointly with Continuing Professional Education Committee with the participated of 72 Members. Five Days Workshop on Companies Act 2013 jointly with Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee with participated on 91 Members. One Day Awareness Programme on Financial Reporting Practices jointly with Committee on Financial Reporting Review Board of ICAI with overwhelming response on 131 participants. One Day Programme on International Taxation jointly with Committee on International Taxation of ICAI with 102 participants. Joint Programme with CA CPE Study Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Residential Refresher Course was organised jointly with Bhayandar Study Circle at Matheran. Residential Refresher Course was organised jointly with Vasai Virar Study Circle at Mohili Meadows Resort, Karjat. Seminar on Bank Branch Audit jointly with Bhayandar Study Circle. Seminar on Union Budget jointly with Bhayandar Study Circle. Seminar on Union Budget jointly with Vasai Virar Study Circle. Seminar on Tax Audit jointly with Bhayandar Study Circle. Seminar on Tax Audit Report jointly with Vasai Virar Study Circle. Others Important Programmes 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 Felicitation of Hon’ble Vice President of ICAI, CA Manoj Fadnis on the occasion of Orientation Programme for Newly Chartered Accountant & Seminar on Investor Awareness at Green Court Club, Mira Road at on 31st August 2014. )HOLFLWDWLRQRI :,5&2IÀFH%HDUHUDQG7HDPRQWKHRFFDVLRQRI 2QH'D\$ZDUHQHVV3URJUDPPHRQ)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ Practices at New Zaika, Mira Road (East) on 24th August, 2014. First time, Vasai Branch organized CA Daud on 23rd February 2014 at Jesal Park Chowpatty, Bhayander (E) wherein 230 plus members participated. Residential Refresher Course at Shirdi on 9th to 11th May 2014. Felicitated Senior CA Members on the occasion of CA Days by gracious hands Shri. Narendra Mehta, President BJP Mira Bhayander. Throughout the year branch conducted Seminars/Conference-43, Workshop/Training Programs – 14, Information 7HFKQRORJ\3URJUDPV,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HVLGHQWLDO5HIUHVKHU&RXUVHDQG6WXG\&LUFOH0HHWLQJIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI Members. (Total Activity 91) This year Branch successfully generated 20360 CPE Hours. Supported to Thane Branch in organized joint programs – Seminar on Project Finance and Cricket Tournament. Jan-Feb 2015 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 2014 Activities For Students 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Branch successfully conducted Regional Conference for CA Students 2014 jointly with WIRC at Venkatesh Hall, Bhayandar (East) on 2nd & 3rd August 2014. Branch conducted Residential Refresher Course at Mahabaleshwar on 14th to 15th June 2014. )RUWKHEHQHÀWRI 6WXGHQWV%UDQFKVWDUWHG'LVWULEXWLRQFHQWUHDW9DVDL%UDQFK3UHPLVHVIRU&37,3&&)LQDO6WXGHQWV First time Branch organized Garba Dhoom celebration on 4th October 2014 at Mhatrewadi Ground, Bhayandar (E) 792 Students successfully completed their ITT training from ITT Center of Branch during the years. 870 Students successfully completed Orientation Course from Branch during the year. 1862 Students successfully completed GMCS-I Course from Branch during the year. 319 Students successfully completed GMCS-II Course from Branch during the year. 138 Students successfully completed Old GMCS course from Branch during the year. Branch has conducted crash courses for IPCC and Final Students. %UDQFKRUJDQL]HGYDULRXVVHPLQDUOHFWXUHVIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI 6WXGHQWV7RWDO$FWLYLW\ )HOLFLWDWLRQSURJUDPVIRU1HZO\TXDOLÀHG&$VRQWK0DUFKWK1RYHPEHU Branch successfully organized an event of Youth Festival to encourage the students’ caliber in other activities. Branch also emphasizes on Students’ talent education by organizing the activities like School Level Debate Competition & Quiz Elocution. Branch also conducted Mock Test for CPT, IPCC & Final Students. Branch conducted Indoor & Outdoor games for Students such as Cricket match etc. Branch is successfully running E-Library & Reading Room Facility for students. Branch also conducted Motivational Lectures for Students. Branch conducted Joint Seminar with Rajput University, S N Colleges & Madurai Kamaraj University. Branch conducted Yogathon Challenges – An Art of Living on 14th Dec 2014 at DKS Vasai Hostel, Evershine, Vasai Road (E). Branch also conducted Educational Visit and Industrial Visit on important place such as Bombay Stock Exchanges, Vasai Janta Sahakari Bank, Income Tax, Iskon Temple, Keshav Shrusti-Uttan and many more. Activities For Society 1. Campaign by Vasai Branch jointly with Jesal park Residence Association on 23rd November 2014 join hands in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at Jesal Park, Bhayandar(E) more than 300 Members participated and requested people to keep their society and surroundings clean. 2. Three Blood donations Camp jointly with Lions Club, JCF & Vishwa Hindu Parisad during the year. 3. Friendly Cricket Tournament organised in between Doctors, Advocates, Police Department, News Reporters and CA Members on 9th February 2014. 4. First time, Vasai Branch organized CA Daud on 23rd February 2014 at Jesal Park Chowpatty, Bhayandar(E) wherein 230 plus CA Members & CA Students participated. 5. Branch Organised Tax Awareness Program for common Public jointly with JCF on 13th July 2014. 6. Free Distribution of Books among the children’s of Adivasi School on 7th July, 2014. 7. Food, Clothes Distributed to Under Privileged & Old Age Home on 27th July, 2014 at Father Wadi, Vasai Road( W). %UDQFKFRQGXFWHGYDULRXV&DUHHU&RXQVHOLQJIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI 6WXGHQWVZLWKWKHKHOSRI HIÀFLHQWIDFXOW\ 9. Two Investor Awareness Programs held during the year at Mira-Road & Bhayander 10. Around 40 Tree Planted at Jesal park Chowpatty, Bhayander (East) in the presence of Ms. Suman Kothari-Mira Bhayander Corporator. 11. Branch organized Three Union Budget Meetings for Public Awareness. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Jan-Feb 2015 5 FORTHCOMING PROGRAMMES FORTHCOMING PROGRAMMES FOR MEMBERS Date Seminar on Timings Venue Speakers Co-ordinators 8th Feb 2015 Orientation Programme for 1HZO\4XDOLÀHG&$ (Campus Placement) _ GCC Club, Mira Road (East) _ CA. Preksha Jain CA. Ramanand Gupta CA. Dayaram Paliwal CA. Sumeet Doshi 9029877140 9322231113 9820331010 9896525956 _ _ 13th & 14th Feb 2015 Campus Interview For for 1HZO\4XDOLÀHG&$ 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. GCC Club, Mira Road (East) _ CA. Umesh Mestry CA. Preksha Jain CA. Vimal Agarwal CA. K B Kothari 9320473468 9029877140 9320617447 9594196090 _ _ 20th & 21st Feb 2015 Cricket Tournament between 8.00 a.m. CA Members, Students, Police to 5.30 p.m. Department, Press Reporters, Doctors, Corporators Indralok Phase-II Ground, Bhayandar(E) _ CA. Umesh Mestry CA. Preksha Jain CA. Dayaram Paliwal CA. Ramanand Gupta CA. Vimal Agarwal CA.K B Kothari CA. Sumeet Doshi CA. Unmesh Narvekar 9320473468 9029877140 9820331010 9322231113 9320617447 9594196090 9896525956 9821236179 ` 1000/per team _ FORTHCOMING PROGRAMME OF VASAI VIRAR CPE STUDY CIRCLE Date Seminar on Timings Venue Speakers 7th Feb. 2015 Investment Perspectives in Mutual Funds 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Hotel Kubera-Veg Treat, Opp. Parvati Theatre, Vasai Road (W) Mr. Gavi H. Fees Co-ordinators CA. Xavier M. Rajan CA. Jagadeesh Devadiga CA. Anadi Bhase 9371720027 9422475945 9890121996 CPE Fees CPE Non member ` 600/- 3 Hrs Campus Placement Programme February - March 2015 For Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has achieved recognition as a premier accounting body not only in the country but also globally for its FRQWULEXWLRQLQWKH¿HOGRIHGXFDWLRQ SURIHVVLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWPDLQWHQDQFHRI high accounting and auditing standards. The Committee for Members in Industry (CMll) of ICAI has been successfully organizing Campus Placement 3URJUDPPHVIRUWKH1HZO\4XDOL¿HG&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVDQGLVSOHDVHGWR announce the next &DPSXV3ODFHPHQW3URJUDPPHWRUHFUXLW1HZO\4XDOL¿HG CAs During February - March 2015. Sl No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 Centre Baroda, Coimbatore & Ernakulam Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Kanpur & Vasai Indore, Nagpur, Navi Mumbai &Thane Ahmedabad & Jaipur Pune Mumbai & New Delhi 7. Bangalore,Chennai & Kolkata 8. Hyderabad Jan-Feb 2015 Dates 12th – 13th February, 2015 13th – 14th February, 2015 16th – 17th February, 2015 18th – 19th February, 2015 19th – 20th February, 2015 16th, 17th, 18th , 19th , 20th, 21st & 23rd March, 2015 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd & 24th March, 2015 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd & 24th March, 2015 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter DIRECT TAXES – LAW UPDATE — Compiled by — Haresh P. Kenia |e-mail:[email protected] |9821351838 Percentage of Government grant for FRQVLGHULQJ XQLYHUVLW\ KRVSLWDO HWF DV ÀQDQFHG by Government for the purpose of section 10(23C). [ 370 ITR (ST.) @7KH&%'7YLGH1RWLÀFDWLRQ1R62(GDWHG gives Income Tax (13th Amendment) Rules, 2014. It amends Income Tax Rules, 1962 and inserts rule 2BBB. Rule 2BBB gives the percentage of government grant for considering university, hospital HWF DV VXEVWDQWLDOO\ ÀQDQFHG E\ WKH JRYHUQPHQW IRU WKH SXUSRVH of section 10(23C) of the Income Tax Act for the purpose of sub clause (iiiab) and (iiiac). It provides that if the government grant to such university and other educational institution, hospital and other institution exceeds 50% of the total receipts including any voluntary contribution of such institution during the relevant previous year, WKHQLWZLOOEHWUHDWHGDVÀQDQFHGE\WKHJRYHUQPHQW *XLGHOLQHV IRU QRWLÀFDWLRQ RI D VHPL FRQGXFWRU ZDWHU IDEULFDWLRQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ XQLW DV VSHFLÀHG EXVLQHVV XV 35AD. [370 ITR (ST.) Resident undertaking transaction of Rs. 100 Crore can apply before AAR to determine his tax liability. [369 ITR (ST.) 7] 7KH FHQWUDO JRYHUQPHQW YLGH QRWLÀFDWLRQ QR 62( GDWHG 20/11/2014 and in exercise of the power conferred u/s. 245N(b) LLD RI WKH ,QFRPH 7D[ $FW KHUHE\ VSHFLÀHV D UHVLGHQW LQ relation to his tax liability arising out of one or more transactions valuing Rs. 100 crore or more in total which has been undertaken or proposed to be undertaken, being such class of person, as applicable for the purpose chapter XIX – B of the said Act. Income Tax Settlement Commission (ITSC) – CBDT FODULÀFDWLRQRQ&LUFXODU1RRI GDWHG> ITR (ST.)1] Chapter XIX-A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, contains provisions relating to settlement of cases by the Income Tax Settlement Commission (ITSC). The provisions contained in the said Chapter were amended by the Finance Act, 2007 and a Revised Settlement Scheme was put in place. Explanatory Circular No. 3 of 2008, dated 12th March, 2008 issued by the CBDT, vide Para 61 (comprising subparas 61.1 to 61.17) deals with the Revised Settlement Scheme. Para 61.2 of Circular No. 3 of 2008 reads : &%'7&LUFXODU²86RI WKH,QFRPH7D[$FW>,75 (ST.) 9] “61.2 Under the existing provisions, an assessee may make an application to the Commission at any stage of the proceedings in his case pending before any income tax authorities. After 31st May, 2007, an assessee can make an application to the Commission only during WKH SHQGHQF\ RI WKH SURFHHGLQJV EHIRUH WKH $VVHVVLQJ 2IÀFHU ,W LVIXUWKHUFODULÀHGWKDWDVLQFHLQWLPDWLRQXQGHUVHFWLRQLV QRWDQDVVHVVPHQWRUGHUWKHUHZLOOEHQREDULQÀOLQJDQDSSOLFDWLRQ for settlement subsequent to receipt of an intimation under section 143(1). It is not material whether time limit for issue of notice under section 143(2) has expired or not; (b) the assessment shall be deemed to have been completed only on the date of service of assessment order to the applicant.” The CBDT vide Circular No. 17 of 2014 dated 10/12/2014 deals with guidelines for the Income Tax deduction from salaries u/s. 192 of the Income Tax Act and contains the rate of deduction of Income Tax from the payment of income chargeable under the head “Salaries” during the F.Y. 2014-15 and explains certain related provision of the Act and Income Tax Rules, 1962. One may refer to the above magazine for full text of the circular. It has been inadvertently stated in Para 61.2 of Circular No. 3 of 2008 that the assessment shall be deemed to have been completed only on the date of service of assessment order to the applicant. This statement is not in consonance with the provisions contained in the Explanation to clause (b) of section 245A of the Income Tax Act which, inter alia, provides that a proceeding for the assessment of any assessment year shall be deemed to have concluded on the date on which the assessment is made. Form of application for obtaining and advance ruling [369 In view of the above, para 61.2 of Circular No. 3 of 2008 is replaced with the following with effect from the 1st day of June, 2007: 7KH &%'7 YLGH 1RWLÀFDWLRQ 1R 62( GDWHG gives Income Tax (12th Amendment) Rules, 2014. It amends Rule 44E of Income Tax Rules which provides for form of application for obtaining an advance ruling. The newly amended rule provides for payment of prescribed fees for an application u/s. 245N(b) of the Income Tax Act. It inserts new Form 34DA being form of application by resident applicant referred to section 245N(b) (iia) seeking advance ruling u/s. 245Q (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in relation to a transaction undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by him. “61.2 Under the existing provisions, an assessee may make an application to the Commission at any stage of the proceedings in his case pending before any income tax authorities. After 31st May, 2007, an assessee can make an application to the Commission only during WKH SHQGHQF\ RI WKH SURFHHGLQJV EHIRUH WKH $VVHVVLQJ 2IÀFHU ,W LV IXUWKHU FODULÀHG WKDW D VLQFH LQWLPDWLRQ XQGHU VHFWLRQ LV QRWDQDVVHVVPHQWRUGHUWKHUHZLOOEHQREDULQÀOLQJDQDSSOLFDWLRQ for settlement subsequent to receipt of an intimation under section 143(1). It is not material whether time-limit for issue of notice under section 143 (2) has expired or not; (b) the assessment shall be deemed to have been completed on the date on which the assessment order is passed.” @7KH&%'7YLGH1RWLÀFDWLRQ1R62(GDWHG gives Income Tax (14th Amendment) Rules, 2014. It amends Income Tax Rules and inserts new rule 11-OB. The Rule 11-OB prescribed WKHJXLGHOLQHVIRUQRWLÀFDWLRQRI DVHPLFRQGXFWRUZDWHUIDEULFDWLRQ PDQXIDFWXULQJXQLWDVVSHFLÀHGEXVLQHVVXV$',WSURYLGHVIRU QHZ)RUP&6EHLQJDSSOLFDWLRQIRUQRWLÀFDWLRQRI DVHPLFRQGXFWRU ZDWHUIDEULFDWLRQPDQXIDFWXULQJXQLWDVVSHFLÀHGEXVLQHVVXV$' ITR (ST.) 2] The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Jan-Feb 2015 7 RECENT CASE LAWS & – OTHER DEVELOPMENT/AMENDMENTS — Compiled by — CA. Hemant R. Shah | e-mail: [email protected] |9869011148 HIGH COURT DECISIONS 1) Donaldson India Filters Systems Pvt. Ltd. vs. DCIT (Delhi High Court) Section 147: Assessment cannot be reopened in the absence of “fresh material” Undoubtedly, Explanation-1 to section 147 indicates that mere production of account books or other evidence EHIRUHWKH$VVHVVLQJ2IÀFHU$2ZRXOGQRWQHFHVVDULO\ amount to disclosure of the material information by WKH DVVHVVHH %XW WKHQ WKH H[SODQDWLRQ FODULÀHV WKH said general refrain by the words “not necessarily”. Therefore, the burden is equally placed on the AO to exercise due diligence in examining the record (account books or evidence) produced before him in the light of declarations made in the return or responses (to the notices, questionnaire etc.). As has been noted above, the sine quo non for action U/s 147 is gathering or availability of some “tangible material” requiring the matter to be reopened; The Order passed by the AO extracted above unmistakably shows that even at that stage it had no fresh material available to it so as to exercise the jurisdiction available U/s 147/148. It was, thus, taking a fresh call on the subject of assessment of income (i.e. re-assessment), drawing conclusions and inferences from the same very material that had been scrutinized in the original assessment proceedings. The case at hand is concededly not covered by other exceptions as indicated by 2nd & 3rd proviso or explanation to Section 147. TRIBUNAL DECISIONS 1) Schrader Duncan Limited vs. ACIT (ITAT 0XPEDL'DWHRI SURQRXQFHPHQW ,I WKH +LJK &RXUW DGPLWV WKH $SSHDO 8V $ LW PHDQV WKDW WKH LVVXH LV GHEDWDEOH DQG SHQDOW\ 8V 271(1)(c) cannot survive: Without going into much deliberation & merits of the case, now question arises since the substantial question of law “whether on the facts & the circumstances of the case DQGLQODZWKH7ULEXQDOZDVMXVWLÀHGLQKROGLQJWKDWWKH appellant was not entitled to claim the loss of Rs.6.34 crore arising on conversion of UTI US 64 units in to 6.75% Tax Free Bonds of UTI?” has been admitted by the Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court, vide Order dated 19/09/2014, now question arises whether penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act survives when the addition has become debatable? We note that the Hon’ble jurisdictional High court vide order dated 08/07/2014 in the case of &,7 YV 0V 1D\DQ 8 Jan-Feb 2015 Builders & Developers (ITA No.415/2012) held that no penalty is imposable u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act. Likewise, the Tribunal, in the case of 0V 1D\DQ %XLOGHUV Developers Pvt. Ltd. (ITA No.2379/Mum/2009) order dated 18th March 2011, deleted the penalty. In another case Advaita Estate Development (P.) Ltd. vs ITO (2013) 409 142 (Mumbai-Trib.) vide order dated 27/08/2013 deleted the penalty. In view of these facts, when the Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court has admitted substantial question of law on the addition, it becomes apparent that the addition so made has become debatable. The penalty was imposed on the basis of addition so made, therefore, when the addition on the basis of which the penalty was imposed has become doubtful/debatable, therefore, penalty imposed u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act cannot survive. Respectfully following the Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court, the appeal of the assessee is allowed. However, it is made clear that if at any stage, the order of the Tribunal on quantum addition is upheld by the Hon’ble High Court, the Department is free to proceed in accordance with law on penalty proceedings. 2) ADIT, International Taxation vs. Express Drilling Systems LLC (ITAT Delhi) Disallowance U/s 40(a)(ia) can not be made for mere deduction of TDS under wrong section IRUH[DPSOHGHGXFWHG8V&LQVWHDGRI VHFWLRQ 194J) >,7$QR'HO'DWHWK-DQXDU\@ The provisions of section 40(a)(ia) of the Act has two limbs one is where, inter alia, assessee has to deduct tax and the second where after deducting tax, inter alia, the assessee has to pay into Government Account. There is nothing in the said section to treat, inter alia, the assessee as defaulter where there is a short fall in deduction. With regard to the short fall, it cannot be assumed that there is a default as the deduction is not as required by or under the Act, but the facts is that this expression, ‘on which tax is deductible at source under Chapter XVII-B & such tax has not been deducted or, after deduction has QRW EHHQ SDLG RQ RU EHIRUH WKH GXH GDWH VSHFLÀHG 8V 139(1). Section 40(a)(ia) of the Act refers only to the duty to deduct tax & pay to government account. If there is any shortfall due to any difference of opinion as to the taxability of any item or the nature of payments falling under various TDS provisions, the assessee can not be declared to be an assessee in default U/s 201 of the Act and no disallowance can be made by invoking the provisions of section 40(a)(ia) of the Act. OTHER AMENDMENTS & DEVELOPMENTS: 1) CBEC has amended Rule 5A(2) of Service Tax Rules, 1994 to empower the Chartered Accountants and Cost The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter RECENT CASE LAWS & – OTHER DEVELOPMENT/AMENDMENTS Accountant for conducting service tax audits: For granting such empowerment and for making some other changes in the Service Tax Rules, 1994, in rule 5A, for sub-rule (2), the following sub- rule shall be substituted, namely:“(2) Every assessee, shall, on demand make available to WKH RIÀFHU HPSRZHUHG XQGHU VXEUXOH RU WKH DXGLW party deputed by the Commissioner or the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, or a cost accountant or chartered accountant nominated under section 72A of the Finance Act, 1994;(i) the records maintained or prepared by him in term of sub-rule (2) of Rule 5; (ii) the cost audit reports, if any, under section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013); and (iii) the income-tax audit report, if any, under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), for WKHVFUXWLQ\RI WKHRIÀFHURUWKHDXGLWSDUW\RUWKH cost accountant or chartered accountant, within the WLPH OLPLW VSHFLÀHG E\ WKH VDLG RIÀFHU RU WKH DXGLW party or the cost accountant, as the case may be.” The following changes have been taken place in the aforementioned rule if comparison made with the old provisions: S.No. Particulars 1. 2. Earlier Provisions 2IÀFHUV 2IÀFHUV Empowered authorized under sub-rule 2. the audit party deputed by the Commissioner or the Comptroller and Auditor General of India Cost audit report Not required to be furnished Substituted Provisions 2IÀFHUV empowered under sub-rule 2. or the audit party deputed by the Commissioner or the Comptroller and Auditor General of India 3. Cost Accountant or Chartered Accountant Cost audit report may be required to be furnished 3. Time Limit for submission of documents Within reasonable time but not exceeding 15 days No time limit specify &ODULÀFDWLRQRQSURFHGXUHRI 6HUYLFHWD[UHIXQG exemption to SEZ: As per the existing provisions, Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Unit or developer has to approach two authorities i.e. the SEZ Authority and the Jurisdictional Service Tax $XWKRULW\ IRU XSIURQW H[HPSWLRQ XQGHU 1RWLÀFDWLRQ 1R67 GDWHG -XO\ WKH 1RWLÀFDWLRQ DV amended. ,Q RUGHU WR UHPRYH WKH GLIÀFXOWLHV WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI Finance, Department of Revenue vide Instruction F.No. %758GDWHG1RYHPEHUKDVFODULÀHG that SEZ units and developers may route their application for issuance of authorization by the Department through WKHVSHFLÀHGRIÀFHURI 6(=LQVWHDGRI VXEPLWWLQJGLUHFWO\ to the Department. Similarly SEZ units and developers may also route quarterly statement in Form A-3 through WKH VSHFLÀHG RIÀFHU LQ WKH 6(= ,W KDV EHHQ IXUWKHU FODULÀHGWKDWWKH1RWLÀFDWLRQGRHVQRWSXWDQ\UHVWULFWLRQ in this regard. )1R%758'DWHGWK1RYHPEHU 3) TDS on Salary for Assessment Year 2015-16 CBDT has released Circular No.: 17/2014 Dated 10th December, 2014. Circular contains the rates of deduction of income-tax from the payment of income chargeable under the head ‘Salaries’GXULQJWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDU 15 and explains certain related provisions of the Act and Income-tax Rules, 1962 (hereinafter the Rules). Circular helps employer to correctly deduct TDS on Salary of its employees for Financial year 2014-15 or A.Y.2015-16 and it also helps salaried assessees to correctly calculate his/ her tax liability. Circular explain provisions related to all components of Salary and their taxability- which includes DOORZDQFHV SHUTXLVLWHV UHWLUHPHQW EHQHÀWV DQG RWKHU EHQHÀWV 4) Online facility to provide response against outstanding Income Tax demand: The facility to provide response against outstanding tax demand is made available to the assessee in the e-Filing portal. After Login on KWWSVLQFRPHWD[LQGLDHÀOLQJ, select e-File then select Response to Outstanding Tax Demand and the most appropriate options may be selected to provide response. Three types of responses can be submitted by the options available: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Jan-Feb 2015 9 RECENT CASE LAWS & – OTHER DEVELOPMENT/AMENDMENTS D 'HPDQG LV FRUUHFW ,I \RX FRQÀUP ´GHPDQG LV correct” then you cannot “disagree with the demand” 5) Format of Audit Engagement Letter for Audit of Financial Statements under the Companies Act, 2013 (b) Demand is partially correct: If this option is chosen, you are required to specify amount which is correct The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB) is issuing the following illustrative formats for engagement letter for audit of Financial Statements under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules thereunder. These illustrative formats were approved by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) at its Meeting held in November 2014. These illustrative formats would be added to the Appendix 1 of Standard on Auditing (SA) 210, ‘Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements’, issued by ICAI. (c) Disagree with Demand: If this option is chosen, you are required to select one of the following reasons and provide requisite details: (i) Demand Paid: provide challan payment details LL 'HPDQG DOUHDG\ UHGXFHG E\ UHFWLÀFDWLRQ provide details of the Order (iii) Demand reduced by Appellate Order: provide Order details LY $SSHDOÀOHG3URYLGHGHWDLOV Y 5HFWLÀFDWLRQ5HYLVHG 5HWXUQ ÀOHG SURYLGH details YL 5HFWLÀFDWLRQ ÀOHG ZLWK $VVHVVLQJ 2IÀFHU provide application details (vii) Others: write reasons 6) Ministry has brought out amendments relating to Corporate Social Responsibility and consolidation RI ÀQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV IRU FRPSDQLHV KDYLQJ IRUHLJQ subsidiaries. Also certain procedural amendments relating to resignation of foreign director and publishing E-form (AOC-5) for intimating Registrar regarding the address where books of accounts are maintained, have been introduced. Ten Million a Minute Contest Team of 4 comprising of A Chartered Accountant-cum-entrepreneur from Vasai Branch of WIRC and 3 IIT Bombay students-cum-entrepreneurs who became the winners of “Ten Million a Minute Contest” at the Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 held at IIT Bombay and received an initial funding of INR 1 million from various angel investors. +HDUWLHVW &RQJUDWXODWLRQ WR RXU 1HZO\ 4XDOLÀHG &$ 1LGKL .RWKDUL DQG .XGRV WR KHU IRU UHGHÀQLQJ :RPHQ Entrepreneurial Roles and giving a new outlook to the Chartered Accountant Profession. 10 Jan-Feb 2015 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter PHOTO - GALLERY &HUWLÀFDWH&RXUVHRQ,QGLUHFW7D[HVKHOGRQWK2FWWRWK'HFDW%KD\DQGHU Adv. Bharat Raichandani Adv. Sushanth Murthy CA Ashit Shah CA. Archit Agarwal CA. Bharat Gosar CA. Girish Raman CA. Govind Goyal CA. Jayesh Gogri CA. Keval Shah (L-R) : CA. K. B. Kothari (Committee Memebr), CA. Jayesh Gogari (Speaker), CA. Umesh Mestry (Vice-Chairman) CA. Vimal Agarwal (Committee Memebr), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman Vasai Branch) addressing the participants Participants CA. Manish Gadia CA. Naveen Rajpurohit CA. Ravi Yanamandra CA. Sunil Gabhawala Mr. J. N.Tiwari CA. Vinod Awtani CA.Rajiv luthia Shri Bhupender Singh WK%DWFKRI &HUWLÀFDWH&RXUVHRQ&RQFXUUHQW$XGLWVRI %DQNVKHOGRQWK'HFWRWK-DQDW0LUD5RDG( (L-R) : CA. K. B. Kothari (Committee Member), CA. Umesh Mestry (Vice - Chairman), CA. Uday Kulkarni (Speaker), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman - Vasai Br.), CA. Shriniwas Joshi (CCM & Vice Chairman-IASB), CA. Vimal Agarwal (Committee Member) & CA. Dayaram Paliwal (WICASA Chairman) at the dais. CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman Vasai Br.) presenting Mementoe to CA. Shriniwas Joshi (CCM & Vice Chairman-IASB) Group Photo CA. Dhananjay J. Gokhale CA. Kuntal P. Shah. CA. Uday Kulkarni CA. Uday Sathaye CA. Vinodchandra Vyas The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Mr. R. H. Danane Shri Pradeep Agrawal Jan-Feb 2015 11 PHOTO - GALLERY Career Counseling at S. N. College, Bhayander (East) held on 12th Dec 2014 Speakers Joint Seminar with S. N. College, Bhayander (East) held on 12th Dec 2014 Yogathan held on 14th Dec 2014 12 Jan-Feb 2015 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter PHOTO - GALLERY Sports Competition held on 21st to 25th Dec 2014 Industrial Visit at Police Department, Mira Road (East) held on 7th January 2015. One Day Seminar on Accounting Standard 12 and Wealth Tax held on 28th Dec 2014 (L-R) : Ms. Aawad Bithu (Coordinator), Mr. Lalit Sharma (Treasurer), CA. Shakuntla Chhangani (Speaker), Mr. Khushmat Jain (Branch Incharge) at the dais. Ms. Pinky Mistry (Vice Chairperson Vasai WICASA) Presenting Mementoe to CA. Bhanwar Borana (Speaker) Speakers Participants CA. Shakuntla Chhangani The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter CA. Bhanwar Borana Jan-Feb 2015 13 PHOTO - GALLERY Intensive Course on Companies Act, Service Tax & Mvat held on 6th to 13th Dec 2014 Participants (L-R) : CA. Manikyam Darisipudi, CA. Pramod Dhamankar (Speaker), CA. Dayaram Paliwal (WICASA Chairman-Vasai Br.) at the dais. Speakers CA. Durgesh Kabra CA. Jayesh Gogri CA. Pramod Dhamankar CA. Subhash Chhajed CA. Sushrut Chitale Seminar on Project Financing held on 14th Dec 2014 (L-R) : CA. K. B. Kothari (Committee Member), CA. Rajesh Sharma (Speaker), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman), CA. Santosh Sharma (Coordinator) & CA. Dayaram Paliwal (WICASA Chairman) addressing the participants. Participants Speakers CA. Rajesh Sharma Mr. Ramesh Kelkar Shri Tarlochansingh Shri. Kalyanaraman 14 Jan-Feb 2015 (L-R) : CA. Preksha Jain (Secretary & Treasurer), Shri Tarlochansingh (Speaker), CA. Dayaram Paliwal (WICASA Chairman), CA. Santosh Sharma (Coordinator) at the dais The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter PHOTO - GALLERY Enabling Service Tax & GST Practice held on 16th to 21st January 2015 (L-R) : CA. Vimal Agarwal (Committee Member), CA. Ashit Shah (Speaker), CA. Kishor Vaishnav (Chairman), CA. K. B. Kothari (Committee Member) & CA. Lalit Bajaj (Past Chairman) at the dais. Participants Speakers CA. Ashit Shah CA. Bharat Gosar CA. Jayesh Gogri CA. Kewal Shah CA. Manish Gadia Cricket Tournament with Police Department held on 3rd January 2015 Cricket Tournament Jointly with Thane Branch held on 29th December 2014 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter Jan-Feb 2015 15 PHOTO - GALLERY Celebration of Branch 9th Annual Day held on 21st December 2014 Editor: CA. Kishor Vaishnav Published by Vasai Branch of Western India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and printed at Finesse Graphics and Prints Pvt. Ltd., 309, Parvati Ind. Est., Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Tel. : 4036 4600 The views and opinions expressed or implied are those of the authors or contribution and do not necessarily reflect those of Vasai Branch. Unsolicited articles and transparencies are sent in at the owner’s risk and the publisher accepts no liability for loss or damage. Material in this publication may not be reproduced, whether in part or in whole, without the consent of Vasai Branch. DISCLAIMER: The Vasai branch is not in any way responsible for the result of any action taken on the basis of the advertisement published in the Newsletter. The members, however, may bear in mind the provision of the Code of Ethics while responding to the advertisements. Printed by Finesse • +91-22 4036 4600 16 Jan-Feb 2015 To Undelivered please return to : The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Vasai Branch of WIRC Address: Amruta Building, Indralok Phase-II, New Golden Nest Road, Bhayander (East), Thane - 401 105. Telephone: 6556 8900. Email: [email protected] Website: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Vasai Branch of WIRC Newsletter
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