St. Cecilia Church 535 Rhawn Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111 PASTOR Reverend Charles E. Bonner PASTOR EMERITUS Reverend Msgr. Francis X. Dreger PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Skip Miller Reverend Robert Lucas PERMANENT DEACON Deacon Patrick Diamond PRINCIPAL Sister Jane Mary Carr, IHM VICE PRINCIPAL Sister Koreen Marie Cote, IHM SACRAMENTS Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 PM (Every Sunday except the 5th Sunday of the month). Arrangements must be made at least two weeks prior to the Baptism. Attendance at a Pre-Jordan class is required for first time parents and pre-registration for the class is required by contacting the Rectory. Classes are held the first Wednesday of each month in Church beginning 7:30 PM. Marriage: Couples must contact a pr iest six months pr ior to the wedding. Reconciliation: Satur days at 4:15-5:15 PM Homebound Visitation: Please contact the Rector y. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM Closed on Holy Days of Obligation 215-725-1240 Website Facebook CYO Facebook TSC Saint Cecilia Catholic Youth Organization MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Vigil 5:30 PM (Saturday) 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM & 12:30 PM Monday through Friday 6:30 and 8:30 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation Vigil: 5:30 PM 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 AM 5:30 & 7:00 PM Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 FOCUS: Whatever God says he will do, he does. He heals us. All we need to do is ask. If you wish, you can make me clean, is what the leper told Jesus. Jesus did wish it, and he wishes the same for all of us. LITURGY OF THE WORD: In the first reading, we hear about the Mosaic Law concerning leprosy. This reading provides the background for our Gospel in which Jesus heals a leper who comes to him for help. Saint Paul exhorts us to be imitators of Christ, leading others to him by our actions. REFLECTION: The cured leper is the first evangelist. He "publicizes the whole matter." He can’t keep from sharing the good news with others about what Jesus did for him. So we ask ourselves: i What about us: are we too tight-lipped about what Jesus has done for us and the difference he has made in our lives? i Would we ever think of ourselves as "evangelists?" Pope Francis does. Mass Schedule For February 21 & 22 MASS 5:30PM 6:30AM 8:00AM 9:30AM (Choir) 11:00AM (Guitar) 12:30PM CELEBRANT Father Miller Father Miller Father Lucas Father Bonner Father Bonner Father Lucas LECTOR Karen LeConey John Carr Knights of Columbus Rita Malfara Zach Demusz Richard McIvor ALTAR SERVERS Andrew Laquintano, Kelly Breslin, Kerry Mardt No Servers Will Marcinkowski, Dan Montvydas, Mary Grace Meredith Jansen Herder, Joseph Corrigan, Colin McKee Madeline Gallagher, Michael Gallagher, Tim McFarland Lindsay Hayes, Bob Hayes, Caitlyn McGovern Charismatic Prayer Group meets Monday eve- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) nings at 7:30 PM in the Cecilian Room. Please feel free to join us and renew your Spirit. The topic for the class on Tuesday, February 17 is “Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving, Stations of the Cross.” For information about RCIA, please contact the rectory at 215-725-1240. Manna Food Drive Thank you for bringing non-perishable food items to the vestibule of the Church today to help those less fortunate. May you be blessed for your kindness and generosity. Man Up Philly—March 7, 2015 Enrich your faith through your participation in this year’s conference at St. Joseph University Hagan Arena. Speakers include Dr. Scott Hahn, Gus Lloyd, Devin Schadt, Jim Longon. For information and to register visit Saint Cecilia Seniors meet on Thursdays (weather permitting) in the school auditorium from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. New members are always welcome to join us. For information about the Seniors, please call our President, Rosemary Shattuck at 215-742-5018. PARISH OFFICES MARKET DAY PICKUP—NEW DAY FOR THIS MONTH Business School Tuition PREP PLEASE NOTE: Market Day pickup is now TUESDAY, February 17 at 6:30 PM. It moved from Wednesday because of Ash Wednesday. 2 215.725.1240—Susan Wagner 215.725.8588—Bobbie Mitchell 215.725.2201—Judi Schein 215.725.2821—Marcia Mason #179 FAMILY MASS Lenten Services Sunday, February 22 11:00 AM During Lent our parish will be conducting several services and everyone is invited to attend. All are invited to our monthly Family Mass. Ash Wednesday Masses—February 18 6:30 & 8:30 AM and 5:30 & 7:00 PM Ashes will be distributed during Mass Our Saint Cecilia students under the direction of Mary Kots (our 7th grade teacher) have planned a special Communion Meditation liturgical movement to music. Come join us on this First Sunday of Lent. Wednesdays of Lent Mass at 5:30 PM in addition to daily Mass at 6:30 & 8:30 AM SPRING BIBLE STUDY Fridays of Lent 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother All are invited to a moving and powerful introduction to the Blessed Mother in this 8-part study that was filmed on location in the Holy Land. Sessions will be held in our Auditorium (7:00-8:15 PM) on the following dates: March 2, 16, 30; April 6, 20, 27; May 11, 18 To register, please send your payment of $30 to the rectory and make checks payable to St. Cecilia Church. Bible Study Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother ( Mondays, March 2—May 18) Lenten Soup Night—Wednesday, March 4 6:00—7:00 PM Auditorium FAST AND ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF PENANCE FOR LENT The Bishops of the U.S. prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. REACH/philly Join Archbishop Chaput, Jeff Cavins, Sarah Christmyer and other Catholics from the Phila. Community for Reach/ philly, a New Evangelization Prayer Breakfast. Held at Drexelbrook on Thursday, Feb. 19 from 6:30—9:30 AM by FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. For more information and to register visit All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. Lenten Soup Night Wednesday, March 4 6:00—7:00 PM Auditorium All are welcome to join us for some coffee, conversation and breakfast treats on Saturday, February 28 following the 8:30 AM Mass. We will gather in the lower level meeting room of the school. We invite you to St. Cecilia School Auditorium for the first Lenten Soup Night. The evening will include: partaking of a hot bowl of soup, listening to a few people share their personal journey with God and appreciating some soothing background music. Come join us to strengthen the spiritual life of our parish. Gather your friends and family. If you belong to a parish ministry, ask the members to join you. To know how much soup to prepare, we ask that you please RSVP by February 27 by completing this tear off and dropping it in the collection basket or contact the rectory at 215-725-1240. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --LENTEN SOUP NIGHT Caregivers Meeting—February 26 (weather permitting) Name or Group ________________________________ All are encouraged to participate in “Operation Rice Bowl,” which has aided countless hungry persons here in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and our world. Rice Bowls are available at the entrances of Church. Coffee & Community Place: St. Katherine of Siena, McBride Hall Frankford Avenue Time: 7:00—9:00 PM Contact: Kathy at 215-632-4015 Number attending _________________ 3 #179 Letter from Archbishop Chaput September 22-27, 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, After the devastating flood that Noah and his family experienced, God established a covenant with them, promising never again to let such harm come to them. He promised to watch over them and take care of them through his Providence. The sign of this covenant was the rainbow that appeared in the sky above them. God is now again asking you to be a sign of this covenant and providence to his priests who have faithfully served you and your families in the past. All are encouraged to get involved! VISIT THE WEBSITE i i i i i i i Our priests have cared for you spiritually, and many times physically and emotionally, through their ministries in parishes, schools, hospitals and many other areas of your lives. Many of them have gone to their reward with God, but there are still many more who need your help. They are in retirement or are unable to minister actively because of physical ailments. Villa St. Joseph in Darby, PA and Regina Coeli in Warminster, PA provide happy homes for all our retired priests. Other nursing facilities throughout the Archdiocese provide for those with special needs. At this time in their lives they depend on your prayerful and financial support to meet their needs. Our annual 2015 Collection for the Care of Aging and Infirm Priests of the Archdiocese will be taken up next weekend throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. You have always been so faithful and generous to them in the past and we are deeply grateful to you. Through your love and gratitude, God will continue to watch over them and care for them in their remaining days. You are in their daily Mass intentions and prayers, and we ask you to remember them in yours. Register to attend Pray the World Meeting of Families Prayer Host a Family Get your copy of the official Catechesis Text ‘World’ to 51555 for updates Text ‘Pray’ to 80888 with your intentions Light a candle for $10 TWO BECOME ONE We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and a woman to love each other in the manner of God's covenant. Marriage is a Sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation. This love is in the image of Jesus’ faithfulness to the Church. Gratefully and with best wishes in Christ, Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia Registration for New Students for Saint Cecilia School for 2015-2016 Registration for NEW STUDENTS who are parishioners of Saint Cecilia and Saint William Parishes PLACE: Saint Cecilia School Auditorium TIMES: 9:00—11:00 AM Tuesday, Feb. 17 Sibings of current students & 6:30—8:00 PM Monday, Feb. 23 Kindergarten Tuesday, Feb. 24 Grades 1-8 Registration for students who are not parishioners may call the school at 215-725-8588 to schedule an appointment. Kindergarten students must be FIVE years of age by September 1, 2015 and students entering Grade 1 must be SIX years of age by September 1, 2015. Please bring the following items with you: 1. State Birth Certificate (NOT the hospital certificate) 2. Baptismal Certificate (if your child was baptized at St. Cecilia Church, please bring your original cert) 3. Immunization Records 4. For students transferring from another school, you will need the Standardized Test results and/or report cards from present school, if available. 5. $275 (non-refundable) fee for registration, lunch, technology. Bring Report Card or Progress Report for Kindergarten Registration. 4 #179 Synod of Bishops 2015 Orthopaedic Ctr at Jeanes Total joint replacement classes: Feb. 24 (6-7 PM) March 10 (11 AM-Noon) March 24 (6-7 PM) Class in 4th fl. Conference Rm Pre-register at 215-728-3944 Pope Francis has called for an Ordinary Synod of Bishops in October 2015 on the theme, The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World. The clergy and faithful are invited to participate in this consultation. A Preparatory Document has been issued by the Holy See to initiate this consultation along with a series of questions. Archbishop Chaput, in an effort to provide an opportunity for the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to engage in this consultation in as wide a manner as possible has authorized the use of this instrument for local participation. COMMUNITY NEWS Saints A.L.I.V.E. Concert Little Flower High School Friday, Feb. 27 FREE 6:30—9 PM Concert open to all and ideal for all ages. Encourage you to bring families, friends, youth groups, sports teams, Scout troops, & clubs. This is not a poll or survey on Church teaching. Rather, it represents a unique opportunity for us to reflect and respond thoughtfully on serious challenges to family life and to marriage. The clergy and faithful are asked to read the complete Preparatory Document, or its summary, on the archdiocesan website and then answer any or all of the questions that follow by visiting Hard copies will be made available next week at the back of Church. OPEN HOUSES Archbishop Ryan HS Feb. 22 12:30-3:00 PM 215-637-1800 x269 Responses are to be submitted by Monday, March 9 and they will be integrated into a general report. Continuing the Search for Religious Freedom Little Flower High School Feb. 22 1:00-3:00 PM Mass at Noon 215-455-6900 x162 The John Cardinal Krol Chair of Moral Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is sponsoring a lecture series beginning in March. “Continuing the Search for Religious Freedom: 50 years after Vatican II’s Digitatis Humanae” features four separate speakers throughout March and April. Archbishop Chaput begins the series on March 17 as he discusses “Present Trials and Future Challenges.” All lectures are free and open to the public. For more info call 610-785-6500 or visit Hurry—Get your tickets NOW ! Quizzo at St. Cecilia Saint Basil Academy Pawction Live and Silent Auction March 7 6:30 PM Philmont Country Club [email protected] Date: Saturday, February 28 Time: 7 PM (games begin at 8 PM) Place: Auditorium Aid For Friends The Saint Cecilia Community can be very proud of the CYO who, under the direction of Mrs. Colleen Demusz, dedicated their time, energy, and money to prepare a large donation of soups, breakfast bags, and meals on their school holiday for Martin Luther King Day. ‘Thank You’ just does not express how very grateful AFF and their client-friends are for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Cost: $28 per person—Includes food, beer, soda, dessert, coffee, tea. BYOB. Must be 21 years of age. Join in the fun! Teams consist of 10 people. Put together your own team or sign up individually and you will be assigned to a team. Teams are encouraged to choose a theme, decorate your table and get into the spirit of Quizzo. Only 300 tickets will be sold. For tickets contact Lisa at 215-742-0464 or Eleanor at 215-342-7834. Thank You for your Thoughtfulness Your generosity during the Christmas Season enabled us to send donations to the following: Bethesda Project, Mercy Hospice, Birthright, Saint Francis Inn, Project H.O.M.E., Women of Hope and Saint John Hospice. Each of these groups received $225 in the name of our parishioners. Saint Martin de Porres Parish received $900 also in the name of our generous parishioners. Time and time again, you show your concern for the less fortunate. Thank you on behalf of all those who feel the effects of your generosity. Feel like volunteering instead of playing We can use your help with Quizzo by setting up the night before and/or work the event. Call Lisa at 215742-0464. Great opportunity to collect those service hours and have fun while doing it. 5 #179 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 16th MONDAY, February 16th 6:30 – Carol Jean Ebinger 8:30 – Wanner Family PLEASE REMEMBER ALL THE SICK OF THE PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS, ESPECIALLY: Kara Marie Granger Matthew DeLuca Margaret Lukacko Alyssa Hordijenko Grace McGinn Patricia Staudt Bernadette E. Felix Kathleen Costello Bockol Carolyn Robinson Bryan Anderson Jeanne Burke Paula D’Amario Shane Metzgar Lisa Kovacs-Breuer Donald Geissler Sally Walter McGraw Sheila Sheridan Diane Kaelin Neal Dunleavy, Jr. John Sykes Marion Whalen Jennie Pasquarello Charlotte Hvorecky Gertrude Votyka Kathleen Dougherty Nancee Dareff TUESDAY, February 17th 6:30 – Anthony Bompadre 8:30 – George & Elizabeth Hee Paul & Elizabeth Mathias WEDNESDAY, February 18th 6:30 – John W. VanNote (10th anniversary) Gabriella Pilla (49th anniversary) 8:30 – Agostino & Domenica Incollingo 5:30 – Joseph Le & Maria Nguyen 7:00 – James P. Cullen THURSDAY, February 19th 6:30 – Ed & Jeannette Hennessy 8:30 – John Stanton PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, ESPECIALLY: Margaret Breslin Dolores Sparks Marie Lawinger Sister Ave Maria McCusker, IHM Sister Maria Manuel Collins, IHM Sister M. Jane Anne Molinaro, IHM Sister Maureen Christopher Dusterhoff, IHM Sister Marie Jamesine Gormley, IHM FRIDAY, February 20th 6:30 – Barbara & James McKissick 8:30 – Louis & Catherine Catalano SATURDAY, February 21st 8:30 – Barbara & William Gaughan 5:30 – John Patrick Rowley Rosselli’s Automotive Computer & Diagnostic Testing Alignment & Brake Service State Inspection/Enhanced Emission 1250 Rhawn St.,Phila, PA 19111 215.722.8450 Kelleher Electrical Service Residential - Commercial - Industrial Small Jobs Welcomed - Licensed & Insured Ph. 215-379-2609 Parish Member Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Specializing in: Hot Asphalt Roofs Shingle Roofs • Gutters • Spouts JOHN G. ANASTASIA Paperhanging & Painting “We still do it the way Pop taught us... “The Right Way” (215) 745-5781 215-342-5034 Parishioner J. Member of St. Cecilia m Ho Chris Jackson (215) 722-4566 Mike McCusker (P) 215-728-7800 7975 Oxford Ave. Phila., PA 19111 Interior and Exterior House Painting Neat Clean Work - No Job Too Small 215-677-5854 KITCHENS BATHROOMS ADDITIONS [email protected] A Tompkins Community Bank O’Donnell Painting Free Estimates Established 1967 er emod n o T eR Formerly Madison Bank ROOFING 215-379-2953 8000 Verree Rd., Philadelphia John DeCristofaro s n o & S eling Showroom @ 2004 Rhawn St. ©2000 Allstate Insurance Company. Northbrook, Illinois Parish Member 215-989-2679 10% Off Seniors & Veterans • Parishioner Custom Woodwork • New Construction Kitchens • Additions • Bathrooms • Flooring Visit Us At Our New Location Rockledge Plaza Huntingdon Pike Family Owned and Operated Since 1948 408 Huntingdon Pike Rockledge, PA 19046 215-379-2100 Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please contact Kim Marcakis 215-840-2668 or [email protected] at John Patrick Publishing Company at 1-800-333-3166 X 181 179 - Church of St. Cecilia, Philadelphia, PA (3rd) Rt. P John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • Hall Rentals Christenings, Weddings & Parties PATRICK J. FOY Wackerman Funeral Home (215) 281-9656 ROCKLEDGE FIRE HOUSE 505 HUNTINGDON PIKE Interior & Exterior Painting Wallpapering & Scraping 215-379-8373 Austin C. Wackerman • Elizabeth Wackerman Bailey • Emily Wackerman Whitlatch PLUMBING & HEATING Alterations-Jobbing 309 Central Ave., Cheltenham Reg. No. 3121 P.A. 043294 379-0881 (215) 342-5200 8060 VERREE ROAD, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111 FREE Estimates • Reliable • Honest JOSEPH P. FARLEY 7979 Oxford Ave. • Phila. PA (215) 745-3114 F: (215) 745-1833 Reliable Reg. Master Plumber #4287 Michael Zalewski Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm Sat. 9am-2:30pm What a Pharmacy was meant to be Larry Schuck, C.P.A. Mary’s Little Lambs 400A Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge, PA 19046 PET SITTING - DOG WALKING Personal Tax Returns Professionally Prepared 215-663-1755 • Fax: 215-663-1737 • [email protected] Home pick up & delivery • 20 yrs. exp. REASONABLE RATES 215-379-0244 CALL DANA 267.671.7457 The Leading Vascular Center of Excellence in the Delaware Valley All Major C/C & Insurance Plans Accepted - *Copies & Fax Dr. James McGuckin Peripheral Vascular Institute 4220 Market Street. 2nd Floor, Phila., PA 19104 215-240-6007 • 215-722-6783 215-379-8300 SERVING ENTIRE CITY & SUBURBS CITY VIOLATIONS CORRECTED All Major Appliance Repair SEWER LINES REPLACED • HOT WATER HEATERS FROZEN PIPES • WATER PRESSURE INCREASED DIGGING & EXCAVATION SPECIALISTS Washers • Dryers • Ranges Dishwashers • Etc. Fully Insured and Bonded Mullin Electrical Repair, LLC Brendan Mullin Tired leg(s) or foot wounds that won’t heal? Leg pain preventing you from getting around? Or keeping you awake at night? Think Peripheral Vascular Institute of Philadelphia first and get back on your feet! Full Service Plumber PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAIN CLEANING EMERGENCY SERVICE INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS FIRST RATE INSURANCE, LLC THOMAS C. SCARY, Agent Auto • Home • Business • Life 267-767-4684 7790 ROCKWELL AVE., SUITE 1, PHILA., PA 19111-2400 Night & Weekend Hours Available 215-725-6700 • Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 G.J. ROSSI & SON DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: ELECTRICIANS Now In Our 3 Generation ALL TYPES WIRING & REPAIRS rd 215–329–9456 Follow us on: Parish Member Sweeney’s Verree Tavern 7968 VERREE RD. Mariann Owens 215–725-3366 Office: (215) 698-2000 Direct: (215) 698-2027 Cell: (215) 280-7222 2000 Finest Tavern Food Now Available in our New Private Dining Room Email: [email protected] Helping Buyers and Sellers in Philadelphia, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties KITCHEN OPEN FROM 11 AM TO MIDNIGHT Each Office Independently Owned and Operated The all new Kim’s Crab Cakes Philly’s Largest Wings All Soups & Chili Homemade TAKE OUT AVAILABLE All Major Sporting Events With 6 Colored TV’s ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning • Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 FOX CHASE WINDOWS & DOORS SALES - INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES Please Call ... 215-725-4211 Parish Member NOW SELLING USED CARS High Tech Auto Sales and High Tech Automotive PA062531 “I will find your leak!” Rafferty Roofing 215-281-0771 Since 1994 Sean P. Kelly - Proprietor For Quality & Honest Work at Reasonable Prices Licensed & Insured For bathing ease, safety and independence... Full Service Repair State Inspection & Emmission Oxford & Verree Rd., Phila. • 215-742-4405 America’s Walk In Tubs Makers of the world's lowest step in tub, The EverlastTM Low Entry Tub (patent pending) SCD 800-945-2233 Best Warranty In The Area For Your Peace of Mind! 24 Months or 24,000 Miles! Parts and Labor! 2 Locations To Serve You! 8051 Oxford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111 267-343-7333 • 215-702-8803 1 Block From “Fox Chase” Train Station! 179 - Church of St. Cecilia, Philadelphia, PA (i) Rt. P St. Matthew & Father Judge Grad F EST REE IMAT ES “Your Complete Exterior Pro” All American Exterior Contracting Roof Restoration • Gutters • Siding 215-789-1862 Licensed & Insured Police, Fire & Veterans DISCOUNT Classic Optical DR. AMY C. TAN, O.D. 215-722-2242 *Eye Exams * Contact Lenses * Eyeglasses 6516 RISING SUN AVE. (GILHAM & RISING SUN) $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing ✔ Basement Remodeling ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing ✔ Financing Available Licensed & Insured 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY 1-855-435-6009 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • Nora McCloskey Parishioner Fine Art Classes Workshops & Parties for Children & Adults 215-301-0103 D AVID G. 7450 Oxford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA • 215-728-1050 • [email protected] Cheryl Webb Richardson, Mgr. • David G. Richardson, Spvr. • Howard N. Deeter, Dir. Traditional Funeral • Cremation Service • P Pre-Plans for $25/month RICHARDSON Funeral Home, Inc. Theodore R. Fluehr, Supv. JIM CASEY Wallcovering Painting • Scraping Clean Work • Since 1986 215-379-0558 FUNERAL DIRECTORS w/an A+ Rating Member of Parish Individualized Attention For Your Child Sincerity, Integrity and Compassion Since 1898 Pre-arranged & prepaid funerals 3301-15 Cottman Ave., Phila., PA 19149 215-624-5150 One Family Helping Another LAW OFFICES PAUL A. COGHLAN 437 RHAWN STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111 (215) 725-5998 FAX (215) 725-3904 McCloy TV IT'S TAX TIME! Be Confident in Your Accountant. DEANGELIS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC Service & Installations HandyMan Services...Just Ask! For Pricing & Appointments Call Licensed in New Jersey 215-603-4535 or 215-572-0529 215-698-0768 THOMAS A. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ. Attorney At Law AUTO ACCIDENT — PERSONAL INJURY — WILLS — DIVORCE — REAL ESTATE 7990 Oxford Avenue, 1st Floor Phila., PA 19111 Across from Dunkin Donuts 215-722-6230 215-742-2177 342-44 LONEY ST., FOX CHASE MARY JORDAN, OWNER - PARISHIONER Stewart and McGowan Professionals Serving Professionals ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 6221 RISING SUN AVE. (Opposite St. William’s Church) US Sales • Service VIR VAL O FREE ESTIMATES M RE Supporting All MAC & PC (215) 745-3646 7948 Oxford Ave. Philadelphia, PA The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 215.587.5650 VERREE PHARMACY 7960 VERREE RD. (AT RHAWN) Free Delivery M-F 9AM - 8PM Sat. 9AM - 6PM Sun. 9AM - 1 PM 215-342-0100 Mitchell Spivack, R. PH. AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS ABOVE DRIVING SCHOOL Learn With Ease In A Few Hours! No Contract/Low Fees Lic. PA Dept of Education 215-801-5361 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM INC. Funeral Directors Since 1881 Jay B. Comly James Minerva’s Hairstyling Open: Mon.-Sat. 8135 Jeanes St. 215-725-9460 7010 Castor Ave. 215-725-4737 RENEE ROACHE REALTOR ASSOCIATE, Parishioner For a FREE Market Analysis of your home or for help for any of your Real Estate Questions Please call... Direct 215-335-2915 Office 215-335-2900 Cell 215-272-2719 EASTERN, INC. The Sign you want. The Agent you need. 7908 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 Dan Beyer Electric Building & Office Maintenance 267-760-5686 [email protected] Full Service Locksmith Since 1978 Member of Parish Commercial • Automotive Residential • Safes Fully Equipped Radio Dispatched Mobile Trucks 7936 Oxford Ave. 215-745-5007 Free Consults For Braces & Invisalign. Most Insurance Plans Accepted 215-938-0300 2595 Murray Ave., Huntingdon Valley THOMAS A. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ. Attorney At Law We Value Our Customers AUTO ACCIDENT — PERSONAL INJURY We Install Home Backup Generators • Lic. & Ins. WILLS — DIVORCE — REAL ESTATE 624 Arthur Street 215-778-3750 [email protected] 215-379-4559 Parishioner, Usher 11am Mass 136 BLAKE AVE., ROCKLEDGE PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 338-2800 SPECIALIZING IN WILLS AND DECEDENT’S ESTATES 419 Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge Erich Wetzel, Supv. 6902 Rising Sun Avenue, Philadelphia Bill Herchenroder, Supv. Willow Grove - Robert Wetzel, Supv. Schmidt’s Florist 700 Solly Ave., Phila., PA 19111 Licensed & Insured 215-745-6234 ALL TYPES OF ROOFS 215-634-6666 Senior Discounts PA#101733 Licensed & Insured Parishioner 215-722-4446 #PA043026 WE DELIVER Larry Aita RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL AĉĉĎęĎĔēĘ • KĎęĈčĊēĘ 215-663-8550 • BĆęčėĔĔĒĘ • BĆĘĊĒĊēęĘ • DĊĈĐĘ The Original ~ Traditional Pizza ~ White Pizza ~ Tomato Pies 6500 Rising Sun Ave. • 215-745-9992 Pizza REALTOR® Regency Realty Parishioner 2014 Outstanding Agent of the Year Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. Cell: (215) 478-4344 Office: (215) 517-8800 [email protected] Get Your Car or Truck Fixed While You’re at Work! “The Key To Your New Home” We are Located 1 ½ Blocks from the Ryers Avenue Train Station! Each Office Independently Owned and Operated SECOND TO NUN FRAMERY PA TDD/TTY # 800.654.5988 Quality Framing At Affordable Prices All Proceeds Support the Charitable Works of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer ©2013 Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. CSR 176680-01, EOE Call Sr. Linda at (215) 914-4148 179 - Church of St. Cecilia, Philadelphia, PA (b) Rt. P John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 •
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