Newsletter - The Joseph Rowntree School

Spring Newsletter
February 2015
Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome to the Spring 2015 edition of our
newsletter. It certainly gives you a fantastic idea of
all of the great activities going on within our school!
It is great to see our students involved in so much
creative and competitive activity, and is a real
reflection of the varied talents of all of our students,
from cooking competitions, to being involved in
theatre trips, to looking at future career pathways
and much more. I hope you enjoy seeing the
images from the A level Photography and Art
Exhibition which reflect the level of artistic ability we
have in the school. It is also really nice to see
students contributing reviews to the newsletter of
some of the productions that they have seen.
This term is a crucial term for us as a school, and
we are focused upon supporting our students
moving towards summer examinations to ensure
that they get the grades they deserve and maximise
their potential. We also recognise that this time is
stressful for students (and parents!) and we will be
doing all that we can to support
students and their families in
the run up to the examination
period. Elements of this
support will include 'How to
support your child revising' workshops and setting
up of revision timetables for students to help them
to organise their time. There will be lots of
revision material available on our website as well,
and after school revision sessions for students to
support them. It is an exciting time for the school,
and we are confident that our students will do well
in the forthcoming examinations.
Enjoy the newsletter, and thank you for your
support of our school.
Mr Crane
Spring Newsletter
Comic Relief Hair & Dance Competition 2015
This is a fantastic and very entertaining
evening raising funds for Comic Relief.
Thursday 12th March 2015
Doors open at 6.00pm
Tickets £3.00 each
Rotary Club
Year 10 Food Technology students were competing against
each other in the Cooking Rotary Competition. They had to
cook a meal for two which included a main course and dessert.
They had to work with a budget of £10 and two hours to
prepare the dishes.
Ten students were chosen to go through to the next round.
The lucky ten had to cook in front of two external judges who
looked at skills, health and safety as well as presentation and
originality of the dish. The judges really struggled to decide on
three winners. They were debating for over half an hour and
the deciding point in the end was the temperature of the
washing up water! The three winners where Rebecca Potter,
Sophie Carr and Katie Feetenby.
The girls then went on to compete against other schools in York at the York College. That was a rather scary
task as they had to cook in a fully equipped catering kitchen. The competition was tough too! They had to
compete against 6 other students and one student had already won this round in the previous year. Luckily
our girls did not allow themselves to get too distracted and rose to the challenge! Two hours later they
emerged with some fanatic dishes and all the judges were impressed with the professional standard.
Katie Feetenby came joint second with the students from Archbishops School (the one who won this round
previously!!!). A massive well done to Katie and all the girls!!!
Work Experience
In Year 10 all students are expected to go out for one week on work experience. This is a fantastic
opportunity for them. The students are expected to find their own places. This is not an easy task. But
currently about 80 have found places. Information on how to find a place is on our website.
There are also several Year 12 students who need to spend time experiencing work, though, this could be a
regular time every week, or just a day, work shadowing. The subjects involved here are Business, Science,
Sport and Health and Social Care.
In the current climate, it is very hard to find places for all our students. It would be nice to build up a series of
contacts, whom we could approach, if needed. I am therefore wondering if there is anyone out there that
could offer students a placement, whether it be a whole week, or just a few hours, or a day work shadowing.
If anyone would be kind enough to volunteer, then please could you contact school and leave your details.
Mr Gladstone, Work Experience Coordinator
Spring Newsletter
Green Apples Progression Conference
After a very busy time completing mock exams, the Year 11 Green Apple students attended a very
informative day at York University. The aim of the day was to help the students when making choices for
their future education.
They were lucky enough to have the conference in the new area of York University, overlooking the freshly
formed lakes. It was interesting for the students to see how a modern university compared to the older
buildings they had spent time in last year. The day started with a text based quiz finding out the impressions
our student had about the life of a university student. A student helped clarify and correct these impressions!
Students were then treated to a lively presentation by NYBEP. The point of this was to show students that
they are their own worst enemy!! If they have faith in themselves and think positively, then they can achieve
what they want. Students need to see that they all have something they are good at and that they need to
learn to ‘sell’ their strengths and not focus on weaknesses.
Team work was then the name of the game when playing Pointless in order to discover various interesting
facts and figures about universities and the courses available. Working with students from other schools is
always daunting, but reflects the fact that they will be meeting new people in the future. The final presentation
of the day was a talk about how to prepare your brain ready for revision and included practical tips and advice
about revising.
It was a very informative day which the students enjoyed. We know University isn’t for everyone, but this
project has certainly opened the students’ eyes and given them an insight, and more importantly, information,
in order to make informed choices!
The new cohort in Year 9 will shortly be embarking on their first trip with a visit to Askham Bryan in February.
I look forward to reporting back on that trip.
Mrs Rigby
Green Apples Co-ordinator
Oxbridge Success
We are delighted that both Y13 students who attended an Oxbridge interview in December have recently
received offers. Hannah Whitaker has received a conditional offer of A*A*AA to read Natural Science at
Newnham College, Cambridge, and Ela Portnoy has received a conditional offer of AAA to read German and
Linguistics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford.
Congratulations to Hannah and Ela! We wish them every success in achieving these grades in the
Miss Billinge
Head of Sixth Form
Spring Newsletter
A taste of our A-Level...
AMP Awards 2015
Once again, we have entered a team (Team Chorus) of enthusiastic
students to participate in the 2nd York AMP Awards. This is a ‘Battle of
the Bands’ style competition but with a large emphasis on developing
business and enterprise skills. The competition is used as a fundraiser
for PUMP AID as the money raised from the activities goes towards
providing fresh water pumps for developing countries in Africa.
Last year, the team were awarded a certificate for their help in raising
money for this good cause and it is hoped that this year they can be
even more successful.
Their first major task was to plan and organise a Battle of the Bands competition in school in order to get a
winning band that would represent The Joseph Rowntree School in the final at the York Barbican on
Thursday 26th February.
It was a well organised and well attended event that showcased the musical talents of two excellent bands –
The Black Hawks and Borderline. After much deliberation and thought from the judges, it was decided that
The Black Hawks were the winners of the heat and will now represent the school in the final.
Raffle prize plea!!
As part of their participation, the team have to organise the front of house for the night of the finals and also
run a raffle to help raise money. So, if there is anybody who would like to make
a donation (I am sure that you or your business will get a mention/ publicity at
the event) then please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school – all raffle
donations will be gratefully accepted.
Finals tickets – support your band!!
Tickets for the final at the York Barbican are priced at £5 and are available
from myself or from one of the team who will be in and around the Hub on a
lunchtime. It’s a great night out, you’ll see some really talented and varied
bands/ musicians from around the region and, more importantly, you will be
able to cheer on our representatives – The Black Hawks – as part of the voting
system is audience participation.
Hope to see you there.
Mr Ayres and Mr Ward
Spring Newsletter
Top Class Karate for Tia
On the 11th January, I travelled up to London for Karate England. When I arrived , I
took part in a 3 hour training session, one session being a
competition where I had
to fight an older girl. I beat her by 2 points. A couple of days later, I received an e-mail
saying I had been accepted for the England Squad. Now I go to London twice a
month, every month. I also take part in lots of competitions and I’ll be at the European
Championships in a few months.
Tia Molesbury 8PH
On behalf of the whole school, Mr Hanlon, Tia’s Group Tutor, would like to
congratulate her on her achievements and we all wish her the very best for the
European Championships.
Year 7 Girls played 7 a-side versus Bootham School on Wednesday 4th February in bitter conditions. This
didn’t deter our excellent team of Lorna Rore , Captain, Heidi Fletcher, Izzy, Mountain, Holly Davis, Lauren
Gore, Kayleigh Well, Mae Grewer, Annabelle Whitmore, Hannah Duck and Issy Dunning.
Both teams won 7-0, 8-0, 6-0, 5-0. Beautiful passing and shooting from Lorna, Holly and Heidi and a perfect
overlap by Izzy Moutain. Fantastic potential for the tournament in March.
All netball teams continue to train hard in the freezing conditions. The Year 7s are proving to be a talented
group with 25 girls regularly attending weekly training. Their last match v St Olave’s saw all 25 play.
U12C lost 13 - 7, Girl of the Game was Lauren Gore
U12B won 8 - 6, Girls of the Game were Kayleigh Wells & Holly Inch
U12A drew 8 - 8, Girl of the Game was Issy Dunning
All 3 teams are looking forward to their tournament on Saturday 21st March at St Olave’s. U13A & B are
currently undefeated and are top of the league tables. They too are looking forward to their tournament on
Saturday 7th March at The Joseph Rowntree School.
U15A are currently top of the league table and both A & B are training hard for their tournament on
Wednesday 18th March at St Olave’s.
U14 & U19 teams will be representing York & District in the Inter Area Tournament on Wednesday 25th March
in Harrogate. U19’s had a good win against Scarborough Area Team winning 39 - 24.
French & German Exchange
We have now recruited for the German Exchange and after the
February half term we will recruit for the French Exchange. If
interested please e-mail [email protected]
and I will make sure your son or daughter receives a letter and an
application form. (Timings of the visit : October visit to France and
Easter 2016 return visit in York ).
Ms E. Armstrong
Spring Newsletter
English & Drama Theatre Trips
Following on from our two very successful Year 10 Drama and English theatre trips in the first term we are
delighted to have secured places to see To Kill a Mockingbird at West Yorkshire Playhouse. The story has
seen recent press attention with the announcement of author Harper Lee (now 88 years old) publishing a
sequel in July 2015, 55 years after ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ was first published.
Drama and English students have also visited Doncaster Cast to see the highly acclaimed contemporary
theatre company Frantic Assembly perform Othello and also to York Theatre Royal to see the classic
Victorian ghost story Woman in Black. The students have loved the experience of seeing the stories that
they are studying come to life on the stage.
The trip to The West Yorkshire Playhouse will take place on Thursday 26 th March and students who are
studying the text will have received letters inviting them to take part in this fantastic opportunity.
Mrs Cox (Head of Drama and Theatre) and Mr Wilson (Head of English)
Dates for the Diary
Vaudeville Performing Arts Faculty Future Events
A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller (A-Level set text)
Wednesday 1st April. Matinee performance. Bradford Alhambra.
Rebecca – Kneehigh Theatre Company (AS Level Practitioner)
Wednesday 8th April. Matinee performance. The Lowry, Salford.
Moderation Dates 2015
Examdrams will take place prior to the students moderation. This is a dress rehearsal for family and friends,
students and staff to watch the students final practical pieces. Any Year 9 students opting for GCSE Drama
and Year 11 students opting for A-Level Drama are strongly advised to attend.
GCSE Year 11
Examdram: Friday 6th March/ Moderation: Friday 13th March
AS Level
Examdram: Friday 13th March/ Moderation: Friday 20th March
A2 Level
Examdram: Tuesday 24th March/ Moderation: Friday 17th April
James & The Giant Peach
All Year 9 students followed a Performing Arts scheme of work prior
to the Christmas holiday. The students were asked to create a piece
of performance using the three disciplines (Dance/Drama/Music).
The students used Roald Dahl’s much loved story James and the
Giant Peach as the stimulus for their work. They also explored the
many other elements of the performing arts as part of the process
including creating costume designs, planning the lighting of their
performances as well as examining the many different interpretations
of the story. The performances were brilliant and the Vaudeville
Faculty were very impressed with the high standard of work. The
culmination of the project was the opportunity to go and see the
performance at West Yorkshire Playhouse. The performance was
outstanding and the students have been inspired by what they saw.
See below for the students reviews of the performance.
Morrell won the Quizmas
Special!!! This was hosted by
congratulations to Mr Kimmings
for making and supplying the
electric buzzers for the event.
Well done Morrell!!!
Spring Newsletter
Student Reviews
Overall the production of James and The Giant Peach at the West Yorkshire Playhouse
was very entertaining. They used the same stage for different levels of the peach but set
it out differently each time to make it look like the inside of the peach with a set of stairs
but when they were supposed to be on top of the peach they didn’t and they used a
much smaller section of the stage. My favourite costume was the centipede because
she wore a jacket with long pieces of felt attached to the arms to make it look like she
had many arms and legs. The cast interacted with
the audience through different ways; one was inviting
them on stage and another was throwing the giant
ball they used (as the peach) out to the audience to
make it seem like the peach was travelling through
the air. My favourite part about the overall play was
the costumes because they didn’t wear garments
that made them look exactly like an insect they wore
something that would make you think of that insect for example the lady
bird wore red and black.
On the 16th of December 49 pupils from The Joseph Rowntree School attended
the West Yorkshire playhouse to watch James and the Giant Peach. They
interacted with the audience by coming into the audience at the beginning and
talking to us. They also gave the younger audience members golden tickets to
come up onto the stage and see the peach. The cast used the stage very well
because they used a curtain to cut off the
peach, then when they were in the peach they
lifted the curtain up. The cast’s
were very creative and they all look amazing.
They were also brilliant actors/actresses and
really interacted with the audience. This stage
show is really good and I would recommend it
to all ages children and adults.
Oliver– 9th Show in the 5th Year of Performances
Oliver has been a great experience and will stick in my
mind forever. It Is the first school production I have
been in during my time at The Joseph Rowntree School
and is by far the best show I have worked on. I have
been in many shows with other companies but this is
the best set of crew I have had the pleasure of working
with. The show, directed by Mrs Clarke is amazing! All
the songs sound and look brilliant as well as all the
costumes. My favourite part is when Fagin and the gang
are in their den and Nancy and Bet arrive and sing "I'd
do Anything". Every single cast member has enjoyed
their time working on Oliver and that comes across in
the performance. I hope you enjoyed watching it.
Elias Norman - Y8 - Oliver Cast Member
Spring Newsletter
Life as a Sixth Former: freedom, excitement and accomplishments
“The last years of your schooling career are by far the most memorable and rewarding…”
Whether you’re considering the sixth form pathway or you’re simply interested in what being part of a sixth
form is like, look no further. Life as a sixth former differs vastly from school or college as it brings you forward
to meet some of the most challenging, engrossing and unique experiences you’ve encountered yet. The
uniqueness of this two year period is down to a concoction of increased responsibility, greater independence,
realising your potential and experimenting with your own academic interests. The freedom you’re given as a
sixth form student not only allows you to work on your time management but also gives you the opportunity to
partake in volunteering activities, common-room socialising and one-to-one meetings with your tutors about
your progress at sixth form. This newly found independence is refreshing; however remember liberties are as
easy taken away as they are given!
The opportunity to be part of a sixth form is a definite privilege as you’re offered infinite opportunities which
you perhaps wouldn’t have encountered otherwise. Not only this, but the step by step support when in Year
13 and making decisions regarding UCAS applications, makes the whole process not only less daunting but
allowing it to become exciting and interesting. This endless support gives an edge to a sixth form experience
as many colleges are often too large to offer such personal, tailored help. Thus meaning by the end of your
sixth form career you feel as though you’ve spend the last two years accelerating toward a greater success
than the one you achieved yesterday, whilst having some of the most fun-filled years of your life.
So the question is, who wouldn’t want to go to sixth form?
Lucy Warren
House News
The House league table is looking very close at the moment with
Morrell and Seebohm taking it in turns to sit in that top spot.
However, with the long awaited “Where in the World” geography
event, ongoing Showcase appearances and all manner of sports
opportunities, it is still all to play for.
Mr Watts
House Events Coordinator