2015 TRAVEL MICHIGAN MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES Pure Michigan Advertising Marketing Partnership Program The Advertising Partnership Program extends the marketing reach of the Michigan travel industry and Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)/Travel Michigan by leveraging marketing dollars to promote Michigan. The program’s key awareness target markets are Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Dayton, Columbus, St. Louis, Southern Ontario and Toronto. Feeder markets are Toledo, Green Bay/Appleton, South Bend and Fort Wayne. Key in-state markets are Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, Saginaw/Bay City, Battle Creek/Kalamazoo and Traverse City. Based on a financial commitment from MEDC/Travel Michigan and potential partner(s), a specific strategic promotional campaign is jointly created utilizing television, radio, digital and print advertising, web site and online promotion, public relations and social media efforts. This is a dollar-for-dollar matching fund program. Minimum Partner Financial Requirements: • In-State: o Detroit only $25,000 o In-state remainder $25,000 Total In-State $50,000 • Out-of-state/Feeder o Feeder o Chicago only o Canada $25,000 $55,000 $57,700 - $144,000 (depending on market & medium) o Other Awareness markets $30,000 Proposals must be submitted no later than: • January 31, 2015, for a 2015 fall partnership • March 30, 2015, for a 2015 winter partnership • May 25, 2015 for a 2016 spring/summer partnership MEDC/Travel Michigan’s partnership guidelines are available at http://ref.michigan.org/mtr/marketing/. Contact: Ken Yarsevich, (517) 335-4383 [email protected] Page 1 National Cable Partnership Program The goal of the Marketing Partnership Program is to extend the marketing reach of the Michigan travel industry and Pure Michigan by leveraging marketing dollars to promote Michigan and industry partners. The National Cable Partnership Program is part of that effort to increase the public’s awareness of both Michigan and the partner through a co-branded message. Requirements: • $500,000 partnership commitment o $1 million total partnership with MEDC/Travel Michigan ($500,000 match) o Estimated: 8 – 10 cable TV networks 4 weeks – 220 spots/55 per week MEDC/Travel Michigan’s partnership guidelines are available at http://www.michigan.org/mtr/marketing/. Proposals must be submitted no later than March 28, 2015 for a 2016 national partnership. Contact: Ken Yarsevich, (517) 335-4383 [email protected] Pure Michigan Logo Requests Businesses can now request use of the Pure Michigan logo on various items including websites, brochures, packaging labels, etc. Each use of the logo requires a separate request for legal and auditing reasons. The logo should be used in a secondary manner and the required placement of the Pure Michigan logo is the lower right- or left-hand corner. A sample demonstrating how the logo would be used is required upon submission. To fill out the logo request form go to http://www.michiganbusiness.org/logo-request/. Contact: Kelly Wolgamott, (517) 241-5004 [email protected] Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) Program Businesses serving travelers and tourists can have signs erected along Michigan highways and state roads under the TODS program offered by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) in partnership with Michigan Logos, Inc. For additional information, please visit http://www.michigan.gov/mdot/0,1607,7-151-9625-53460--,00.html. Contact: Mike Kovalchick, Michigan Logos, Inc., (517) 337-2267 or (888) 645-6467 [email protected] Page 2 2015 Pure Michigan Travel Guides • Spring/Summer Travel Publication – During 2015, Travel Michigan will produce three seasonal travel guides to showcase Michigan destinations and the Pure Michigan brand. The 2015 Pure Michigan Spring/Summer Travel Guide will be available in mid-February. Again this year, Travel Michigan will print 1 million copies of which 650,000 will be proactively distributed with the March/April 2015 issue of Midwest Living, and the remaining 335,000 copies will be distributed for various media and public relations events. The guide will also be available at the 14 Michigan Welcome Centers across the state as well as in a free, universally accessible digital edition, which will allow users to access the guide from their desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets. Reader service is an added-value to all 1⁄6-page and larger advertisers in the Spring/Summer Travel Guide. Additionally, a hyperlink will be included for all 1⁄6-page and larger advertisers in the digital version of the guide on both Travel Michigan and Midwest Living websites. Pure Michigan 2015 Spring/Summer Travel Guide Advertising Opportunities o October 21, 2014 – Ad closed o Mid-February 2015 – Delivery Contact: • Robin Peebles, (517) 373-7462 [email protected] Fall and Winter Travel Publications – Travel Michigan will produce 100,000 copies each of the Pure Michigan Fall Travel Guide and the Pure Michigan Winter Travel Guide. Both guides will be distributed for media events and upon consumer requests. They will also be available at the 14 Michigan Welcome Centers across the state as well as in a free, universally accessible digital edition. Pure Michigan 2015 Fall Travel Guide Advertising Opportunities o March 1, 2014 – Ad rates for 2014 announced o May 15, 2015 – Ad closing o July 24, 2015 – Delivery Pure Michigan 2015 Winter Travel Guide Advertising Opportunities o March 1, 2014 – Ad rates for 2014 announced o July 15, 2015 – Ad closing o September 25, 2015 – Delivery Contact: Robin Peebles, (517) 373-7462 [email protected] Page 3 eNewsletter Campaign The Consumer eNewsletter Campaign highlights destinations, special offers, events, feature interests and new attractions. It is intended to increase web traffic to michigan.org as well as to industry websites. The newsletter is distributed bi-monthly to an opt-in audience of nearly 550,000 subscribers. Organizations wishing to submit content for consideration may provide details and/or a 250-word article to Travel Michigan at least 30 days prior to the month in which the event takes place. Contact: Robin Peebles, (517) 373-7462 [email protected] Pure Michigan Featured Deals Program Each month, the Michigan travel industry has the opportunity to promote featured online travel discounts, last-minute specials and special offers in a monthly Pure Michigan broadcast email. The Michigan Featured Deals Program is designed to take advantage of the growing number of consumers who search michigan.org for specific information on deals and discounts. The monthly Featured Deals email is sent out on the first Thursday of the month to more than 300,000 subscribers and is posted for the entire month on michgan.org. Rates and registration can be obtained through TwoSix Digital. Discount rates are available for multi-buys. Contact: Dave Serino, (810) 360-0170 [email protected] Fall Color Updates Email Campaign Throughout the fall season (September/October), the Michigan tourism industry has the opportunity to provide weekly fall color updates as well as promote added-value packages and events in the Travel Michigan Fall Color Update newsletter. Sent out every Thursday during the fall color season to more than 200,000 opt-in subscribers, this update is designed to keep consumers posted on key fall color destinations, describe scenic driving tours, link to great fall packages and provide information on fall activities around the state. Industry members are invited to participate in this program by completing a weekly survey of color development for your destination. Contact: Robin Peebles, (517) 373-7462 [email protected] Page 4 Social Media Campaigns Travel Michigan participates in various social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Foursquare, Flickr and Pure Michigan Connect, Michigan’s official travel and tourism blog. Travel Michigan uses these platforms to inform, inspire and engage with our audience. By participating with timely, genuine and compelling content we have become a relevant influence in the Michigan travel “conversation,” building social authority. The social media program, through Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, Google+ updates, and guest blog posts, highlight special offers, events, feature interests, new attractions and activities. The program provides additional exposure and reach to over one million people following Pure Michigan’s social media channels. Organizations wishing to submit content for consideration must provide details to Travel Michigan at least two weeks prior to the publish/post date. One of the easiest ways to participate is to share your travel photo(s) with us by using the hashtag #PureMichigan on Twitter and Instagram or by posting your photo to the Pure Michigan Facebook page. We routinely retweet and share photos sent to us on our social networks as a way to inspire people to dream about visiting Michigan. Facebook/Twitter/etc. – Please confirm content is already included on michigan.org. Send email request to [email protected]. Include a short description, web link and contact information. Guest Blog – We publish consumer-based travel experiences highlighting Michigan vacation activities, events and trips. For additional information and submission details, visit http://www.michigan.org/blog/be-a-guest-blogger/. Contact: Chad Wiebesick, (517) 335-1083 [email protected] Social Media Partnership Program The Pure Michigan Social Media Partnership Program allows Pure Michigan marketing advertising partners (see above) to share tourism-related updates to a large and loyal audience via paid advertising as a Promoted Post on Pure Michigan’s Facebook page. Promoted Posts reach more people and stay visible for more days than is typically feasible with organic posts. Pure Michigan has one of the largest Facebook audiences of any state Destination Marketing Organization in the nation. Inventory is on a first-come, first-served basis and content, creative and timing will be determined in coordination with the partner. The partner must commit $500 per Promoted Post, which Travel Michigan will match. Social media partnership guidelines are available at http://www.michigan.org/industry/marketing. Contact: Chad Wiebesick, (517) 335-1083 [email protected] Page 5 Public Relations The Travel Michigan PR team works to garner earned media coverage using various tactics, including those listed below. The PR team targets media on a regular basis with timely story and interview ideas. Many times the team looks to the industry to provide information, participate in on-air interviews, and provide sample products or similar items. Quick response time is paramount to the success of media placements. Your prompt attention is encouraged and appreciated. • In-market Media Visits – Travel Michigan pitches key awareness and feeder markets (Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Fort Wayne, Green Bay / Appleton, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, South Bend, Southern Ontario, Toledo) on an ongoing basis with ideas for on-air interviews, in-studio radio interviews and desk side visits. Share your ideas with the Travel Michigan PR team. Contact: • Michelle Grinnell, (517) 241-0251 [email protected] Travel Michigan on WJR – Travel Michigan produces a weekly travel radio show Sunday evenings on WJR AM-760, and throughout the weekend on other stations across the state. Ideas for interviews (unique destinations, attractions and the people behind the story) are appreciated. Contact: Michelle Grinnell, (517) 241-0251 [email protected] Amanda Munson, (517) 373-0671 [email protected] • Media Familiarization (Fam) Trips – Individual media fams are scheduled on a per request basis from writers on assignment. Contact: Michelle Grinnell, (517) 241-0251 [email protected] Dave Lorenz, (517) 335-0007 – International [email protected] Page 6 Michigan.org Travel Website Free Listings – All Michigan-based tourism businesses can create an account on michigan.org and submit a business profile (property page), add an event and/or deal or package. • Property Profile – Submit your Michigan-based travel industry property information by clicking on Add Your Property in Quick Links, located on the bottom right-hand side of michigan.org. Existing properties in our database can be edited using your login and password. If you don’t have access to your listing or experience any issues contact Travel Michigan. Contact: • Events & Deals/Packages – Submit your Michigan-based travel industry event or deal/package information by clicking on Add Your Event or Add Your Deal/Package in Quick Links, located on the bottom right-hand side of michigan.org. Note: events and deals must be posted on michigan.org to be promoted by our Social Media and PR teams (see “Social Media Campaigns” above for more details). Contact: • Carol Royse, (517) 373-3848 [email protected] Marilyn Schneider, (517) 241-2605 [email protected] Property Profile System Training – Convention and Visitors Bureaus or Chambers of Commerce can schedule a training session to teach local properties how to add or modify their Property Profile, add events and add deals/packages. Contact: Carol Royse, (517) 373-3848 [email protected] Videos – The newest feature available on michigan.org is the ability to add videos to your property listing. Videos can be three to four minutes maximum in length and need to be uploaded in YouTube before they can be posted to michigan.org. Contact: Carol Royse, (517) 373-3848 [email protected] Foodie Tours – This program is a joint effort between Travel Michigan and the Michigan Department of Agriculture. Foodie tours must include Michigan products throughout the tour with a maximum of 11 destinations offering a variety of experiences for the visitor. Restaurants should be places that encourage the use of local foods. All locations must have a website. Contact: Carol Royse, (517) 373-3848 [email protected] Page 7 360 Degree Spin Tour Enhance your property page on michigan.org with a 360 Degree Spin Tour, offering a virtual tour of your business. The tour will also be featured on your business website, social media pages and Google+ Local Business page. Services are offered through Luna Tech 3D and businesses receive a 10% discount by mentioning Pure Michigan. Spin tours allow properties to showcase their interior using Google Street View technology. To see an example of the virtual spin tour, visit the michigan.org property page for the Bavarian Inn Restaurant in Frankenmuth (http://www.michigan.org/property/bavarian-inn-restaurant/). Contact: Luna Tech 3D, (734) 260-1069 [email protected] Welcome Center Opportunities Travel Michigan no longer oversees the day-to-day operations of Michigan’s 14 Welcome Centers. However, Travel Michigan still works with the Welcome Centers on tourism promotion and Pure Michigan brand awareness. With more than 7.5 million annual visitors to the Welcome Centers, they remain a major venue for promoting the destinations and attractions of Pure Michigan. • FREE Literature Distribution – Michigan tourism-related businesses may distribute (upon approval) travel-related brochures at all 14 Welcome Centers around the state or at specific Welcome Centers. For literature distribution criteria, visit http://www.travelmichigannews.org/cm/attach/5923DCD1-4856-4595-BE8C61E1DD6197DB/10_literaturepolicyrev.pdf or: Contact: • Kim Foreman, Michigan Department of Transportation, (517) 322-1657 [email protected] Adopt-A-Welcome Center – Michigan tourism-related businesses may sponsor a promotional event at a Welcome Center. For event sponsorship criteria and the online request form, visit: www.michigan.gov/welcomecenters Page 8
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