Sunday 29 22 15 8 1 9 Bingo 6:15 PM Council Hall 23 Bingo 6:15 PM Council Hall 16 Bingo 6:15 PM Council Hall Bingo 6:15 PM Council Hall 2 Monday 3 Bowling 6:30 PM 25 Bowling 6:30 PM 18 Bowling 6:30 PM 11 Bowling 6:30 PM 4 Wednesday 5 26 19 12 Thursday WHITING, INDIANA Columbian Club 7:00 PM 24 Social Meeting 7:30 PM 17 10 Business Meeting 7:30 PM Tuesday Friday 6 27 20 13 FEBRUARY, 2015 POPE JOHN XXIII COUNCIL #1696 7 Lounge Card Drawing 10:00 PM 28 Lounge Card Drawing 10:00 PM Dick Biondi Night 21 Lounge Card Drawing 10:00 PM 14 Lounge Card Drawing 10:00 PM Saturday GRAND KNIGHT’S REPORT FROM THE DESK OF THE GRAND KNIGHT Brother Knights and friends, Well, February is here and January is a done deal once again. Considering last year, we’ve been blessed with a decent winter thus far in 2015. Although I’d rather be in someplace warm, it’s not all that bad. Hey, we’re Midwesterners so we should be used of it by now right? First off, I’d like to thank the council for the privilege of letting DD1 Tom Caco and myself attend and proudly represent our Council at the Right to Life March in Washington D.C. January 20th- 23rd. I’m moved beyond words as we and half a million other Pro Life advocates, took to the streets of Washington D.C. to solemnly mark 42 years of legalized abortion since the infamous Rod V. Wade decision. We will get this law abolished! The Knights of Columbus passionately supports and promotes several Culture of Life programs and initiatives. Please go to for more information. I’ll have some information at one of our February meetings on the “40 Days for Life “campaign that occurs about mid-February to discuss an opportunity for our council to participate in a vigil at the Planned Parenthood facility in Merrillville. Other happenings in January, our Council hosted a First Degree. Seven new members were initiated into the largest Catholic Family and Fraternal Service Organization for men, the Knights of Columbus. Welcome from the Unity Council 726, Art Landeros, from the Santa Maria Council 14885 Raymond Santana Sr. From Saint Pope John XXIII Council 1696, Thomas Dabertin, Adam Lewandowski, Jeremy Massoels, Joseph (Houtson) Shimala and Phil Wojtonik. Special thanks to the degree team Past Grand Knights: Joe Shimala, Greg Susoreny, Ed Igras, Rick Massoels, Gary Peters Jim Hildebranski, John Blasko and Adam Kazragys. Absolutely wonderful job. Also, thanks to Chaplain Fr. Jerry Stack who was in attendance. Our annual Dick Biondi Knight was unfortunately cancelled due to health problems Mr. Biondi was experiencing. A reschedule date is in the works and we’ll let you know when that is. Thanks to DGK Andy Dybel for nicely filling in for me while I was in D.C. for the Right to Life March, I was told it was smooth sailing! Congratulations to Brother Knight Bruce Stolman who is the development Director in charge of more things than I could possibly list, that keep Whiting running smoothly. Way to go Bruce! Columbian Club elections were held and the 4 members whose terms were up, were unanimously elected for another term. Congratulations PGK Rick Massoels, PGK Jim Hildebranski, PGK Ed Igras and Chris Kovacik. Thanks to PKG Rick Massoels, Brother Mark Kobli, Brother Tim Michniewicz and Brother Sean Gibbons for hosting the annual Super Bowl Party. Your efforts were greatly appreciated. The Knights will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Lunch /Dinner Sunday March 15th from roughly 11, 11:30 to 4:30 - 5:00. Exact times and cost will be forth coming. I can tell you it will be a corned beef dinner with all the fixings. Mark your calendars. Please keep in your prayers our oldest Honorary Life Member Frank Simaga (79) who is convalescing at home from a recent fall back in November. Also Honorary Brother Knight Frank Savastano is recovering from surgery in Tulsa. Let’s keep in mind to approach a fellow Catholic gentleman, perhaps in Church? And ask him if he is interested in joining our order. Please don’t forget that Lent begins February 18th which is Ash Wednesday. This is a time for us as Catholics to prepare ourselves for the triduum and Easter Season. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!! “ Vivat Jesus “ Sincerely, Norb Lee Lewandowski Grand Knight [email protected] Grand Knight: Norb “Lee” Lewandowski Financial Secretary: Rick Massoels 2129 Wespark, Whiting, IN 46394 Council Office 659-1168 Hall Rental: Jonathan McNinch, 659-3600 Chaplain's Report REPENT AND BELIEVE Father Jerome Stack, CPPS In just a few weeks we will begin Lent, a season when we are called to repentance. Just a couple of weeks ago, we heard the Gospel passage in which Jesus begins his ministry with a call to repentance: “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” We usually think of repentance as sorrow for past sins. Indeed, the theme of sin may be found in the Scriptures we encounter during the Lenten season, and the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation is certainly encouraged. Repentance is not just about sorrow for sin, important as that is. The Greek word that is often translated repent has the basic meaning of a change of mind or heart. Thus repentance has a broader and deeper meaning than simply being sorry for one’s past sins. It is interesting that in the first chapter of Mark, Jesus announces that the Kingdom or Reign of God is at hand, calls for repentance, and then he calls the first disciples. They respond to the presence of the Kingdom, they repent, by leaving behind their nets and following Jesus. Nothing is said about sin, but there is certainly repentance, a change of direction, a change of heart in their lives. That scene from the first chapter of Mark invites us to reflect on what it means to repent during this coming Lent. Yes, we should honestly take stock of our lives and admit where we have sinned. But something more is being asked of us. The disciples changed the direction of their lives in order to follow Jesus. Their repentance involved a radical change of heart, a radical change in their perspective on life. It meant letting go, not of something sinful, but of their occupations and, for James and John, even their father. Following Jesus meant letting go of what was familiar, even though it was not a question of sin. What the disciples left behind was certainly good, but it was, for them, an obstacle to following Jesus. They had to let go of what was keeping them from full commitment to the Lord. Letting go enabled them to acquire a new perspective, a new way of thinking. Perhaps this Lent we might take some time to reflect on what it is that we might need to abandon in order to follow the Lord more closely. What are the nets that we are called to leave behind on the shore? It might be that we need to let go of a particular way of thinking about our faith, our Church, or even about God, so that we can come to a deeper and better understanding of these realities. Perhaps we need to let go of certain attitudes we hold about some people, so that we can see them in a more accurate light. We may be called to let go of some strongly held opinions so that we can hear the truth in others. Perhaps we might let go of an attachment to our time and energy in order to offer those gifts to others. “Repent, and believe the Gospel.” Jesus calls us to a change of heart, a change of direction in our lives, so that we can better hear and believe in the Good News. May we not be afraid to leave behind the nets along the shore in order to follow Jesus this Lent. ARE YOUR DUES PAID? I am now accepting 2014 dues. There are still Brothers out there who owe dues for 2013. Please Brothers, let’s pay our 2014 dues early and if you owe last years dues pay them as soon as you can. Dues are $42 for 2014 with a minimum of $1 additional requested for the SOS (Save Our Seminarians) Fund. Thank You. February Birthdays Gail Brown Linda Lynch Tony Siorek Stephen Calfa John Lovasko Jane Shimala Jeannine Dabertin John Lynch Nick Siorek Bertha DeLuca Alice Nemcek Paulette Strabavy Michael Dosen Patricia Mazanek Joseph Stanley Florence Gresko Margaret Mikola Bruce Stolman Thomas Allison, PGK, FDD Gregory Hlebasko Gladys Potas Marie Turchany Peggy Archer Kathy Horvatich Nick Padilla Michael Wagner Natalie Bajda Cathy Jamrock Mary Ann Parish Robert Bercik Tim Kovacik, PGK Cheryl Rosen Mary Ann Bibat Robert Klosek Brian Reel Richard A. Biel Dora Kovach Todd Rokita Lucille Blasko Doreen Lissy Joseph Semancik Gerald Bobos Dave Knazur Carol Scivinsky Joan Bondi Paul Kuss Anne Scrbacic February Anniversaries Charles & Peggy Archer Allan & Natalie Bajda Americo & Lucille Borgetti PGK Bernard & Berdie Chiluski Joseph & Mary Jane Hooker Mark & Sheila Kobli Craig & Mary Ellen Kouris PGK Richard & Karen Massoels Non Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit 55 Whiting, IN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS POPE JOHN XXIII COUNCIL #1696 WHITING, INDIANA February, 2015 Newsletter
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