Knights of Columbus Bishop Larkin Council 4727 Issue Number 2014-11 Chaplain Fr. James Boddie 744-0833 Grand Knight John Klinkenberg 465-5428 Deputy Grand Knight Steve Bell 860-2284 Chancellor Nick Klepac 608-5135 Warden Mark Gregario 928-9167 Financial Secretary Ralph Mosley PGK 705-8623 Treasurer Netito Espejo 221-7077 Recorder Jim Rogers 803-7286 Outside Guard Gary Foxworth 683-7700 Inside Guards Billy Morris 805-0742 Advocate George Dewey 743-6997 Three Year Trustee Joe Brozovich 616-6278 Two Year Trustee John Morrissey 744-6843 One Year Trustee William Smith 228-5335 Lecturers Jim Bonitatibus PGK 744-5426 District Deputy Tom Guggisberg PGK 314-9366 Insurance Agent Derrell Murphy 891-0611 K Cee President Laura Morris 220-7671 Chief Squire Jake Zwass 524-9099 November 2014 Chaplain’s Message Grand Knight’s Report By John Klinkenberg Brothers, What a great month October was. Our commitment to Pro Life was in full gear with the 40 days for Life, The Life chain and assorted other events. Our Rosary procession was well attended and our council gained new members in multiple degrees. Our wives appreciation was an elegant event, great fellowship, awe inspiring sunset over the city and of course beautiful wives to thank for their love and support. November will be another busy month as well. Our memorial Mass on November 7th will be a reverent and respectful Mass. I encourage all of our members to come and share in this beautiful Mass. I ask that you read the annual calendar and plan on attending some events. We will have a fun Council dance with instructors for all of us, normal scheduled meetings and of course our Light the Night for Christmas on November 29th at 2pm. Let’s not forget we need your help with our “Blue” golf tournament in December as well. This is a fun outing, focused on community building and steaks! Golf at Blue Cypress and Steak dinner at the hall. Contact Jim Bonnie or myself for information. I would like to remind us all with the upcoming holidays we are to be the examples of keeping Christ in Christmas. This is not only a Knights program but a message that we all need to foster in our families and with our friends. All too often we get busy with shopping and holiday parties that we tend to forget the reason for the season. Christ’s birth and life so we have an opportunity to gain eternal Salvation. So, Keep Christ in Christmas! John Klinkenberg [email protected] By Rev. Father James R. Boddie, Jr. Faithful to the Call of the Lord. The Knights of Columbus respond to the call of being faithful to the Gospel of Life. They stand in defense and protection of the unborn, families, and the vulnerable in our community. The Knights of Columbus respond to the call of praying for, and standing for the protection of the sacredness of the Sacrament of Marriage. One Man, one Woman. The Knights of Columbus respond to the call of praying for and supporting our young men in formation in preparing for the Priesthood. The Knights are called to support young people discerning a call to the religious life and in dedicating their lives to service of the Catholic Church. The Knights of Columbus always have been and always will be that faithful servant who not only listens to the call of the Lord, but who put their faith into action. In our times, when the church calls us even more strongly, to stand for the moral good and the Gospel of the Good News, the Knights show us an example. The example is that we are all called through our baptism to put on Christ and have an impact in the world. We should all be faithful to the call of the Lord in our lives. Let us constantly pray for, encourage, and affirm our Knights of Columbus in the way they serve the Diocese of St. Augustine and our parishes. May God Bless you and all those whom you Love. Rev. Father James R. Boddie Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church K’CEE’S KORNER By Laura Morris President Blessings to you and your families. Thanksgiving is a special time to give thanks for all that God has done for us and to us! The Memorial Mass for the deceased Knights from Council #4727 will be Friday, November 7th at 6:30 pm. This is an important function for our Council so I hope that we have a good turnout to support the widows and families of our late Knights. Our K-Cee Christmas party will be Saturday, December 13th at 6:30 pm at the KC hall. We will have a catered meal, live entertainment and door prizes & raffles. The money from our raffle ticket sales go for a monetary gift to our Seminarians from Christ the King and Resurrection. Our meeting in November will be Tuesday the 11th at 7 pm. Please bring items for door prizes and raffle baskets. Thank you, Laura 904-220-7671 Page 2 Knightly News Please pray for the souls of our deceased Brothers William Dando, Robert Knutson, George Morris (PGK), Domingo Sadie, Timothy Dennis Stack (PGK), Bob Onorato (PGK), Tony Germano, Dick Cashen, Ward Berkey, Michael Capizzi (PGK), Charles Strauss, Frank Gunther, Howard Sell, Joseph Ervolino, William Carlson, Troupe Turner, Roy Baer, Dan Wendel, Millie Carlson, Delores Bianco, Walt Miller, Everrett Comstock, Harry Cross. George Boyko, George Rojics, Robert Wagner, John F. Kenny Jr.. Keep in Your Prayers Council Activities Cindy Weedon, June Costello, Joe Chorbak, Michael O’Connell, Liebhart Family, Grace Berkey, Carol Coseo, George Coseo, Al & Wanda Martin, Linton NeSmith, Lucy Hollum, Tina Ferrizzi, Mike Seminario, Rita Wendell, Ann Boyko, Gino Rocca., Nicholas (Nick) Gagnon, Bill and Mary Misenhemer, Debbie Moore, Don Thompson, Robert Roche, Cas Casterlin, Jim Middleton, Rosemary Shami, Betty Belson, Darlene O’Neil, Monsignor Danaher, Michael Bell, Debbie House, Mickey Moneyhan, Marge Yarborough.. Coffee & Donuts CTK Our Knights of Columbus has made a commitment to the Coffee and Donut Ministry at Christ the King. This Ministry needs at least two people for the First Sunday of each month to represent the Knights. If you have not signed up for your Sunday we need for you to do it NOW! Contact John Lewis at 464-0187 or email at: [email protected] or John Lewis [[email protected]] Financial Secretary Desk Financial Secretary Desk Brothers I would like to bring our database up to date: PLEASE PRINT Members Name______________ Parrish ________________ Wife name_________________ Anniversary Date_______________ Children Under 18yr________________ Phone / home /cell ___________ _______ Email _________________________ Tear it off /email me / give it at meeting Ralph Mosley, FS Council Dance and Instruction November 22nd at the Knights Hall Light up the Night for Christ Please join us on Saturday November 29th at 2pm as we decorate the hall in anticipation of the birth of our Lord. We will be putting up our indoor and outdoor decorations so we need lots of help. We will be playing Christmas music and will be serving seasonal refreshments like hot apple cider. Please bring your favorite Christmas cookies to share. Deacons Report By Deacon Stan Grenn Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Remember the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz? He was afraid of everything - even his own shadow. We all have a little of that cowardly lion in us. All of us live in fear of one thing or another at some time in our life. But Jesus Christ has good news for us. In the Gospel of Mathew he tells us: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Jesus Christ doesn't want us to live our lives in fear. He wants us to enjoy life. In fact he tells us in the Gospel of John: “I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly." The best defense against fear is faith. If we have a strong faith, then we can face any fear head on. God bless, Deacon Stan Annual Memorial Mass Please come out on November 7th at 6:30pm to help us remember our dear departed Brothers who have left this world to be with our Savior. So many of you who attended last year complimented our team on the changes that have been made to this Memorial and we will continue with the same format this year. Mass will begin at 6:30pm followed by the Memorial and lighting of candles. Dinner will be served after the memorial. We ask you to please RSVP to John Klinkenberg or Ralph Mosley so that we know how much food to buy. Also we PLEASE ask anyone who is able to walk without assistance to please park next door at Bivins Tire so that we may provide parking at the hall for those that need assistance. If you can carpool as well, that would be much appreciated. Council Dance and Instructions You don’t want to miss this evening of fun on Saturday November 22nd from 7pm until 10pm! A Social Affair Dance Studio will be teaching us how to dance. Don’t worry – you do not need a partner. This evening promises to be a fun evening with your friends, so please join us. You will have a great time and the best part is that you do not have to know how to dance – the instructors will make it fun and EASY to learn! Even if you already know how to dance, come out and show the rest of us how it is done! Space is limited to the first 50 people who sign up. RSVP to Maryellen Bell at 655-8250. The cost is $5 per person for 4727 Knights and 4727 KCees. All others are $8 per person. Make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus and mail them to the council hall at 6030 Arlington Expressway, 32211. Light hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks will be served. 18 and older please. Wear comfortable shoes. Knightly News Page 3 NOVEMBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 CTK donuts Daylight Savings ends 9 4 5 6 Election Day 10 11 7 8 Annual Memorial Mass at hall CTK Country Store Cooking 6:30PM CTK Country Store Cooking 12 13 14 Business & KCee Meetings 7PM @ Hall 15 Road cleanup Brotherly Care ACA Cleanup @ 8AM Veterans Day 16 17 24 Feast of CTK. Cooking at all morning Masses 30 19 20 21 Admissions Committee & Officer’s meeting 7PM Squires meeting 1:30 PM @ hall 23 18 25 Council Dance & Instructions 7PM 26 2nd Degree 8PM Dec 1 Dec 2 22 Dec 3 27 28 29 PBJ for Soup Kitchen 6PM Light the Night for Christmas Dec 4 Dec 5 1st Friday mass at hall 6:30PM Dec 6 Blue Golf Tournament @ Blue Cypress Page 4 Knightly News Ponce de Leon Assembly # 0152 Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in the old convent building next to the gym located at 1773 Blanding Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 32210. Holy Trinity Assembly # 2368 Butch Ferrizzi (641-3643) Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of each month Blessed Trinity Church 7:30 PM Honor Guard and Color Corp. Fourth Degree Any fourth degree member interested in joining the HG Or CC to please call Reggie Dubay 249-6941 Advocate's Corner—November Knights of Columbus Squires Youth Organization Knights of Columbus Insurance Your Shield for Life CHARTER CONSTITUTION LAWS Chapter XVIII - Misconduct of Members and Officers Sec. 162 and 163 Sec. 162 and 163 of the Charter (differentiated from our Council By-Laws) cover three rather large fine print pages and address Misconduct whereby a member or an officer can be fined, suspended or expelled from the order if found guilty, after trial, depending specifically on the offense committed. Offences include (but are not limited to): Revealing work of the council or Order to a person not a member Misappropriation of funds Divulging the cause of rejection of an applicant, except to officers entitled to knowledge Conviction of a crime by a court Willful insubordination, contempt or disobedience of lawful orders Giving scandal or scandalous conduct Publishing detrimental matter False charges against another member Slander As previously intimated, the list above is not all inclusive and members are encouraged to review further the Chapter Constitution Laws as the opportunity arises. Wishing everyone God's blessing for a fine fall and Thanksgiving. George Dewey, Advocate First Friday Mass Congratulations to our New 3rd Degree Knights John Molasso Michael D. Duncan Michael F. McQuade Mark A. Plotz Bruce W. Belet Darrell A. Murphy "Our Flag flying above the hall flies in Honor of our Service Men and Women around the world.” Note: If you have a flag and wish to honor a love one with it flying over the hall call Ralph Mosley. 1st Friday Mass Requests It is pious and praiseworthy custom for the faithful to have Masses offered for their particular intentions, and especially for departed friends and loved ones. Request should be made at least two weeks before the mass. The suggested stipend is $10.00. Point of Contact: Netito L. Espejo Cell: 616-4560 Email: [email protected] Note: At the discretion of the Grand Knight, intentions for the good of the order may be added anytime. 2014 Mass Dates Nov 07 - MEMORIAL MASS Dec 05 - Penny Guggisberg by Tom Guggisberg 2015 MASS DATES Jan 2 - In Thanksgiving – by Ed & Pat Aguilar Feb 6 - Religious Appreciation Mass @ CTK by Bishop Estevez Mar 6 - Matthew Morrissey – by John & Tina Morrissey Apr 3 - Deceased Family Members of Ed & Pat Aguilar May 1– Joe, Stella, & Carol O’Brien – by the Ferrizzi Family Jun 5 – Howard Sell – by Jean Sell Jul 3 – Evelyn Guilfoyle – Butch & Bernadette Ferrizzi Aug 7 – Dan Wendel – by Rita Wendel Sept 4 -Bob Knutson – Butch & Bernadette Ferrizzi Oct 2 – Kevin O’neal – by Louis & Darlene O’neal Nov 6 - Memorial Mass Dec 4 - Penny Guggisberg – by Tom Guggisberg St Vincent dePaul Thrift Store Would you be happening to be sitting on something that you would like to donate? Give the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store a call at (904)396-7473, or drop it off. They are located, on Beach Blvd, in the shopping center where the traffic court used to be. Sorry but due to limited budget and staffing they are only able make pick-ups on Tuesday and Thursdays. All profits goes to the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Jacksonville which helps the needy. If you bored are looking for something to do, come down and VOLUNTEER. Stay an hour or all day, there is always something to do, from sorting out and hanging clothes to placing books on the shelf. We never have enough volunteers. Check us out! Knightly News Page 5 Knightly News Sponsors We would like to sincerely thank our Sponsors, our Knight of the month, and our Family of the month. Ed Aguilar Pat Aguilar E. Aguilar Roy Baer Marge Baer Frank Becht PGK Betty Becht Memory Dolores Bianco Pasquale Bianco PGK James Bonitatibus PGK In memory Doc Broome In memory Harry J Burke Marjorie Burke memory Mike CapizziPGK Irene Capizzi Cas Casterlin Dolly Casterlin George Coseo PGK Carol Coseo Bob Crabtree Ellen Crabtree Charles Davis Mabel Jean Davis Vernon Duncan Emma Duncan In memory Joe Ervolino Genevive Ervolino Netito Espejo Celia Espejo John Faustini Doris Faustini Albert J. Ferraro Butch Ferrizzi, PGK Bernadette Ferrizzi Helen Fitzgerald In memory Anthony & Sarah Germano In memory Randy Gleason In memory Ray Gleason Eileen Gleason In memory LeRoss Hulcher Dick Hulcher Nick Klepac Bernie Klepac Ceil Kulas Ed Kulas Peter F. Lamb James Massengill Lolita Massengill Thomas McGivney Beverly McGivney In memory-Leo Mercado Remy Mercado Jim Middleton PGK Maryann Middleton Jesse Morgan Inge Morgan Ralph Mosley PGK Shirley Mosley Imogene Praxedes Jose Praxedes PGK Francis E. Prescott (D) Helen P. Prescott Al Rucci Emily Rucci In memory Howard Sell Jean Sell Antoine Shami Rosemary Shami Deacon Elias K Shami Diane Shami Emiel Shami Sami Shami Mike Shevada LouAnne Shevada In memory Tim Stack,PGK Sally Stack Sarah Stack Margaret Stiles In memory Bud Stiles Marge Stiles Joseph Stillo Charles Strauss Genie Strauss Don Thompson JoAnne Thompson In Memory Dan Wendel Rita Wendel Elizabeth Wheeler Family of the Month October 2014 Our family of the month is Stanley and Virginia Moore. Throughout this last year this family has had their share of hardships. In spite of multiple hospital stays, family members in need of physical healing, Stanley & Virginia have been faithful to our council. Many an event has been successful thanks to their efforts. It is my honor to acknowledge Stanley and Virginia as our family of the month. Great job! Congratulations Stanley & Virginia. Knight of the Month October 2014 Our Knight of the month is John Porter. John has returned as our chairman for the Knights of Brotherly care. This man has reshaped the program, instituted name badges again and has worked with both churches to make sure this program fills the needs of all of our brothers and their families. Congratulations John on a job well done. Keep up the good work. November Birthdays 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/7 11/9 11/13 11/17 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/25 11/29 Ronald Heying Michael Ryder Ruis Palacio Robert Roldan, Nicholas Tillem William Carlson III, Anthony Erwin Eckstein John Kenny Jr. Timothy James Kevin Curley, Benoir Desclefs Charles Prince, Richard Rood Orlando Avila Dewey Holton Joseph Loughlin Courseault Sale Sale Sale Nightly News Sponsors Veterans Day November 11th Renew you sponsorship now for 2014 Knight & Spouse - $20 ( Jack & Sally Smith) Knight only $10 ( Ben Smith PGK) In Memory of - $20 (In Memory - Jack Smith) Please indicate your choice, if you have already paid please indicate that. Check made to council & mail to: Catholic Ralph Mosley FS Radio and T.V. 6030 Arlington Expressway Jacksonville, FL 32211 Information for the newsletter can be sent via Email to Tom or Gerry by the 24th of the month. Tom Heusinger 372-7196 - email: [email protected] Gerry Kistka 396-9897 email: [email protected] Make me an offer, Folding Work bench, Chop Saw, Belt Sander, Antique Cherry Wood Glass top desk, 4 drawers on each side and one middle. Call or email me with your offer. Ralph Mosley New Book of the Sick and In Distress Brothers, we have a new book of the Sick and in Distress at the Hall. You will find it next to the statue of Mary accented by candles. Inside you will find monthly pages upon which to print the names of your special intentions. Each month we will start a new page so be sure to carry forward anyone who is still in need of prayers. If you are unable to attend a meeting or function at the hall simply contact an officer or brother Knight to place your intention in the book. There are instructions within the book if you would like a visit from our Knights of the Brotherly Care. Knightly News Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jacksonville, Fl Permit No. 2821 Knights of Columbus Arlington Council Bishop Larkin #4727 6030 Arlington Expy Jacksonville, fl. 32211-7141 Tel # (904) 723-3810. Upcoming Events - 2014-2015 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/9 12/13 12/13 12/14 12/16 12/21 1/4/15 1/10 1/13 1/18 1/18 1/27 1/30 "Current Resident or ” First Friday Mass / KC 's provide food Blue Golf Tournament @ Blue Cypress CTK Donuts Business & KC’s Meetings Road Cleanup, Brotherly Care KC's Christmas Party Corporate Communion - CTK Admissions Committee / Officer's Meeting Squires Meeting CTK Donuts Bunko Night CTK Honor roll breakfast Corporate Communion/memb drive @ Resurrection Parish Breakfast@ Resurrection 1st Degree PBJ’s for soup kitchen Pro-LIFE Message for November October's Respect Life Sunday was a success with approximately 150 parishioners, Knights, priests and deacons from Christ the King and Resurrection attending the hour and a half event. Thanks to all who attended. The Fall 40 days for Life Campaign continues through to November 2nd but all are welcome to continue to stand at "A Woman's Choice" or one of the other Abortion Facilities that proliferate Jacksonville. For additional information please see your church bulletin or call: Christ the King Parish: Dennis Scobie (904) 723-3977 Resurrection Parish: Pam Dewey (904) 743-6997 This month I wanted to address an equally important pro-Life topic - End of Life Determinations. In Florida we have a "Designation of a Health Surrogate" document, which allows you to name someone you trust (be it family member or close friend) to make health care decisions for you in case you become temporarily or permanently unable to make such decisions for yourself. The surrogate is essentially standing in for you when it comes to making health care decisions. The document does not give the surrogate authority to approve the direct and intentional ending of your life nor can they direct that you be denied food or fluids for the purpose of causing your death by starvation or dehydration. Should you give your surrogate other directions or express other special provisions? This can be legally added in writing, but current thinking generally advises against such additions. It is not possible to predict all circumstances or possible interventions that may need to be faced in the future. Adding specific written directions may severely limit the discretion and flexibility that your surrogate needs and may restrict your surrogate's authority in a way you did not intend. The recommended course is to discuss any additional directions, concerns, and/or provisions in detail with your trusted surrogate when you give them a signed "Designation" and at any time after that. Under Florida Law your spouse needs to be notified if you appoint a "Designee" other than he/she; and, the "Designation" should be signed by you in the presence of two qualified witnesses who must then sign the witness statement part of the instrument. Additional information and forms can be obtained from the Patients Rights Council web site at ... This topic impacts upon both our younger and more mature council members. Please give it your attention and consideration. George Dewey, Council Pro-Life Committee
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