Newsletter 12th February 2015 Week 3 Term 1 75 Lorrimer Street Oakey 4401 Ph: 0746911067 School Leaders 2015 Fax: 0746911416 Email: [email protected] School House name history Last week Year 6 participated in a Leadership Day where we looked at the qualities of a good leader. Our guest speaker was Mr Barry Crewes who told us about the origins of our School House names: Beersheba, Fromelles and Kokoda. Beersheba Beersheba is named after a battle in World War 1 when Australian soldiers on School Captains: horseback had to cross the desert to take control of the water supply at Beer- William Johnston and Josie Weedon sheba. The team sacrificed their water to give to the horses. When the battle was over the men took their shirts off and jumped in the horses’ water troughs. In Beersheba we need self-discipline and never give up. House captains 2015 Breanna Wann and Antony Cherpanath Fromelles Fromelles when said, the ‘s’ is silent. Beersheba House Captains: Antony Cherpanath & Breanna Wann Fromelles is a Northern French town, which was being fought over in World War 1. The First and Second army, both having ANZAC soldiers were being prepared to support the Fourth army, who were attacking the Nazis, whose defence was weakening, on the Somme. Even though we didn’t win, the soldiers displayed courage, persistence and integrity (standing up for what they were fighting for). As the house of Fromelles portraying the traits of the soldiers during the battle of Fromelles, we never give up! Fromelles House Captains: Written By James Faulkner and Millie O'Hagan James Faulkner and Millie O’Hagan Kokoda Kokoda house is named after the Kokoda track where many Australian soldiers foughtt and died fighting the Japanese in Papua New Guinea in World War 2. They fought in harsh conditions with little food and water. Many soldiers died from starvation and diseases such as malaria and pneumonia. They fought with Kokoda House Captains: determination and courage to overcome great odds that were stacked against Dylan Cass and Paige Lander them. That is why Kokoda house is named after those brave soldiers who fought and died for us. There are many items left behind from the war that are still there today. Less we forget From Paige Lander and Dylan Cass Dear Students, Staff, Parents, Caregivers and Friends, We had a pleasing roll-up to the Parent Information Evening on Tuesday night. I hope our parents found the sessions informative and helpful in getting to know our teaching staff. The focus of my talk centred around: Great Kids + Great Staff + Great Parents = Great School. Kids – happy students aiming for excellence; co-operation, respect & acceptance; working on improving Literacy and Numeracy; pride in themselves and their school; developing holistically including the emotional and spiritual self. Staff – qualified; experienced; enthusiastic; positive; with the best interests of the children at heart. Parents – important partners with the school; powerful role models to their children; supportive; open; have a voice through the School Board and P&F; have a pathway for dealing with worries and problems; a great asset and advocate for our school. If you weren’t able to be at the meeting on Tuesday night, please make contact with your child’s class teacher to have an information hand-out sent home. Congratulations to our Year 6 class for the effort they put into their “Leadership Day” with Mr Schulze and Mrs Woolacott. I’m sure that each of our students was reminded that they have a variety of leadership talents that they can use for the betterment of our school. Students from Years 4, 5 & 6, listened to Leadership speeches prepared by the Year 6 students and then participated in the voting process. The following students were elected to the formal positions: School Captains: William Johnston & Josie Weedon Beersheba House Captains: Antony Cherpanath & Breanna Wann Fromelles House Captains: James Faulkner & Millie O’Hagan Kokoda House Captains: Dylan Cass & Paige Lander School Leaders: Nader Ahmed, Lachlan Bacon, Chase Cooke, Alexandra Delaney, Jake Denlsey, Hannah Dolan, Dusty Doonan, Jordan Ebzery, Hannah Hausler, Braeden Hopwood, Patrick Kings, Max Murray, Ty O’Brien, Harry Sharpe-Liston Congratulations to these students and the entire Year 6 class for entering into this process with a mature and positive approach. Yesterday 19 students from St Monica’s participated in the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to this group of children who took part with such determination, pride and sportsmanship. Although there are no awards of trophies for this carnival, several of our students were very pleased with their placings in events. Many thanks to the parents who provided transport as I know this is not easy during the working week. Also 8 of our Year 6 students participated in the annual ‘Just Leadership’ day held at St Saviour’s in Toowoomba. The focus of the day, organised by Caritas Australia, was to challenge the children to consider the plight of the less privileged in our world. The children participated in a variety of activities to help them build a greater understanding of global issues, particularly poverty. Today we celebrated our Beginning of Year Welcome and Leadership Mass. The significance of this event was to gather the school for prayer and to ask for God’s blessing as we begin another school year together. Don’t forget the Welcome BBQ and Disco on Friday 20th February – a great night for both parents and children – remind the children to come dressed with ‘Crazy Hair’. Mr Roland Poulton Principal Page 2 APRE Lord, Let me be just what my children need; If they need someone to trust, let me be trustworthy. If they need sympathy, let me sympathize .if they need love, and they do need love,let me love in full measure. Let me not anger easily, Lord, but let me be just. Permit my justice to be tempered in your mercy. Let the lessons they learn make their lives fruitful and happy, and Lord, let me bring them to yu. Teach them through me to love you. Finally, permit me to learn the lessons they teach. Amen Lent: Next Wednesday (February 18) is Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent. Lent is a time of reflection and preparation as we lead into Easter; a time of striving to be a better person. I particularly like the line that is used at Caritas Leadership days with our student leaders – “Strive not to have more, but to be more”. As children our Lenten focus was often about fasting, giving something up – chocolates, lollies, biscuits – in the hope of creating some empathy with those who do not have what we have, and also as an aid to developing self-discipline. Even as adults some of us continued this practice but with more ‘grown up’ sacrifices – hot showers, meat, alcohol. However, ‘fasting’ is only one of the three ‘pillars of Lent’; the other two being prayer and alms giving. At Mass next Wednesday each class will receive a Project Compassion box for their room where students can place money which will help those in need of life’s basics. (I will have to resurrect the Wonderful Wand of Giving for generous classes to display during Lent!) Perhaps you can start on the prayer part by joining us for Mass on Ash Wednesday (Preps will have a liturgy in the early years space after Mass); or by consciously setting aside a couple of minutes a day for private prayer or meditation. It takes around 28 days to create or break a habit, so what better time than the 40 days of Lent to do this. So, step away from that chocolate biscuit, place those loose coins in the project compassion box, and escape to a quiet space. We will all feel so much better for it! Stewards of the Earth: One of the Benedictine principles that ourschool is founded on is that of Stewardship. This value relates to reverence towards God’s creations, including a ‘respectful use of material things for the good of all.’ So, in the light of promoting this tenet, especially during this time of Lent, each Friday until the end of term will be a ‘Bin-free Friday’. This means that there will be no rubbish bins supplied for lunch scraps and litter. All litter from lunches will need to be placed back in lunchboxes and taken home. Have you ever wondered about the amount of packaging that is used in food presentation? How does this all affect our environment? Do we really need to wrap our sandwiches if the container they are in is air tight? It may also surprise some parents just how much food their child/ren do and do not eat at school. Please support us in this small venture to care for our world by your positive approach in this regard. Lenten Prayer Program: During Lent several staff are meeting for prayerful reflection on the Easter journey. If you would like to join us, we will be meeting in the Parish Meeting Room each Wednesday afternoon at 3:30pm for an hour. Cost of the booklet for these sessions is $8. Please let me know if you wish to be a part of this special journey. God bless, Mrs Teresa Woolacott APRE P&F Welcome BBQ & Disco For a great family night come along to the BBQ and Disco on Friday 20th February 6:00 to 8:30pm. A bar and BBQ operated by the P&F will supply plenty of reasonably priced refreshments. Get the kids to dress up with their craziest hair do! Parents can too if they are game! Please remember that this is a family get-together and it is expected that St Monica’s students will be accompanied by their parents. Please don’t drop and go, as parents are responsible for the supervision of their own children. Why do we ask for no play on the Early Years play equipment of an afternoon? As all students are dismissed at the same time in the afternoon, the playground closest to classrooms becomes very congested with people. With people going in all directions if we don’t have children playing on the equipment the area is easier to supervise. I’m sure you will appreciate our need for this rule. 2016 Enrolments: We are currently accepting enrolment applications for Prep and other year levels for 2016. Please lodge your child’s application with the school office as soon as possible. Page 3 Occupational Therapy Visits During 2015 and as part of the occupational therapy support provided to St Monica's, the Catholic Education Occupational Therapist (OT), Rachel Crooke, will be spending time in some of our classrooms. In the school setting, the OT is able to work with students and teachers to enable students to more optimally participate in activities that they need or want to do at school. Specifically, the OT may work with teachers to: Set up the classroom and school environment for optimal learning e.g. make sure desk and chair heights are a good fit, check pencil grips and scissors Plan activities to support development of gross motor and fine motor skills e.g. balancing, climbing, hopping, using a pencil or scissors Suggest strategies and activities to support development of pre-writing and handwriting skills Identify when students may require additional support to boost the development of their skills in these areas. These visits will focus on whole class strategies. They are not intended to replace individualised OT and assessment for students who require that support. If specific support from an OT would be of benefit to your child, you will be provided with information regarding this and an opportunity to give your consent prior to your child being seen. If you have any questions regarding Rachel’s visits, please contact your child’s class teacher. TELL ME A STORY One of the introductory activities we have planned for this term, as part of the STBLC (Students & Teachers Building Learning Communities) project which funds Sue Bauer to work in our school this year as a Resource/Support teacher, will be story telling. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings during the drop off time, Mrs Bauer will be reading stories outside the Prep/Yr 1 rooms. All are welcome and we especially encourage pre-school age children to join our young learners whilst they wait for their parents. This week we have been reading “Owl Babies” by Martin Waddell. The children have especially enjoyed being one of the owl babies as they use the owl puppets to join in with the story. Formal and Sport Uniform Days for Year 1 to Year 5 Students: This year the sport uniform will be worn on Tuesday and Friday. The formal uniform will be worn on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Student Absences: If your child will not be attending school for any reason, please ensure the school office is notified by 9am. Please phone 46911067 or email: [email protected] with your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Contact Details: If you have had any changes to your address or contact details please notify the school office immediately. Changes to routine: Please contact the school office prior to 2:45pm if you have any messages for children regarding changes in that afternoon’s routine. Any messages received after this time MAY NOT be able to be passed on. School Hats: New Hat orders should arrive in approximately 2 weeks. We will advise via the newsletter when these are ready for collection from the school office. Hats cost $27.50 each. Page 4 The Chronicle Pictorial lift out “My First Year 2015”: Parents, you are able to pre order your copy of the Chronicle by calling 46909400 and speaking with Graham. School Banking: School banking has started for the year. Banking day is Friday. Oakey Creek Usage Survey Enclosed with today’s newsletter is a copy of the Toowoomba Regional Council’s survey on access, usage, and possible future usage for the Oakey Creek corridor. As you know, the school uses a section of this area to hold our annual Cross Country. Perhaps, we could use it for other recreational and educational purposes as well. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. I know that Council would appreciate your feedback. Although the survey is due back Friday 13th February, I have been told that if members of our school community returned it as soon as possible, it would be taken into consideration. You can post them to TRC or alternatively return them to St Monica’s and we will get them to TRC. Many thanks. Student Sick Bay When students are sick or injured, often they spend time in the sick bay. In order to regularly change the pillow cases and sheets on the bed, we need the help of parents to pick-up the linen on a Friday and return it washed on the Monday (Only be a couple of changes of linen each week). The remaking of the bed would be appreciated. Parents, can you help with this important chore? If we get enough offers to help, a turn at doing the linen once a term (or even less) would be a possibility. Please complete the attached reply slip and return it to school by Thursday 19th February so a roster can be drawn up. Many hands make light work! Thank you. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I am / am not able to assist with washing the Sick Bay linen. Name: ________________________ Contact number: _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Prep: Thank you to all those parents who were able to make it to the parent information evening. I sincerely hope that you found the information useful. Please see your child’s homework folder on Friday for curriculum and routine information if you were unable to attend. This week has been another busy week with the Preppies’ working hard on their letters ‘o’ and ‘a’. The two sounds/ letters of focus for next week will be ‘d’ and ‘g’. Please continue to support your child with the development of their phonetic knowledge. It is great to see the children coming in full of ideas and examples of these sounds from home. This creates a strong connection between home and school and will solidify learning. This week we introduced our class pet-Goldie, (named following an extensive vote) who we will learn about in Science, and we began exploring the meaning of time, how it passes, and ‘Place’ in history. In addition, in Religion we began to explore some of the symbols associated with Christianity and participated in our first school Mass.The Chronicle took some great photos of the children, one of which will appear in a spread with other schools mid-March ( 24th I believe). Please see the Friday diary for any additional information for your child next week. Thank you and Kind Regards Ms Robyn Crisp Page 5 Year 1 DP: Can you believe how quick this week has been?! I guess it is true when they say time flies when you are having fun. Mathematics this week has focused on Place Value, looking closely at our Tens and Ones houses. English has seen us working on our recounts as we learn to form correct sentences and add detail to our writing. Lastly, History this week has seen us investigating the term ‘Future’ as we relate it to ‘Past’ and ‘Present’. Mr Dylan Philp Year 1LE: Daily 5 is beginning to run successfully in our classroom! The students are enjoying using a range of manipulatives and resources to make their spelling words for the week. They are practising reading to self, reading to someone and working on writing. In Science this term the Year Ones are exploring sound. A note has been sent home requesting students bring something from home to show how sound is used at home. I look forward to the students sharing this with the class on Wednesday 18 February. If you have any empty tissue boxes could you please send them in with your child. Thank you! Mrs Liliana Eckhardt Year 2: Thanks to all the parents who came to the information night. These occasions are so valuable in order to keep in touch with all that is happening with your child at school. We continue to be busy across all areas of the curriculum - we are almost finished our first novel whilst writing our persuasive arguments in English. In Maths we continue with number study with an emphasis on place value. In Science we continue to focus on force applied to push and pull, and in History we’ve discussed what features constitute a town, in particular Oakey. Our Religion unit has us thinking about the promises God makes but at the same time the dreams God had when He created us. Great stuff! Have a happy week Mrs Annie Murphy Year 3: This week in Year 3 we have been working on Addition and Subtraction. Students have been looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction and strategies we can use to work out number sentences. During Religious Education lessons we have been studying the sacrament of Baptism. This term we are looking at Persuasive writing. We have read the book ‘I Wanna Iguana’ by Karen Kaufman Orloff which is a great example of trying to persuade someone. Thanks to all the parents who came along to the Parent Information Night. It was lovely to see you there. Just a reminder that Library borrowing is on Wednesday afternoons. Have a great week. Mrs Charmaine Tancred Year 4 Thank you for all who attended our parent information night on Tuesday night. It was a great opportunity to discuss what is happening in year 4 this year. Just a reminder that library borrowing started this week and will be each Wednesday. Please return library books each Wednesday as children will not be able to re-borrow without them. You child’s diary is a way for us to communicate with each other. If you have any questions or enquiries and can’t make it to the classroom, please write a note in it as I check these each day. Keeping In Touch Mrs Charden Ruge Page 6 Year 5 Week 3 and what an interesting week we have had! We started off with listening to the year 6’s leadership speeches which were fantastic ‘live’ examples of persuasive speech, then we had the great privilege of being able to vote for who we thought were the best candidates for the jobs. Mr Poulton reminded us of what we should look for in a good leader. Well done year 5 for taking this task so seriously. Tuesday night we had our parent information evening. Thanks to those who came, (I sent home the information sheet with your child the next day for those who couldn’t make it). Several students participated in the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival on Wednesday and then we had our beautiful Leadership Mass on Thursday. Have a great weekend Mrs Clare Wilson Year 6: What a week!!! Between Leadership Mass, Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival, Just Leadership day and parent information evening I am struggling to know which way is up. With all these events completed the students will really start to delve deeper into their schoolwork. All class members will begin their Maths investigations ‘Rhymes to Riches’ and information report within the next week. A big congratulations to our newly elected leaders, I know you will do our school proud in that role. It’s important to remember that all students are leaders and all have an important job within our school. For those parents who didn’t make the parent information night I will send a handout home that was given out on the night. Have a great week and remember if you have any questions regarding your child’s education please don’t hesitate to contact me at school. Mr Matthew Schulze Get your family active and eating well The healthy lifestyle program for families called PEACH™ - Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health – is taking registrations now for a group to start in Toowoomba in term 2. The FREE program is available to families with a child aged between 5-11 years who is above a healthy weight their age. The program is fun for kids and helps parents and carers make healthy eating and activity a part of every-day life. It consists of 10 group sessions that run for 90 minutes each. The first 9 sessions are held weekly within the school term. Ongoing individualised family support is offered through the second half of the program ending with one final group session. Some of the topics covered include nutrition skills, relationships with food and eating, changing family lifestyle behaviours and making healthy eating affordable. While the parent sessions are taking place, children enjoy active play with a trained child physical activity facilitator. The program is funded by the Queensland government and being delivered by the Queensland University of Technology. If you would like more information about the PEACH™ program or to register please contact free call 1800 263 519 or visit Oakey Bears Touch Football: Want to get fit & healthy, meet new people and have some fun? Oakey Bears Touch Football Club is looking for players to join our ladies winter comp. Training is Wednesdays at the Football grounds in Kent Street at 5.30pm. Beginners more than welcome! For more information please call Helen on 0418 794 565. The St Monica’s Parish Ladies Group will be manning the St Monica’s Stall at the Lions Market Days. All proceeds go to the Parish funds for maintenance etc. It would be appreciated if Parishoners could donate goods for the Stall— Baking, Jams, Pickles, Chutneys, Fresh Produce, Plants and anything you think we could sell. The dates for the Market Days are March 7th, June 13th, September 12th and December 12th. We would really appreciate any help you can give. Uniforms for Sale: 3 x size 6 Dresses $15 each 2 x size 6 skorts $10 each Please phone Ellisa on 0427 892 812 P & F Notes Uniform Depository The P&F has a depository of pre-loved uniforms which have been generously donated or are unclaimed lost property items. Most items are in very good used condition but some may need some minor alterations (eg hems sewn). Once received, items are sorted, washed and kept in the store room within the sports hall. Items are available for a denotation to the P& F – dresses and sports jackets $10 and all other items $5. If you would like to view the items within the uniform depository please see Rachel Waddell or the office staff who will arrange a suitable time for a P&F member to assist. There are plans of having a uniform stall at the P&F Disco so please watch this space for details. Your P&F Committee RAMPAGE BMX FREESTYLE CLINICS 16th March 3:30 to 5:30pm Oakey Skate Park, Campbell Street Oakey For more information call 131872 or visit Weekend Masses FEBRUARY 2015 Mon 16th Inner Downs Softball Trials Wed 18th Ash Wednesday Thurs 19th Board Meeting 7pm Fri 20th Hair) Welcome Disco & BBQ (Crazy Wed 25th School Photos Tuckshop Helpers Mon 2nd P&F Meeting 7pm Inner Downs AFL and Basketball Trials 1st, 4th & 5th Sunday – Saturday Vigil 6.00pm 2nd Sunday – 8.00am for Monday 16th February 2015 Linda Leerentveld, MARCH 2015 St Monica’s Parish Leanne Matthewson Leanne Weedon 3rd Sunday – 8.00am Celebration of the Word & Communion Our Lady of the Annunciation, Peranga 2nd Sunday – 10.00am 4th Sunday – 10.00am Celebration of the Word & Communion Sun: Thank you for your assistance Wed 4th DD Swim Carnival Fri 6th DD Tennis Trials Sun 8th Twba Rugby League Trials Tues 10th Twba Girls Netball Wed 11th Twba Zone Netball Thurs 12th Twba Zone Netball Fri 13th DD Softball Trials Prep: Chloe and Dominic Sat 14th Oakey Show Year 1 DP: Eva and Lilah Sun 15th DD Tennis Trials Year 1 LE: Jacob and Bonnie Wed 18th St Patrick’s Day Year 2 Tanner and Sophie L Thurs 19th Toowoomba Show Holiday Year 3: Jessica and Luke Board Meeting 7pm Year 4: Harry and Maddison Year 5: Tom and Taylah Year 6: Antony and William Sun 22nd Family Mass Mon 23rd Twba Boys Football Tues 24th Twba AFL Trials Twba Girls Football Sat 28th Family Mass (Palm Sunday) Mon 30th Inner Downs Netball, Rugby, League girls and boys trials. 8am Oakey Students of the Week Week 3 Term 1 The students listed below will be presented their awards at Assembly 2:30pm tomorrow afternoon Students of the Week Week 2 Term 1 APRIL 2015 Thurs 2nd LAST DAY TERM Fri 3rd Good Friday Mon 6th Easter Monday Mon 20th 1st DAY TERM 2 Page 12
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