SCHEDULE OF SHIURIM Shabbos Morning: 8:15am Halacha Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Shabbos: 4:00pm Gemara Berachos - Rabbi Tokayer Sunday 8:00a.m. Medrash Rabbah - Rabbi Wolman Tuesday 9:00a.m. Tefillah Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash Tuesday 10:00a.m. Sefer Koheles Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Wednesday 8:00p.m. Sefer Shemos - Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash ELIAHU AND LEAH ABILEVITZ BEIS MIDRASH PROGRAM Monday 8:30 – 9:30p.m. Open Bais Midrash Sunday after 8:30 minyan –Shiur with Rabbi Schiffman CHEVRA TEHILLIM We will start at Chapter 103 this week. To sign up please phone 718-336-0251 or email [email protected]. WOMEN'S CHEVRA TEHILLIM Due to the weather forecast for Shabbos, we will meet immediately after services, in the Bet Midrash. We look forward to seeing you. ANITA WEINSTEIN MEMORIAL BIKUR CHOLIM Community Hospital 2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn NY 11229 Tele: 718.-258-.3344 * Fax: 718-258-3349 Web: Email: [email protected] Shabbos Shekalim – Parshas Mishpatim שבת שקלים פרשת משפטים February 13th – 14th Shacharis Weekly Schedule Sun. & Mon. Tues. - Wed. Thurs.. - Fri. ROSH CHODESH Mincha מנחה Sun. – Thurs. Maariv מעריב Sun. – Thurs. שחרית Shabbos Terumah February 20th – 21st 7:30/8:30a.m. 6:30/7:30a.m. 6:15/7:15a.m. 5:15pm. 5:40p.m. Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer Mincha Seudah Shelishis Maariv not before Shabbos Ends 4:15p.m. 5:15p.m. 6:18p.m. 6:23p.m. 2 Adar 5775 שעור מנחה סעודה שלישית מעריב צאת השבת WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Ariella & Eli Lasky Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital Women Sun. 10:30 – 12:15p.m. 7:30 - 9:30p.m. Men Sun. 8:30-10:15a.m. PLEASE DAVEN FOR OUR CAPTIVE ISRAELI SOLDIERS! RABBI’S MESSAGE Love Them and Leave Them “If you see the donkey of someone you hate crouching under its burden...surely you shall help him” Yes, we must provide assistance to our neighbor in distress, even if we despise them. (perhaps especially if we despise them) The Hebrew expression for ‘you shall surely help him’ is “azov ta’azov imo”. However the word “azov” usually means to take leave. The pasuk would then read, in essence, do NOT help you neighbor in need. R. Yochanan Zweig suggests an answer based on the most famous appearance of “azov” in the Torah. The Torah records the way of the world is for a person to grow up, “and therefore a man shall leave (AZOV) his parents house.” Leaving one’s parents home is usually an indication that one has become independent. Marriage is a sign and consequence of that maturity. Azov does not mean leaving per se, rather it means to make independent. We are delighted when our children reach that stage, even as we may feel saddened by their moving out. By extension, the best way to help our neighbor in need is not to create dependency on our generosity but AZOV IMO, to use our generosity to create independent people. .As a consequence, we may leave the recipient to stand on his own. To love our child is to enable them to one day leave us. Independence is such a wonderful gift to give and a powerful mitzvah to perform. Let us heed the Torah’s nuanced charge - Azov Ta’azov Imo. Surely you shall help him. Good Shabbos. If you have an halachic question, email: [email protected]. I welcome your comments at [email protected]. POOL SCHEDULE Mon./Wed. R. Etan Tokayer - Rabbi R. Mordechai Schiffman - Asst. Rabbi R. Shlomo Wolman - Shamash R. Milton H. Polin - Rabbi Emeritus How can we explain this strange turn of phrase – azov imo? Shabbos Candle Lighting before 5:17p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 5:25p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית Drasha before Musaf דרשה Young Families/Couples Lunch Presidium: Yitz Elman & Jeffrey Grodko Board Chairman: Dr. Julian Seewald Board Vice Chairman: Jonah Meer 25 Shevat 5775 Shabbos Candle Lighting before 5:08p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 5:20p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית Drasha before Musaf דרשה Rosh Chodesh Adar Kiddush ראש חודש קידוש Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 4:00p.m. שעור Mincha 5:00p.m. מנחה Seudah Shelishis sponsored by Toba & Dr. Robert Goldberg, Lev Gold & Family, Chanie & Dr. Gerald Schulman, and Debbie & Yitz Greenbaum סעודה שלישית Maariv not before 6:09p.m. מעריב Shabbos Ends 6:14p.m. צאת השבת ב"ה Tues./Thurs. 7:30- 9:30p.m. PRESIDENT’S CORNER This Week at Kingsway: 1) Leadership Meeting: Kingsway was privileged to host a meeting of the leadership of Brooklyn Shuls and the OU earlier this week. The purpose of the meeting was to share challenges and successes we have experienced while serving the community. This was an eye opening and validating meeting for us, one we expect was the start of an ongoing dialogue. 2) Tu Bishevat Celebration: Over 70 adults participated in our first ever Tu Bishevat Seder complete with four cups of wine and Tu Bishevat foods (and no marror). Drawing upon the ancient seder created by the kabalists of Tzefat, the Rabbi and Rebbetzin led us in a participatory and inspiring appreciation of this Holiday. Royal Kedem donated the fine Israeli wines (thanks Alice Loubaton) and the evening was sponsored by the Adult Ed Committee. Over 60 participants gathered for our 2nd Annual Motzei Shabbos Fun Night. The children pounded the pizza dough, smoothed out the sauce, and sprinkled on the cheese to their own personal pizzas. While the pizza baked in the oven, the children all said brachos out loud on their Tu Bishevat fruit. Afterwards, they used their imagination to create plants, trees, or flowers using a host of different candies and fruits. The night culminated with the children eating the fruits of their labor, namely, delicious deep dish pizza. This was a great event. Thank you to the Adult Ed Committee, to Rabbi and Esther Tokayer and to Rabbi and Meira Schiffman for coordinating and executing this event. 3) International Ice Cream for Kiddush Shabbos: We have Rosh Chodesh Kiddush this Shabbos, abely catered by Arthur Pearlman and Gourmet on J. For those who are new to Kingsway, the International Ice Cream for Kiddush Shabbos is a tradition we started many years ago. It spices things up during these cold winter months and is always a lot of fun. In addition to the great Rosh Chodesh Kiddush menu, we will have large tubs of ice cream and delicious toppings. In the spirit of Purim, which is just around the corner and v'nahafoch hu, please feel free to eat the ice cream first. We thank Yonah and Smadar Meer for sponsorship of the L'chaim in memory of Yonah's mother, Helen Meer- a"h. A reminder in case you have not yet send in your $ for this year's Kiddushim, to please do so. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored and made this kiddush possible. An anticipated yasher koach to the Rosh Chodesh Kiddush crew for early morning set-up and logistics help. . President’s Corner continued… Welcome new members: Please join us in warmly welcoming Elie and Ariella Lasky to our Kingsway family. We look forward to sharing in many good times together over many happy years. Remember, though it is cold outside, it is always warm at Kingsway. See you in shul. Good Shabbos-Yitz Elman and Jeff Grodko- Presidium THANK YOU Yitz Elman, the Rosh Chodesh Kiddush sponsors, the "Rosh Chodesh Crew" and Arthur Pearlman of Gourmet On J for Kiddush this Sahbbos. Smadar & Jonah Meer for providing the L’chaim for the Rosh Chodesh Kiddush in loving memory of Jonah’s beloved mother, Helen Meer ע״ה. Pola & John Bradman made a donation to the Kingsway Adult Education Program in honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Tokayer for organizing and leading and inspiring Tu B’Shevat Seder. Lev Gold donated a Siddur in loving memory of th his beloved mother on the occasion of her 25 yahrzeit. THANK YOU Gary & Judy Abberbock wish to express their heartfelt thanks to those Kingsway members who contributed to the Shulamith School For Girls of Brooklyn and participated in the Dinner in their honor. Save the Date Kingsway Jewish Center 87th Annual Dinner May 17th 2015 Guest of Honor Dr Freya Schnabel Avodah Awardees Drs. Joyce and Gerald Fruchter YOUTH CORNER Shabbos Groups - On Shabbos morning at 10:00 AM, regular groups will take place in the gym for 411 year olds. The 4-7 year old group will move to the Butterfly room at approximately 10:15. The Tot Room will be open at 10:00 AM for toddlers accompanied by a parent. Young Couples/Families Lunch is next week, on 2/21. Please sign up by contacting Rabbi Schiffman by Tuesday. Motzei Shabbos Fun Night Recap - We had a great time this past Motzei Shabbos! For more information see the President's Corner. Youth Newsletter - Make sure to grab a copy of the new Youth Newsletter for Shvat. In honor of Tu B'Shvat, the monthly midda that we will be focusing on in groups and during special programs, is nature. Save the Date! The Purim Carnival will be on March 1st. See the separate blurb in the bulletin for more details. The Purim Chagiga will be after Megilla reading on March 4th. More details to follow. YOUNG COUPLES/FAMILIES LUNCHEON NEXT SHABBOS PARSHAS TERUMAH FEBRUARY 21ST Join us for delicious food and another exciting afternoon filled with programs for the youth and adults. Cost is $50 per family. Please sign up online or call Rabbi Schiffman at 718-757-4930 by February 16th. MAZAL TOV Linda & Andrew Katz on the birth of a grandson born to their children Chana & Daniel Kalai. Presidents' Day Lox n' Learn with Rabbi Tokayer Mon. Feb. 16th at 9:15a.m. in the CoatRoom Lobby Topic Who Needs a President? A Torah View. The founding of the American presidency was subject to heated debate at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Drawing upon a bit of history, Halacha and Jewish Philosophy, we will investigate a Torah perspective towards the institution of an elected President and some surprising conclusions for what it means to us today. Sponsored by Jake and Karen Abilevitz in memory of Jake's parents בן אבא & לאה בת אברהם אליהו and Karen's brother בד ןועמש ןב עשוהי KINGSWAY PURIM CARNIVAL ST MARCH 1 – 12 – 4p.m. Kingsway Catering Hall Moonwalk, Inflatable Obstacle Course, Carnival Games, Nintendo Wii Station, Costume Contest, Prizes, and surprise guest appearances from some of your favorite characters. $12 KJC members - $15 Non-KJC Includes 25 Booth tickets, 3 inflatables + entertainment Pizza & Cotton Candy for purchase Family Packages Available Rabbi Wolman is available for Bar Mitzvah lessons & mezuzah inspections.
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