ST MARGARET CLITHEROW GATHOLIC GHURCH, HAXBY Parish Priest: Kevin Trehy Te[768931 3, Holly Tree Lane, Haxhy, York YO32 3YJ e-mait- kftre hy@ao l,c o m k WE ARE A FAIRTRADE CHURCH We are twinned with St. Paulinus Parish, Monkton Road SMC = St Margaret Clitherow "SP = St Paulinus SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 15th February 2A15 Day of Special Prayer for the Unemployed Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday lntentions Mass times 6.00 pm Vigil Feb 15m Feb Mass Bette Pearson 9.00 am People of the Parishes SMC 11.00 am Gordon Briggs SP * SMC* 14th 16s Feb 17th 9.30 am ( 9.'t5 am Morning Prayer) Maureen O'Loughlin 9.30 am ( 9.15 am Morning Prayer) Seryice of the Word &Holy Communion 11.00 am Mass at the Carmelite Convent Fr Hilary Thomas sj Feb ASH ,8th Feb SP WEDNESDAY SmC 7.00 Thurs Friday 7.00 pm ( 6.45 pm Evening Prayer) Alan Grainger SVP will meet after Mass 9.30 am (9.1s am Morning Prayer) Jim Coltier {9h 20th Feb Feb Saturday 21=,Feb 9.30 am Exposition & pm Mass (6.45 pm Evening Prayer) Galtigan Steve Muir Terry ( Btessing/Distribution of ashes at each Mass) 5:33lil i:::T= ";i".?H":girMass The next Sacrament of Reconcitiation Sat 7m March at St Paulinus Ghurch at 10.30am Ecumenical Morning Prayer is at 9am in St Nicholas Church on Wednesday during February. All welcome SICK: Leslie Parr, Norman Herbert, Pat Brown, Tina Burton, Mavis Murdoch, Maggie Sweeney, Barbara Angelopoulou, Stewart Gray, Grenville Mollan, Mary Swift, Rev Steve Jarrett, Ben lrving, Simon Gallagher, Marie Condon,Helen Colbeck, Flo Yarrow, lsabel Lavin, Mary Firth, Zita Mellor, Nelly Yoward, Eileen Power, Roma Munro, Valerie Hopson, Robert Phillips, Pat Hogarth, Rev John Steel, Fr. Piet Weingard O.Carm, Phyl O'Rourke, Margaret Hutchinson, Gerard White, Freda Rushton, Howard Roe, Rob Mills, Fr Jack Cullhane. ANNIVERSARIES : Bette Pearson, Fr Hilary Thomas, Tom Hand, Steve Muir, Gordon Briggs, Eddie Fisher, William Keocn f 18{.50 Envelopes E 289.50 Standing orders January € 889.00 Collection for 'Marys Meals' amounted to f 601.06 Film 'Nite'(Roof fund) raised g 83.60 Offertory Collection 8th Feb Loose Plate The Forward in Faith Discussion Group will meet on Wed at 7 30pm after Mass for a Lenten reflection. All welcome. St Wifrid's School are collecting Sainsbury's Active Kid Vouchers. Collection envelope on notice board. Healing Day at St Charles First Holy Gommunion FJull next Saturday : The date with Mass. See notice in the porch. will be the 21't June. See list for names in the porch. Thank you Pilgrimage to Knock: From St Joseph's parish Mon 1lh August- Friday 21$ details from Liz on 65 This Lent, Our Lady's Parish will be using the framework of the '7 deadly sins' as part of its Lenten programme. Sessions weekly from the 13th ieb in the Fr Kelly Room at Our Lady's atl.lS pm 795 605 for details We start the season of Lent on Wednesday, a day of Fast & Abstinence Do check notices in the porch notice board please 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time . Divine OIfice tr{rek II . Year B 15 Febf11a1. y 2015 () Start of Lent Whv not trv ond of these? Give a day's salary to a charity, by Denis McBride C.Ss.R. ith Lept starting this what will you do, if Wednesday anything? Give up chocolate, alcohol? How about trying a I give up, you wonder? Give up nothing. Why not do something to make a wee bit ofdifference? new diet? What should . Promise to make someone smile every day this Lent. . OK - promise to make someone smile once a week. . . . . . . . . . . Contact a relative you have been ignoring for a long time. Sit down, yes sit down, with someone who is homeless and talk to him or her. . Buy a religious book and read it - to the end. Thank God for how fortunate you have been in your life. . Prayer During Lent of my life and my love. Help me to make the best of this time of Lent so that, on Easter Sunday morning, I might be just that little bit closer to . HaveagreatLent... Please add your own! Kingdom people Some of the beatitudes describe a state of being: poverty, humility and grief; others describe a life ofservice. We must take our blessings and share them with others: be merciful, by Sr Th6rdse Garman seek justice and be peacemakers. A-Z of healthy living "How blessed are you..." Matthew 5:l-12 Lord, to be honest, I do not enjoy Lent. I start offwell and make many good resolutions. I really intend to keep every one of them. I have a mental image of looking in the mirror on Easter Sunday morning to myself complete with halo and wings. My problem is that six weeks are a long time and my enthusiasm wanes as the days pass. Half-way through Lent, it is increasingly easy to chip away at one or more of my see earlier promises. excuses are not I feel guilty, but difficult to find. I am sorry, Lord. You know that I want to give myself to you completely. I want you to be the Lord 6e Prayer is daily adrnission of oners weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. Mahatrna Gandhi, activist Today: Monday: Tuesday: kviticus l3:l-2. 44-46 I Corinthians 10:31 11:1 Genesis 4:1-15. 25 Mark B: I l-13 Genesis Mark 1:40-45 fedemf$fiSt p u b r, c i Mark 6:5-8;7:1-5. B:14-21 10 Wednesday: Joel 2:12-18 can afford to. Yes, Go to confession and clear all that stuffout. Have lunch with an enemy. You pay. Have lunch with a friend. Read Mark's Gospel - the whole of it. Do a wee pilgrlmage to the nearest holy place. To your grandparents: thank them or pray for them. To your parents: thank them or pray for them. To your children: surprise them by delighting them. To yourself: give yourself a break for a whole day. Give someone else a break for a whole day. Give God a break tell him you love him, whatever. Go to Mass and pray for those who are suffering. Empty your wallet or purse on the table. Count. Give the contents to CAFOD. you. Amen. by Sr Janet Fearns ifyou a day's. What does it mean to live in God's kingdom? fesus tells us that those who are poor, grieve, are humble, hunger and thirst for justice, show mercy, have pure hearts, seek to make peace and righteousness and are insulted for their allegiance to |esus are blessed. How contrary to Living our blessings takes place in the community which reaches out in service to the world. Blessings go out and return. To each ofthese blessings is attached a reward. So be blessed and be a blessing! (( The hardest arithrnetic to rnaster is that which enables us to count our blessings. the way we would de6ne blessings. Blessings are relational we connect with the God who is present - in the other person. Community is formed of people like the ones described above, and we are blessed by their presence. The kingdom of Eric Hoffer, philosopher God belongs to those he calls blessed. 2 Corinthians 5:20 6:2 Matthew 6:l-6. 16-18 Thursday: Friday: Deuteronomy30:15-20 Isaiah58:l-9 Luke Sunday Plus. Edited by Denis McBride c.Ss.R. and Lisa cregoire. copyright o Redemptorisl Publicalions, n s AlphonsusHouse,Chalvton,HampshireGu343He,aregisteredcharity.w.rpbooks.@,uk/plus 9:22-25 Mattlew find us 9:14:-15 Saturday: 58:9-14 5:27-32 Isaiah Luke fi Facebook Next Sunday: Genesis 9:8-15 I Peter 3:18-22 Mark l:12-15
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