Page 1 SERVED BY: SIXTH SUNDAY INA ORDINARY TIME B SCENSION CATHOLIC Rev. Eamon Tobin .........................Ext. 3070 Pastor, email: [email protected] Rev. BK Tran ................................... 254-1595 Associate Pastor Email: [email protected] February 15, 2015 COMMUNITY 2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Tel. 321-254-1595 Fax 321-255-3490 Deacon Sergio A. Colon...............Ext. 3082 Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Community [email protected] Deacon Tom Stauffacher [email protected], 321-242-4504 Deacon Bill Terneus [email protected]—321-259-6168 Sr. Joseph Barden...........................Ext. 3003 Development Director [email protected] Sr. Immaculata ................................Ext. 3039 Pastoral Care [email protected] Doug Workman..............................Ext. 3001 School Principal [email protected] Betsy Glasenapp .............................Ext. 3080 Religious Education Director [email protected] Mary Birmingham ..........................Ext. 3068 Music/Liturgy Director, Catechumenate [email protected] Mark Kniepmann............................Ext. 3501 High School Youth Minister [email protected] Mary Blucker ...................................Ext. 3069 Middle School Youth Minister [email protected] Ashley Breaux..................................Ext. 3077 Contemporary Music [email protected] Monica Sutton.................................Ext. 3076 Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PARISH OFFICE STAFF Teresa Romano.............................. Ext. 3050 Receptionist [email protected] Maria Sittig ..................................... Ext. 3072 Secretary/Bulletin, [email protected] Mary Russo ......................................Ext. 3078 Business Manager/Bookkeeper [email protected] Anne Dorros.....................................Ext. 3074 Assistant Bookkeeper [email protected] Brian Carley Facilities Manager [email protected] Susan Esposito Fingerprinting office ......................Ext. 3079 ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL U.S. Department of Education School of Excellence Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade FAITH FORMATION Religious Education (Pre-K - 6) Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Youth Ministry Sundays after 5:30 p.m. Mass OUTREACH Ascension Thrift Store: 259-7291 Ascension Social Concerns: 259-5685 BINGO Mondays & Thursdays 6:00 p.m., Parish Hall SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. (free childcare) 11:30 a.m. (free childcare) 5:30 p.m. Weekday Masses Monday-Friday: 7:25 a.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:15 - 4:25 p.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. (or by appointment) As a good steward of the Lord’s blessings, please remember to consider your Parish Family or School Endowment in your Last Will and Testament. Page 2 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B February 15, 2015 truth is also that many of us, including myself, may be blind to what needs changing in our lives. All too many of us live ‘spiritually drowsy’ lives. We are so busy living our daily lives that we become deaf or at least hard of hearing when it comes to listening to the voice of the Spirit who is constantly nudging us to change what needs to be changed in our lives. NEXT WEDNESDAY BEGINS OUR LENTEN JOURNEY This Wednesday, millions of Catholics across our nation will go to their local church to receive ashes on their forehead. Why ashes? In the religious realm, ashes have a twofold meaning: • They are a stark reminder of our mortality. Hence, the words: “Remember, man, you are but dust and unto dust you shall return.” • Ashes are a sign of repentance. In ancient Israel, when people felt convicted of sin and were moved to repentance, they put on ‘sackcloth and ashes.’ On Ash Wednesday, as the minister places the ashes on our forehead, he/she will say: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” In the first reading next Wednesday, the prophet Joel will say to us: “Render your hearts and not your garments.” Commenting on this verse, Thomas Merton said: “Rending only our garments lets in nothing but the cold air, but rending our hearts lets out sin and lets in the clean air of God’s spring.” The word “Lent” means “spring.” Lent is intended to be a new spring in our lives, a time when we invigorate our faith. Lent calls us to a change of heart, attitude and behavior. If we go through all the rituals and prayers and Masses of Lent but nothing is changing in our attitude and behavior, Jesus may say to us what he said to the Pharisees: “This people honors me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.” The late Fr. Henri Nouwen said: “Jesus does not speak of a change of activities…or even a change of pace. He speaks of a change of heart. This makes everything different, even while everything appears to be the same.” So, ideally, when we come to church next Wednesday to receive ashes on our forehead, we are publicly saying to the Lord: “I want, with the help of your grace, to change my heart where change is needed.” We may think we are pretty good and decent people and may wonder what it is we need to repent of. This is not an easy question to answer. Despite the fact that the vast majority, if not all of us, live good and decent lives, the How many of us take time to come aside from our busy schedules to be quiet before the Lord? How many of us take time to ask the Holy Spirit to help us hear what he may be saying to us in the events and encounters of daily life? How many of us live life reflectively? We can be sure that God is always seeking to communicate with us. But who is listening? How tuned in are we to the Holy Spirit? There are so many voices seeking to get our attention that the voice of the Holy Spirit may be drowned out. The first thing many of us may need to repent of is our failure to take time to sit quietly before the Lord so that we can hear and discern his word for us. I realize that that can be a tall order because we may feel that God never speaks to us. If we feel that way, we can assume that, spiritually, we may be hard of hearing. If we feel that God rarely or never speaks to us, our first Lenten prayer might be: “Lord heal my spiritual deafness. Open the inner ears of my heart so that I can hear your word and promptings and call to conversion.” That prayer in itself is wonderful because it expresses a desire to hear and respond to our Lord. Literally millions of people have no such desire. They are too busy with other stuff. When it comes to following the Lord’s direction for my life, I am comforted by the following well known words of Thomas Merton: “I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it.” Spiritual smugness I believe that one of the biggest dangers that we who are ‘good and decent Catholics’ have to face is the tendency to fall into a kind of ‘spiritual smugness.’ We may feel that there is little or no need for change in our lives because we say our prayers, go to Church, contribute to the support of our parish, and try to be nice to everyone. What more could be asked of us? The gospel answer is—uncomfortably—a lot more. As Christians, our model is always Christ who gave his whole life that we would escape hell and enjoy eternal life with him. When we look at our lives through the lens of the Gospel, we are always falling short. I don’t say that to make you feel bad about your Christian walk. I Page 3 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B say it because the reality is that we are always falling short of who or what we ought to be as disciples of Jesus; hence, the need for what we call ongoing conversion. Our ‘life in Christ’ is always calling us to change our hearts, attitudes, mindsets and behaviors that are not fully conformed to those of Jesus. Our life in Christ is always calling us to be more something . . . more generous, more forgiving, more compassionate, more loving, more humble, more gracious and more prayerful. One reason saints often went to confession is because they were deeply aware of their need for a deeper conversion in their walk with Christ. A little prayer I recently came across goes: Disturb us, O Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we dreamed so little; when we have arrived in safety because we sailed too close to the shore. Lent’s Bapsmal Focus In the early church, Lent had a strong baptismal focus. For the Elect (i.e., those discerned by church leaders to be spiritually ready to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, Lent was their final period of preparation before receiving the Easter Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter vigil. This final period of preparation was and continues to be called the Period of Purification and Enlightenment. Through fasting, penance, almsgiving and scrutiny rituals, the Elect are purified of sin. Through ongoing reflection on God’s word, they are enlightened by the wisdom of God. This Lent, we have 10 adults and 7 children preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation on Easter. Our role is to support these brothers and sisters with our prayers and good example. In the early church, Lent for the already baptized was a time to look at how well they were living their baptismal call to be faithful disciples of the Lord. For us who are already baptized, the primary focus of Lent is repentance. This year, as we reflect on the Cycle B readings, our focus is renewing our covenant with the Lord. All of us become distracted and lose that total focus we should have on the Lord. As a result of our Lenten journey, each of us, ideally, should find ourselves a little more committed to the Lord. If we don’t, Lent this year will be have been in vain. We may have gone through the motions but nothing on the inside or in our behavior may have changed. Three tradional Lenten pracces to help us on our way In the Gospel on Ash Wednesday, Jesus will speak to us about praying, fasting and almsgiving. During his forty February 15, 2015 days in the desert, he was engaged in extensive prayer and fasting. Prayer Prayer is turning to God. It involves making space for God in our lives. Authentic prayer involves “allowing God to have his way with us.” In prayer, we stand, sit or kneel, vulnerable before God, asking him to show us where and how we need conversion and healing in our lives. During Lent, a special form of prayer is the Stations of the Cross. We prayerfully accompany Jesus on his road to Calvary. Consider coming at least one time to our Friday Stations at 5:30 pm. Or you can meditate on the Stations of the Cross daily or weekly with family members or by yourself using the insert in this bulletin. After the Stations, there will be a Lenten soup supper in the parish hall. As a daily devotional, you can read the small Lenten booklet available after Mass today which contains a series of reflections on the Daily Mass Readings for Lent. You can join a Small Group that reflects on the upcoming Sunday readings. Also, see today’s bulletin for information on “Conversion – Following the Call of Christ”; or join Keiron Hylton for his six-week study of the “Purpose Driven Life”; and/or consider coming to a Women or Men’s Retreat weekend. Today’s bulletin has information on all of these wonderful opportunities. If you prefer to do your own personal prayer and study, check out our website for articles I have written on the Books of the Old Testament, the Catechism, Church History, and more. Fasng If Jesus fasted, we need to fast too (unless our doctor tells us not to). Fasting can take many forms: less TV, alcohol, Internet, shopping, negative talk. But we should all consider doing some form of fasting from food (and sugary drinks). Food is what Jesus fasted from. We need to experience some hunger in the belly to identify even just a small bit with starving people and to get in touch with the hungers of the soul. Ideally, our fasting is a means to an end. We fast from some shopping so that we may give to the poor. We fast from a half hour of TV to make space for prayer. Almsgiving Almsgiving is our way to reach out to the poor by sharing our money, clothing and food. We can give gifts of food, money and clothing to our Thrift Store and Social Concerns office (both located on Aurora Road, a half mile west of U.S.1). Another form of almsgiving that we might consider for Lent is forgiving someone who may have hurt us. Of this important kind of almsgiving, St. Augustine said: “There are many kinds of Page 4 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B alms, the giving of which helps us to obtain pardon for our sins; but none is greater than that by which we forgive from our heart a sin that someone has committed against us.” On Ash Wednesday, we will have an A lmsgiving Collection which will go to Social Concerns. Operation Rice Bowl is a ministr y of Catholic Relief Services, designed to help the poor in our world. On Ash Wednesday, you will be offered a Rice Bowl, a Lenten calendar (which includes a prayer ritual, a thought for the day and other practices). You may return your Rice Bowl donation on Palm Sunday or Holy Thursday. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving, like three legs of a tripod, make up the traditional Lenten practices. Prayer nourishes our spirits. Fasting disciplines our bodies, helps us seek the Lord with greater intensity, and puts us in solidarity with those who suffer. Works of charity enlarge our hearts as we commit ourselves to the good of others. Properly utilized, fasting, prayer and almsgiving can bring about a change of heart. They are not the point of Lent but rather spiritual aids that help us ‘put on Christ’ a little more. Many possibilies Many spiritual exercises are available to us this Lent. Each of us has to decide which one(s) will help us to renew or deepen our relationship with the Lord. I encourage you to seek the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit as you think about a Lenten focus: “Holy Spirit, help me to see where conversion and a change of heart is needed in my life.” If we suffer from a bad temper, a decision to work on controlling it more would be an excellent Lenten exercise. If we are still carrying a resentment, we should consider “giving it up.’ What better thing to give up than a resentment which daily hurts us emotionally, spiritually and even physically. If we only pray in a rote way and rarely take time to sit quietly and speak before the Lord from our hearts; if we rarely engage in spiritual reading; if we seldom take time to just listen to our Lord—maybe this Lent we should consider changing all that and strive to grow closer to our Lord each day. If we are a doer type of person, we can volunteer some of our time each week at our Thrift Store. Pope Francis says: Pope Francis urges Catholics to pray for the conversion of our hearts and to give up a culture of indifference which is becoming more prevalent. “During this Lent, then, brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis says, “let us all ask the Lord: Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum—Make our hearts like yours. In this way we will receive a heart, which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart which is not closed, indifferent, or prey to the February 15, 2015 globalization of indifference. It is my prayerful hope that this Lent will prove spiritually fruitful for each believer and every ecclesial community.” A LENTEN PRAYER Loving God, You formed us from the clay of the earth and breathed into us the Spirit of life, but we have turned from your ways and sinned. Bring us back to you. Change our hearts. Renew our spirits. Loving God, in a special way, bless our brothers and sisters who are preparing for Baptism and entrance into our Church. Purify and enlighten our minds and hearts. This we pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen. ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE 7:00am, 8:30am (School Mass), 7:00pm GUIDELINES FOR LENT AND EASTER Ash Wednesday, February 18 and Good Friday, April 3, are days of fasting and abstinence. Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for Baptism or of renewal of Baptism at Easter. Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and older. On days of abstinence, no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish priest should be consulted. Have a blessed week, [email protected] Page 5 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B Next Sunday’s Readings - February 22, 2015 B First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9:8-15, Psalm 25:4-10 1Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:12-15 Describe a me when you were challenged to confront a weakness in your life. Middle School Ministry For all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, no matter where you attend school February 18: Wednesday after School Need Confirmation service? Call Mary. For more info, check website or contact Mary Blucker at 254-1595 ext. 3069 or [email protected] February 15, 2015 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Action Nights after the 5:30pm Mass Bible Study: Monday evenings, youth room, 7:00 to 8:30pm. All high school teens are welcome to come, socialize with friends, learn and talk about our faith. For info regarding Youth Ministry, contact Mark Kniepmann at [email protected]. CONFIRMATION STUDENTS On Fire! Retreat Friday, February 28, at 6:30 pm till Sunday, March 1 following the 11:30am Mass. Remember, this will be the last retreat option for confirmation. Please contact Mark at [email protected]. Don’t forget to give him your t-shirt size. Faith, Knowledge, Service Catholic Schools Week 2015 Collected almost 1400 boxes of cereal for Food Pantry GREAT CEREAL CHALLENGE • Reveal guest speaker Olga Kelly from Social Concerns • Surprise visit from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Schools, for the Cereal Challenge • Sunday morning Open House & Donuts for parishioners Other Events Student led Sunday & Wednesday Liturgy - Letters to Pope Francis offering children’s solutions to hunger - Storytelling Night – K-2nd grade - Brain Bowl – 3rd-5th grade - Geography Bee – 6th-8th grade - Tea Party for Friends of Pre K 3 and Pre K 4 Page 6 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B Looking for a Lenten practice to deepen your relationship with our Lord? Sign up at all Masses February 14 & 15 for 1½-hour sessions once a week for six weeks immersed in the Sunday readings and Fr. Eamon’s Commentaries. Small groups meet days and evenings in homes or at the parish. On Friday evenings, groups meet at the parish and childcare is available. Come for soup supper, come for food for body and soul! We already have three groups signed up for after Soup Supper! February 15, 2015 Conversion following the Call of Christ This bible study can help us understand the power of an encounter with Jesus and recognize when He is calling us personally. Dan & Teresa Romano will lead the group with Fr. Robert Barron as the guide, to growing in relationship with Christ. This Word on Fire DVD study series explores the stories of six ordinary biblical figures who changed in response to God’s call. The bible study is on Thursday nights in the Buescher Center, Room 410 from 7:00 to 8:30pm, starting Feb. 12. Call Teresa at the office (254-1595 ext. 1) if you are interested. A Lenten Offering on The Purpose Driven Life The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren is the No.1 best selling non-fiction book after the Bible in publishing history. The book has brought millions back to God and church. Congratulations to Chris Meehan who recently received his Master of Arts degree in Theology from St. Leo University! Chris will be ordained a Deacon in June. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES ROOM We will be open on Feb. 23 at 5:00pm for anyone interested in purchasing items for First Communion. We have a few dresses, veils, ties (dark blue and white) and many other items. We will be open on the 1st Thursday of every month, 9-11am, and on Saturdays in March, 10am-2pm. I will be happy to meet with anyone interested in these items at a time that might be more convenient. Call me, Rita Billingsley, at 254-3865 or email me at [email protected]. MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Confession, Mass and Anointing to the Sick and Homebound parishioners will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at Ascension Catholic Church. Confession at 10:30 AM, Mass at 11:00 AM, followed by a luncheon in the Parish Hall. To MTS team: Your presence and assistance in the Church and in the luncheon are much appreciated. Please invite your homebound parishioners to join with us. RSVP by March 2, 2015 to Pat Apfelthaler, 321-254-2865. The book is divided into five weeks of reflection on the Five Purposes of our lives: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Service and Mission. We have scheduled a six-week study session consisting of an Introduction and followed by five sessions on the Five Purposes. It will be held on Thursdays beginning February 19 in the Ministry Center, Room 307, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. The presider will be Keiron Hylton, a parishioner and Professor of Management at FIT. Keiron will need to know if you plan to attend the Introductory Session on February 19. You can call or text him at 917-660-6814 or contact Teresa at the church office, 254-1595 ext. 1. VOCATION CUP The Vocation Cup for February will go out at the 11:30 am Mass. Ray, Sandy & Kylie Sepulveda will take the cup home on February 15, 2015. If you’d like to sign up, please call Marc Worchel at 757-3451 or email [email protected]. Ascension Council of Catholic Women The Ascension Council of Catholic Women is offering a $200 scholarship to an active Catholic student, who is also a member of the Ascension Community, and will be a graduate at the end of the 2015 school year. For an application and criteria, please contact Mark Kniepmann at 254-1595 ext.3501 or email [email protected] or Teresa at the church office at 254-1595 ext. 1. All applications are due back by midnight March 30, 2015. Page 7 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B RUN FOR LIFE - ASH WEDNESDAY SOUP SUPPER The Ascension Catholic Church Knights of Columbus & Pro-Life Committee will host a Lenten Soup Supper in their Parish Hall on Wed., Feb. 18, 5:00 - 6:30 pm. This is a great way for your busy family to observe your Ash Wednesday fasting and abstinence obligation and support area crisis pregnancy centers through Run for Life. Run for Life is a dedicated group of men and women running from the Miami area to St. Augustine. Some of the runners will be present at the Soup Supper to share their “road stories.” The suggested offering is $5 per person, $3 for children (8 & under), $20 max/family, for your choice of soup, bread, beverage. Reservations not necessary, but please call Cindy Iezzi @ 259-2677 with questions. ADORATION CHAPEL “When Our Lord sees pure souls coming eagerly to visit him in the Blessed Sacrament, he smiles on them.” -St. John Vianney Vacations, illness, absent snowbirds and just life take a toll on the availability of adorers. If you can find an hour to commit to Jesus, consider the Adoration Chapel. Jesus wants you there and through the Holy Spirit is calling you! For information, please contact Sam Rodríquez at 321-795-9813 or [email protected]. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1am, 2am, 3am, 5am, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 10pm, 11pm 1am, 3am, 4am, 12pm, 10pm 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 1pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 11pm 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5pm, 6pm 12am,1am, 3am, 10am, 1pm, 2pm, 11pm 1am, 2am, 3am, 10am, 1pm, 2pm 1am, 3am, 5am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm February 15, 2015 Knights of Columbus 40 CANS FOR LENT Program The members of the Knights of Columbus Martin B. Power Council 14573 are challenging all parishioners to join them in their 40 CANS FOR LENT food drive program this year. The plan is simple: purchase and donate one can of food per day for the 40 days during the Lenten season, starting Ash Wednesday, February 18, and ending Good Friday, April 3. Please bring your cans to the church and place them in the baskets already designated for food collection. You may bring them all at once or a little at a time. Our goal is to increase the donations given to our food pantry while living the Gospel value of feeding the hungry. To accept this challenge, please e-mail or call Doug Blair, Grand Knight, so he can track your generous donations. Doug can be reached at [email protected] or (321) 412-2191. Thank you. ROSARY-MAKING MINISTRY Rosary Ministry meets on Sundays, 1:00-3:00 pm in Buescher Center, Room 413. Next Meeting: February 22, 2015 If interested in joining, call Michi Davis at 242-8092. Contemplative Prayer Tuesday at 7:00pm, Ministry Bldg, Rm 304 Info: Pam Lackie 259-2431 Please Save the –Date It’s almost Gala time for Ascension Catholic School’s friends and supporters to celebrate our 21st Annual Gala in support of the Ascension Endowment Fund. Theme: Date: Where: Time: What: Ascension School: Shaping our Global Future March 28, 2015 Ascension Social Hall 5:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Delicious Home-Cooked Dinner, Special Desserts, Beverages, Live and Silent Auctions, Music & Dancing The proceeds go to building up the Endowment Fund for the benefit of Ascension School Students. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening while helping to keep Ascension School an outstanding educational institution of knowledge, community and service. Tickets: $60 each. Reserved tables for 8: $75 per person. Tickets will be on sale at the school and Church offices beginning on February 23. Tickets will be on sale outside Church on March 8. This Gala is usually a sold-out event so we ask that you make your reservations early. Sister Joseph Barden Director of Development Page 8 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B February 15, 2015 A Military Ministry Spotlight One of our members is parishioner John G. Sheppard. John enlisted in the Marine Corp in 1963. In 1965, while assigned to the 1st Marine Brigade in Hawaii, he sailed to Vietnam via Okinawa and came ashore in Chu Lai, Vietnam, with Hotel Battery 3rd Battalion 12th Marines in the 3rd Division. Coming back stateside, he was stationed at Quantico, VA. It was there he was involved in a serious accident. In October 1971, John was awarded full retirement as a Sergeant by the Commandant of the Marine Corp. We thank you, John, for your service to our country! Consider joining our group—prior military service is not required. Contact Peggie at 751-0408 or [email protected]. GRIEF RECOVERY G ROUP Monday, February 23, 2015, 1:00 - 2:30 pm, Church Library For more information, contact Carol Gessler at 779-7850. Tickets available after all Masses February 14 & 15. Childcare available—RSVP a must—please call Mary Jo Strah at 242-7254. SCC Facilitators: Please note that this is the annual Day of Reflection sponsored by the Space Coast Alliance of Small Christian Communities. FRIDAY FISH DINNERS Friday, Feb. 20, begins our Lenten Fish Dinners in the Parish Hall (NOT the School Cafetorium) Time: About 6:00pm (after Stations of the Cross) What’s for Dinner: Fried cod or baked white fish filets, French fries, cole slaw, mac’n’cheese, and simple desserts How Much: Adults–$7.00, Kids under 12–$3.00 Sign up in the Parish Hall or call the Church office. Cutoff is 12:00pm, Thursday, February 19. Social Concerns & Food Pantry In our final numbers for 2014, we helped a total of 19,625 people with food and emergency financial assistance. Included in that number, 6,377 families were helped with food. We are so blessed to have such amazing support. Thank you. Are you ready? We are so excited! It begins in 2 weeks! March 1st the Annual Feinstein Challenge Begins! Our food pantry is invited again to participate in Alan Shawn Feinstein’s fundraising campaign. For the past several years, he has been giving away $1 million each year to anti-hunger agencies throughout the country. More information will be forthcoming. Pantry food items: Tuna helper, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, pork & beans, canned fruit. Join us as we meet and build relationships with our legislative representative and Catholic Bishops. Learn how to make a difference. Let your voice be heard. Advocate on social issues and Church teachings. This is your opportunity to put your faith into action. It is your chance to learn about the challenges we face and the successes achieved. Join the Bishops of Florida at the Red Mass of the Holy Spirit as we pray for inspiration and guidance in our service to the people of Florida. For information, contact Georgette Hoppenbrouwer at 321537-9576 or [email protected]. Learn more at Women of Ascension Parish! Are the daily challenges becoming too great? Come experience a weekend retreat at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center to recapture your peace of mind and the joys of God’s creation. You will return home relaxed and renewed, better able to cope in a busy world. Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center offers us time off to celebrate life, love, hope, joy, faith and fellowship. The retreat will be held on April 17-19. Our theme for this 2014-2015 is “BLESSED BE YOU.” We car pool. Please join us. Contact Margaret McDunnough at (321) 2533015 or [email protected] for further information. Applications are available at the parish office. Knights of Columbus Council #14573 We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month In Ministry Center Room 312. We pray the Rosary in Our Lady's Chapel at 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. For more information, call Grand Knight Doug Blair at 412-2191 or Membership Director Marc Worchel at 757-3451. Page 9 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B February 15, 2015 Wedding Anniversaries John & Helen Walsh Thomas & Katherine Corey John & Katherine Sayles John & Elizabeth Mack Doug & Patti Wo rkman 57 years 57 years 57 years 55 years 37 years Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 15 15 15 20 18 Michael Stitzel, David Humes, Ava Sophia, CVS, LK Barone, Natalie Carle, Flo McCaffrey, Daniel Walsh, Greg Grasso, Gerald Cardile, Harry Wright, Fred Barlow, Betty Elko, Aurora Arguiarro, Chuck Hegland, Madeline Maiello, Magda & Claire Grasso, Lydia Vazquez, Ed & Peggy Aubrey, Mia Moore, Grace Carlin, John & Nancy Walsh, Brian Robinson, Catherine Reid, Darlene Liptak, Larry Kawa, Kenneth Pearsall, Walker Alldredge, Cathi Hurd, Karen Kessler, Judith Dourney, Christopher Linder, John Doyle, Caridad Mederos, Bettina Mondo, Margaret Donah, Karen Kessler, Theresa Bryant, Angela Barber, Mary Robinson, Danilee Chin, Angela Thompson, Kathy Jagdmann, Maybelle McGee, Leo Schumaker, Flo Downey, Rose Blankenship, Peggy McKelvey, Patricia Schemp, Anne McKelvey, Ragan Krupp, Donald Clifford, Mary Carney, Frank Maiello, Gary Tam, Joann Monai, Donald Elko, Trent Elko, Phyllis Owens, John Aranda, Michael Elko, Carol Randolph, Ruth Cardello, Gene Parsons, Dale Haidet, Shirley Bridge, Fred Barlow, Mike Bobitka, Mary Laird, Flo Wright, Rosemary Kean, Bill Sears, Wanda Wagner, Joyce Evelyn, Ron Davenport, Michele Cardella, Eileen Davis Please pray for those in the nursing homes. Pray for our Armed Forces Personnel overseas Dan Murray, Steve Cabsky, Joseph Marci, Amanda Outly, Joshua Outly, Bryan Outly, Jesse Outly, Jason Brown, Andrew Grazing, Heather Schmitt, Paul Wells, Anthony Torres, Craig Static, Jason Melbourne, Sherwin Separa, Jesse Catellier, Joseph McDuffie, Samuel Luke, Michael Walsh, Robert Crowl, Bryan Calenda, David Barlow, Dylan Traver, Brian Fleming, Wesley Henry, Marty Martinez, Jonathan Martinez, Bryan Satterwhite, Capt. Kyle McDermott, John Kinsora, Jason Baker, Nicholas Owens, Nick Dorros, Josh Grier, Robert Grover, Rory O’Connor, Shane O’Connor, Alex Ritner, Kyle Mimbs The Southern Deanery of the Council of Catholic Women is offering a $500 scholarship to an active Catholic student who will be a graduate from any Brevard High School— Catholic, public or private—at the end of the 2015 school year. For an application and criteria, please contact Mark Kniepmann, High School Youth Director, at 254-1595 ext. 3501. All applications are due back by March 15, 2015. The musical Brigadoon will be performed at Holy Name of Jesus, Feb. 21–Mar. 1 For ticket information, call George Kobosko 773-2783 x 121 or [email protected] Our former Deacon Mike McElwee is in the show! Week beginning Monday, Fe bruary 16, 2014 and ending Sunday, February 22, 2015 Mon. 7:30 am † Fredrick William Adams II † Lou Klein Tues. 7:30 am † Helen Kornrumph † Ginna Siconolfi Ash Wed. 7:00 am † Josephine Jime nez † Steve Werner 8:30 am † John & Olga Toppa 7:00 pm † Joseph Fitzsimmons † Donna Foy Thurs. 7:30 am † Jimmy & Reid Prebble † Roy C. Prebble Sr & III Fri. 7:30 am † Fr. Robert Hickey † Shonda Daughtry Sat. 9:00 am Special Intention - Charles Funk Special Intention - Harry Gruenthal 4:30 pm † Lois Riley † Robert Stein Sun. 7:30 am People of the Parish 9:30 am † Bill Thorpe † Carl Akin 11:30 am † Rick Sittig † Ramon Garcia 5:30 pm † Zygmunt Rodak † Stephen O’Rourke SERVERS’ SCHEDULE – February 21/22, 2015 Sat 4:30 pm: Dominik & Emilio Quiroz, Becky Payan Sun 7:30 am: Alex Kieu, Evan Bolin, Luke Dickinson Sun 9:30 am: Cole man Anderson, Carson Chavez Jimmy Corcione Sun 11:30 am: Benjamin & James Armstrong Michael Carley Sun 5:30 pm: Katherine Laird, Gabriella McDermott Peter Monteparo Parish Office closed Monday, February 16, for President’s Day DAILY BREAD VOLUNTEERS About 250 homeless and needy folks eat each day at Daily Bread, Melbourne’s free downtown soup kitchen. Be a friend to them and serve at the kitchen located at 815 Fee Ave. Let us know if you can help on any of the following days from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Sign up early to reserve your place on a serving team: Contact Rachel Benevente at [email protected] or [813] 735-0352 Tues, Feb. 24: Contact Betsy or Bill Hampton at 254-0418 Sat, Feb. 14: Page 10 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B February 15, 2015 Experience a personal spiritual renewal and an abundance of love in Christian Community. Christ Renews His Parish is a retreat weekend open to every adult member of ASCENSION Parish. A retreat given “by” parishioners, “for” parishioners. Christ Renews His Parish is a process designed to bring members of our parish together in Christ. It is a multi-part gift to yourself that keeps on giving as you pass the gift of Christ to other parishioners and into your world: This is an opportunity to spend about 36 hours away from the everyday world, a time for listening, sharing, praying, fun and food. A team of parishioners, along with a Spiritual Director, have formed in prayer and love to offer this gift to you. They will share with you on our parish campus. THIS IS NOT A SILENT RETREAT. The emphasis is on personal and community renewal: sharing by the team and in small groups in a liturgical, scriptural, prayerful and relaxed atmosphere. There is no pressure to share or talk. Sensitivity to you and your needs is always respected. Accommodations are simple but adequate. Arrangements can be made to accommodate your special need or diet. All meals are prepared for you. Attire is casual and comfortable clothing. WOMEN’S RETREAT: MEN’S RETREAT: March 7-8 March 21-22 For more information on the Women’s Retreat, contact Shirley Hurst at 321-543-2501 or [email protected]—or Suzanne Kahn at 321-626-0413 or [email protected]. For the Men’s Retreat, contact Dan Barber at 321-246-4122 or [email protected]—or Scott Gardiner at 321-759-8736 or [email protected]. CLIP AND RETURN TO THE CHURCH OFFICE OR PLACE IN THE COLLECTION AT MASS Christ Renews His Parish Retreat NAME —————————————————————— PHONE (Home) _____________________ ADDRESS ———————————————————— PHONE (Cell)—————–————— ———————————————————–—————— E MAIL______________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME and PHONE NUMBER ________________________________________ ———————————————————— MEMBER OF ASCENSION: YES _____ NO _______ SPECIAL NEED (Diet/Facilities/Etc.) ___________________________________________________________
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