TNReady: Design and Instructional Implications Overall: What we know 1) The assessment will be designed to assess our current standards and can be adjusted over time if the standards change. 2) The test will be given online with a paper pencil back up for the first three years. 3) There will be a variety of item types. • Not all questions will be multiple choice • Evidence Based Selected Response • Technology Enhanced • Constructed Response 4) TN Ready will be given in two parts. • Part I will be given 2/3 of the way through the course or year. • Part II will be given 90% of the way through the course. • There will be a block option for high school. What should students know and do? What should teachers know and do? What should leaders know and do? • Experience daily instruction based • Plan instruction based on the • Ensure instruction is being on the standards. planned based on the standards. standards. • Practice with the platform • Plan practice and plan lessons and • Ensure students have the multiple times before the instruction that mimics the opportunity to practice. assessment. functions available on the • Encourage teachers to assign assessment and the assessment tasks that allow students to use platform. the tools they will use on the test. • Explore content with a variety of • Personally experience the variety • Ensure teachers have the types of questions. of item types. opportunity to personally experience the technology and • Regularly write. • Plan assessments with multiple the types of items that will be on types of items. • Experience the types of items that the test. will be on the assessment as part • Plan assignments that ask student • Ensure district or school to articulate their thinking and of their learning prior to assessments involve multiple administration. approach through thinking, item types, not just multiple speaking and writing. • Experience instruction that choice. balances focus on critical thinking • Balance critical thinking, application and basic skills. and basic skills. • Learn the key content for part I • Ensure instructional plans include • Ensure any school or district all key content for Part II in the pacing guides begin instruction before the test is given. first half of the year. (More on the major work of the grade • Understand that testing will have information will be shared in early in the year. multiple important parts. March.) 19
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