February 2015 Volume 67 • Number 2 150 McSwain Drive West Columbia, SC 29169 (803) 794-2209 www.southcarolinanazarene.org SOUTH CAROLINA LEADERSHIP TEAM Dr. Eddie Estep District Superintendent 803-794-2209 [email protected] Mrs. LaNora Jensen NMI President • 803-568-3939 [email protected] Dr. Jim Thrower SDMI Chairman • 803-796-0595 [email protected] Rev. David Snodgrass NYI President • 803-669-9409 [email protected] Mrs. LaNora Jensen Treasurer • 803-794-2209 [email protected] Rev. Alan Pullen Camp Manager • 803-532-3123 [email protected] On January 24, 2015, a historic gathering took place – the first meeting of South Carolina Nazarene Women Clergy. Rev. Libby Newman, pastor of the Batesburg Church of the Nazarene, convened the ladies. They worshipped, prayed together, got to know each other better, celebrated the call of God on their lives, had lunch together, and celebrated the future. There are some women who have paved the way for us in South Carolina: Rev. Vivian Pressley, Rev. Connie Swisher, and Dr. Nina Gunter – to name three in particular. We continue to be indebted to them. In the last 20 years the number of women clergy active in ministry on the South Carolina District has increased from 11 to 28. The number of women serving as associate pastors has increased from 4 to 17. The number of women serving as senior pastors has increased from 0 to 4. Over the last 20 years, 15 women have been ordained. We are making progress; we still have further to go. Over my 20 years of pastoral ministry, I was privileged to see several individuals called into vocational ministry. The first was a woman—Teresa Waldeck—who became a great senior pastor. As I observed the way Teresa diligently gave herself to prepare for ministry, and her fruitfulness in ministry, I realized that if God could entrust a woman to deliver the Living Word (Jesus), then surely we could entrust a woman to deliver the Preached Word (sermon). The fact that it was a woman who first proclaimed the message of the Resurrection on Easter morning has also not been lost on me. When I looked around the room on January 24, I was encouraged and excited about the future of the church in South Carolina. I was also reminded of Joel’s words, quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost: ―In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy… Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy‖ (Acts 2:17-18). Eddie Estep District Pastor Beaufort Jim & Sandie Kaiser Laurens Cornerstone Willie Hough Midland Valley Community Roy & Gail Wright Sumter Wise Drive Evelyn Wright Transitions: : The family of Rev. Johnny Price (Bamberg) at his recent passing Margaret Moore (spouse of Rev. Ray Moore, Greenville First pastoral staff) at the passing of her mother Alice Mitchell (widow of Rev. T. W. Mitchell) recovering from surgery to repair a broken hip Pastor Cinda Kammermann (Sumter First Counseling and Outreach Pastor) undergoing treatments for cancer Dr. Jim Bearden (former SC DS) Rev. Kyle Himmelwright (Jayme) will be installed as pastor of Columbia First on February 22, 2015. Dr. Jim Stocks is serving as interim pastor at Fort Mill. Rev. Harry Widener is serving as interim pastor at Greenville First. Rev. Dana Wolfe is serving as interim pastor at Bamberg. Rev. George and Rev. Mary Brassard (Wesleyans) are serving as supply pastors at Clemson--The Bridge. Ashwood is in the process of calling a pastor. Moncks Corner is in the process of calling a pastor. Rev. Bill Watts (Pelion) has announced his retirement from pastoral ministry, effective March 15, 2015. Congratulations to Pastor Jim Thrower and the West Columbia Central church board for a successful ten-year review. Revivals, Camp Meetings, Renewal Services Myrtle Beach Dr. Stephen Manley Piedmont Indoor Camp Dr. Stephen Manley and the Meeting at Rock Hill Trinity Heritage Quartet February 22-25 West Columbia First Rev. Bill Ulmet February 22-25 Orangeburg Memorial Dr. Jim Thrower February 26Camden First Rev. Mike O'Hair March 1 March 22-25 West Columbia Central Dr. Nelson Perdue March 26-29 Columbia Abundant Life Rev. Albertha Bragg March 29-April 1 Lexington Shepherd Rev. David Gallimore February 11-15 February 15-18 The 2015 camp meeting evangelists will be Rev. Norman Moore and Rev. Billy Huddleston, and worship leader will be Lindsay Huggins. Dates for camp meeting are June 21-27, 2015. Jean Pratt (Hartsville First pastor's spouse) undergoing treatments for multiple myeloma Rev. John Powell (retired) undergoing treatments for cancer NewStart Church Planters and NewStart Church Sponsors An awakening movement of the Holy Spirit on the South Carolina District Progress toward the 2020 Vision (100 churches) for South Carolina 2016 District Ministry Team Retreat will be a cruise out of Charleston January 27February 1, 2016, with Dr. Bob Broadbooks as our guest speaker. (continued on next page) (continued) The Pastors' Prayer Summit will be held February 16 -17, 2015, at the D. Moody Gunter Camp and Retreat Center in Batesburg, South Carolina. The theme is "The Character of a Leader," to be led by Dr. Eddie Estep. Participants will receive credit for six Lifelong Learning hours. DCPI Church Planting Training, in Spanish, at Greenville First: March 1014, 2015. The 2015 and 2016 South Carolina District ordination candidates are invited to participate in the Southeast Region Ministry Assessment sponsored by the TNU Center for Pastoral Health, March 20-22, 2015, Camp Garner Creek, Dickson, Tennessee. The TNU Center for Pastoral Health is offering a clinical and professional assessment weekend that includes tests to help identify strengths and assess ministry health. Mission 2015 (M15): The USA/Canada Region Mid-Quadrennial Conference will take place February 9-11, 2015, in Kansas City, Missouri. The conference theme will be ―Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future.‖ M15 will feature a strong list of plenary speakers, meaningful and unique worship experiences: 180 workshops on topics ranging from social issues of our day to theological identity issues pertinent to our denomination mega-lunches with leading speakers on powerful topics a wide array of resources for your local and district mission denominational vision casting fellowship as only Nazarenes know how to do all bathed in Spirit-infused prayer Existing NewStarts: Georgetown: 11/09 Start; Pastor James Merritt Hollywood: 3/12 Start; Pastor Ted Hambrick Perry Correctional: 11/13 Start; Pastor Gabriel Moreno Emerging NewStarts: Charleston Iglesia del Nazareno: 10/14 Start; Pastors Bill and Isa Wojtkowski West Columbia Hispanic: 9/14 Start; Pastor Ulises Garcia Jackson: 9/14 Start; Pastor Thom Harvey. (New Ellenton New Life has started a weekly service in Jackson, SC, meeting at the Fire Department.) UPDATE In the Pipeline: Batesburg: Rev. Libby Newman is prayerfully considering the planting of a Hispanic church. Blythewood: A pastor is prayerfully considering sponsoring a NewStart in this community. Bluffton: A young couple attending NTS is prayerfully considering starting a work in Bluffton upon graduation. Columbia Abundant Life: Pastor Joshua Keith is prayerfully planning the planting of a Hispanic Church at their location. Columbia Grace Hispanic: Pastor Ulises Garcia, in partnership with Rev. Brian Walker and Columbia Grace, is planning the planting of a Hispanic Church at their location. Darlington: Rev. Dana (Mark) Wolfe will be starting the work in Darlington. North Charleston: Pastor Karen Lawson is prayerfully planning “Ties to the Community” – a compassionate center NewStart. Richburg: A NewStart in Richburg is being prayerfully considered by Chester Church and Pastor John Porter. Summerville: Pastor Mike Blankenship is planning to sponsor the planting of Esperanza Iglesia del Nazareno – Hope Church of the Nazarene. Sumter Wise Drive: A Hispanic NewStart is being prayerfully considered by Sumter Wise Drive and Pastor Sammy Geddings. To register for the M15 Conference, go to: http://www.m15conference.org A useful, free resource will debut at M15. It is called simply Nazarene Essentials: Who We Are – What We Believe. It will be available at M15 in English in both a Holiness Today print version and online in a digital format. Plus, digital formats in Spanish may be downloaded at nazarene.org. This is a tool that encourages our global family to join together in proclaiming our identity as Nazarenes. You may contact [email protected] for paper copies of Holiness Today. Go to the BGS page on nazarene.org for digital copies. I know our pastors will want to get this in the hand of every interested individual, every new Nazarene, and every Nazarene family member. It will serve as a great resource for membership classes. (continued on next page) (continued) Our friend and brother, Rev. Johnny L. Price, Jr., went to be with his Lord and Savior on Monday, January 26, 2015, after a short battle with cancer. His wife Carolyn preceded him in death in September 2013. During almost 30 years of ministry he served as associate pastor at Orangeburg First and as pastor at Laurens, Orangeburg Southwest Terrace, and Bamberg where he was pastor at the time of his passing. He graduated from Nazarene Bible College in 1995. Even though we will miss Brother Johnny, we celebrate his promotion to the Church Triumphant. Over 250 South Carolina Nazarenes attended the SDMI Convention/Mid-Year Rally with Dr. Jim Diehl as special speaker. Rev. Jimmy Burks (Pam) was installed as pastor of Bennettsville First on January 14, 2015. D ISTRIC T CALENDAR Feb 5-8 DS Leadership Conference 7 Children's Bible Quiz, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 9-11 Mission 2015 (M15) in Kansas City, "Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future" 14 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 16-17 Pastors’ Prayer Summit, “The Character of a Leader,” D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 18 Ash Wednesday 21 Children's Talent Festival, Midland Valley Community 21 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 22 Statistics Due in District Office 28 Camp Board Meeting, 12 noon, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center March 2 CSM Board Meeting, 10 a.m., South Carolina District Office 7 Children's Bible Quiz Final, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins 9-11 Camp Work Days #1 We had seven participants at DCPI Church Planting Training that took place in Raleigh, North Carolina, January 26-28, 2015. They included Bill and Isa Wojtkowski, Bobby Norris, Tim Haynes, Patricia Davis, Ben LaPlace, and Travis Yarborough . Greetings SC Nazarenes: Here we are already at the beginning of February. It's that time of the church year again, ALABASTER! Alabaster Offering is this month. I hope and trust that you have been saving those nickels, dimes, quarters, etc., and filling those boxes. Alabaster is such an important part of the work of the church, at home and abroad. So many people’s needs are met worldwide because of your faithful generosity and your going the extra mile with this special offering. Hospitals, clinics, schools, and churches are built with these special funds, and so many people are affected because of people like you all over the world who make this offering a priority. I was watching a documentary the other day called, Living on One Dollar. It is about four young college students who move to Guatemala to experience rural Guatemala for two months living on a dollar a day. It is a fascinating study as these four college friends live together in a hut on rented land on one dollar a day. They go through all kinds of struggles with hunger, parasites, bug bites, and other major hardships--tough for them but normal for the local population. Needless to say, their eyes are opened and their hearts, too, as they experience what it means to be in a community, building relationships and learning firsthand about the struggles of living in a third-world country and sharing in those same struggles. It was a real eye opener--poor health, inadequate facilities, natural disasters, and lack of education are all topics that are broached through their experiences. You will have to see the movie to see what happens to these young men and the people they meet, but I was thinking about our church and all of its arms of ministry. Compassionate Ministries is on the front lines in regard to these issues and is coming up with some really ingenious ways to help people in poverty. Alabaster is and has been doing this for over 60 years. Every cent given is spent to provide facilities for health, education, worship, and discipleship. Alabaster meets these needs on every level. I want to encourage you SC Nazarenes to make this a top priority in your local churches, talk about it, have a special emphasis more than just once or twice a year. Let’s have 100 percent participation and see what God will do and how He will bless through the generous hearts of SC Nazarenes. Blessings, Rev Brian Walker A small group from our church has a one-hour song-and-preaching ministry at one of our nursing home facilities in Lexington. During my part I encouraged the residents to pray to God because He wanted to hear from His children. I prayed for them twice during that hour. After my message and a few hugs and kisses, I started towards the door. A woman came up to me and asked if I would pray for her. A couple of thoughts hit my mind randomly. First, I had just prayed for her twice in the last hour. Secondly, I thought that I would promise her that I would pray for her and make sure I did before the day ended. As quickly as these thoughts skirted across my brain, it seemed that God grabbed me by the back of my collar and said that He was always ready to hear from one of His own. So, in the middle of a swarm of people exiting that meeting hall, the two of us bowed our heads while I prayed and asked God to bless her and fill her with His presence in a fresh and new way. After the ―amen,‖ she looked into my eyes and gave me a heartfelt ―thank you.‖ It is easy to put off prayer, but God wants to hear from His children continually. The Nazarene World Week of Prayer is March 1-7. The World Day of Prayer is March 6. There are a lot of people out there that need your prayers. Don’t put it off; God is waiting! Rev. Richard Coleman JESUS Film teams have reported 69,262,366 evangelistic contacts* from January 1998 through January 2015. Of these contacts, 13,123,049 (18.9% of contacts) have indicated decisions for Christ with 5,603,606 (42.6% of decisions) initial discipleship follow-ups. There have been 48,060 preaching points started. *JESUS Film and other tools The title above was the theme of this year’s District SDMI Convention and Mid-Year Rally at Seawell’s Convention Center in Columbia. Over 300 gathered for a great day of inspiration, information, revival, and a touch of camp meeting! Our speaker, Dr. Jim Diehl, was wonderfully used of the Lord to remind us of the value of Sunday School and its potential for impacting our communities for Christ. His enthusiasm for Sunday School and his passion to reach souls were infectious. I believe everyone went away from convention this year convinced that Sunday School is worth the effort! On a personal note, if you were with us, I want to say ―Thanks for coming!‖ and if you weren’t, l hope you will make it next year! “Finishing Strong” With the Super Bowl this weekend I thought I would finish with a sports story. I saw a documentary on Russell Wilson, the quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks, after their game with Green Bay last week. He was ―mic'd‖ for the game, and cameras followed his every move. Those who saw the game know that for over three quarters of the game he really struggled, throwing four interceptions, a conference championship game record. (Not the kind of record he was hoping to set.) Since he has been pretty outspoken about his faith, I couldn’t help but wonder how he would respond to all the adversity he was facing. It was inspiring to see that no matter how the game was going, he never lost faith and never gave up! He was continually encouraging teammates to not give up and believe they were still going to win! The fourth quarter was like an entirely different game. He and his teammates played brilliantly, and the Seahawks came back and won the game. (Sorry Packer fans) I shared that to offer the following observation: Maybe you are well into the third quarter of your church year and things haven’t been looking so good. I want to encourage you to not give up and to believe that God wants to help us! Will you join me in making every effort to make our Sunday Schools the kind of place that boys and girls, teens, and families want to be? I believe that with God’s help we can have a great fourth quarter comeback, too! You are loved and appreciated, Dr. Jim Thrower Feb. 7 – District Invitational Quiz – 10 a.m. at D. Moody Gunter Camp and Retreat Center – For more information call Lynn Regan at 803-292-6128. Feb. 21 – District Children’s Talent Festival – 10 a.m. – Midland Valley Community – For more information contact Rev. Brenda Turner at [email protected]. Feb. 28 – District Prime Time Event – “Springtime In Paris” – 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Camden First – For more information call Rev. Dana Wolfe at 843-250-1895. Mar. 1 – Regional Quizzing Qualifier – 10 a.m. – D. Moody Gunter Camp and Retreat Center The goal of the SCNYI Leadership Team is to help equip pastors, youth pastors, youth workers, and parents of our district families with the tools & resources needed to lead this generation into a dynamic life in Christ! south carolina nazarene youth international ! We have been working hard to establish and streamline our efforts to help make your job of loving on students much easier and more efficient. We are currently in the process of collecting e-mail addresses and phones numbers of all our district youth leaders to try and make our distribution list more effective as we increase communication. If you are not currently on the e-mailing list and would like to be, contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to add you to the list. Remaining Payment Schedule: March 30th - $150 April 27th - $150 May 25th - $100 ! A late fee of $25 will apply to any payment not postmarked by specified date. ! Please contact Rick Yant at [email protected] with any NYC related questions. ! District Leadership: ! NYI President David Snodgrass [email protected] ! Vice-President Wes Steisslinger [email protected] ! NYI Secretary Tammie Crandall [email protected] ! NYI Treasurer Brandie Smith [email protected] Quizzing Finals|February 14th | Camden First TNT at TNU forms and first payment is to be postmarked and mailed by February 9th along with the $125 deposit. To Receive FREE Twitter Texts from our District NYI Text: 40404 Message: follow @scnyi you can find us at: www.facebook.com/ southcarolinanyi We are mindful of many blessings here at the camp and retreat center. Here a few of the more recent ones: Heritage Commons – This beautiful new facility is proving to be a wonderful blessing to our ministry here. We have already been able to expand our bookings because of the additional space it provides us. We look forward to the summer season in our new building. Creek Dredging – This project is now complete and we are very grateful to the District Advisory Board for funding and to Jimmy Haynes for his assistance in overseeing this project. The creek and lake are such a focal part of the property, and their improvement is a great blessing to the camp. AED Donation – We recently were blessed by an individual donation of an Automatic External Defibrillator device. This equipment is valued at over $1,200. Hopefully it will never be needed, but we are very grateful to have it on site in the event there is a medical emergency. New Kitchen Equipment – Though we hate to see the deli at The Bridge student ministry close, we cannot express how grateful we are for the District Advisory Board’s forethought and generosity in allowing us to get some much-needed kitchen equipment from there. We were able to move four major pieces of refrigeration equipment that were sorely needed but for which there was no funding. We also moved a large drink cooler that will be a huge asset to our children’s and youth camps in their canteen service this summer. New Picnic Shelter – We are delighted to announce that the District Advisory Board has approved funding to replace our picnic shelter with a new picnic shelter/canteen facility! This will be a wonderful addition to our ministry here, and we are so grateful for the continued support of the District Advisory Board in helping to improve the condition of our facilities and enhance our ministry to our campers. We are looking forward to a great year throughout 2015! Pastor Alan Rev. Alan Pullen, Center Manager D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 1420 Nazarene Rd., Batesburg, SC 29006 www.scnazcamp.com [email protected] (803) 730-1094 cell Camp Work Days #1, March 9-11, 2015 DISCIPLESHIP m i n i s t r i e s BUDGET PROGRESS rEPORT Thank you for your faithful stewardship and for the difference you are making across South Carolina and around the world! We are grateful to all of our churches for their support of the World Evangelism Fund, Trevecca Nazarene University, Pensions & Benefits, and the South Carolina District Fair Share. Eddie Estep, District Pastor Church Aiken Ebenezer Ashwood Bamberg Batesburg Beaufort Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Cayce Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is.Intern'l Com. Cherrydale Hispanic Chester Clemson - The Bridge Clover Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Duncan LifeSpring Florence Family Life Fort Mill Georgetown Great Falls Greenville First Greenwood Community Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Honea Path Genesis Lancaster SonLight Com. Laurens Cornerstone Lexington Shepherd Lugoff Faith Manning NewStart Midland Valley Community Moncks Corner Myrtle Beach New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pageland Rose Memorial Pelion Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg First Summerville Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive Wallace Walterboro First West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro York TOTAL January Fair Share $0.00 $479.36 $0.00 $0.00 $408.02 $393.75 $747.78 $546.14 $337.64 $2,079.00 $396.55 $81.20 $880.38 $953.00 $0.00 $617.29 $322.54 $65.00 $7,079.94 $212.54 $275.94 $0.00 $995.98 $0.00 $107.95 $6,947.19 $1,914.50 $0.00 $1,235.00 $0.00 $487.00 $0.00 $2,062.48 $2,267.04 $1,132.10 $5,283.00 $542.45 $0.00 $581.11 $636.00 $0.00 $703.00 $515.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,412.61 $1,062.60 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $2,085.16 $0.00 $1,959.17 $330.00 $93.52 $665.76 $1,582.34 $1,139.00 $1,379.26 $210.67 $55,230.96 TNU Paid YTD $160.50 $992.10 $658.01 $430.00 $854.06 $971.64 $693.41 $1,293.52 $1,004.58 $3,799.00 $998.88 $544.69 $0.00 $3,885.00 $111.05 $912.76 $900.78 $0.00 $11,306.80 $577.48 $1,363.56 $102.00 $2,677.14 $0.00 $36.35 $15,995.11 $3,311.62 $163.97 $1,967.98 $680.53 $1,436.00 $0.00 $3,320.12 $1,109.51 $3,472.17 $12,841.00 $244.11 $1,700.00 $652.91 $592.00 $1,279.78 $789.00 $1,689.08 $0.00 $771.70 $0.00 $1,707.84 $3,014.05 $0.00 $100.00 $700.00 $3,018.17 $0.00 $5,586.43 $1,790.00 $304.69 $782.08 $5,572.01 $2,483.00 $3,660.66 $306.33 $115,315.16 WEF Paid YTD $280.88 $1,864.39 $1,923.11 $1,001.07 $2,326.56 $2,176.58 $3,106.29 $3,775.61 $2,978.45 $9,154.00 $2,441.69 $2,762.43 $388.97 $11,766.00 $267.42 $1,727.39 $2,330.93 $0.00 $25,005.63 $2,200.36 $3,230.35 $259.00 $6,544.40 $0.00 $88.86 $27,599.53 $8,420.54 $827.66 $4,810.63 $1,788.64 $4,204.00 $0.00 $12,549.82 $0.00 $8,487.41 $33,215.00 $585.05 $4,700.00 $2,706.50 $1,444.00 $3,128.37 $1,008.00 $4,893.00 $0.00 $1,258.65 $0.00 $4,977.50 $13,328.20 $299.65 $860.00 $800.00 $7,377.73 $1,484.33 $14,404.23 $5,027.00 $716.64 $2,882.22 $16,222.76 $7,109.00 $9,905.62 $890.61 $295,512.66 P&B Paid YTD $200.63 $992.10 $658.01 $284.00 $899.65 $815.21 $861.66 $1,293.52 $1,133.76 $3,799.00 $998.88 $544.69 $251.53 $3,885.00 $111.05 $777.15 $901.08 $0.00 $8,056.21 $590.17 $1,243.57 $102.00 $2,567.90 $0.00 $36.35 $10,995.11 $3,401.89 $278.69 $1,967.98 $698.83 $1,436.00 $0.00 $3,298.00 $0.00 $3,472.17 $12,841.00 $244.11 $1,950.00 $652.91 $592.00 $1,279.78 $789.00 $1,689.08 $0.00 $530.31 $0.00 $1,363.50 $3,014.05 $115.84 $100.00 $625.00 $3,018.17 $573.83 $5,901.21 $1,570.00 $303.17 $914.06 $6,006.54 $2,909.00 $4,075.22 $306.33 $107,915.90 SS AM Low Country Mission Area Beaufort Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is. Intern'l Com. Hollywood Trinity Bible Fellowship Moncks Corner Summerville Walterboro First JANUARY 2015 26 139 32 60 37 10 53 26 36 208 40 30 37 10 102 46 Lower Midlands Mission Area Aiken Ebenezer Bamberg Batesburg Midland Valley Community New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pelion 19 6 15 360 21 35 84 45 51 18 27 686 43 45 98 109 Midlands Mission Area Cayce Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Lexington Shepherd West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro 39 23 0 295 15 41 104 126 88 40 41 9 410 28 64 141 158 131 Pee Dee Mission Area Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Lugoff Faith Pageland Rose Memorial Wallace 31 11 66 9 78 50 49 26 62 17 77 10 129 63 60 57 Piedmont Mission Area Chester Clover Fort Mill Great Falls Lancaster SonLight Com. Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity York 104 20 80 36 32 30 25 85 50 77 10 132 36 93 35 65 58 56 128 82 118 28 Santee Mission Area Ashwood Florence Family Life Georgetown NewStart Manning NewStart Myrtle Beach Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive 38 14 4 77 61 175 145 119 41 19 6 170 75 91 261 175 30 NA 15 548 80 12 9 NA 16 90 21 43 4065 65 11 29 442 130 32 11 18 22 88 63 48 5711 Upstate Mission Area Cherrydale Hispanic Clemson - The Bridge Duncan LifeSpring Greenville First Greenwood Community Honea Path Genesis Laurens Cornerstone Perry Correctional Center Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg Casa del Alfarero Spartanburg First TOTAL
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