www.schoolofthecathedral.org The Wednesday Bulletin February 11, 2015 Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School” Upcoming Events Wednesday, February 11 CASPA Board Meeting, 7 pm Friday, February 13 Valentine’s Tag Day- Wear red! Monday, February 16 SCHOOL CLOSED for President’s Day Youth Ministry Ski Trip Tuesday, February 17 Birthday Dressdown Pass Day Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday, Mass 12 noon Student Council Meeting, 3-4 pm Thursday, February 19 Grade 3 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, February 20 New student deposits due Baltimore Blast Night, 7:35 pm Thursday, February 26 Grade 4 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, February 27 11:45 am Dismissal Deadline to apply for Financial Aid Saturday, February 28 Confirmation Retreat See the full calendar on the website Dear Parents, Today the students had the opportunity to be part of an assembly with Human Beat Box artist Max Bent. Mr. Bent is a part of The Young Audiences of Maryland program. He demonstrated his skill, explained the history of beat boxing, and encouraged the children to take risks and see the connections through various aspects of music and history. This was all done while involving the students in the assembly. Be sure to ask your children what they thought of this assembly! We are just a little more than a month away from the March 15th Baltimore St. Patrick Parade. As in years past, the Archdiocese is entering a float and inviting all schools to send students to march along the route with it. This is an extremely fun way to get the Catholic School message out to thousands of parade goers. If you are interested in walking in the parade, please contact Mia White [email protected] so that she may notify the Archdiocese of our numbers. Next week marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Please join us for the Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday at 12 PM. For Catholics, this a very special time of year and as such we encourage parents to begin speaking with their children now about the meaning of and importance of Lent. Lent is a season of reflection, re-evaluation, repentance, and reconciliation. We endeavor to let go of those things that prevent us from understanding the powerful forgiveness and love of God. Speaking of Lent… this year the Middle School will continue with the tradition of having “Soup & Bread Fridays.” During lunch on Friday, the Middle School students will spend quiet time in reflection while eating a simple meal of ramen noodle soup and bread. There will be an option for those students will food allergies. Father Andrew will provide a guided meditation or reflection as the students eat in silence. Students will still be permitted to have their normal snack during the day. Look for an email from your child’s homeroom teacher regarding specifics. A quick reminder about Fine Arts Night Permission Slips and auditions. The permission slips can be found on the ledge next to the front office. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, February 17th for vocalists and Wednesday, February 18th for instrumentalists. Remember that since the musical portion of Fine Arts night is limited to 90 minutes we will have a maximum of 18 musical acts. We have a number of teachers who will be a part of the selection committee since, depending on numbers, there is the possibility that all those who wish to participate may not have the opportunity this year. Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector [email protected] “And He will raise you up on eagles' wings Bear you on the breath of dawn Make you to shine like the sun And hold you in the palm of His hand.”– Refrain from Eagles Wings Dr. Jane Towery, Principal [email protected] Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal [email protected] Dr. Jane Towery Principal Mr. Michael Wright Assistant Principal Donations Needed for Science Night We need to collect the following for science night: • Empty paper towel rolls • Plastic bottle caps • Empty thin cardboard boxes (cereal boxes, cracker boxes, pasta boxes, etc.) • Empty thick cardboard boxes (amazon packages, shipping boxes, etc.) • Small figurines (polly pocket, lego men, buttons, army men, etc.) ALL ITEMS CAN BE SENT TO MS. EMERSON OR MRS. HAUSSMANN’S ROOM. Thank you! The 2015 Cardinal Cup Calendar of Events Wed., Feb. 4th – Mon., March 2nd: Art Contest Thursday, Feb 5 - Friday, Feb 13th: Running Clinic- Registration Thurs., March 5 – Thurs., April 23: Running Clinic Friday, March 11th: Cardinal Cup Registration Opens Wed., April 22: Race Packets Distributed Friday, April 24: Dress Down Day – students can wear race t-shirts to school Saturday, April 25th: 7:00 am Race Day Registration Opens 8:00 am 1 Mile Fun Run Begins; 8:15 am 5K Begins Counselor’s Corner “No Place I’d Rather Be” Student Challenge played on the bulletin board by the front office. These students will be further recognized at the Wednesday Assembly. For example, a student receiving a Mustang ticket in February will be recognized at the March 4th Wednesday Assembly in the gym. Each green ticket will then be placed into a bin and one winner will be drawn from each grade level. Each student winner can choose from one of the following rewards: 1. Dress Down Day pass 2. Homework pass 3. Assist with AM announcements At Cathedral, we PRAY every day Practice Peace Respect ourselves and others Accept responsibility Your best effort always! When a faculty/staff member observes a student displaying exemplary behavior, the student will be recognized and rewarded by receiving a green ticket (see above photo right). The green ticket will be dis- •2• News Some parents wonder why their kids need immunizations if many of the diseases they protect against are no longer commonly seen in the United States. But the fact is that infectious diseases that are rare or nonexistent here (because of immunization programs) are still huge problems in other parts of the world. It's also important to understand the concept of "community immunity" (or "herd immunity") which is when the majority of a population is immunized against a contagious disease, thus providing little opportunity for an outbreak. A single person's chance of catching a disease is low if everyone else is immunized. But each person who isn't immunized gives a highly contagious disease one more chance to spread. People who can't receive certain vaccines (such as infants, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems) are also protected when most of the population is immunized. So when parents decide not to vaccinate their kids, they not only put them at risk, but also others who cannot be vaccinated. Many parents worry about their children (especially infants) getting too many shots in one visit. They feel it might be "overwhelming" to the child's "immature" immune system. This prompts them to request delaying or postponing some immunizations so that the shots could be more spaced out or given one at a time. A recent online survey shows that more than 1 in 10 parents use alternative immunization schedules that don't adhere to the recommendations of health experts. Yet, the truth is that there is no evidence to suggest that childhood vaccines can overload a baby's immune system. On the contrary, babies are exposed to numerous bacteria and viruses on a daily basis — so much so that the added exposure from the vaccines is simply a drop in the bucket. This past Monday was the BIG KICK-OFF for our next Student Challenge! Our teachers and students watched a video outlining this special challenge. See the video clip below for more details! Beginning Monday, SCMOQ faculty/staff will be looking for students who display exemplary behavior based on the premise of the school motto: Health What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support. PBIS is a school-wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behavior to create a positive school environment here at SCMOQ. SCMOQ PBIS FEB 2015 - SchoolTube SCMOQ -- No Place I'd Rather Be http://www.schooltube.com/video/f24260f 63c35407e9c21/SCMOQ%20PBIS%20F EB%202015 Happy Wednesday, Mrs. Streett The Bottom Line Immunization is the best way to protect kids from preventable diseases. A series of simple shots given from infancy to the teen years can fend off many major illnesses in millions of kids. Some people talk about "toxins" (like mercury or aluminum) or overwhelming an infant's immune system, and many even believe that the diseases are safer than the vaccines meant to prevent them. In truth, the risks of serious reactions to vaccinations are extremely small compared with the health risks associated with the often-serious diseases they can prevent. So if you see, hear, or read about side effects or downsides of immunization, speak with your doctor. It's important to get all of the facts before making a decision to delay or skip an immunization — a choice that could affect not only your kids' health but that of others. www.kidshealth.org The School of the Cathedral • February 11, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org Financial Aid Reminder: Financial Aid applications for the 2015-2015 school year are now being accepted. Please log into the FACTS website and complete the application under the Grant and Aid tab. MSGR. WOY’S WEEKLY MESSAGE Dear Friends, I want to personally thank all of you who have participated and financially supported the Archbishop's Annual Appeal through the years. We conducted the 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal commitment this weekend in our parish. I would like to remind everyone of an important change in the parish-sharing formula between the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Archbishop Lori has granted our parish an exception this year to allow all funds that are raised in the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, minus expenses, to be used for the needs of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Application deadline is February 27, 2015. To date, we have already raised $49,175 from our first 43 gifts. I invite you to participate and am grateful for the early commitments that have been received. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE Our funds raised in the 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal will assist us financially with the resources to hire a Youth Minister and a Director of Faith Formation. 3rd GRADE CLASS MASS Reception immediately following in the Undercroft. All are invited! Speaking of faith formation, on January 31st, 93 of our students celebrated their First Penance. Fr. Andrew and I spoke with the students in their classes beforehand and on the day of their First Penance, they all received a necklace to remind them of Jesus' love for them. CATHEDRAL WELLNESS COMMITTEE For those planning ahead, the Lenten and Easter schedule will be mailed to all registered households this week. Masses on Ash Wednesday will be held at 7AM, 8:15AM, Noon, and 5:30PM. I urge you to take advantage of this time to return to the basics of our faith and refocus our relationship with God and His Church. SUNDAY, MARCH 1st, 8:30AM Thanks to the parents that helped with the cafeteria recycling launch: Lindsay Senker, Karla Peddicord, Noel Burch, Ann Marie Barbour and Kara Keehan. Finally, please keep the family of James Maher in your prayers. Mr. Maher died on January 31st and his memorial Mass was celebrated Saturday morning. Want to help? If you have lunch duty, please: * make sure the recycling bin lids are open * remind students to recycle milk cartons (even if they contain milk) * look for these common items to recycle: juice boxes, yogurt cups, Lunchable trays, fruit cups, brown bags, and clean aluminum foil. Msgr. Woy Thank you for your help! Have a good week! STAND- Shield the Vulnerable Parents in the process of completing the new STAND-SHIELD training 1. Brand new Volunteers follow the instructions on our website 2. Existing Volunteers who need training and/or background check- follow the instructions on the letter you received. 3. Existing Volunteers who do not need training or a background check- please register by March 16, 2015 in order to continue as a volunteer. You will be receiving a letter if you are in this category. If you have questions, please contact Sue Seiler [email protected] CASPA Corner News for All Parents Thank you to Wendy Craig and Colleen Strain for coordinating the delicious faculty lunch on Friday, 1/30. Thank you to Lauren Russell-Wood and her Chipotle team for the awesome presentation, the give aways for the students & yummy lunch for faculty on Thursday, 1/29! Interested in getting involved in either initiative? Please email: [email protected] Sports Corner All Basketball has started. In case of bad weather, please call the Athletic Office 410-464-4083 after 8 a.m. for any cancellation information. Save the date Friday, March 13th from 7 pm-10 pm. Totally 80's Pre-Party at the Mt. Washington Tavern! Open Bar, Lite Fare and Auction Items!! Be on the lookout for an invitation in your child's folder!! We are looking forward to a fun evening at the Tavern!! See you there!! Join us for the upcoming events: Friday, February 20th at 7:35 pm: Baltimore Blast Night vs the Chicago Mustangs. The registration form is attached to this bulletin. Please return the completed forms to school by Monday, 2/15. Friday, March 6th from 5-8 pm: Family Ice Skate Night at Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena. Look for the registration flyer in this week's Wednesday folders. The registration flyer is also attached to this bulletin. Tuesday, March 10th from 11:45 am-1:15 pm: SAVE THE DATE for a Lunch & Learn with Deborah Kaufman RD, LDN at the Parish Center. Deborah will present Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight: Fact vs. Fiction. Lunch will be served. Stay tuned- more info to follow. Deborah will present Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight: Fact vs. Fiction. Lunch will be served. Stay tuned - more info to follow. The School of the Cathedral • February 11, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org •3• Community News The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-602-9799 (office) or e-mail [email protected] Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting, Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-428-3641, Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable Rates. Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (preschool-12). Contact Andrea to donate: [email protected] Join us at Baltimore Mediation for our 40-Hour Fundamental Mediation & Conflict Transformation Skills Training during from 2/23-2/27. This is a certificated training that's part of our Mediation Core Curriculum designed to teach you everything you need to know to start mediating, either professionally or for daily use and practice. Call us at 443-524-0833 for more information! Community Service Opportunity in Lacrosse: CCYL, "Charm City Youth Lacrosse" is looking for 7th & 8th boys and girls to help on Saturdays 9am-12 noon in downtown Baltimore City areas. We will be helping low income inner city kids to learn the sport of lacrosse in a fun and kind way! Come out and help these kids learn the sport, help with uniforms, the gear, the rules, stick work, scrimmages and more! If you love helping kids, want to make a difference in someone's life, and have a passion for the sport of lacrosse, we look forward to seeing you :-) Please email or call Michelle Hamed -McGonnigal, Advisory Board Member for CCYL #410-274-9500 (c) or personal [email protected]. Thank you for helping out for such a great cause, our children in Baltimore City! Free Piano to a good home: A lovely piano is looking for a new home. Formally the teaching piano for a well known classically trained soprano and pianist. Finish is a bit worn, will need to be tuned after move. Last tuned in 2010. Free- just need to come get it. Available immediately. Contact Kate Culotta for information and pictures. [email protected] Have fun and learn about great summer experiences for all ages at the Winter Family Fling & Open House at Gilman School Finney Arena, 5407 Roland Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21210 (Please use Northern Parkway entrance for parking.) Sunday February 22, 2015, anytime between 1:00-4:00 PM. For more details and to RSVP (optional), please call: 410.532.2300 Grade 2 will hold a Bake Sale on Tuesday, March 24th Mustang Market will be open! Don’t Forget... Our Daily Bread First Tuesday morning of each month Next collection: Tuesday, March 3 Pans are available in the school office Hot Dogs and Baked Beans 1 10 oz. can tomato soup 2 packages hot dogs (cut into bite size pieces) 3 16 oz. cans baked beans DRAINED 1/3 package chili mix (at most) 1. Spray pan with “Pam.” 2. Mix all ingredients in pan. 3. Cover pan securely with aluminum foil (not plastic wrap) 4. Mark top of casserole with “CMOQ, date, Hot Dogs and Beans” 5. Place in a plastic bag and tie securely and FREEZE. No baking is needed at home. These casseroles are heated thoroughly before they are served. To prevent spillage while transporting them to Our Daily Bread, CASSEROLES MUST BE FROZEN! SNOW/WEATHER RELATED CLOSINGS All official announcements regarding school closings, late openings, early closings, or emergencies are made on local radio and TV stations. The School of the Cathedral (K-8) follows the same procedure as the Baltimore County Public Schools, per Archdiocesan policy of strictly adhering to the directive of the chosen local public school system, for closing or delayed opening due to inclement weather: If Baltimore County opens 1 hour late, Cathedral will open 1 hour late, at 8:55 a.m. Students may not arrive before 8:30 a.m. The building will open at that time. If Baltimore County opens 2 hours late, Cathedral will open 2 hours late, at 9:55 a.m. Students may not arrive before 9:30 a.m. The building will open at that time. If Baltimore County is closed, Cathedral will be closed. When Baltimore County announces an early closing, Cathedral will close accordingly, and all after-school athletics, meetings, and clubs, including after-school care (Cathedral Extended Day [CED]) will be canceled: 1 hour early means that Cathedral will close at 1:45 p.m. 2 hours early means that Cathedral will close at 12:45 p.m. 3 hours early means that Cathedral will close at 11:45 a.m. Parents are expected to arrive to pick up their children promptly or to have made prior arrangements with a relative, neighbor, or friend to do so. If there is concern about road conditions, a child may leave for the day after the parent reports to the School Office and signs the child out. At all times it is the parents' decision to send children to school in adverse weather conditions. Every effort will be made to communicate as thoroughly as possible with parents regarding early closing. Since many parents work and do not have access to a radio or television during the day, we suggest that you sign up with either WBAL or Schools Out for an e-mail alert on Baltimore County school closings. Here's how to sign up for Snow Closing Alerts: For Schools Out go to http://www.schoolsout.com Click on "Services" from the menu across the top Scroll down and select “School’s Out Basic” which is a FREE e-mail alert service. Step 1- “Choose the school you want to receive e-mail notices from”-- Choose Maryland, then choose BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Step 2- Enter your e-mail address Hit “Subscribe Me” button at the bottom and you will be signed up You may also sign-up for a paid text alert service. For WBAL go to http://www.thewbalchannel.com/closings/index.html, scroll to the bottom and follow the directions for e-mail alerts from WBAL also using Baltimore County Public Schools as the system for the alert. •4• The School of the Cathedral • February 11, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
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