www.schoolofthecathedral.org The Wednesday Bulletin February 4, 2015 Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School” Upcoming Events Thursday, February 5 Acceptance letters mailed Friday, February 6 Stars and Stripes Volleyball Game Sunday, February 8 First Communion Enrollment and 2nd Grade Class Mass, 8:30 am Wednesday, February 11 CASPA Board Meeting, 7 pm Friday, February 13 Valentine’s Tag Day- Wear red! Monday, February 16 SCHOOL CLOSED for President’s Day Youth Ministry Ski Trip Tuesday, February 17 Birthday Dressdown Pass Day Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday, Mass 12 noon Student Council Meeting, 3-4 pm Thursday, February 19 Grade 3 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, February 20 Baltimore Blast Night, 7:35 pm See the full calendar on the website Dear Parents, Earlier this week, our fifth grade students completed the ACRE test. In the fall, the eighth grade completed this assessment as well. The Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) helps school, parish, and diocesan leaders evaluate the faith knowledge and attitudes of students in Catholic schools and parish-based religious education programs. As an integrated assessment tool, the ACRE provides faith knowledge questions and questions related to religious beliefs, attitudes, practices, and perceptions that inform parish and Archdiocesan leaders in regard to the religion curriculum. As mentioned last week, we continue to refine the production of Fine Arts Night. Students in grades three through eight will have the opportunity to audition to participate in the musical portion of the program. Students will be asked to perform the song “Tomorrow” from the musical Annie. Instrumentalists will be asked to prepare a two-minute piece of music to display their musical ability. Auditions will be held on February 17th and 18th after school from 3PM until 4PM in Mr. Mathis’s room. A number of teachers and staff from across the grade levels have volunteered to help assess and direct the audition process. Permission slips will be available Friday, February 6th at the office. Students who wish to participate and audition must complete the permission slips, have them signed by their parents or guardian, and return the signed permission slips to the office no later than February 17th. Late permission slips will not be accepted. The refinement of Fine Arts Night is an endeavor to bring a focus to the musical portion of the program by including those students who wish to put forth a concerted effort to make a successful and polished program for all parents and students to enjoy. As opposed to just “natural talent,” the teachers and staff will be looking for students who take this part of the program seriously and not just as an opportunity to be on stage. We believe that if a student wants to participate in the musical portion of the program, he or she will put in the time and effort to be successful. This will be a busy weekend at school. In addition to the usual basketball games on Saturday, the Archdiocese of Baltimore will hold a Teacher Fair from 9AM until 3PM in the cafeteria. On Sunday, our second graders will participate in their First Communion Enrollment during the Grade 2 Mass at 8:30AM. Looking forward to next week, Friday, February 13th is a Valentine Tag Day for Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. We ask students to donate $1 in order to participate in this tag day where they will be permitted to wear red, white, and pink. Also on Friday, we will hold our Jump-a-thon in support of The American Heart Association. We are very excited about the inaugural jump-a-thon and hope to see it grow in the years ahead. Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector [email protected] Have a great week! Dr. Jane Towery, Principal [email protected] Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal [email protected] Dr. Jane Towery Principal Mr. Michael Wright Assistant Principal 2015 Community Outreach Dear Parents, The Intermediate Team would like to thank all the parents for their generosity and support for our Catholic Schools Week Outreach. We were able to provide “My Sister’s Place” with 700 breakfast bags. The third, fourth, and fifth graders had a great time packing the bags and left on Friday feeling a great sense of accomplishment! We could not have had such a successful morning without your help! The School of the Cathedral is blessed to have such a caring community of students and parents! Egg Drop Contest Kudos to a group of 4th grade girls for placing second out of 23 teams in the annual Egg Drop Contest at Notre Dame Preparatory School! Students are charged with devising a contraption that will house a raw egg and enable it to survive a drop of 4 meters without breaking. Scores are also computed as to size and weight of the contraption, and how close it lands to the target. Congratulations to Maggie A., Eva B., Francesca D., and Ella P. for their inventive use of a hollowed out grapefruit! Way to go, girls! Thanks go out to sponsors Ms. Emerson, Mrs. Haussmann, and Mrs. Metzbower for the time spent with this fun and educational science project! Counselor’s Corner Catholic Schools WeekStudents’ Reflections We celebrated Catholic Schools Week last week in so many fun and exciting ways! Many of our teachers incorporated writing activities into this year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Some of our students’ “masterpieces” are below: “I like Cathedral School because the people are friendly. I learn about God. I like the stories about God. —Georgia, grade 1 “I love being in first grade at Cathedral School. It is cool and has toys for indoor recess. I play with blocks. This is why I love being in first grade at Cathedral School.”—Logan grade 1 “I like Cathedral School because I like •2• gym and art. I like to learn about God. I like gym because I can play dodge ball.”—Danny, grade 1 “Cathedral School is a community of faith, knowledge and service. We share our faith because we pray together and we believe in heaven and we share our prayers. At Cathedral, we share our knowledge by working together in school and learning new things. Service to others at our school is done when we help others by giving away things that we don’t need any more. Cathedral School is a wonderful Catholic School because we make new friends and go to church.” —By Weston, grade 2 “Cathedral School is a community of LOVE for poor people and children. We share our faith because we pray together in class and we pray in church. At Cathedral, we share our knowledge by talking about how to solve all kinds of problems. Service to others at school is done when we feed the poor. Cathedral School is a wonderful Catholic School because the teachers are so nice to me!” —Kylie, grade 2 Happy Wednesday! Mrs. Streett Health News Signs That Kids Are Too Busy Sooner or later, kids who are too busy will begin to show signs. Every child is different, but overscheduled kids may: * feel tired, anxious, or depressed * complain of headaches and stomachaches, which may be due to stress, missed meals, or lack of sleep * fall behind on their schoolwork, causing their grades to drop Overscheduling can also take a toll on kids' friendships and social lives. Family life also can suffer when one parent is driving to basketball practice and the other is carpooling to dance class, meals are missed. As a result, some families rarely eat dinner together, and not take the extra time to stay connected. Plus, the weekly grind of driving kids all over the place and getting to one class, game, or practice after another can be downright tiresome and stressful for parents. Tips for Busy Families The key is to schedule things in moderation and choose activities with a child's age, temperament, interests, and abilities in mind. If something's too advanced, the experience is likely to be frustrating. If it isn't engaging, kids will be bored. And when kids do something only to please their parents, it defeats the whole purpose. Depending on a kid's age and interests, it's possible to set reasonable limits on extracurricular activities and make them more enjoyable for all. Here are some simple suggestions: * Agree on ground rules ahead of time: For instance, plan on kids playing one sport per season or limit activities to two afternoons or evenings during the school week. * Know how much time is required: For example, will there be time to practice between lessons? Does your child realize that soccer practice is twice a week, right after school until dinnertime? Then there's the weekly game, too. Will homework suffer? * Try to carpool with other parents to make life easier. * Try to balance activities for all of your kids — and yourself: It hardly seems fair to spend time and energy carting one kid to activities, leaving little time for another. And take time for yourself, to do the things you enjoy, and to spend time together as a family. * Create family time: If you're eating pizza on the run every night, plan a few dinners when everyone can be home at the same time— even if it means eating a little later. Schedule family fun time, too, whether it's playing a board game or going on bike ride or hike. * Set priorities: School should come first. If kids have a hard time keeping up academically, they may need to drop an activity. * Know when to say no: If your child is already doing a lot but really wants to take on another activity, discuss what other activity or activities need to be dropped to make room for the new one. * Remember the importance of downtime: Everyone needs a chance to relax, reflect on the day, or just do nothing. Slow It Down Take a moment and think about your child's life. If it's hectic, sit down together and decide where you can cut back. If it's overly structured, set aside time for blowing off some steam. Going to church, riding a bike, taking a walk, playing a game, listening to music, or just doing nothing for a while can give kids some much-needed downtime. And never forget how important it is for kids to simply get together to play. Kids need time to just be kids! The School of the Cathedral • February 4, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org Financial Aid Reminder: Financial Aid applications for the 2015-2015 school year are now being accepted. Please log into the FACTS website and complete the application under the Grant and Aid tab. Application deadline is February 27, 2015. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 2nd GRADE CLASS MASS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 8:30AM Reception immediately following in the Undercroft. All are invited! CATHEDRAL WELLNESS COMMITTEE Many thanks to all those that made Cathedral's Wellness Day of Discovery a Success: * Steele, Wells and Shack Stanwick, Cathedral alum and lacrosse standouts, for inspiring students with their experiences as student athletes. * The American Heart Association for sharing the basics of heart health and a fun kick-start to the Jump Rope for Heart program (www.heart.org/jump). * Twinkle Twinkle Yoga Yoga (www.yogatwinkle.com) for introducing yoga basics in a fun way to enthusiastic Kindergartners. * Lauren Russell-Wood and Chipotle for an enlightening and entertaining presentation on sustainable farming practices and food with integrity. For more information, please visit www.cultivatefoundation.org ***A special thank you to Chipotle for generously providing lunch for all faculty and staff! Interested in getting involved in either initiative? Please email: [email protected] Sports Corner All Basketball has started. In case of bad weather, please call the Athletic Office 410-464-4083 after 8 a.m. for any cancellation information. MSGR. WOY’S WEEKLY MESSAGE Dear Friends, This is the announcement weekend for the 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal throughout the parishes of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Archbishop's Annual Appeal enables the Archdiocese to provide ministries and services throughout the city of Baltimore and the nine counties that comprise the Archdiocese of Baltimore. At our 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal "kick- off" reception held in the rectory on January 24th with Archbishop Lori, I recognized our past Chairs Jay and Lori Brooks, Sam and Stephanie Hoyle, and Jim and Francine Sellinger for their commitment to ensuring the success of the Archbishop's Annual Appeal at the Cathedral. I am grateful for all their efforts and to our many parishioners who have participated in the appeal through the years. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of them and acknowledge their many years of dedication. I am also pleased and delighted to announce that David and Penny Krall have agreed to serve as our 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal Chairs. David and Penny and their two daughters have been parishioners of the Cathedral since 2007. You will hear more from David and Penny in the coming weeks. This year, there is an important change in the parish-sharing formula between the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. To help address the immediate needs of the Cathedral, Archbishop Lori has granted us an exception this year to allow all funds that are raised in the Archbishop's Annual Appeal minus expenses, be used for the needs of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. I am grateful for the opportunity extended to us by Archbishop Lori to help strengthen our parish. Our funds raised in the Archbishop's Annual Appeal will assist us financially to address two areas of ministry: Hiring of a Youth Minister Hiring a Director of Faith Formation In advance of next weekend, please prayerfully consider how you will support the 2015 Archbishop's Annual Appeal, if you have not already made your commitment. Finally, please keep the family of Spencer Grace Tully in your prayers. Spencer Grace was only three years old but she knew great love thanks to her mother and father, Jodi and Chris. May Mary's son fill them with his peace. Have a Good Week! Msgr. Woy CASPA Corner News for All Parents Thank you to Lisa Melancon for making CASPA exam treats for the students; they loved them! Join us for 3 upcoming events: Friday, February 20th at 7:35 pm: Baltimore Blast Night vs the Chicago Mustangs. The registration form is attached to this bulletin. Please return the completed forms to school by Monday, 2/15. Friday, March 6th from 5-8 pm: Family Ice Skate Night at Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena. Look for the registration flyer in this week's Wednesday folders. The registration flyer is also attached to this bulletin. Tuesday, March 10th from 11:45 am-1:15 pm: SAVE THE DATE for a Lunch & Learn with Deborah Kaufman RD, LDN at the Parish Center. Deborah will present Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight: Fact vs. Fiction. Lunch will be served. Stay tuned - more info to follow. The School of the Cathedral • February 4, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org •3• Community News The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-602-9799 (office) or e-mail [email protected] Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting, Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-4283641, Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable Rates. Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (pre-school-12). Contact Andrea to donate: [email protected] Join us at Baltimore Mediation for our 40Hour Fundamental Mediation & Conflict Transformation Skills Training during from 2/23-2/27. This is a certificated training that's part of our Mediation Core Curriculum designed to teach you everything you need to know to start mediating, either professionally or for daily use and practice. Call us at 443-524-0833 for more information! Community Service Opportunity in Lacrosse: CCYL, "Charm City Youth Lacrosse" is looking for 7th & 8th boys and girls to help on Saturdays 9am-12 noon in downtown Baltimore City areas. We will be helping low income inner city kids to learn the sport of lacrosse in a fun and kind way! Come out and help these kids learn the sport, help with uniforms, the gear, the rules, stick work, scrimmages and more! If you love helping kids, want to make a difference in someone's life, and have a passion for the sport of lacrosse, we look forward to seeing you :-) Please email or call Michelle Hamed McGonnigal, Advisory Board Member for CCYL #410-274-9500 (c) or personal [email protected]. Thank you for helping out for such a great cause, our children in Baltimore City! STAND- Shield the Vulnerable Parents in the process of completing the new STAND-SHIELD training 1. Brand new Volunteers follow the instructions on our website 2. Existing Volunteers who need training and/or background check- follow the instructions on the letter you received. 3. Existing Volunteers who do not need training or a background check- please register by March 16, 2015 in order to continue as a volunteer. You will be receiving a letter if you are in this category. If you have questions, please contact Sue Seiler [email protected] •4• Free Piano to a good home: A lovely piano is looking for a new home. Formally the teaching piano for a well known classically trained soprano and pianist. Finish is a bit worn, will need to be tuned after move. Last tuned in 2010. Freejust need to come get it. Available immediately. Contact Kate Culotta for information and pictures. [email protected] Have fun and learn about great summer experiences for all ages at the Winter Family Fling & Open House at Gilman School Finney Arena, 5407 Roland Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21210 (Please use Northern Parkway entrance for parking.) Sunday February 22, 2015, anytime between 1:00-4:00 PM. For more details and to RSVP (optional), please call: 410.532.2300 Cardinal Cup Art Contest Theme: We Won’t Stop! Begins: Wednesday, Feb 4 Ends: Monday, March 2 ● Use only THREE colors (including black) ● Submit all entries on 8.5 X 11” white computer paper ● Label all artwork with your name and homeroom on the back (in pencil) Prizes for all who enter! Questions? Contact Wendy Craig at [email protected] Don’t Forget... Our Daily Bread First Tuesday morning of each month Next collection: Tuesday, March 3 Pans are available in the school office Hot Dogs and Baked Beans 1 10 oz. can tomato soup 2 packages hot dogs (cut into bite size pieces) 3 16 oz. cans baked beans DRAINED 1/3 package chili mix (at most) 1. Spray pan with “Pam.” 2. Mix all ingredients in pan. 3. Cover pan securely with aluminum foil (not plastic wrap) 4. Mark top of casserole with “CMOQ, date, Hot Dogs and Beans” 5. Place in a plastic bag and tie securely and FREEZE. No baking is needed at home. These casseroles are heated thoroughly before they are served. To prevent spillage while transporting them to Our Daily Bread, CASSEROLES MUST BE FROZEN! Youth Ministry Ski Trip to Ski Liberty Monday, February 16th The annual Youth Ministry Ski Trip! Ski Liberty on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 16th. The registration forms have been sent home and are on the school website under the “Student Life” tab. Please contact Sherri if you have any questions: 410-464-4010/[email protected] First Friday Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Chapel February 6, 2015 Schedule 8:45 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 a.m. Private Adoration 11:30 a.m. Catholic Evidence League Rosary 12:00 noon Catholic Evidence League Mass 12:30 p.m. Private Adoration 5:15 pm. Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament If you can be a Eucharistic Visitor for one (or more) of the Private Adoration half-hour slots on February 6th, please print your name and telephone number on the sheet at the entrance to the Chapel. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Healthcare Ministers are especially encouraged to sign up. Thank you. (Note: The Adoration Chapel in the Cathedral Parish Center will be closed during the First Friday Devotions in the Cathedral.) The School of the Cathedral • February 4, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
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