Weekly Bulletin - School of the Cathedral Mary Our Queen

February 18, 2015
Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School”
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, February 18
Ash Wednesday, Mass 12 noon
Thursday, February 19
Grade 3 Class Mass, 8:15 am
Friday, February 20
New student deposits due
Baltimore Blast Night, 7:35 pm
Wednesday, February 25
Student Council Meeting, 3-4 pm
Thursday, February 26
Grade 4 Class Mass, 8:15 am
Friday, February 27
11:45 am Dismissal
Deadline to apply for Financial Aid
Saturday, February 28
Confirmation Retreat
Sunday, March 1
1st Grade Class Mass, 8:30 pm
Dear Parents,
Today the students participated in the Ash Wednesday
Liturgy with the Parish. Ash Wednesday marks the
beginning of Lent—a season of penance, reflection, and fasting that prepares us
for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The ashes are a symbol of penance
made sacramental by the blessing with holy water, and they help us develop a
spirit of humility and sacrifice. Beginning this Friday, the Middle School students will begin to participate in Soup and Bread Fridays. They will spend quiet
time in reflection while eating a simple meal of ramen noodle soup and bread.
(There will be an alternative option for those students with food allergies.) Father
Andrew will provide a guided meditation or reflection as the students eat in
silence. Students will still be permitted to have their normal snack during the day.
On March 15th, the Archdiocese is entering a float in Baltimore’s St. Patrick’s
Day Parade and is inviting all schools to send students to march along the route
with the float. This is a fun way to get the Catholic School message out to
thousands of parade goers! If you are interested in attending the parade, please
contact Mia White at [email protected] so that she may notify the Archdiocese
of our numbers.
Tuesday, March 3
Our Daily Bread pick-up
Some odds and ends to note:
Wednesday, March 4
Professional Day
• The student council meeting originally scheduled for today has been
rescheduled for Wednesday, February 25th.
Thursday, March 5
Grade 5 Class Mass, 8:15 am
• All Fine Arts Night auditions will be held today at 3PM in the music room.
• Friday, February 27th is a half day for students as our
Faculty will be in Professional Development from
12:30 to 3:30PM. We remind all parents to please be
on time in picking up your children. CED will be
available for those who are registered to attend.
• As the second trimester comes to an end (March 6th)
be sure to check in with your child’s teacher and
Powerschool if you have not yet had the chance.
• STEM night is scheduled for March 12th from 6:30
until 8PM. We look forward to another fun and
successful night of learning and exploration.
Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector
[email protected]
"Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us
from our lethargy." – Pope Francis
Dr. Jane Towery, Principal
[email protected]
Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Dr. Jane Towery
Mr. Michael Wright
Assistant Principal
National Eating
Disorders Awareness
The goal of National
(#NEDAwareness Week) is to put the spotlight on the seriousness of eating disorders
and to improve public understanding of their
causes, triggers and treatments. By increasing awareness and access to resources, we
can encourage early detection and intervention, which can improve the likelihood of full
recovery for millions.
This year the National Eating Disorders
Association is focusing on the importance of
early intervention and recognizing the diverse
experiences of people personally affected by
disordered eating. Too often, signs and symptoms are overlooked as insignificant behaviors when in fact many of these are early
warning signs of eating disorders.
If someone is exhibiting signs or thoughts of
struggling with an eating disorder, intervening
during the early stages of development can
significantly increase the likelihood of preventing the onset of a full-blown eating disorder. It
also leads to greater chances of a full recovery. It can prevent years of struggle and can
even save lives. A key goal of NEDAwareness
Week is to direct individuals to a free online
screening for eating disorders at
Educating yourself and those around you
about eating disorders is a great way to get
involved. Correcting myths and spreading
awareness about the facts are important
steps to eating disorder prevention. Visit
NEDAwareness.org to review information
about how eating disorders develop and why
they are so complex, as well as finding out
how you can be proactive in recognizing contributing factors and being a part of the fight
against these life threatening illnesses.
While eating disorders are serious, potentially life-threatening illnesses, help is available
and recovery is possible. It is important for
those affected, and their loved ones, to
remember that they are not alone in their
struggle. Others have recovered and are now
living healthy fulfilling lives. Let the National
Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) be a
part of your support network. NEDA has information and resources available via our website and helpline:
www.NationalEatingDisorders.org, NEDA
Helpline: 800-931-2237.
Source: National Eating Disorders
Copyright 2014 National Eating Disorders
Association. Permission granted to copy and
reprint materials for educational purposes
Mrs. Streett
February Is Heart Health Month!
You can help your child develop healthy habits early
in life that will bring lifelong benefits. As a parent,
you can encourage your kids to evaluate their food
choice and physical activity habits. Here are some tips
and guidelines to get you started.
1. Be a good role model- You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but if kids see you trying to eat right
and getting physically active, they’ll take notice of
your efforts. You’ll send a message that good health is
impor¬tant to your family.
2. Keep things positive- Kid’s don’t like to hear what
they can’t do, tell them what they can do instead.
Keep it fun and positive. Everyone likes to be praised
for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens develop a good self-image.
3. Get the whole family moving- Plan times for
everyone to get moving together. Take walks, ride
bikes, go swimming, garden or just play hide-andseek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise
and the time together.
4. Be realistic- Setting realistic goals and limits are
key to adopting any new behavior. Small steps and
gradual changes can make a big difference in your
health over time, so start small and build up.
5. Limit TV, video game and computer time- These
habits lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive
snacking, which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Limit screen time to 2 hours per day.
6. Encourage physical activities that they’ll really
enjoy- Every child is unique. Let your child experiment with different activities until they find something that they really love doing. They’ll stick with it
longer if they love it.
7. Pick truly rewarding rewards- Don’t reward children with tv, video games, candy or snacks for a job
well done. Find other ways to celebrate good behavior.
8. Make dinnertime a family time- When everyone
sits down together to eat, there’s less chance of children eating the wrong foods or snacking too much.
Get your kids involved in cooking and planning
meals. Everyone develops good eating habits together and the quality time with the family will be an
added bonus.
9. Make a game of reading food labels- The whole
family will learn what’s good for their health and be
more conscious of what they eat. It’s a habit that helps
change behavior for a lifetime. Learn more about
reading nutrition labels.
10. Stay involved- Be an advocate for healthier children. Insist on good food choices at school. Make
sure your children’s healthcare providers are monitoring cardiovascular indicators
like BMI, blood pressure and
****Last but not least, go to
church on Sunday. Seeing
Monsignor Woy and Father
Andrew on Sunday will give
your heart a boost!!
The School of the Cathedral • February 18, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
Financial Aid
Financial Aid applications
for the 2015-2016 school year
are now being accepted.
Please log into the FACTS
website and complete the
application under the
Grant and Aid tab.
Application deadline is
February 27, 2015.
Reception immediately following
in the Undercroft. All are invited!
Dear Friends,
The big news this week - Lent!
Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. This holy season is a 40 day retreat for the entire
Church when we are called back to the basics of our relationship with God. There are three great acts of
repentance in our Judeo-Christian tradition: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. As you consider how you
will observe Lent, plan to make each of these a part of your Lenten observance.
The parish provides Prayer opportunities each day: Daily Mass (7AM, 8:15AM, and 5:30PM) along with
Stations of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent at 2PM (with the school) and 4:45PM. In addition to your
private prayers, consider attending daily Mass during Lent.
Fasting (giving up something) is meant not to just make us hungry for whatever we give up (chocolate,
video games, etc). The hunger we impose upon ourselves is to remind us that our ultimate hunger is for
God. Only God can satisfy the deepest yearnings of our hearts. As Catholics, there are two basic rules of
fasting we all observe during Lent: 1. Every Catholic 14 years of age and older is to abstain from meat
on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the Fridays of Lent; 2. Every Catholic between the ages of 18 and
59 is obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means to partake of only one full meal
a day. Some food (not equaling another full meal) is permitted at breakfast and around midday or in the
evening-depending on when a person chooses to eat the main or full meal. Lent is a time that we
traditionally fast-give up something that we are truly going to miss.
Almsgiving (sharing with the poor) and Fasting are connected. What we don't spend on ourselves by
fasting is meant to aid the poor and ease the burden of their lives.
In our Catholic Tradition, Fridays (the day of the Lord's Passion) are days of penance. This is especially
true during Lent. I am grateful to Carol Gould and the Service Commission for taking on the challenge of
providing opportunities on Lenten Fridays for service projects (Almsgiving) in conjunction with a soup
supper (Fasting) and or Stations of the Cross or Mass (Prayer). You will find specifics in the bulletin.
Also, Glenn Osborne will be teaching a new Mass setting next weekend that we will use at all Masses
throughout Lent. It's a lovely setting based on the Catholic favorite - Where Charity and Love Prevail. Be
prepared to learn new music next week!
Thanks to the parents that helped with the
cafeteria recycling launch: Lindsay
Senker, Karla Peddicord, Noel Burch,
Ann Marie Barbour and Kara Keehan.
So there it is Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving - the three great acts of Penance. Make them part of your
Want to help? If you have lunch duty,
* make sure the recycling bin lids are open
* remind students to recycle milk cartons
(even if they contain milk)
* look for these common items to recycle:
juice boxes, yogurt cups, Lunchable trays,
fruit cups, brown bags, and clean aluminum foil.
On March 14th, the annual conference of the Catholic Men's Fellowship of Maryland (CFM) will take
place at Calvert Hall High School. The theme this year is "The New Evangelization as a Way of Life." Last
year, nearly 1000 men attended from across the Archdiocese. Fr. DeFusco and I will be present for part
of the day. More detailed information can be found in today's bulletin. I would like to use this day as a
springboard to develop a "Men's Club" here at the Cathedral. Would there be interest among the men of
the parish to gather monthly for Mass, breakfast, and a brief speaker before heading off to work? I'm
open to suggestions and would hope to have an opportunity for those interested to gather and
consider what a "Men's Club" might look like at CMOQ. If you are interested or have suggestions, let
Fr. DeFusco or me know.
Thank you for your help!
I conclude this week's message with a quote from Pope Francis' Lenten message:
"Dear Brothers and Sisters, how greatly I desire that all those places where the Church is present,
especially our parishes and our communities, may become islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of
Have a Good Lent!
Msgr. Woy
CASPA Corner News for All Parents
Interested in getting
involved in either
initiative? Please email:
[email protected]
All Basketball has started.
In case of bad weather, please call the
Athletic Office 410-464-4083 after 8 a.m.
for any cancellation information.
Baltimore Blast tickets can be picked up at the school office on Thursday 2/19 and Friday
2/20- thank you for purchasing tickets and supporting CASPA events.
Attn: Parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders... CASPA and The Children's Bookstore are
pleased to announce Claudia Friddell, author of Goliath will be visiting on Thursday, February
26th. She will speak about her book and the history of the Great Baltimore Fire, as well as
elaborate on her writing process and motivation for this particular accomplishment. Thank you
to those who purchased a copy of Goliath.
Join us for the upcoming events:
Friday, March 6th from 5- 8pm: Family Ice Skate Night at Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena. Look for
the registration flyer in this week's Wednesday folders. The registration flyer is also attached
to this bulletin.
Tuesday, March 10th from 12:00-1:15 pm: Lunch & Learn with Deborah Kaufman RD, LDN
at the Parish Center. Deborah will present Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight: Fact vs.
Fiction. Lunch will be served. Stay tuned - more info to follow.
Friday, March 13th from 7-10 pm: Pre-party at Mt. Washington Tavern. Follow us on
Facebook to get all the latest updates– The Cathedral Ball 2015 and check out the live entertainment for the Prom on YouTubeThe Reagan Years, The East Coast's Original 80's
Tribute Band. See you there!
The School of the Cathedral • February 18, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all
ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-602-9799 (office) or e-mail
[email protected]
Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting,
Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-428-3641,
Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable
Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily
Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and
Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (preschool-12). Contact Andrea to donate: [email protected]
Join us at Baltimore Mediation for our 40-Hour
Fundamental Mediation & Conflict Transformation
Skills Training during from 2/23-2/27. This is a certificated training that's part of our Mediation Core
Curriculum designed to teach you everything you need
to know to start mediating, either professionally or for
daily use and practice. Call us at 443-524-0833 for
more information!
Community Service Opportunity in Lacrosse:
CCYL, "Charm City Youth Lacrosse" is looking for 7th
& 8th boys and girls to help on Saturdays 9am-12 noon
in downtown Baltimore City areas. We will be helping
low income inner city kids to learn the sport of lacrosse
in a fun and kind way! Come out and help these kids
learn the sport, help with uniforms, the gear, the rules,
stick work, scrimmages and more! If you love helping
kids, want to make a difference in someone's life, and
have a passion for the sport of lacrosse, we look forward to seeing you :-) Please email or call Michelle
Hamed -McGonnigal, Advisory Board Member for
[email protected]. Thank you for helping out
for such a great cause, our children in Baltimore City!
Free Piano to a good home: A lovely piano is looking
for a new home. Formally the teaching piano for a well
known classically trained soprano and pianist. Finish is
a bit worn, will need to be tuned after move. Last tuned
in 2010. Free- just need to come get it. Available immediately. Contact Kate Culotta for information and pictures. [email protected]
Have fun and learn about great summer experiences
for all ages at the Winter Family Fling & Open
House at Gilman School Finney Arena, 5407 Roland
Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21210 (Please use Northern
Parkway entrance for parking.) Sunday February 22,
2015, anytime between 1:00-4:00 PM. For more details
and to RSVP (optional), please call: 410.532.2300
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The 2015 Cardinal Cup
Has your child entered the 2015 Cardinal Cup
Art contest yet? It's not too late!
Use only THREE colors (including black)
● Submit all entries on 8.5 X 11” white computer paper
● Label all artwork with your name and homeroom on the back (in pencil)
Everyone who enters gets a prize!
The School of the Cathedral • February 18, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org