5- 6 June 2015 ● Suntec Singapore SHC 2015 Call for Abstracts The Singapore Hepatitis Conference (SHC) 2015 is pleased to announce that abstract submission is now open. SHC 2015 - an annual meeting now on its 2nd year, will showcase internationally renowned hepatologists and a great clinically orientated programme together with case discussions. During the 2 full day conference, delegates will be completely updated on management of HBV and HCV. According to the Global Burden of Disease Survey in 2010, there were 1,012,873 deaths from viral hepatitis in the Asia Pacific region compared to 827,567 from tuberculosis, 304,628 from HIV/AIDS and 106,729 from malaria. As viral hepatitis is a major public health concern, now is the time to share your latest research and contribute to the advancement in the field. Abstracts will be accepted for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C topics. » For complete details about the SHC 2015 abstract submission process, click here. Abstract submission deadline: 30 March 2015 Our Renowned Speakers The Conference revolves around the theme “Treatment Strategies to eradicate HBV and HCV” and will provide a compelling and challenging platform for the exchange of ideas and information. Name Country Jia Ji Dong China Samir Shah India Rino Gani Indonesia Khin Maung Win Myanmar Edward Gane New Zealand Yock Young Dan Singapore Richard Guan Singapore Tan Chee Kiat Singapore Yang Wei Lyn Singapore Pei-Jer Chen Taiwan Teerha Piratvisuth Thailand Robert Gish USA Fred Poordad USA Mitchell Shiffman USA » Visit the conference website to learn more. Online Registration Will Open Soon Registration fees have been reduced significantly from USD 400 (during SHC 2014) to USD 150! Now there are more reasons to come and attend the only Asia Pacific meeting focused on the clinical management of chronic Hepatitis B and C. » Find out more about registration and accommodation. Conference Secretariat Singapore Hepatitis Conference Pte Ltd Tel: +65 6772 6123 Fax: +65 6775 1518 Email:[email protected] Website: www.singaporehepatitisconference.com
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