Sunday Link St Mary’s Potton ♦ All Saints Sutton ♦ St John’s Cockayne Hatley 15 February 2015 — next before Lent News and Events Diary ASH WEDNESDAY service of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 7.30pm at St Mary’s this Wednesday 18 February, beginning the season of Lent. LENT COURSE written and led by Simon Gutteridge on every Tuesday evening in March at Sutton church, save the dates. Full details in the magazine (50p per copy from the church, or £5/yr to subscribe). DEANERY LENT EVENING SERVICES start on 22 Feb 6pm at Northill Parish Church with speaker Mr Alistair Burt MP. THANK YOU! to Rosemary and Tim for sharing expertise, time and effort in kindly replacing the bell ropes at Sutton Church; THANK YOU! to Geoff for generously sourcing and delivering a replacement organ for Cockayne Hatley. Benefice fellowship in action! A MILESTONE FOR GILL: Everyone is warmly invited to share bubbly and cake (coffee available) after St Mary’s 10.30 service next Sunday 22 February (11.45) in St Mary’s Hall to help her celebrate and give thanks to God for 60 years of life. Half-Term Week Monday 16th February 6pm Baptism preparation, Isaac. 8pm Baptism preparation, Annie. Tuesday 17th February 9am Morning Prayer Potton 10.30 Prayer Group, The Rectory 1pm Funeral of Nancy Harben, St Mary’s 7.30 Potton PCC, Priest’s Room Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday 7.30pm Holy Communion with Ashing Memorable Verse for the week to keep with you Thursday 19th February 9am Morning Prayer at Sutton 3pm Ministry meeting, St Albans No Soul Cinema – Half Term 7.30 Cockayne Hatley APCM, St John’s “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; my God, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 25:1) Please pray … - for those who have recently undergone surgery and are awaiting test results; - for those awaiting surgery in the coming weeks, especially remembering Jefferson tomorrow; - for those we know who are in care homes, nursing homes or sheltered accommodation; - for boldness in our witness, worship and action, to follow God’s leading in all we do; - for those killed on the M1 near Flitwick yesterday, and all those involved in the accident; - for the Ukraine/Russia ceasefire, that it will be honoured and that peace will prevail. For those we know who have asked us to pray for them : Rev Liz Hughes (wife of Archdeacon Paul), Rev Barbara Johnson. Potton: Nikki Richards, Edna Barley, Dennis Charman, Eric Jakes, Lynn Sexton (and family), Monica Mills, Abdul Rouf, Dennis Fage, Peter Tether, Fran Hodgson, Victoria Warner, Paula Evetts, Vernon Godel, Eileen Odell, Annie Hull, Hazel Rozanska, Jefferson Tarn, Andrew Craig, Alice Steadman. and Dean Syme. For the bereaved For the family and friends of Ian Woollcott, John Armstrong, Nancy Harben, Bob Darlow, Rosemarie Cockayne, Cyril Kefford, and all those who are bereaved and those remembering anniversaries of death at this time. Friday 20th February No First Steps—Half Term Living God’s Love Ministry Team RECTOR: Rev Gill Smith 01767 260782 The Rectory, Hatley Road, Potton (Day off – Wednesdays) READERS: Mr Simon Gutteridge 01767 260306 Mr David Kilpatrick 01767 261328 PRIEST ON ATTACHMENT: Rev Barbara Johnson, Chaplain to Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service LAY MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Janet Baillie, Derek Bradley, Fay Bradley, Sally Davis, Pippa Montgomery, Tina Mundy, Margaret Pryor, Liz Snoswell, Jefferson Tarn, Natalie Tarn, Paulet Wilsher. READER EMERITUS Mrs Kath Partington This Week’s Services 15 February 2015—next b/f Lent (see website or magazine for more details) 2 Kings 2:1-12 Children’s Church: every third Sunday 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 at Potton during the Shorter Communion; Mark 9:2-9 Family Services: every first Sunday at ---------Sutton and Potton 9am Holy Communion First Steps: Mums, babies and Sutton toddlers, Fridays 10-11.30 (261094) Rev Gill Smith NightLight: Reflective night service ---------second Sunday monthly 7.30-8.30pm Potton Potton Housegroups: alt Wednesdays 9am Morning Prayer 8pm (699650); alt Thursdays 10am (260565) Simon Gutteridge Potton Mothers’ Union (261206) 10:30am Shorter Communion Prayer Group: Tuesdays 10.30 Rev Gill Smith Regular Services/Events Soul Cinema: youth film nights every Thursday, Priest’s Room 6-8pm (260782) St Mary’s Bellringers ring Sundays and practise Tuesdays 7.30pm St Mary’s Choir sing Sundays 10.30 and practise Thursdays 7pm Sutton Bible Study: alternate Fridays Sutton 9am Holy Communion (see above) Cockayne Hatley 3pm Evensong Rev Gill Smith Next Week’s Services 22 February 2015—Lent 1 Genesis 9:8-17 1 Peter 3:18-end Mark 1:9-15 ---------- 9am Holy Communion Potton Rev Gill Smith ---------Potton 9am Holy Communion (see above) 10:30am Holy Communion Rev Gill Smith 12:30pm Baptism of Annie Gill Rev Gill Smith Sutton 9am Mattins David Kilpatrick Cockayne Hatley 3pm Evensong David Kilpatrick Chronicle/Website/Facebook contact: Dave Thompson: [email protected]; Sunday Link contact: Jefferson Tarn: [email protected] Going Deeper into God ♦ Transforming Communities ♦ Making new Disciples [email protected] - - - @StMarysPotton (Twitter)
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