The Club Presidents Guide To Success 2014-2015 Table of Contents Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 4 Letter to the People...................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1 Getting Started ................................................................................. 6 Registering a New Club or Organization................................................. 7 Updating / re-chartering a Club or Organization ........................... 8 Inviting others to join your club ................................................................. 9 HOW TO DESIGNATE ADMINISTRATORS AND CLUB OFFICERS ................... 9 Job Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 10 The purpose of icc meeting..................................................................................... 13 ICC meeting Schedule.................................................................................................... 14 How to schedule Meeting Space ....................................................................... 15 ACTIVITY APPROVAL GUIDE ........................................................................................ 16/17 Chapter 2 Orgsync ................................................................................................... 18 How to create an account ......................................................................................19 Features of Orgsync .................................................................................................. 20 Orgsync forms and Files ..........................................................................................21 Chapter 3 Merit Money and Fundraising ..................................... 22 List of merit money Activities ............................................................................ 23 How to apply for bills ............................................................................................ 24 CLUB SELF SUFFICIENCY ................................................................................................. 25 FUNDRAISING POLICY ......................................................................................................... 26 HOW TO CHECK CLUB ACCOUNT BALANCE .......................................................... 27 PURCHASE ORDERS ............................................................................................................ 28 P.O. ACCEPTING VENDOR LIST ....................................................................................... 29 Chapter 4 Service ..................................................................................................... 31 CAMPUS TO COMMUNITY .................................................................................................. 32 SERVICE PROJECT APPROVAL GUIDE ...................................................................... 33 2 CHAPTER 5 PUBLICITY ................................................................................................. 34 FLYER APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ 35 GENERAL POSTING GUIDELINES .................................................................................. 36 ORDERING T-SHIRTS ............................................................................................................ 38 RADIO ADVERTISING ................................................................................ 38 3 I.C.C Contact Information: Clubs Office Phone 435 652 7517 KENTLEE BROGAN CROCKETT C: (435)669-1500 V.P. of Clubs & Organizations Email: [email protected] Cammie Hurst Admin Assistant Email:[email protected] Chris Gallagher Academic Rep Email:[email protected] RACHEL MAUGHAN Health Science Rep Email: [email protected] Matthew Cooley Athletic Rep Email: [email protected] Eric Gubler Student Organization Rep Email: [email protected] Latrisa Garcia Non-Traditional Rep Email: [email protected] Mikey Nelson Multi-Cultural Rep Email: [email protected] 4 Letter to the People Howdy! My name is Kentlee Brogan Crockett and I am the DSUSA Vice-President of Clubs and Organizations for the 2014-15 school year. I would like to express to you the fantastic opportunity that has been presented to you as club administration and advisor. DSUSA Clubs and Organizations has one of the biggest influences on students experience and overall student life. Clubs and Organizations provides an avenue for like-minded individuals to congregate, develop leadership skills, and form invaluable connections. Inter-Club Council (ICC) hopes to enrich the lives of our club presidents and members by building those bridges of connection and making it so everyone has a place to “belong”. The Club representatives and I are working diligently to address, and assist, your needs and desires as clubs on the DSU campus. We have planned many opportunities for training and interaction for you and your club to get out and participate in the community that we call Dixie State University and St. George. My hope is that you will get to know and utilize your Club Representative and make big things happen for your club. In the words of our fearless Student Government Advisor, Jordon Sharp, “If we aren’t telling you no every once in awhile you aren’t thinking big enough.” My favorite thing about being part of Clubs is the opportunities it brings students to be part of the traditions of Dixie. The Homecoming Parade, Rock the Mall, Campus to Community, Dixie Fest, True Rebel, and The Great Race. If you let it, being a student and student leader on campus will benefit you beyond anything you could ever imagine. There are so many opportunities for you and your clubs to grow and learn, and most importantly, pursue what you love. If there is ANYTHING I can do to better assist you and your club or organization please make contact me or your Club Rep. I am greatly honored to be able to work with you and your organization. Cordially, Kentlee Brogan Crockett DSUSA Vice President of Clubs and Organizations 5 Chapter 1 Getting Started This chapter will be your foundation and help you to take the first steps to becoming an active club on our campus. Your responsibility is laid out for you, treat this chapter and the following chapters as your literal guide to success. Key Points • How to Start a New Club • How to update or re-charter a club or organization • Responsibilities of the Vice President of Clubs, Club Representatives, Club Presidents and Advisors • How to Schedule a Meeting Space for your Club • What the Purpose of ICC Meeting is 6 Registering a New Club Step 1 • Decide on a name for your club or organization; write a mission statement and a constitution briefly describing your clubs objective, purpose, rules, and regulation. o Constitution to include: How the club will function, the roles of each club officer, and how club officers are appointed to their positions. Step 2 • Find an advisor for your club or organization. The advisor must be current Dixie State University faculty, staff, or an administrator. Step 3 • Find a minimum of 10 members (including the Club Presidency: President, V.P., Secretary, and Treasurer [all 4 officers must be full-time students]). Remaining 6 members must take a minimum of 4 credits Step 4 • Your club is required to set up an OrgSync account to be fully established and recognized as a club or organization on campus: o Login to OrgSync in order to register a new club or organization, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before you are able to proceed with this process see page 16 for more information.) o Once you’re logged into OrgSync, click on the “Browse Organizations” tab at the top of the screen. o Click on the green “Register New Organization” tab, then select the Dixie State University Student Association umbrella and then press “Select”. o Input your club information including club meetings with day, time and location, upload your club’s constitution, fill out the required officer and advisor information, and upload a club profile picture. o Must input contact information: Name, Phone Number, and Email. o Agree to abide by ICC Requirements, official bylaws, and DSU Campus policies, and procedures to maintain charter. Step 5 • Now join the “Dixie State University Inter Club Council Portal” on OrgSync. o Click the “Browse Organizations” tab at the top of the home page of OrgSync. o Search for “Dixie State University Inter Club Council” and then click on it to open the portal. o Once you’ve opened the portal, now click on the green “Join Now” button. A window will open up and ask you to confirm. Click the green “Yes, I want to join now” button. Step 6 • Now you are ready to set up a time to present your potential club to the ICC. You can contact the V.P. of Clubs & Orgs, Brogan Crockett at [email protected] or visit the student government office room 200 upstairs in the Gardner Center. Step 7 • Allow at least 24 hours for OrgSync webpage assessment and final approval from the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations or Coordinator of Clubs and Service. 7 Updating/rechartering a Club Step 1 • Login to OrgSync in order to Re-charter/Update a Club or Organization, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before you are able to proceed with this process). Step 2 • Ensure that you are an administrator of the club or organization that you are wanting to update/re-charter. If you are not, please contact Brogan Crockett, the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations at [email protected] or Joel Griffin, the Coordinator of Clubs and Service at [email protected], to designate you as an administrator over the club account updates. Step 3 • Go to your club’s homepage, and click the “Profile” tab toward the top. Once there click the “Manage Profile” button at the bottom of the page. Then click the green “Update and Renew Profile” button. Then fill out the information needed to update the portal. Make sure your club has relevant information listed: phone numbers, emails, and ensure you are a member of the “Dixie State University Inter Club Council” Portal (for instructions on how to join this portal. Please refer to Step 5 on the “How to Register a New Club or Organization” page in this handbook). Step 4 • Now you are ready to invite new members to your club, in order to do so click on the “People” tab on the top ribbon of your club/organizations webpage. Step 5 • Allow at least 24 hours for OrgSync webpage assessment and final approval from the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. 8 How to invite others to join your club on orgsync Step 1 • Login to OrgSync and go to your club’s portal. Step 2 • Click on the “People” tab at the top of the page. Step 3 • Click the “Invite People” button in the middle of the page. Step 4 • • • Now you can enter in the emails of interested potential club members, along with a message. Make sure you separate each persons email by putting on a new line or with a comma. You can also designate whether or not you want them to be automatically added as an administrator, officer, or member of the page as soon as they accept the invitation. Step 5 • Click the green “Submit” button and your invitations will be sent by email to your potential club members. How to designate administrators and club officers on your portal: Step 1 • On your club’s portal homepage, click on the “People” tab. Step 2 • From the list of members on the left-hand side, select the club members/advisors you would like to designate as administrators/officers. (If they are not currently a member of the club, refer to the previous instructions above on how to invite them in automatically as administrators/officers) Step 3 • • • On the right hand side you should see the club member’s profile. At the bottom of the profile click the blue “Manage” link. A box will pop up to the side and you can then select “Administrators”, “Officers”, or “Members”. 9 Responsibilities of the Vice President of Clubs: The Clubs & Organizations Vice President serves as a member of the Student Association Executive Council (EC) and is a liaison between the EC and all student clubs and organizations. The Vice President of Clubs & Organizations heads the Inter Club Council, oversees weekly club meetings, and assisting all clubs and organizations to promote and market themselves to the DSUSA student body. Responsibilities of Club Representatives: Club Representatives sit on the Inter-Club Council, and the constituents they represent are club presidents. Thus, clubs have a voice through their Club Representative. Club Representatives keep frequent contact with, train, and inform Club Presidents and Club Advisors. They make decisions concerning the issues and Bills that come before the Inter-Club Council. Below is a list of the club representatives: § Non-Traditional Representative § Academic Representative § Health Science Representative § Athletic Representative § Multi-Cultural Representative § Student Organizations Representative Responsibilities of the Admin Assistant: The Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations maintains workflow by taking minutes at the weekly Inter Club Council meetings, and manages communication with the Inter Club Council and the Club Representatives. The assistance updates Orgsync timesheets, tracks assignments given to student leaders. 10 Responsibilities of a Club President: Being a club president is a very rewarding responsibility; you are, in a way starting and running your own business. A club president’s duties are as follows (individual clubs will have their own responsibilities) but not limited to: 1. Attending Bi-Weekly ICC Meetings a. ICC Meetings are held every other Tuesday in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4 PM. i. Club Presidents will be notified about when ICC meetings are being held via e-mail, text or OrgSync by their Club Representative. b. The first ICC of each semester is a MANADATORY meeting for the Club President and Club Advisor to attend. This is part of your agreement to maintain your charter with DSU as a club, if you fail to attend, arrangements can be made to make up for the absence with the VP of Clubs Brogan Crockett. 2. Keep their Club’s OrgSync account up to date with the following information: a. Current Club Presidency and Advisor are with their contact information. b. Where and when weekly meetings are held. c. When there is a change in club presidency it must be updated immediately. i. At the end of the semester a successor needs to be found by the date of the last ICC Meeting. If a successor is not found by this time, the club’s account will be frozen until one is found and updated on OrgSync. d. Update their Club’s OrgSync Portal EVERY semester to be in good standing with your clubs charter at DSU, regardless if there are no changes. 3. Recruit new members for their club. a. At the beginning of each semester clubs are invited to participate in Club Rush. i. Sign up for Club Rush on OrgSync in the forms section. b. Club Presidents and other members can recruit through out the semester by word of mouth, setting up booth on campus or by handing out fliers, creativity is welcomed and encouraged! 4. Meet with their advisor at least 3 times a semester a. It is suggested that a Club President meets with advisor at least at the beginning of the semester, mid terms and at the end of each Semester. b. It is encouraged that a Club President meets frequently with their Advisor. 5. Organize, schedule and attend at least 2 club meetings per month. a. See page for instructions on how to schedule a meeting space. It is important to know that you do not have to do everything on your own. When it comes to organizing activities and getting members excited to come to events you can delegate some 11 responsibilities to other members of your presidency. However there are some things like updating the OrgSync page and attending ICC that are the responsibility of the Club President. Responsibilities of a Club Advisor: 1. Every club must have an on-campus advisor a. An advisor must be a current member of the faculty and/or staff at Dixie State University b. When more than one advisor is named, one must be designated as the Principal advisor to whom primary responsibility is assigned c. All advisors will be approved by both the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations and the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. 2. Each advisor must be a member of the Inter-Club Council portal on Orgsync. Orgsync is a program specifically designed to help university clubs communicate and maintain their club. As a member of the ICC portal you will be notified of pertinent information concerning your club. Here is how to become a member: a. Log into your Orgsync account. If you are not a member Orgsync, please create an account at b. Once on the Dixie State University Community Home Page click Browse Organizations c. Type Inter Club Council into the search bar d. Click Join Now 3. Advisors should also be members and administrators of their specific club’s Orgsync portal. If you need help joining your club portal and becoming an administrator please, contact Joel Griffin at [email protected] or at 652-7738. As an administrator you can send emails and texts to each member of the club, manage timesheets, change the Join Club settings, etc. 4. Assure that the club Orgsync portal is updated. Orgsync is how students join clubs and find meeting information. If is not up-to-date the club will find it difficult to grow. 5. Club Advisors must be present at all overnights and/or out-of-state trips. It is against DSU policy to conduct an activity without the advisor present. If it is discovered that an advisor is not in attendance at a club function, DSU reserves the right to terminate the activity and take disciplinary action 6. Advisors provide assistance in filling out club forms and making sure all indemnity agreements are signed and turned in. All club forms can be found at, and then click on DSUSA Forms 7. Club advisors must approve all club purchases. This process has been simplified through Orgsync. You will receive an email asking you to approve a Purchase Order (PO) Request. The PO will not be filled out without your approval 8. The advisor is required to attend the first Club meeting of each term with their club president The advisor is required to attend a Club/Advisor Training Meeting each semester 12 The Purpose of ICC Meetings ICC meeting is a bi-weekly meeting that is a requirement for each club president to attend. This meeting is vital to your clubs success because it helps connect your club to campus. At this meeting there is open forum time where you can advertise for your club to other club presidents and get volunteers for upcoming events. Each meeting there is training in leadership, and important networking opportunities. It is during this meeting that you will learn about DSUSA traditions and opportunities (Most of which will help you earn merit money, more on that later though). Whether it is sign ups for Club Rush or information about getting a team together for the Great Race you will want to be here to help your club stay active and earn money for personal club events. The reason it is the club presidents responsibility to attend this meeting and not the Vice President or Treasurer is because DSUSA funds clubs and Club Representatives need a point of contact that is knowledgeable about the happenings in Clubs as well with DSUSA. Having the club president be knowledgeable about these things helps keep our line of communication clear. 13 ICC Meeting Schedule January • • 1/13/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm o 1/14/2015 Wednesday Club Rush on the Diagonal o 1/15/2015 Thursday Club Rush on the Diagonal 1/20/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm February • • 2/3/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm 2/17/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm March • • • 3/3/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm 3/17/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm 3/31/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm April • • 4/7/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm o 4/17/2015 Great Race and Carnival 4/21/2015 ICC in Gardner Center Ballroom B at 4pm 14 How to schedule a Meeting Space: To schedule a meeting space on campus (Anywhere except the Gardner Center) contact Emily Clark: • Emily Clark § (435) 879 – 4350 § [email protected] If you want to schedule meeting space in the Gardner Center contact Corey Reeves: o Corey Reeves § (435) 652-7677 § [email protected] To schedule event space for any special events contact Emily Clark or Corey Reeves if it is in the Gardner Center. The more in advance you can schedule these things, the better because space does fill up quickly. When you plan an activity other than a club meeting you need to fill out an “Activity Approval Guide”. You can obtain one of these forms in the Student Government Room in the Clubs Cubicle space or find it under “files” on Orgsync. This form needs to be filled out no less than 2 weeks prior to your event. 15 Student Activity/Event Approval Guide Each activity at Dixie State University involves various campus entities. The Activity Approval Guide ensures that you have notified all participants, have received the appropriate approvals, and have the facilities properly scheduled. Please print off this form and retrieve the appropriate signatures. Not all signatures are required; for example if you are not ordering food you do not need to meet with Food Services. Some signatures are required and are marked as such. The Activity Approval Guide must be completed at least 2 weeks before the event and returned to Jordon Sharp Director of Student Involvement. Likewise, make sure all publicity is posted and PO requests are done no later than 2 weeks before the event. Contact Name: _____________________________Phone: ________________E-mail: _____________________ Activity Description: _______________________________________________________Event Date: _________ Location: ________________________Set Up Time: _________Start Time: __________End Time: ____________ Organization Name: _______________________________________________________________ (Required Signatures) 1. CHECK DATE with any of the following: a. b. c. Jordon Sharp, Director of Student Involvement & Leadership–Gardner Center Office 208; phone 6527513; email [email protected] Luke Kerouac, Coordinator of Student Life—Gardner Office 206; Phone 652-7512 email [email protected] Joel Griffin, Coordinator of Clubs and Service—Gardner Office 227; Phone 652-7738; email [email protected] Required Signature: _______________________________________________Date:__________ 2. SCHEDULE ALL FACILITIES (Excluding the Gardner): Sharon Lee—Browning Building RM 211 8am5pm; phone 879-4350; email [email protected] Required Signature: _______________________________________________Date:__________ 3. SCHEDULE GARDNER CENTER: Corey Reeves or Brittney Fay—Gardner Center Office 104; phone 6527677; email [email protected] Required Signature: _______________________________________________Date:__________ 4. EVENT SET-UP: Corey Reeves—Gardner Center Office 104; phone 652-7677; email [email protected] [ ] Speakers [ ] Lighting [ ] Tables & Chairs [ ] Additional Power [ ] Projector & Screen [ ] Garbage [ ] Additional Items_____________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:_________ 5. SECURITY: Don Reid—Security Office; Phone 652-7515; email [email protected] Required Signature: ________________________________________________Date:_________ 6. FINAL APPROVAL: Jordon Sharp—Gardner Center Office 208; Phone: 652-7513; email [email protected] Required Signature: ________________________________________________Date:_________ (Additional Signatures if applicable) 7. Grounds/Outdoor Request: Fred Thomas—Campus Services Building; Phone 652-7549; email [email protected] Signature: ________________________________________________Date:_________ 8. FOOD SERVICES: Martin Peterson—Gardner Center Office 101; Phone 652-7676; Email [email protected] Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:_________ st 9. CASH BOX: Cashier’s Office—Holland Building 1 floor; Phone 652-7605 Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:_________ 10. Risk Management: Josh Thayn—Campus Services office 121; Phone 652-7855; email [email protected] Signature_________________________________________________Date:__________ 16 (Activity Approval Guide Cont.) Food Services: Budget:_______________________________________________________________________ Quantity (how many people or servings):____________________________________________ Price (estimated): _______________________________________________________________ Location: ______________________________________________________________________ Time of event: __________________________________________________________________ Time food is to be ready: __________________________________________________________ How many servings ready at this time: _______________________________________________ Index Code: ____________________________________________________________________ Menu (food to be served): ________________________________________________________ 17 Chapter 2 Orgsync training OrgSync is here to make your life easier as a club president. It is a program that keeps all the Clubs and Organizations together, and has features that will make your job a lot easier as a club president. Take time to learn the program, don’t worry we will have trainings through out the year to help you out too! Key Points • How to make an account on OrgSync • Features that make life easy for club presidents • Where to find forms and files on OrgSync OrgSync facilitates engagement by connecting students to organizations, departments, and programs. This web-hosted platform creates an online community for campus, and helps units across campus improve communication, information sharing, collaboration and reporting with an online tool students want to use. 18 How to make an oRGSYNC Account: Step 1: • Go to • Click the “Sign Up” Button on the top right hand side of the screen. • A screen will come up that asks you to “Choose your Community” Choose Dixie State University. Step 2: • Fill in your name, Email address and choose a password. • Agree to the terms of the user agreement by checking the box • Click the green button that says “Create Account” Step 3: • From here you can browse and join Organizations, track involvement, and check dates for upcoming events! 19 Features that make life easy! Go to your club portal, along the top ribbon there is a “More” tab that will bring up a drop down menu. Once you click it options will come with the following categories: Photos Add Photos from club events! Calendar Keep your members in the loop by keeping an up to date calendar, members of you club will receive notifications when new events are added. Polls You can add polls for your members for various things. (Example: What shirt design do you prefer or what day should our club meet next semester) To dos Make a list of things your club needs to do before the semester is over (Example: Find a successor for president next semester) Videos You can upload videos to advertise your club to its members. Discussions You can create a forum for your club and discuss topics or issues relevant to your club. Messaging This feature allows you to send Mass Text Messages and E-mails to members of your portal! Involvement You can track your involvement hours with this feature; it is particularly useful for tracking service hours. The only thing is each member needs to track their hours individually. Website This feature makes it possible to make a website for your club through OrgSync! Just click the Blue “Start Building” Button and go from there! 20 Orgsync Forms & files DSUSA Clubs use OrgSync to digitally fill out or distribute forms. When you log into OrgSync you can find forms on the tabs along the top ribbon. When you click the forms tab a list of forms will come up, the most important forms for that time will be pinned at the top of the list. If you don’t see the form you are looking for, you can use the search bar to find it quickly. Files is a similar feature, this is where you can download PDF’s and other documents. A file that you will use frequently is the Excel Spreadsheet titled “Club Account Balances” (For more information about how to use this file, see page 26). For now, know that any files you will need or asked to download at ICC will be found under the “Files” tab along the top ribbon on Orgsync. 21 Chapter 3 Merit Money and Fundraising Did you know that your club gets funding for being active and participating in activities and traditions here at Dixie? This Chapter is all about bringing in the big bucks with Merit Money and Fund Raising. Key Points • • • • • Merit Money Opportunities Fundraising Policies and forms Ideas for Self Sufficiency Checking Club Account Balances Purchase Order Request Forms 22 Merit money opportunities: Fall Semester: o $100 for entry in the Homecoming Parade o $70 for ICC meeting attendance ($10 per meeting, See ICC Schedule on Pg. 13) o $50 for Mandatory Training Meeting (August 26th) o $40 for each of the following events: § 1). Welcome Back Carnival § 2). Fall Club Rush § 3). Club service project § Paid in increments below according to how many service projects are approved and completed by your club. Max payout of $150 per semester. • 1st-‐ $30/2nd-‐$30/3rd-‐$40/4th-‐$50=$150 § 4). Campus to Community § 5). Rock the Mall o $30 for Special Needs Carnival o $20 for Freshman Friday o $100 Club of the Mouth o $150 Club of the Semester Spring Semester: o $ 100 for a team in the Great Race. o $ 70 for ICC meeting attendance ($10 per meeting) o $ 40 for each of the following events: § 1). Spring Club Rush § 2). Campus to Community § 3). D Week Carnival o 4). Club service project § Paid in increments below according to how many service projects are approved and completed by your club. Max payout of $150 per semester. • 1st-‐ $30/2nd-‐$30/3rd-‐$40/4th-‐$50=$150 o $20 allotted for a DSUSA activity decided upon by the ICC o $100 Club of the Month o $150 Club of the Semester o $50 for mandatory training/luncheon with new club president and advisor 23 How do bills work? Bills are used for additional funding for a club activity, conference, etc. The Club Council has a set of bylaws that they consult when they are investigating a bill. Writing a Club Bill Request Form Step 1 • Type “” into a search engine in order to fill out a DSUSA Club Bill Request Form. Step 2 • Click on the “DSUSA Forms” tab in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSUSA Forms page”. You will find that all of the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From this section you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the Club Bill Request Form. Step 3 • Make sure to fill out all the required fields in order for your form to be fully processed and received for assessment by the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. Step 4 • Allow at least 7 calendar days for form assessment (possible further investigation) and deliberation by the Club Council. 24 How to be a selfsufficient powerhouse Step 1 • As a club, your best asset is the diverse group that you have assemble, utilize each other’s unique talents and traits in order to further your clubs initiatives. Step 2 • Think “outside the box!” Although you have the support of the ICC, you yourselves have a responsibility for your club or organizations success. Step 3 • When Merit Money is not enough, it is time to branch out into other avenues for financial support such as: fundraising, reaching out to local businesses and/or organizations for sponsorship, and any other dynamic ideas that will perpetuate self-‐sustaining growth. Step 4 • The Club Council will always be there as a resource (such as for bills and P.O. request), but we encourage you as clubs or organizations to be independent and self-‐sufficient entities. 25 Fundraising Policy Clubs are welcome to participate in fundraising activities and deposit whatever money they raise directly into their club’s account. Before doing this, however, clubs need to have/complete the following items for their event: 1. Clubs need to fill out an activity approval guide, available on Orgsync ( 2. As part of the activity approval guide, clubs need to call and get a cash box at the cashier’s office (6527605, option 1). 3. Clubs need to have someone who has cash handling training in order to handle money during the entire event (usually an advisor). 4. Clubs need to make sure that their advisor is able to attend the entire event. 5. Clubs need to fill out the “DSUSA Fundraiser Event Fund Collection Sheet” document as they collect donations, available on Orgsync ( 6. Finally, return to the office of the Coordinator of Clubs and Service, fill out a deposit form, and drop off money immediately following the event. Example If there are any questions or problems with any one of the steps, please contact the Vice President of Clubs or the Coordinator of Clubs and Service. 26 How to check your account balance Step 1 • Login to OrgSync in order to check your DSUSA Club Account Balance, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before you are able to proceed with this process). Step 2 • Go to the top of the page and click on my memberships. From the dropdown menu, click on your club’s profile page. Step 3 • Once on your clubs home page, click on the files tab. Step 4 • You should now see a list of files available for download. Download the “Club Account Balance” file. The file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Step 5 • Enter your club’s password (that you have received from the Club Council). This password is unique to your club, and will remain the same throughout the semester. Once you have entered your password, press enter. Your club name and account balance will appear in the indicated cells. Make sure that you do not type in any of the other cells. The only cell that should be typed in should be the cell you type your password in. If you make a mistake, close the file without saving, then re-‐open the file, and try again. If your club does not have a password, or you do not remember it, or have any other comments or concerns, email the Coordinator of Clubs and Service, Joel Griffin at [email protected] or contact the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations, Brogan Crockett at [email protected] Account Number:________________________ Password:_________________________________ 27 Purchase Orders Instructions for club purchase order request form This form allows clubs to access their club funds. Clubs must use a Purchase Order for any and all expenditures. Not all businesses accept purchase orders, so make sure to check before you arrive. An individual PO cannot exceed $300. An advisor's approval is necessary before a PO can be issued. This form will automatically email your advisor but you must input their email. Upon approval from the advisor and Joel Griffin, an email will inform you that you may pick up your PO at Jordon Sharp's office, Gardner Center 208. Step 1 • Type “” into an internet browser in order to fill out a DSUSA Club Purchase Order Request Form. Step 2 • Click on the “DSUSA Forms” tab at the bottom of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSUSA forms page”. You will find that all club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From the DSUSA forms page you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the P.O. Request Form. Step 3 • Make sure to fill out all the required fields in order for your form to be fully processed and received for assessment by the Coordinator of Clubs and Service before final approval. Step 4 • Final approval will not be possible without an advisors approval. Make sure you know your advisors email and, if necessary, make them aware of the approval requirement ahead of time. Step 5 • Allow at least 24 hours for form assessment and final approval by the Coordinator of Clubs and Service (Joel Griffin). Please note that not every store accepts Purchase Orders, but here are a few stores that do: WalMart, Harmon’s, Costco, and Lowes. NOTE: If you go to Costco go to the Purchasing Office on 5th floor of the Holland Building for the Costco Card. Also, there is a $50 minimum requirement at Costco. If going to Wal-Mart go straight to Customer Service with your PO. For a larger list of Grocery, Stores and Restaurants see the PO on the following page. 28 Purchase Order List Restaurants: 25 Main ................................................................ 435-628-7110 Ahi’s “Taste of Asia” ........................................... 435-673-6604 American Grinders ................................................ 435-674-7772 Applebees .............................................................. 435-628-6600 Bear Paw (Needs Credit Guarantee) ..................... 435-634-0126 Beijing Buffet........................................................ 435-688-2582 Black Bear Café .................................................... 435-656-2327 Brick Oven ........................................................... 435-628-5800 Bucca Di Beppo .................................................... 435-627-6832 Chuck-A-Rama ..................................................... 435-673-4464 Cracker Barrel ....................................................... 435-688-1200 Croshaw’s Gourmet Pies....................................... 435-628-1700 Domino’s Pizza ..................................................... 435-628-2228 Golden Corral........................................................ 435-673-5700 Little Caesars ........................................................ 435-628-8595 Pasta Factory ......................................................... 435-674-3753 Pier 49 ................................................................... 435-656-1745 Pizza Factory ......................................................... 435-674-3753 Village Inn ............................................................ 435-652-9528 Wingers ................................................................. 435-688-1181 Grocery Stores Albertsons ............................................................. 435-688-7156 Costco ................................................................... 435-256-0003 Harmons ................................................................ 435-628-0411 Lins ....................................................................... 435-673-4656 Smiths ................................................................... 435-673-8880 Wal-Mart ............................................................... 435-674-0459 29 Other Stores Ace Hardware ....................................................... 435-673-6141 Big 5 ...................................................................... 435-688-1211 K-Mart................................................................... 435-628-4201 Lowe’s................................................................... 435-688-0286 Michaels ................................................................ 435-688-7005 Partyland ............................................................... 435-674-7655 Staples ................................................................... 435-628-7742 Fiesta Fun Center…………………………………435-628-1818 30 Chapter 4 Service Opportunities The Clubs at Dixie have always been very service oriented, and we provide each club multiple service opportunities each semester. DSUSA will even give you funding to if you plan your own Service project! We have partnered with the DSUSA service branch to have a service leader liaison that is connected to multiple community partners, they are a great avenue for ideas. Key Points • Campus to Community • Service Approval Form For more information about service opportunities, contact the Vice President of Service, Megan Church ([email protected]) or the Coordinator of Clubs and Service, Joel Griffin ([email protected]). 31 Campus to community Campus to Community is a collaborative service project that every club on campus is invited to participate in. Each semester the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations collaborates with the Vice President of Service and plans this activity. In the past, the Campus to Community projects have included cleaning up the old airport and packaging 50,000 meals to help fight hunger in the Washington County area with United Way Dixie and Switchpoint. Your club will receive $40 for bringing at least 5 members for a minimum of 1 hour. Campus to Community is often a highlight of the club activities each semester. 32 Service Approval Guide Step 1 • To receive approval, type “” into a search engine Step 2 • Click on the “DSUSA Forms” link at the bottom of the page. This will lead you to the “DSUSA Forms page”. You will find that all of the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From this section you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the “Service Project Approval Guide” before the event, and the Service Project Report Form after the event. Step 3 • When filling out the Club Service Project Approval Form you must keep a few things in mind: § § § § All club service projects have to be approved by the DSU Service Coordinator to receive merit money A minimum of 5 members have to be present at the service project in order for it to count for merit money The service project must last a minimum of 1 hour for it to count for merit money Also, if you need service ideas please feel free to contact the DSU Service Coordinator at 435-652-7738 or on the second floor of the Gardner Center across from Student Government. Step 4 • After completing a service project, you are required to fill out the Club Service Project Report Form in order to reflect on the service project outcome and have documented evidence. You can find this form by going to Then click on “DSUSA Forms” at the bottom of the page. Step 5 • Allow at least 24 hours for OrgSync webpage assessment and final approval from the DSU Service Coordinator & the VP of Clubs & Organizations. Waiver: Depending on your event it may be necessary to have participants sign a waiver beforehand. If your activity is extreme or dangerous in any consideration a waiver is needed, the form is found in the Files link on the OrgSync DSU community homepage. 33 Chapter 5 Publicity Want to advertise your club to students? DSUSA has resources to help you do this! One of the most important things you need to advertise your club is a logo for your club. Once you have that, you can start making flyers, banners, shirts and more! The purpose of this chapter is to help you market your club to students. Key Points • How to get flyers approved to hang around campus • How to order T-shirts for your club • Club Rush Tips and Tricks 34 How to get your Flyer Approved Before you can hang up any flyers around campus it needs to be approved by Deb Millet, secretary of the Dean of Students. Step 1: Make a single copy of your flyer. Check carefully for any spelling or grammar errors. Step 2: Bring your flyer to Deb Millet’s office in room 202 in the Gardner center. Your flyer will either be approved or denied at this time. If you have not filled out an “Activity Approval Guide” your flyer may be denied until it has been filled out and approved. Step 3: Once your flyer has been approved, review the posting guide on the next page. 35 General posting Guidelines • All posters, large banners or any other medium used to advertise must be approved and stamped for posting by the Dean of Students Office. (Deb Millet) • All advertising must contain the sponsor’s name, contact name and phone number on the poster or flyer. • All advertising materials should be computer generated or professionally produced. • Materials must be in good taste (FCC guidelines), adhere to campus policy, look professional, and not detract from the campus appearance. Dixie State University reserves the right to remove any posted materials that do not meet our posting guidelines. • See the Dean of Students Office for banners, lawn signs, handbill distribution, and table guidelines. • Stamped materials may remain up for fourteen days or until the completion of the event, whichever is first. Upon the conclusion of the event, all posting materials must be removed. • Only pushpins may be used to attach postings to bulletin boards. Use of masking tape, scotch tape, staples or anyadhering material is prohibited. • We do not approve the advertising of events or services that are in direct competition with events or services provided by Dixie State University. • We do not approve any postings for businesses that will receive revenue from events or are a “for profit” company. (Needs to be a (501© (3) Company) 36 • Dixie State University is not responsible for missing, stolen or outdated materials such as banners, posters, or display items. • Posting and distribution is not allowed on doors, walls (painted or brick), windows or glass, and is prohibited in classrooms and on automobiles. • Posting is not allowed in academic or administrative buildings or on departmental boards unless they have received prior approval for a departmental board. • Postings approved through the Dean of Students Office can only be displayed on GENERAL POSTING bulletin boards that are marked with a red General Posting plate. • By posting on campus, the person or organization agrees to hold Dixie State University harmless for any assessed damages or liabilities incurred as a result of the posting. 37 How to get shirts made Step 1: Make a T-Shirt Design. Step 2: Fill out the OrgSync Form titled “T-shirt, Apparel and Signage PO Request”. There is a question that asks “Are you buying TShirts, Banners or signs?” Check yes to this question. Step 3: Finish answering the questions and check the box at the bottom of the page, and click the green “Continue” Button. Step 4: Upload your T-Shirt design. RADIO ADVERTISING The Universities radio station, X91.3, would be more than happy to advertise your club or any of your events for FREE. Contact them for more information. If you click on “Forms” in Orgsync, look for the “91.3 The Storm: Announcement Order Form” and fill it out. 38
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