Wednesday October 29, 2014 sKOLE Nelspruit Post 5 Kleingoed geniet hul gate uit Marinette Potgieter Hoenders, feetjies, miere en dronk matrose was almal by Wip en Snip-kleuterskool se jaareindkonsert te sien. Dié skool, wat vanjaar die Best of Mbombela-toekenning gekry het, het op Vrydag 24 Oktober by die stadsteater opgetree. Hulle het “Daar’s ‘n hoender wat ‘n eier nie kan lê”, “Besige Miertjies” en “Drunken Sailor” gesing, begelei deur die kitaar van juf. Lynette Behrens. Foto’s: Marinette Potgieter Sien meer foto’s op Follow us @NelspruitPost Hulle gaan kultuur laat kook Hoërskool Bergvlam het onlangs ‘n nuwe bestuurspan vir hul ATKV-jeugtak gekies. Amori Potgieter is tot voorsitter verkies, met Amandus Nieuwenhuis as die ondervoorsitter. Monique Lewis sal vir die volgende jaar die sekretaresse wees en Hanno Bijzet is die nuut-verkose tesourier. Learners get lost in space Voor: Amori Potgieter, Imke Smit, (middel) Monique Lewis, Mimi-Mari van Wyk, Bridget Barnardo, Christelle Vermeulen, Hanno Bijzet, (agter) Amandus Nieuwenhuis en Strauss Strydom. Learners of Nelspruit Primary had an out-of-this-world experience last week as they took a trip to space in an inflatable dome planetarium from Edudome. It is education beyond the classroom that covers curriculum-specific content through unusual multimedia astronomy presentations. Edudome offers learners from foundation phase up to grade 9 a unique multimedia learning experience, which captivates them with the wonders of the universe. According to Ms Wilna Theron, HOD of science at the school, Edudome’s aim is to present a more lively experience to the learners and also to create enthusiasm specifically for science. ADVERTORIAL Leading the little ones for 20 years Dinkyland Nursery School Carpe Diem Primary Tel: 013-752-8428 • Fax: 086-691-4260 15 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit / Mbombela [email protected] • ϯϰϭϰϭϱE> ϯϰϭϰϮϭE& Dinkyland Nursery School which celebrated its 20th birthday last week, has become an institution in Mbombela. It was one of the first nursery schools in the city, says owner Liza de Lange who with her mom Marishe de Lange took over in October 1994. “For us this is a calling rather than a career and we feel blessed to have the privilege of caring for and teaching the hundreds of babies and preschoolers who have attended Dinkyland.” The school is registered with the departments of education, of health and of social development. Liza says she would like to thank all her clients who have become like family over the years, for their support and loyalty. “Without your support and prayers we would not have been able to live our passion.” She says, “Every step is rewarding, every drawing a unique piece of art and each new syllable a future voice to shape a generation. The awards at Dinkyland are more than engraved silverware or decorated certificates - it is in the knowledge that when your child leaves our care, we have made a difference to their future. “The Dinkyland Castle stands proud as a bastion of love, care and childhood development in the Lowveld. Here your little ones become royalty.” The school’s mission is to provide quality Front: Rozanne Drotsky, Marie Jacobs, Wilna Joubert, Mary Voster, Rita Kock, Marishe de Lange, (back) Annista Jordaan, Lettie Strydom, Annmaritha Engelbrecht and Liza de Lange. education in English and Afrikaans to all pupils by making learning fun. “Within the boundaries of Dinkyland we offer your child every tool needed to grow and shape their minds today, so that they can lead us into tomorrow. “We offer a one-stop facility where we have a developmentally appropriate learning environment for babies and toddlers; preschoolers, grade R; and an aftercare facility for older learners. Our teachers and caregivers are qualified, dedicated and nurturing to every pupil’s needs.” Dinkyland has branches in Mbombela and White River. The schools are both situated in a quiet and tranquil environment and have fully equipped classrooms with separate play areas. Enquiries: 013-744-0101 or visit 341451NM
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