Winter Symposium Official Program

Be st
i te
Tune in to
2015 PRIA
February 17-20, 2015
Marriott Crystal City
Arlington, VA
Official Program
PRIA gratefully acknowledges the support of the following companies, who
have generously contributed to the success of the 2015 Winter Symposium.
Tuesday, February 17 Sponsors
PRIA Board of Directors
Meetings (pre and post)
Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
hal Systems
Tyler Technologies
Wednesday, February 18 Sponsors
Morning Coffee ServiceFirst-Timers Breakfast
Afternoon Break
P.F.A. Inc.Simplifile, LC
Partners Network
Evening Networking Event
CSC eRecording SolutionsKofile
Thursday, February 19 Sponsors
Breakfast Refreshment Break (morning)
Harris RecordingCalloway Title
SolutionsSolutions and Escrow, LLC
Afternoon Break
evening networking event
Friday, February 20 Sponsors
Breakfast Refreshment Break (morning)
PioneerErnst Publishing
Technology Group
Cott Systems
US Imaging
Dear PRIA Members and Guests:
Welcome to the 2015 Winter Symposium in Arlington, VA. This year is slated to
be the final symposium in the Washington, D.C. area for the foreseeable future.
“Tune in to PRIA” is our theme and our programming reflects the many ways in
which PRIA “tunes in” to other voices within the property records extended
community to share ideas and solutions from which everyone can benefit.
Circle Member:
From potential federal government initiatives to new technology, security and GIS to
concurrent work group sessions, attendees should find programs that meet their needs and from which they can
learn to better serve their customers.
PRIA was established as the standard-setting body for the property records industry and is committed to not
only bringing both government and business the tools they require to engage in eRecording, but also providing
guidelines to other business processes that affect the everyday workflow.
We are delighted to welcome Doug Duncan, senior vice president and economist, Fannie Mae, for an
enlightening address on the economy of the housing industry. And, during Thursday’s lunch, we’ll hear from
Steve Bisbee, president and CEO of eOriginal and board member for the Electronic Signature and Records
Association (ESRA).
If you are not a PRIA member, then I urge you to consider making the commitment while you are at the
symposium. The PRIA membership year runs from August 1 –July 31, so right now you can join for just
50 percent of your equivalent dues category. There is a membership application (for both government and
business) included
in this program.
On behalf of the PRIA Board of Directors, I want to recognize the Winter Symposium Planning Committee whose
members have worked tirelessly for the past six months to schedule the speakers, develop working sessions and
plan social opportunities for this event. Their commitment to the success of this year’s Winter Symposium has
been invaluable. Please take a moment over the next few days to personally thank the committee members for
their service to the association.
Kim LeGate, Davidson Co., TN, conference co-chair
Liz Kelly, Ernst Publishing, conference co-chair
Charlie Epperson, SigniaDocs
Karl Klessig, CSC eRecording Solutions
Diane Swoboda Peterson, Woodbury Co., IA
Karl Trottnow, First American Mortgage Services
If you have questions, check with the staff and conference committee members who are ready and eager for your
feedback. We also welcome any comments and recommendations for future conferences.
Mark Ladd, president
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Intellectual Property
Rights Policy
This meeting is governed by the PRIA Intellectual Property Rights Policy and the
PRIA Antitrust Policy. These policies can be found in Sections 6 and 7 of the PRIA
Operating Rules posted at By participating, you are agreeing to abide
by these Policies. Any questions should be Emailed to [email protected].
Circle Member:
PRIA Antitrust Policy
It is the Antitrust Policy of PRIA that there shall be no information or social discussions about antitrust
sensitive subjects at PRIA meetings, or in connection with any PRIA activity.
Any discussion that would violate any state or federal antitrust law is prohibited by the PRIA Antitrust Policy.
The following topics, which are not intended to be an exhaustive list of prohibited topics, typify those that are
prohibited under this policy:
• Discussion or disclosure of information about profits
• Discussion or disclosure of pricing or costs
• Discussion or disclosure of information about competitive practices or strategies, including those relating to:
• Specific customers or classes of customers
• Product or service offerings
• Terms of, or conditions on, doing business
• Individual capacity or volume of business
• Individual market share, or allocation of products, services, territories or customers
• Distribution methods
• Refusal to deal with a company due to its pricing or competitive tactics
• How to deal with responses to the market behavior of a competitor
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Daily Schedule
Circle Member:
Tuesday, February 17 2:15-4 p.m.
Board Training
Salon A
Sponsors: Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
and hal Systems
4:15-5:45 p.m.
PRIA Board of Directors Meeting Sponsors: Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
and hal Systems
6-7 p.m.
Early-Bird Event
Sponsor: Tyler Technologies
Salon A
Salon BC
Wednesday, February 18 7:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m.
with morning coffee (7:30-9 a.m.)
Sponsor: P.F.A. Inc.
Mezzanine Lobby
7:45-8:45 a.m.
First-timers Breakfast (by invitation)
Meet the PRIA officers and directors and learn how
PRIA functions and gets things done.
Sponsor: Simplifile, LC
Salon A
9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.Tour of National Archives
Bus boards at 8:45 a.m. (in lobby)
2-2:30 p.m.Opening Session, “We Will Rock You” The Winter Symposium Co-chairs, Kim LeGate,
Davidson Co.; Liz Kelly, Ernst Publishing
Potomac Ballroom
2:30-3:15 p.m.Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae, “Money” Potomac Ballroom
3:15-3:45 p.m.
Refreshment Break
Sponsor: eRecording Partners Network
3:45-4 p.m.
PRIA Membership Meeting
Potomac Ballroom
Vote on the proposed bylaws changes
Mezzanine Lobby
4-5 p.m.New Technologies and Implications for Recorders, “In the Year 2525”
Ann Richards, Pioneer Technology Group; Nancy Sotomayer,
Douglas Co.; Mark Wingfield, PropertyInfo Corp.
Facilitators: Larry Burtness, Washoe Co., and
Karl Trottnow, First American Title Insurance Potomac Ballroom
5:30-6:30 p.m.,
Salon BC
Networking Event
Sponsor: CSC eRecording Solutions and
Kofile Preservation
Thursday, February 19 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.Registration
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast and Roundtable Discussions
Sponsor: PropertyInfo Corp.
Mezzanine Lobby
Salon AB
9-10:30 a.m.Concurrent Work Group Sessions
• eRecording Best Practices
Salon D
• eNotary
Salon E
• Business Requirements – LRMS Best Practices
Salon F
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Thursday, February 19
10:30-11 a.m.
Refreshment Break
Mezzanine Lobby
Sponsors: Calloway Title and Escrow, LLC, and
Harris Recording Solutions
Circle Member:
11 a.m.-NoonSecurity in the Recorder’s Office, “Let’s Lock the Door and
Throw Away the Key ”
Potomac Ballroom
Lt. Jonathan Ortiz, CPS, Fairfax Co. Sheriff’s Office
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Lunch, with speaker Steve Bisbee, eOriginal 1:30-2:30 p.m.Hot Tips from the PRIA Board, “Hit Me with your Best Shot”
2:30-3 p.m.
Refreshment Break
Sponsor: CoreLogic
3-4 p.m.GIS 101, “This Land Is Your Land”
Peirce Eichelberger, geographic Data Base
Management Systems, and David Rooney, Orange Co.
Potomac Ballroom
Mezzanine Lobby
Potomac Ballroom
4-5 p.m.
Concurrent Work Group Sessions
• Archival, Backup and Disaster Recovery
Salon D
• Indexing Standards
Salon E
Salon F
4-5:30 p.m.
XML Work Group
Roosevelt Room
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Networking Event
Sponsor: MERS
Salon BC
7:30-10:30 a.m.
Mezzanine Lobby
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast and Roundtables Sponsors: Ernst Publishing and Pioneer Technology Group
Salon AB
9-10:30 a.m.
Flat-Fee Recording Rates, “Money for Nothing”
Potomac Ballroom
Nancy Landmark, Commercial Partners Title; Penny Reed,
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage; Brian Webster, Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau; Kay Wrucke, Martin Co.
Facilitator: Mark Ladd, Simplifile, LC
10:30-10:45 a.m.
Refreshment Break
Sponsors: Cott Systems and US Imaging
Mezzanine Lobby
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Why Recorders Love Their Submitters, “Want Somebody to Love”
Deborah Beatty, Nye Co.; Denise Goll, Butler Co.;
Tom Kennedy, Broward Co.; Nancy Sotomayor, Douglas Co.
Facilitators: Jerry Lewallen, eRecording Partners Network,
and Chris Walker, Jackson Co.
Potomac Ballroom
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
GIS 201
Peirce Eichelberger, geographic Data Base
Management Systems, and David Rooney, Orange Co.
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
ULC Study Committee, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”
Potomac Ballroom
Mark Ladd, Simplifile, LC, and Kay Wrucke, Martin Co.
12:45-1:30 p.m.
Dating Game - Finding Your Match
Potomac Ballroom
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Board, Committee Chairs Conference Debrief Sponsors: hal Systems Inc., and
Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
Salon A
Friday, February 20 PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Featured Speakers
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Circle Member:
2:30-3:15 p.m. – “Money”
• Douglas G. Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist,
Fannie Mae
Douglas G. Duncan is Fannie Mae’s senior vice president and chief
economist. He is responsible for providing all forecasts and analyses on the
economy, housing and mortgage markets for Fannie Mae. Duncan also oversees corporate
strategy and is responsible for strategic research regarding external factors and their
potential impact on the company and the housing industry.
Named one of Bloomberg / BusinessWeek’s 50 Most Powerful People in Real Estate and one
of Inman News’ 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders for 2013, Duncan is Fannie Mae’s
source for information on the external business and economic environment, the implications
of changes in economic environment to the company’s strategy and execution, and forecasting for housing
activity, demographics, overall economic activity and mortgage market activity.
Prior to joining Fannie Mae, Duncan was Senior Vice President and Chief Economist at the Mortgage Bankers
Association. His experience also includes service as a LEGIS Fellow and staff member with the Committee on
Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs for Congressman Bill McCollum in the U.S. House of Representatives, and
work on the Financial Institutions Project at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Duncan received his Ph. D. in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University and his B.S. and M.S. in
Agricultural Economics from North Dakota State University.
3:45-5 p.m. – New Technologies and Implications for Recorders, “In the Year 2525”
• Ann Richards, business development, Pioneer Technology Group
For the past 26 years, Ann Richards has been involved in court government and property records. After 20 years
in the County Records Division of Broward Co., FL, she retired as assistant director and for the past six years, she
has been part of the Business Development for Pioneer Technology Group in Sanford, FL.
Richards holds a Business Degree from Florida Atlantic University.
• Nancy Sotomayor, recording manager, Douglas Co., CO
Nancy Sotomayor has worked for the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder’s Office since 1999 and has been the
Recording Manager since 2005. In 2009 she and the Larimer County Recording Manager requested permission
from the Executive Board of the Colorado County Clerk’s Association to create a resource group for County Clerks,
Recording Managers and staff. The request was granted and the Recording Statute Review Committee was
founded. Since that time the RSRC has reviewed and offered feedback on legislation, fiscal notes, best practices
and planned and hosted sessions for the winter and summer conferences.
Sotomayor has been an active member of PRIA since 2006 and was recently elected to the Board of Directors
in an at-large role. Over the years, she has participated in and co-chaired several work groups and committees
including: XML Work Group, Education Committee, Business Requirements Work Group, Membership & Marketing
Committee and Security Work Group.
• Mark Wingfield, national sales manager, PropertyInfo Co. – Government Services
Mark Wingfield has a BBA in Marketing and an MBA in Business Administration. His experience includes seven
years designing records management systems in the commercial records management industry. In this role he
marketed off-site records and data storage solutions, including micrographic systems, document scanning
services and electronic records management systems.
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Wingfield is the founder, and past president for 17 years of Dynamic Information
Solutions Co., Inc. D.I.S.C. is a provider of custom electronic management systems,
software development, courthouse recordation systems and document
conversion services.
Circle Member:
Wingfield’s current role is national sales manager for PropertyInfo Co. - Government
Services, a division of Stewart Title, Inc., located in San Antonio, TX. ProperyInfo
specializes in best of breed county government recordation systems, court case
management, software development and document conversion services.
Facilitators Larry Burtness and Karl Trottnow
• Larry Burtness, recorder, Washoe Co., NV
Larry Burtness serves as the Washoe County Recorder in Reno NV and has over 40 years of experience in the
property records industry, working in the private and public sectors. Prior to being appointed county recorder in
2013, and subsequently elected in 2014, he served as chief deputy recorder for 12 years. Burtness has been a PRIA
member since 2006 and currently serves as PRIA’s vice president.
• Karl Trottnow, First American Title Insurance Co.
Karl Trottnow joined First American in 1992. He is with the National Production Service division’s National
Recording Department. One of his main objectives is the expansion of the department’s eRecording capabilities.
In addition to eRecording he oversees the billing and audit functions of the department and is responsible for the
development and maintenance of First American’s Recording Fee Calculator.
Prior to joining First American, Trottnow worked for the real estate division of a Fortune 500 company, holding
various management positions.
He is a current member of PRIA where he co-chairs the Business Requirements Work Group.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
11 a.m.-Noon - Security in the Recorder’s Office, “Let’s Lock the Door and Throw Away the Key”
• Lt. Jonathan D. Ortiz, CPS, Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office
Lieutenant Jonathan Ortiz is a 22-year veteran of the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office and has been involved with
crime prevention for 18 years. He is a Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) certified crime
prevention specialist, field training instructor and law enforcement instructor. He was the lead assessor in the
Virginia Judicial Threat Assessment Program. He was responsible for conducting Threat Assessments of
Courthouses and Judge’s Homes throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. He assisted Fulton County, GA,
with reviewing and improving their security policies and procedures after Brian Nichols escaped and killed 4
people in 2005.
Ortiz has instructed on a variety of crime prevention topics and has conducted numerous home, business and
court security assessments on the east coast. He also has experience in reviewing, changing and creating policy. Other assignments during his career include; Confinement, Narcotics and Weapons Task-Force, Fugitive Transportation, Road Shark Program, Administrative Supervisor of Community Correction, Assistant Squad
Commander, Crime Prevention Supervisor and Supervisor of Facilities Security of the Public Safety Complex.
Prior to his law enforcement career, he spent seven years in the lighting industry where he became an expert in
proper illumination.
Noon-1:30 p.m. – Stephen Bisbee, president and CEO, eOriginal
Stephen Bisbee is a 2014 board member for the Electronic
Signature and Records Association (ESRA) and president and
CEO of eOriginal, a provider of vaulted repository and electronic
transaction management solutions. Bisbee is the co-inventor of
the eOriginal process, envisioning a unique solution for tying
electronic and legal processes to security technologies to reduce
the inefficiencies of paper-based transactions.
Circle Member:
Bisbee has more than 18 years of experience as a corporate attorney specializing in
commercial transactions, financing and development. For several years he held a leadership role among the
American Bar Association committees establishing legal standards for electronic commerce. Prior to his corporate
attorney activities, Bisbee was vice president of a New York-based restoration company.
Bisbee is also currently president of J.J. Burns & Co. Inc., a privately held investment company, and serves on the
advisory council of Waverly Management LLC, a firm specializing in private foundation asset and operation
He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Xavier University and graduated from the Boston College School of Law,
where he became a founding member of the school’s business advisory council.
1:30-2:30 p.m. – hot tips from the pria board, “Hit Me with Your Best Shot”
• Mark Ladd, vice president of regulatory and industry affairs, Simplifile, LC
• Larry Burtness, recorder, Washoe Co., NV
• Kathi Guay, register of deeds, Merrimack Co., NH
• Kim LeGate, chief deputy of operations, Davidson Co., TN
• Jerry Lewallen, eRecording Partners Network
• Jean McCalimont, Linn Co., IA (for Diane Swoboda Peterson)
• Val Wood, chief deputy recorder clerk, San Diego Co., CA
• Charlie Epperson, chief technology officer, SigniaDocs
• Karl Klessig, president, CSC eRecording Solutions
• Nancy Sotomayer, recording manager, Douglas Co., CO
• Ann Richards, business development, Pioneer Technology Group
• Zack Zaharek, vice president, senior corporate counsel, First American Corp.
3-4 p.m. – GIS 101 – “This Land Is Your Land”
• F. Peirce Eichelberger, executive consultant, geographic Data Base Management Systems, Inc.
F. Peirce Eichelberger has been implementing advanced computer technology in local government since 1975.
He has worked for Planning and IT organizations in cities and counties, including Miami, FL; Orange Co., FL; and
Chester Co., PA. As a consultant he has worked with local government clients in California, Virginia, Texas, Florida
and Pennsylvania.
Recent work with enterprise GIS implementation has led to advances in:
•CAMA (Assessment) and GIS
•E-911 and Emergency Management
•GIS and Land Record integration
•Redistricting election support
•Fiscal auditing.
He is a past president of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and received the
prestigious Horwood Award in 2008 for service to the industry. Presently he is an executive consultant with geographic Data Base Management Systems, Inc. and is working
with addressing, land record and Geoaudit® clients.
• David Rooney, manager, Official Records, Orange Co. Comptroller’s Office
David Rooney has been in local government for almost 30 years. He currently
manages the Orange Co., FL, Official Records with a staff of 41 that handles the
recording process from start to finish. The office records approximately 700,000
documents each year, generating an additional 2.15 million names for the index and
1.6 million pages to archive.
Circle Member:
Although only with Orange County since late 2013, Rooney had five years’ experience
managing the Official Records for Miami-Dade County, where he learned the recording
process in Florida’s largest jurisdiction. He has been a proponent of eRecording and
recognized early that this efficient recording option would allow the growth of recordings with existing resources.
He was with the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser from 1985 to 2008. It was there that he solidified his
knowledge of legal descriptions, property ownership, mass appraisal process, Florida Statutes and the nuances of
local government. He played key roles in the Official Record’s interface with the Appraiser’s Office, the Property
Search web application and the GIS property records for Miami-Dade County, comprising more than 800,000
Rooney holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Technology from Florida International University,
has earned several GIS certificate program designations, and has held the Florida Department of Revenue
designations of Certified Florida Evaluator and Certified Cadastralist of Florida.
Friday, February 20, 2015
9-10:30 a.m. – Flat Rate Recording Fees, “Money for Nothing”
• Nancy Landmark, production manager, Commercial Partners Title
Nancy Landmark has been known for her depth of knowledge, experience and dedication in the transfer of real
property. Recently named an elite designee and Minnesota’s First National Title Professional (NTP), this distinction
awards her achievement and commitment to the land title industry. Her broad skills have been gained from
working her way from associate to partner to sole practitioner in private practice and then as production manager
within the title industry.
Landmark joined Commercial Partners Title in 2005, bringing her expertise in examining and underwriting. Added
to this is her experience gained from active litigation in personal injury, commercial disputes, and family law and
probate matters. Her years of service and knowledge have enriched the culture of Commercial Partners Title and
exemplify her level of talent in providing title insurance solutions to clients. She has a unique understanding of
the complex relationship between real estate and other legal areas.
Landmark is a member of the Hennepin County Bar Association, Minnesota State Bar Association, North Dakota
Bar Association, Minnesota Land Title Association and Minnesota Commercial Real Estate Women Organization.
Whether focused on complex land title needs for a specific client or involved with industry events, she exemplifies
and has been celebrated for her high level of professionalism.
• Penny Reed, vice president settlement services, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Penny Reed is Vice President Settlement Services at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and a 28-year veteran of the
mortgage industry. Reed has been with Wells Fargo for more than 20 years in various positions including
underwriting, credit risk management, capital markets and agency relations. She is currently responsible for
leading the business architecture activities of the Strategic Partner Management Group, which include vendor
management, settlement services joint venture oversight, as well as strategic vendor opportunity identification
and assessment for Wells Fargo business units.
• Brian Webster, originations program manager, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
As the Originations Program Manager within the Mortgage Markets team, Brian Webster serves as CFPB’s
expert in residential mortgage originations and technology. He is responsible for overseeing policy and research
initiatives designed to evaluate how housing finance mechanisms work. He is also responsible for developing
strategies on how to improve primary market operations and originations for residential mortgages from the
viewpoint of consumer protection.
Prior to joining CFPB, he was the Vice President of Mortgage Solutions at Overture
Financial Solutions, a software and professional services firm specializing in credit
risk management and automated decision tools for new originations and loss
mitigation strategies. He was responsible for managing the mortgage division,
business development and specialized in developing customized solutions for his
clients to better manage and implement their credit risk mitigation strategies.
Circle Member:
Prior to OFS, he held positions at Freddie Mac, PC Lender and began his mortgage
banking career at Colorado Federal Saving Bank as a mortgage consultant. He served
10 years in the United States Navy and holds a B.S. in Finance from Hawaii Pacific University
and a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Thomas Edison College.
• Kay Wrucke, recorder, Martin Co., MN
Kay Wrucke serves as the Martin Co., MN, Recorder. Her work experience includes over 20 years in the
recorder’s office, as well as many years in the property management and real estate fields. Graduating from the
Minnesota State University in Mankato, she holds a degree in Social Science and History.
Wrucke is a past president of both the Minnesota County Recorder’s Association (MCRA) and the Minnesota
Association of County Officers (MACO). She serves on many committees, working with state agencies and the
legislature to upgrade Minnesota’s central data systems in vital records and UCC/CNS documents. Through the
MCRA Legislative Committee’s efforts, the Minnesota legislature approved an increase in recording fees and
specifically designated the increased fees for technology.
On the national scene, Kay Wrucke is a past president of the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and
the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks (NACRC). She serves as co-chair of the
eNotary Taskforce of the eRecording eXcellence Work Group.
Facilitator: Mark Ladd
• Mark Ladd, vice president of regulatory & industry affairs, Simplifile, LC
Mark Ladd is the vice president of regulatory and industry affairs for Simplifile, LC, provider of the largest
electronic recording network in the United States. In this role, Ladd monitors federal, state and local initiatives
that could have an impact on Simplifile’s current eRecording business, as well as future business expansion and
line extensions.
Prior to joining Simplifile, Ladd was the owner of Addison/One, LLC, a consulting firm focused on improving and
automating land records recording and management systems. In this capacity, Ladd served as the Technology
Coordinator for the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and was instrumental in the development of the
PRIA eRecording XML standards.
Ladd served as the Register of Deeds in Racine Co., WI, from 1994 until 2004. During his tenure he implemented
the first electronic recording system in Wisconsin, which was the 10th such system in the nation.
Active in many national trade associations, Ladd serves on the Board of Directors for PRIA, where he currently
holds the position of president.
Ladd’s background as a Register of Deeds, his involvement in the national standard setting process and
experience in the private sector provides comprehensive insight into the dynamic electronic recording arena.
10:45-11:45 a.m. - Why Recorders Love Their Submitter – “Money, Money, Money”
• Deborah Beatty, recorder, Nye Co., NV
Deborah Beatty moved to Pahrump, NV, in1994 from Palm Springs, CA. She started a construction clean-up
business in 1999 and ran it through 2004 after which she worked as an escrow assistant with Markem Title &
Escrow. In that position she learned title works and also how to prepare documents for recording.
In 2006 she became an escrow officer and worked in that arena until the real estate
market bottomed out in 2009. In the process of looking for a job, she was asked to
run for the county recorder position. Beatty went on to win her first election
January 3, 2011, and hasn’t looked back.
She is a member of both PRIA and NACRC.
Circle Member:
She boosts five daughters, five granddaughters with four more on the way this year.
• Denise Goll, chief deputy, Butler Co., OH
Denise Goll is the chief deputy in the Butler County Recorder’s Office in Hamilton, OH. She began working
summers in the office copy department in 1992. In 1997 she was appointed Computer Information Services
Manager, in 2000 became assistant chief deputy and in 2003 was appointed chief deputy.
Working on her 23rd year in the recorder’s office, Goll is in charge of daily operations, formulates official policies
and acts for and on behalf of Danny Crank, Butler County recorder. With numerous accomplishments in advancing
technology within the office, she ranks electronic recording at the top of her list. Butler County was the first in Ohio
to eRecord in 2005.
Goll has been a frequent speaker over the years around Ohio on numerous issues relating to eRecording. In 2013,
Butler County was presented the Model County Award by CSC and recognized for their outstanding work in
promoting eRecording in the state.
• Tom Kennedy, Director of the Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury Division
Tom Kennedy, director of the Broward Co. Records, Taxes and Treasury Division, has more than 25 years of
experience in the field of information technology and 20 years of experience in records management and
document recording. The Records, Taxes and Treasury Division is responsible for all tax collector functions,
maintaining the county’s official records (land records), clerk to board functions and public records, records
management and archives, and treasury services in Broward Co., FL.
Kennedy has been with Broward County government since 1992 and has been at the center of the county’s
electronic recording initiatives since July 2000 when the recording division participated in the first paperless, fully
electronic mortgage loan and home purchase in the United States. Broward County’s population of 1,748,066; is
the second most populated county in the state and the 18th most populous county in the United States.
• Nancy Sotomayor, recording manager, Douglas Co., CO
Nancy Sotomayor has worked for the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder’s Office since 1999 and has been the
Recording Manager since 2005. In 2009 she and the Larimer County Recording Manager requested permission
from the Executive Board of the Colorado County Clerk’s Association to create a resource group for County Clerks,
Recording Managers and staff. The request was granted and the Recording Statute Review Committee was
founded. Since that time the RSRC has reviewed and offered feedback on legislation, fiscal notes, best practices
and planned and hosted sessions for the winter and summer conferences.
Sotomayor has been an active member of PRIA since 2006 and was recently elected to the Board of Directors in an
at-large role. Over the years, she has participated in and co-chaired several work groups and committees including: XML Work Group, Education Committee, Business Requirements Work Group, Membership & Marketing and
Security Work Group.
Facilitators: Jerry Lewallen and Chris Walker
•Jerry Lewallen, president, eRecording Partners Network
Jerry Lewallen is currently the president of eRecording Partners Network (ePN) and has been with the company
since 2010. Lewallen serves on the Board of Directors for the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and
serves as co-chair of the PRIA eRecording Excellence Work Group and co-chair of the eRecording Best Practices
Taskforce. He was a part of the eRecording industry when it first began over 15 years ago working for a county land
records vendor. Lewallen has been a speaker at both the state and national level for recorder associations, land title
associations and PRIA.
• Chris Walker, clerk, Jackson Co., OR
Chris Walker was appointed as Jackson Co. clerk on February 1, 2008, and on
November 4, 2008, elected by the voter’s to serve as Jackson County Clerk. She was
re-elected as County Clerk in 2010 and 2014 for terms of four years.
Walker has over 20 years of experience in both the elections and recording programs
and brings an exuberant approach to the citizens of Jackson County by combining
knowledge, enthusiasm, energy and positive spirit to the courthouse environment.
Circle Member:
She was born and raised in Southern Oregon and graduated from Phoenix High School,
Phoenix, OR, where she served in her first elected capacity as Senior Class President.
Walker is active in many professional organizations including the Oregon Association of County Clerk’s (OACC),
Oregon delegate 2010-14 to the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers
(IACREOT), Property Records Industry Association (PRIA), National Notary, National Association of County
Recorders, Elections Officials and Clerks (NACRC), Elections Center, Children’s Advocacy Center Board of Directors
and Medford Rotary member.
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. – GIS 201 – “King of the Road”
• F. Peirce Eichelberger, executive consultant, geographic Data Base
Management Systems, Inc.
F. Peirce Eichelberger has been implementing advanced computer technology in local government since 1975.
He has worked for Planning and IT organizations in cities and counties, including Miami, FL; Orange Co., FL; and
Chester Co., PA. As a consultant he has worked with local government clients in California, Virginia, Texas, Florida
and Pennsylvania.
Recent work with enterprise GIS implementation has led to advances in:
• CAMA (Assessment) and GIS
• E-911 and Emergency Management
• GIS and Land Record integration
• Redistricting election support
• Fiscal auditing.
He is a past president of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and received the prestigious
Horwood Award in 2008 for service to the industry. Presently he is an executive consultant with geographic Data Base Management Systems, Inc. and is working with
addressing, land record and Geoaudit® clients.
• David Rooney, manager, Official Records, Orange Co. Comptroller’s Office
David Rooney has been in local government for almost 30 years. He currently manages the Orange Co., FL Official
Records with a staff of 41 that handles the recording process from start to finish. The office records approximately
700,000 documents each year, generating an additional 2.15 million names for the index and 1.6 million pages to
Although only with Orange County since late 2013, Rooney had five years’ experience managing the Official
Records for Miami-Dade County, where he learned the recording process in Florida’s largest jurisdiction. He has
been a proponent of eRecording and recognized early that this efficient recording option would allow the growth
of recordings with existing resources.
He was with the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser from 1985 to 2008. It was there that he solidified his
knowledge of legal descriptions, property ownership, mass appraisal process, Florida Statutes and the nuances of
local government. He played key roles in the Official Record’s interface with the Appraiser’s Office, the Property
Search web application and the GIS property records for Miami-Dade County, comprising more than 800,000 parcels.
Rooney holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Technology from
Florida International University, has earned several GIS certificate program
designations, and has held the Florida Department of Revenue designations
of Certified Florida Evaluator and Certified Cadastralist of Florida.
Circle Member:
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. – ULC Study Committee – “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”
• Mark Ladd, vice president of regulatory & industry affairs, Simplifile, LC
Mark Ladd is the vice president of regulatory and industry affairs for Simplifile, LC,
provider of the largest electronic recording network in the United States. In this role, Ladd
monitors federal, state and local initiatives that could have an impact on Simplifile’s current
eRecording business, as well as future business expansion and line extensions.
Prior to joining Simplifile, Ladd was the owner of Addison/One, LLC, a consulting firm focused on improving and
automating land records recording and management systems. In this capacity, Ladd served as the Technology
Coordinator for the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and was instrumental in the development of
the PRIA eRecording XML standards.
Ladd served as the Register of Deeds in Racine Co., WI, from 1994 until 2004. During his tenure he implemented
the first electronic recording system in Wisconsin, which was the 10th such system in the nation.
Active in many national trade associations, Ladd serves on the Board of Directors for PRIA, where he currently
holds the position of president.
Ladd’s background as a Register of Deeds, his involvement in the national standard setting process and
experience in the private sector provides comprehensive insight into the dynamic electronic recording arena.
• Kay Wrucke, recorder, Martin Co., MN
Kay Wrucke serves as the Martin Co., MN, Recorder. Her work experience includes over 20 years in the recorder’s
office, as well as many years in the property management and real estate fields. Graduating from the Minnesota
State University in Mankato, she holds a degree in Social Science and History.
Wrucke is a past president of both the Minnesota County Recorder’s Association (MCRA) and the Minnesota
Association of County Officers (MACO). She serves on many committees, working with state agencies and the
legislature to upgrade Minnesota’s central data systems in vital records and UCC/CNS documents. Through the
MCRA Legislative Committee’s efforts, the Minnesota legislature approved an increase in recording fees and
specifically designated the increased fees for technology.
On the national scene, Kay Wrucke is a past president of the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and
the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks (NACRC). She serves as co-chair of
the eNotary Taskforce of the eRecording eXcellence Work Group.
2015 Winter Symposium
Pre-registration List
(as of February 1)
Blake Alexander
Digital Delivery, Inc.
Dallas, TX
[email protected]
Doug Allen
Tyler Technologies Local Government
Lubbock, TX
[email protected]
Marc Aronson
Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]
Bert Auburn
Dallas, TX
[email protected]
Laurenz Bacungan
Hawaii Information Consortium
Honolulu, HI
[email protected]
Paul Clifford
Provo, UT
[email protected]
Ryan Crowley
Pioneer Technology Group, LLC
Sanford, FL
[email protected]
Dennis Curran
Essex, VT
[email protected]
Josh Dosson
US Imaging Inc.
Saginaw, MI
[email protected]
David Dudley
Calloway Title and Escrow, LLC
Atlanta, GA
[email protected]
Joel Emory
Business Information Systems
Piney Flats, TN
[email protected]
Charlie Epperson
SigniaDocs Inc. / MRN Cubed
Frisco, TX
[email protected]
Brian Ernissee
Nationwide Title Clearing
Palm Harbor, FL
[email protected]
Janet Ernst
Vienna, VA
[email protected]
Myron Finley
Nationwide Title Clearing
Palm Harbor, FL
[email protected]
David Floyd
SKLD Title Services, Inc.
Denver, CO
[email protected]
Marlys Gardner
Thomson Reuters
Austin, TX
[email protected]
Miriam Gray
Dallas, TX
[email protected]
Matthew Hailstone
Provo, UT
[email protected]
Jim Harper
P.F.A. Inc.
Sun Valley, CA
[email protected]
Randy Haupert
Indecomm Global Services
St. Paul, MN
[email protected]
Bill Hultman
Reston, VA
[email protected]
Circle Member:
Peter Johnson
Pioneer Technology Group, LLC
Sanford, FL
[email protected]
Nate Jones
Provo, UT
[email protected]
Bill Juergens
TriMin Government Solutions
Roseville, MN
[email protected]
Elizabeth Kelly
Ernst Publishing Co. LLC
Discovery Bay, CA
[email protected]
Karl Klessig
Wilmington, DE
[email protected]
Mark Ladd
Provo, UT
[email protected]
Victor Lee
Computing System Innovations
Apopka, FL
[email protected]
Jerry Lewallen
eRecording Partners Network
Minneapolis, MN
[email protected]
Scott Malfitano
Wilmington, DE
[email protected]
Aurora Marsh
Rekon Technologies
Pasadena, CA
[email protected]
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
2015 Winter Symposium
Pre-registration List
(as of February 1)
Steve McDonald
RedVision Systems Inc.
Parsippany, NJ
[email protected]
Eugene Sisneros
San Antonio, TX
[email protected]
Nakia McFarland
PropertyInfo Government Services
San Antonio, TX
[email protected]
Mihir Shah
Harris Recording Solutions
Maitland, FL
[email protected]
Scott Moore
Fidlar Technologies
Davenport, IA
[email protected]
Eric Nejedly
US Imaging Inc.
Saginaw, MI
[email protected]
Katie Paolangeli
Reston, VA
[email protected]
Penny Reed
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Saint Louis Park, MN
[email protected]
Ann Richards
Pioneer Technology Group, LLC
Sanford, FL
[email protected]
Scott Robinson
US Imaging Inc.
Saginaw, MI
[email protected]
Kelly Romeo
American Land Title Association
Washington, DC
[email protected]
Mark Rosser
Wilmington, DE
[email protected]
John Sayers
Clermont, FL
[email protected]
Mike Shelton
eRecording Partners Network
Minneapolis , MN
[email protected]
Janis Smith
Reston, VA
[email protected]
Chris Stephan
SPL, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
[email protected]
Kathy Taylor
hal Systems Corp.
Highlands Ranch, CO
[email protected]
Karl Trottnow
First American Title Insurance Co.
Cleveland, OH
[email protected]
Ben Walker
First American Title
Orem, UT
[email protected]
Mark Wingfield
PropertyInfo Government Services
San Antonio, TX
[email protected]
Gary Axtell
Tallahassee, FL
[email protected]
Deborah Beatty
Nye County
Pahrump, NV
[email protected]
Circle Member:
Nancy Becker
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA
[email protected]
Carye Blaney
Monongalia County
Morgantown, WV
[email protected]
Bill Burgess
Marion County
Salem, OR
[email protected]
Larry Burtness
Washoe County
Reno, NV
[email protected]
Dale Butts
Beaufort County
Beaufort, SC
[email protected]
Danny Crank
Butler County
Hamilton, OH
[email protected]
Gerarda Culipher
Fairfax County
Fairfax, VA
[email protected]
Jerry Czaja
Kent County
Grand Rapids, MI
[email protected]
William Drobitsch
Cook County, IL
Chicago, IL
[email protected]
Christine Ferrara
Bucks County
Doylestown, PA
[email protected]
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
2015 Winter Symposium
Pre-registration List
(as of February 1)
Jessica Flood
Rankin County Chancery Clerk
Brandon , MS
[email protected]
Ann Johnsrud
McKenzie County
Watford City, ND
[email protected]
Carol Foglesong
Orange County Comptroller’s Office
Orlando, FL
[email protected]
Tom Kennedy
Broward County
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
[email protected]
Mary Louise Garcia
Tarrant County
Fort Worth, TX
[email protected]
Pat Key
Tulsa County
Tulsa, OK
[email protected]
Bill Garrett
Davidson County
Nashville, TN
[email protected]
Teresa Kiel
Guadalupe County
Seguin, TX
[email protected]
Denise Goll
Butler County
Hamilton, OH
[email protected]
Leslie Kobata
State of Hawaii - Bureau of Conveyances
Honolulu, HI
[email protected]
Kathi Guay
Merrimack County
Concord, NH
[email protected]
Kim LeGate
Davidson County
Nashville, TN
[email protected]
Dawn Gudmunson
Nye County
Tonopah, NV
[email protected]
Bryan Long
Licking County
Newark, OH
[email protected]
Sherry Hall
Clackamas County
Oregon City, OR
[email protected]
Ronny Lott
Madison County
Canton, MS
[email protected]
Connie Higgins
Marion County
Salem, OR
[email protected]
Joyce Mascena
Town of Glastonbury
Glastonbury, CT
[email protected]
Annette Hill
New York City Department for Finance
New York, NY
[email protected]
Richard Maughan
Davis County Government
Farmington, UT
[email protected]
Lori Jarvis
Berrien County
St. Joseph, MI
[email protected]
Joan McCalmant
Linn County
Cedar Rapids, IA
[email protected]
Circle Member:
Martin McCormick
Hennepin County
Minneapolis, MN
[email protected]
Stacy Morningstar
Broward County
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
[email protected]
John Murphy
Dubuque County
Dubuque, IA
[email protected]
Timothy Nanney
Greenville County
Greenville, SC
[email protected]
Paul Piperato
Rockland County Clerk
New York, NY
[email protected]
Cathy Recker
Ohio Recorders Association
Ottawa, OH
[email protected]
Paula Rives
Tallahassee, FL
[email protected]
David Rooney
Orange County Comptroller’s Office
Orlando, FL
[email protected]
Rachel Sanchez
Ottawa County
West Olive, MI
[email protected]
Sherri Sayles
Ottawa County
West Olive, MI
[email protected]
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
2015 Winter Symposium
Pre-registration List
(as of February 1)
Rick Setser
DeKalb County
Decatur, GA
[email protected]
Val Wood
San Diego County
San Diego, CA
[email protected]
Patricia Shearman
County of Oxford
South Paris, ME
[email protected]
Kay Wrucke
Martin County
Fairmont, MN
[email protected]
Tamara Slusher
Larimer County
Fort Collins, CO
[email protected]
Karen Yarbrough
Cook County
Chicago, IL
[email protected]
Nancy Sotomayor
Douglas County
Castle Rock, CO
[email protected]
Carey Yelder
DeKalb County
Decatur, GA
[email protected]
Circle Member:
Michele Stine
Emmet County
Petoskey, MI
[email protected]
Larry Swales
Rankin County Chancery Clerk
Brandon , MS
[email protected]
Kate Sweeney Bell
Marion County
Indianapolis, IN
[email protected]
Joseph Szafran Jr.
Bucks County
Doylestown, PA
[email protected]
LeeAnn Wade
Maricopa County Recorders
Phoenix, AZ
[email protected]
Christine Walker
Jackson County
Medford, OR
[email protected]
April Wolverton
Rockingham County Circuit Court
Harrisonburg, VA
[email protected]
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Join a
Committee or Work Group
Interested in becoming move involved in PRIA and the standard-development process? Participation
in PRIA’s committees and work groups is open to all members, both regular and associate.
Circle Member:
Choose the committee or workgroup that best fits your skills or interests and initial on corresponding line:
Membership Marketing
Work Group
2015 Annual Conference Planning
2016 Winter Symposium Planning
Business Processes & Procedures
Archival, Backup & Disaster Recovery
Indexing Standards
eRecording eXcellence Work Group
Land Fraud
Land Fraud Resource Center
Records Access & Privacy Policy
Real Property Law & Legal Issues
eRecording XML
Business & Technical Requirements
Thank you for volunteering. One of the committee co-chairs will contact you. Most committees and/or work groups meet bi-monthly
throughout the year. Meetings may be more frequent when a project deadline is approaching.
City, State, Zip
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Application for Membership –
Government Sector
2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 • 919.459.2075 (Fax)
[email protected] • • PRIA Federal I.D. No.: 48-1270545
Circle Member:
Name/Title: ____________________________________________________
County/Organization Name: __________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________
General Conditions for Membership in PRIA: In accordance with the General Conditions for
Government Regular – Voting
Signature of Applicant Date
County or Municipality Offices
q Population up to 75,000
q 75,001 to 150,000
q 150,001 to 250,000
q 250,001 to 500,000
q Over 500,000
q Association, Organization$2,200
membership in this association, the applicant hereby agrees to accept and abide by the Bylaws and Operating Rules established by this Corporation, and as amended from time to time. For a copy of the Bylaws
and Operating Rules, visit
Membership Recommended by: _____________________________________________
(If an individual or company recommended PRIA membership to you, please indicate above.)
Method of Payment:
q Check (Make payable to PRIA and remit to above address)
q Credit Card:
q Visa
q MasterCard
q American Express
Card #:_______________________________________________________
Expiration: _____________________ Security Code: _____________________
Government Regular Member - Voting
A government agency ,organization or association whose primary purpose is to provide processes
or services relating to the functions of recording conveyance of property, taxing of property,
recording liens on property, and providing public access to such records. An organization or
association applying for Government Regular membership must be comprised of predominately
government members. All Government Regular Members must designate one individual to
represent the member.
Associate Staff Member – Non Voting
A staff member of a Regular Member may apply for Associate Membership.
Limited Access Member – Non Voting
Any government agency, organization, or association whose primary purpose is not substantially
involved directly in the processes or services as defined under Government Regular Member, but
who is indirectly related to the activities of Government Regular Members, may apply for Limited
Access membership. An organization or association applying for Limited Access membership
must be comprised of predominately government members. All Limited Access Members must
designate one individual to represent the member.
or Federal Agency
(National or International association or
organization whose members are government
officials, or a federal government agency)
q Association, Organization $550
or State Agency
(State association or organization whose members
are government officials, or a state government
Associate – Non-Voting
q Associate Staff Member$50
(Staff member of a Regular Member)
q Limited Access Member$200
(Individual, association or organization not eligible
for Government Regular Membership)
I want to learn more about these Committees:
q Business Processes & Procedures
q Land Fraud
q Membership Marketing
q Real Property Law & Legal Issues
q Records Access & Privacy Policy
q Technology
q Conferences
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Application for Membership –
Business Sector
Circle Member:
2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 • 919.459.2075 (Fax)
[email protected] • • PRIA Federal I.D. No.: 48-1270545
Name/Title: ____________________________________________________
Company/Organization Name: _________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
General Conditions for Membership in PRIA: In accordance with the General Conditions
for membership in this association, the applicant hereby agrees to accept and abide by the Bylaws and
Operating Rules established by this Corporation, and as amended from time to time. For a copy of the
Bylaws and Operating Rules, visit
Signature of Applicant Date
Membership Recommended by: _____________________________________________
(If an individual or company recommended PRIA membership to you, please indicate above.)
Method of Payment:
q Check (Make payable to PRIA and remit to above address)
q Credit Card:
q Visa
q MasterCard
q American Express
Card #:_______________________________________________________
Expiration: _____________________ Security Code: _____________________
(See benefits explanation)
q President’s Circle q Platinum q Gold q Bronze $10,000
Association or
Organization (national) $6,000
Association or
Organization (state) $600
(Whose members are businesses)
(Whose members are businesses)
(See benefits explanation)
q Associate Staff Member $50
(Staff member of Regular Member)
q Limited Access Member $200
(Individual, association, or organization not eligible
for Business Regular membership)
I want to learn more about these Committees:
4 Access to member and conference attendee information
4 Includes unlimited Associate Memberships
4 Annual Email blast to announce President’s Circle members
4 Invitation to attend strategic planning session
4 Company name in each issue of “In Touch”
4 Company listing in any issue of “For the Record”
4 Complimentary ad in all print issues of “For the Record”
4 Discounted additional ad spaces in electronic issues of
“For The Record”
4 Up to three (3) complimentary registrations to each
PRIA Conference (approx. $3,600 value)
4 Early bird discounts on additional conference
registrations plus $200 extra discount per person
4 Recognition during the opening session of each
conference with five-minute speaking time slot
4 Company name and logo imprinted on printed
conference materials
4 Includes unlimited Associate Memberships
4 Company name in each issue of “In Touch”
4 Company listing in any issue of “For the Record”
4 Discounted ad space in electronic issues of
“For The Record”
4 Up to two (2) complimentary registrations to each PRIA
Conference (approx. $2,400 value)
4 Early bird discounts on additional conference
registrations plus $150 extra discount per person
4 Recognition during the opening session of each
4 Company name and logo imprinted on printed
conference materials
4 Includes unlimited Associate Memberships
4 Company name in each issue of “In Touch”
4 Company listing in any issue of “For the Record”
4 One (1) complimentary registration to each PRIA
Conference (approx. $1,200 value)
4 Early bird discounts on additional conference
registrations plus $100 extra discount per person
4 Includes (2) Associate Memberships
4 Annual business listing in “In Touch”
4 Early bird discounts on conference registrations plus
$50 extra discount per person
4 Receives PRIA announcements and publications
4 Cannot serve in leadership roles; no voting rights; no
company listings/recognition
4 Early bird discounts on conference registrations
q Business Processes & Procedures
q International Outreach
q Land Fraud
q Membership Marketing
q Real Property Law & Legal Issues
q Records Access & Privacy Policy
q Technology
q Conferences
Business Regular Member - Voting
Any individual, privately-owned, publically-traded company
or trade association whose primary business, or whose
members’ primary business, is to provide services relating
to recording conveyance of property, taxing property,
recording liens on property and providing public access
to such records. A company or organization applying for
business regular membership must designate one
individual to represent the company as a voting member.
Associate Staff Member – Non-voting
A staff member of a Regular Member may apply for
Associate Membership.
Limited Access Member – Non-voting
Limited Access membership is only available to an
individual, association or organization whose primary
purpose is not substantially related to the processes or
services of a Regular Member, but who is indirectly related
to the activities in which Regular Members engage.
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Crystal City
Marriott Floor Plan
Circle Member:
Save These Dates
2015 PRIA Annual Conference
August 25-27
The Brown Hotel
335 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
2016 PRIA Winter Symposium
To Be Determined
PRIA • 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Ste. 103, Morrisville, NC 27560 • 919.459.2081 •
Tuesday, February 17
Circle Member:
2:15-4 p.m.
Board Training, Salon A
4:15-5:45 p.m.
PRIA Board of Directors Meeting, Salon A
6-7 p.m.
Early-Bird Event, Salon BC
Wednesday, February 18
7:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m.
Registration with morning coffee, Mezanine Lobby
7:45-8:45 a.m.
First-timers Breakfast, Salon A
9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Tour (bus boards at 8:45 a.m.)
2-2:30 p.m.
Opening Session - “We Will Rock You,” Potomac Ballroom
2:30-3:15 p.m.
Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae, “Money,” Potomac Ballroom
3:15-3:45 p.m.
Refreshment Break, Mezzanine Lobby
3:45-4 p.m.
Membership Meeting
4-5 p.m.
New Technologies and Implications for Recorders, “In the Year 2525,”
Potomac Ballroom
5:30-6:30 p.m.,
Networking Event, Salon BC
Thursday, February 19
7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Registration, Mezzanine Lobby
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast and Roundtable Discussions, Salon AB
9-10:30 a.m.
Concurrent Work Group Sessions
• eRecording Best Practices, Salon D
• eNotary, Salon E
• Business Requirements - LRMS, Salon F
10:30-11 a.m.
Refreshment Break, Mezzanine Lobby
11 a.m.-Noon
Security in the Recorder’s Office, “Let’s Lock the Door and Throw Away the Key,”
Potomac Ballroom
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Lunch, with speaker Steve Bisbee, eOriginal, Chesapeake Ballroom
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Hot Tips from the PRIA Board, “Hit Me with your Best Shot,” Potomac Ballroom
2:30-3 p.m.
Refreshment Break, Mezzanine Lobby
3-4 p.m.
GIS 101, “This Land Is Your Land,” Potomac Ballroom
4-5 p.m.
Concurrent Work Group Sessions
• PREP, Salon F
• ABDR, Salon D
• Indexing Standards, Salon E
4-5:30 p.m.
XML Work Group, Roosevelt
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Networking Event, Salon BC
Friday, February 20 7:30-10:30 a.m.
Registration, Mezzanine Lobby
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast and Roundtables, Salon AB
9-10:30 a.m.
Flat-Fee Recording Rates, “Money for Nothing,” Potomac Ballroom
10:30-10:45 a.m.
Refreshment Break, Mezzanine Lobby
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Why Recorders Love Their Submitter, “Money, Money, Money,” Potomac Ballroom
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.GIS 201, Roosevelt
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. ULC Study Committee, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered,” Potomac Ballroom
Dating Game - Finding Your Match, Potomac Ballroom
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Board, Committee Chairs Conference Debrief, Salon A