Choose three workshops, one from each time slot: A, B and C. You could choose to follow a track that reflects your area of ministry or select a range of workshops that interest you from different tracks. WORKSHOP A – 10.55-11.50 PRE-SCHOOLERS Choose from this track if you want to learn more about pre-schoolers. Choose three workshops packed with practical wisdom. These workshops will help your ministry be relevant and effective. For more information about the workshops and the people leading them, look on our website. PRIMARY AGED CHILDREN Choose any of these topics if you work with primary aged children. Just starting out? Take a look at the workshops in our Children’s Ministry Certificate. This certificate is quality training focusing on six essential skills that help children grow in their faith whether they are in church or community based programmes, kids clubs, school settings or camps. Three certificate modules are offered each year and you will need to do all six modules to complete the certificate. To register for the certificate simply choose the certificate workshops and tick the box on the registration form. Are you an experienced leader? Our Senior leadership Track is professional training designed to help you think about what is happening behind the scenes in your children’s ministry and enhance your leadership abilities. This year we are offering a special opportunity to discover your strengths and explore how they will help you lead your team well. These workshops are repeated from last year and are back by popular demand. You will need to register for all three workshops and limited places are available so register quickly. Or choose from a variety of topics designed to help you think about the essentials of leadership and children’s ministry. Choose all three or just do one! FOR MORE INFORMATION, CHECK ONLINE: Or freephone 0508 423 836 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CERTIFICATE This track is part of our Children’s Ministry Certificate which develops essential skills in children’s ministry. See the web site for further details about this. WORKSHOP C – 1.55-2.55 B1 ALL IN THE FAMILY This workshop will help you support families to share their faith with their pre-schoolers. It includes lots of tried and tested ideas to equip, empower and resource parents. C1 HOP SKIP PRAY Explore a wide range of creative approaches to interactive prayer with pre-schoolers. A2 HANDS ON Try a variety of crafts for children and discover how to help your children use them to interact when you tell Bible stories. (Repeated) Led by Neville Gardner. B2 HANDS ON Try a variety of crafts for children and discover how to help your children use them to interact when you tell Bible stories.(Repeated) C2 CHANGING THE GAME Same old games? Design and customise games to make them your own, and learn to adapt them to meet your needs. Street Address: Led by Paul Dadd. City: A3 WALK THE TALK Learn how to help parents bring faith into everyday family life by having intentional conversations and making the most of teachable moments. Led by Raewyn Rowney. B3 COMMUNITY CONNECT Discover the principles of using holiday programmes and clubs as a powerful tool to connect with your community. C3 SCIENCE ALIVE Learn how to use simple science experiences as object lessons to bring the Bible alive for children. Phone: A4 BIBLE EXPLORERS Children have the capacity to think deeply about the Bible. Discover techniques for encouraging children’s personal and collaborative exploration of Bible stories. B4 DRAWING TOGETHER Explore ways of praying and responding to God as children work together to create collaborative works of art. Led by Kirsten Malcolm. C4 TECHNOLOGY TOOLS How to use technology to save you time and enhance your ministry with children. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) if you have one, but not essential. A5 HOOK INTO THE BOOK Explore a variety of creative and innovative ways to encourage children to meet God through the Bible. B5 AGES AND STAGES Learn what to expect from children of different ages and stages of development and how to meet them where they are at. C5 POSITIVE DISCIPLINE Explore a variety of practical ideas and strategies to help you manage your children’s behaviour. A6 WELCOME TO MY WORLD Intermediates face both inward and outward challenges. This workshop takes a look at the world of intermediates and explores what it means for their spiritual development. B6 CLOSER TO GOD Discover how to encourage intermediates to meet God through the Bible and prayer. This workshop will give you a bit of theory and a whole lot of practical ideas. Led by Neville Bartley. C6 GAME ON Explore a variety of games and activities and learn how to use them to help intermediates reflect on their relationship with God and explore what it means to be a Christian in their everyday lives. B7 CHILDREN AND THEOLOGY This workshop will explore new developments in the field of theology, spirituality and children. Come along and discover what the Bible has to say and how it makes a practical difference to our ministry. C7 RE-IMAGINING CHURCH Intergenerational churches are growing churches. We’ll explore why children should be in church and share stories and examples of successful intergenerational churches in NZ. Led by Paul Dadd. Led by Annette Osborne. Led by Kirsten Malcolm. Led by Nigel Winder. Led by Ilse Bense. PLACES ARE LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Title: Pastor / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Other: Full Name: Led by Hayley Balmer. Led by Neville Gardner. REGISTER HERE You can also register individuals or groups online at A1 CREATIVE KIDS Try out a range of crafts and activities to use with pre-schoolers and discover how creativity is pivotal in engaging them with the Bible. Learn what we can do as leaders to invite them to engage with the Bible. Led by Jasmine Jones. Workshops WORKSHOP B – 12.00-12.55 Wellington Led by Nigel Winder. Suburb: Email: Church or Organisation: Special Diet or Access Requirements: Led by Andrew Ramsbottom. Led by Raewyn Rowney. Postcode: Workshop A Workshop B Workshop C First choice Second choice You do not need to do the whole certificate to enrol in these workshops. INTERMEDIATES Ministry to intermediates is a different mix of skills and practices than ministry to children or youth. Choose any of the following topics if you want to learn more about working with 10 to 12 year olds during their intermediate years. ALL AGES These topics are relevant for people who work with any age from preschool through to intermediate, and with their families too. A7 INTERGENERATIONAL FAITH How to create space at home and in church for encouraging intergenerational faith. Includes lots of practical stuff. SENIOR LEADERSHIP TRACK These topics are for experienced team leaders who want to understand themselves and the way they lead. C8 YOU’RE LOSING US B8 REALITY CHECK Discover what life is really like for children Research tells us that 50% of our church through the latest census figures and the young people will probably leave in the next recent New Zealand wide SUNZ survey of 15 years. Come and find out what you can children’s ministry. Take a look at their do about changing these statistics. implications and explore the shape of children’s ministry as we move forward into Led by Hilary Hague. the future. Led by Hilary Hague. Led by Lorna Gray. A9 and B9 and C9 DEVELOPING STRENGTH-BASED TEAMS – repeated from 2014 by popular demand. Discover your God-given talents and learn ways to develop those talents into strengths that will benefit your team. This is a great opportunity to find out more about yourself and the way you lead. It is an introductory session and will include on-going development suggestions. You will need to register for all three workshops – A9, B9 and C9 , and complete an online assessment before you come. We will contact you with details about this. More information at, Led by Toni Houghton Led by Andrew Ramsbottom. Led by Annette Osborne A8 BE THE CHANGE Come and hear about the work ESYT do with community families and how they work to bring community and church families together in the church. Hear about their success stories and some of their hard lessons. Be inspired in your own ministry. Led by Jill Kayser. Cost per person Tick here to register for the Certificate of Children’s Ministry. Check our website for details. No of people Total Individual registration $90 $ Group registration– for groups of 4 or more $80 $ Approved SUPAkidz/SURGE leader $75 $ TOTAL PRICE $ Payment Details I enclose a cheque made out to ‘Scripture Union’ I would like to pay by credit card: Visa Mastercard Card No: CSC (3 digits on back of card Expiry Date: Signature: Tick here if you require a receipt. To register more than one person, register online or fill out one form for each person. To qualify for the group price, registrations must come in at the same time and with one payment only. Refreshments, light lunch, hand outs and other extras on the day are all included. Please let us know if you have any special dietary needs or there is any information we can provide to help you. Some venues do not have lifts. Please contact us if this will cause difficulties. By returning this form, you agree that any photos or video taken with you in them at WAY2GO may be used for promotional purposes by Scripture Union. Scripture Union’s refund policy is available on our website. Please post with payment to: Scripture Union, PO Box 760, Wellington 6140
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