The Mission The Journal of St John’s Reaching Farther St. John’s Lutheran Church and School Week of February 15, 2015 Central America Mission Trip Pastor Bruening [email protected] 708-354-1690 x213 Find out More—Wednesday, February 25! Following St. John’s desire to be “Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth,” [Acts 1: 8] we want to pursue the last of these with a Mission Trip to Central America. I have made about 15 of these trips over the past years and they are helpful to the people of developing countries as well as being helpful in broadening one’s understanding of the many living conditions in the world . 2.) A Teaching Team that would run a Vacation Bible School normally for over 100 children. If we have the right personnel we could send three teams: 3.) A Construction Team that would work in coordination with Habitat for Humanity in building a new home for a family, often for people whose homes have been destroyed by mud slides. 1.) A Medical Team where we would setup a clinic at a Church and see people normally from rural villages. We will meet on Wednesday, February 25 following the 7p Lenten Worship Service in the Heritage Room. Come and see how you would be able to participate. Sunday Morning Adult Study St. John’s Prayer Chain Biblical | Challenging | Relevant Sunday Morning Adult Studies 9:25a Caroline Craig [email protected] 708-372-7758 The Gospel of St. Mark SUNDAY’S The Heritage Room Leader: Pastor Bruening In the three year cycle we are in for the scripture readings, this year the focus is on the second Gospel. The symbol for the Gospel is the winged lion because the Gospel is a Gospel of action. The Greek word “εὐθὺς” (euthus) translated “immediately” or “just then” or “straightway” is used (42) times in the Gospel inviting us to be people of action for Jesus Christ. We will also be looking at the significance that geography plays in this Gospel and the impact that should have on us today as we are in ministry. Impacting Culture SUNDAY’S The Library (2nd Floor of School Building) Leaders: Andy and Sue Kunz We will discuss aspects of our culture and explore the ways in which we reach people in our surrounding community. Our study concludes this week with: Fresh Ways to Connect with the Gospel. Is it true that in spite of their passion, knowledge, love, and careful scholarship in defending the faith, evangelicals seem powerless to convict, engage, and transform the secular world? If so, what can we do about it? Join us at 9:25a in the School Library on the second floor. 2 St John’s Lutheran Church and School A Prayer Chain is a way for people to gain assistance in prayer for any problem. It is also a way for any person to act on God's command to love one another (John 13:34-35). Prayer is a way for us to reach out of ourselves, to put aside our loneliness and pain for the sake of another. Our mission is to partner with the Holy Spirit and each other through prayer to impact our church, our community and the world for Jesus Christ. I am looking to start a Prayer Chain. For those of us who are more comfortable with technology, prayers will be shared via email or texting; for those whom technology is too impersonal, a phone tree will be created. When a parishioner wishes to start a prayer request, she/he can contact Caroline Craig @ 708-372-7758 (texting is OK), or email [email protected]. Prayers from Daily Requests or given to Michelle LaVelle will also be included unless labeled confidential. Once you contact me, I will share some general information regarding prayer chains. Prayers do NOT need to be for Members of St. John’s only. Prayer requests will be as specific as the person requesting the prayer. Jesus teaches us that if we agree on anything and ask in faith it will be granted (Matthew 18:19). "I tell you, ask and you will receive..." (Luke 11:9, Matt. 7:7). If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Craig (708) 372-7758 or [email protected] 2015 LENTEN WORSHIP and SUPPER SCHEDULE Wednesday, February 18, 2015 10:45a and 7p Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion will be offered Wednesdays February 25—March 25 10:45a and 7p Palm Sunday, March 29 8a and 10:45a Maundy Thursday, April 2 12p and 7p Good Friday, April 3 12p and 7p EASTER SUNDAY April 5 8a and 10:45a Join us for food and fellowship beginning Ash Wednesday in the School Gymnasium at 6p for our delicious Lenten Suppers hosted by St John’s Ministry Groups. A suggested donation of $8 per adult; $4 per child (5-12 yrs) or $20 per family is welcomed. Ash Wednesday, February 18 Chili Dinner Hosted by: Board of Elders Wednesday, February 25 Baked Chicken Dinner Hosted by: St. John’s Choir Members Wednesday, March 4 Spaghetti Dinner Hosted by: Board of Evangelism & Worship Wednesday, March 11 Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Hosted by: Congregational Care Committee More delicious menu items coming next week!! Meet! Experience! Live ! 3 Children’s Ministry Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 You’re Two Years Old! Let’s Celebrate! Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 Sunday School Calling all Two Year Olds! Sunday, February 15, 2015—9:25a School Classrooms Sunday, March 8—9:30a Location: Nursery On this Transfiguration Sunday, the Sunday School students have studied the story of “The Transfiguration.” In the Transfiguration, we see Jesus as the pure and holy Son of God, whose perfect righteousness is given to us through God’s Word and Sacraments. Parents could ask, “What did Jesus reveal to His disciples about Himself in the Transfiguration? What does God’s Word reveal to us about Jesus?” Join us on Sunday, March 8th for a Celebration of Being Two! This event will take place at 9:30a. We are inviting the families of two year olds to a special celebration. We will hear a Jesus story, make an art project, sing, and pray. There will be a time to talk with other parents of two year olds and enjoy refreshments. The two's will get to take home a little Bible story book. Invite your friends and neighbor children to this Children’s Message Leader: Sherrie Smith Today is the day after Valentine's Day, but every day is about God's love. We can use the letters in the word "love" to help us think about love. We begin with the letter "L". Here we can find an arrow pointing down. God's love comes down to us. God sent His Son Jesus down to earth for us. "O" is an eternal letter. We cannot find the starting point or the ending point - it just keeps going. God's love for us keeps going. We can make an arrow pointing up in the letter "V". This says that we love God because He first loved us. We can make arrows pointing outward in the letter "E". We share God's love with others. Every day is a day to remember that God loves us. GOD IS LOVE!! 4 St John’s Lutheran Church and School Youth Ministry Kirsten Smith [email protected] Emily Jung [email protected] High School Bible Study Sunday, February 15—9:25a; Youth Room Leader: Emily Jung High School Bible Study will be continuing their study in the Book of Philippians. Come down to the Youth Room and join us! Sunday Night Youth Group Sunday, February 15—NO YOUTH GROUP TONIGHT! Leader: Kirsten Smith Thanks for coming to the awesome Lock-In this weekend! Now go get some sleep! First Holy Communion Music Ministry Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 Gerald Kuker [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 222 First Communion Class—TODAY February 15, 22 and March 1, 2015—9:30a—10:30a School Classroom 202 This class is open to any 7th or 8th Grader with a parent. Please let Sherrie Smith or the Church Office know if you will be attending these sessions. Young Adult Bible Study Kirsten Smith [email protected] TODAY—Sunday, February 15, 2015—2:30p-4p Heritage Room Leader: Kirsten Smith Hey Young Adults! Today is the day! We start our Young Adult Bible Study today, February 15, 2015 from 2:30p—4p in the Heritage Room. We will meet, get to know one another, and pick a Bible Study topic. I can’t wait to see you all there! Festival Handbells It is time to make plans for the Festival Handbells to ring for Easter. For this season, we will rehearse on Thursdays from 6:30—7:30p. This ensemble is open to all High School age youth and adults. Reading music is a prerequisite and you must be available for all four rehearsals, March 5, 12, 19, and 26. We will not rehearse during the week of Spring Break which is also Holy Week, but will rehearse at a mutually agreed upon time the day before Easter Sunday, April 5th. Please contact Director, Jerry Kuker with your questions and to express your interest in participating. Jerry needs to know TODAY, February 15th who is participating. Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Pam Christensen [email protected] 708-354-6977 Tuesday, February 24—7p Heritage Room Leader: Pam Christensen The February meeting of the Lutheran Women in Mission will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 7p in the Heritage Room. All women are invited to join us for fellowship, refreshments and a report from congregational member, Deb Arfsten about her recent missionary adventure in Slovakia. Please mark your calendar for this event! Meet! Experience! Live ! 5 St. John’s School Lutheran Witness Subscriptions Lynn Kahl, Principal [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 218 Michelle La Velle—Church Office Manager [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 The Pencil Maker Lynn Kahl, Principal My article for this week was adapted from something sent from the Northern Illinois District office. Even children may enjoy this parable. It’s that time of the year again! If you are interested in subscribing to the Lutheran Witness or renewing your subscription, please contact Michelle La Velle in the Church Office. The cost for the (12) month subscription is $15.96 A pencil maker told the pencil 5 important lessons just before putting it in the box: Everything you do will always leave a mark. You can always correct the mistakes you make. What is important is what is inside of you. In life, you will undergo painful sharpening which will only make you better. To be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be guided by the hand that holds you. We all need to be sharpened. Let this little parable encourage us to know we are special with talents and abilities given to us by God. He has a plan for each of us that only we can accomplish. Like the pencil, remember we are always guided by God’s hand as we live out His plan and purpose. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10. Share this with your children as you and they live according to God’s plan. When discouraging times come, remember we are in God’s hands. 6 St John’s Lutheran Church and School Congregational Directory Michelle La Velle—Church Office Manager [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Update Membership Information Does our Church Database have YOUR family membership record correct? Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book and Directory (if you haven’t already done so). It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year/s. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your records, please call the Church Office so our GuideBook is accurate. You’re cooperation is greatly appreciated! Cossitt Avenue School in La Grange will hold its bi-annual clothing sale Saturday, March 7th. Twice a year, dozens of parent volunteers transform the School Gym into a huge clothing bazaar, with racks upon racks of like-new, high-quality children’s clothing in sizes infant to 16, tables of gently-used shoes, rows of strollers and bikes, and a room full of baby equipment. The money raised goes towards educational enrichment and building improvement programs. Many articles of clothing not sold are donated to numerous charities in the area. The sale runs from 8a to Noon at the School, 115 W. Cossitt Avenue. Adults only from 8a—10a and children are permitted only between the hours of 10a—Noon. Select items are marked to half-off during the last hour of the sale, from 11a— Noon. Cash or check (with identification only) are accepted. In exchange for four hours of time, volunteers can shop the popular “pre-sale” on Friday, March 6th from 6p—8p. To sign up for a volunteer shift, go to February’s Mission Café donations will be given to the Obaidi Family. The Obaidi family has been through a lot in the years prior to their arrival in the U.S. They fled Iraq for Syria and spent about 6 years there. When it became increasingly dangerous in Syria, they returned to Iraq, but soon realized that they needed to find a better place for their family. The process finally culminated in their arrival in the U.S. about a year ago. They are so thankful for all that St. John’s has done to assist them, and look forward to visiting our church in the near future. We thank you again for your support! The Mayor Thursday night Small Group Articles for The Mission are due Wednesday by Noon and can be submitted to Michelle La Velle, [email protected] or by calling the Church Office (708) 354-1690 x210 The Church Office reserves the right to edit submissions for length and/or writing style. Meet! Experience! Live ! 7 This Week At St. John’s Offerings of the People Preacher: Reverend W. Philip Bruening Worship Leader: Mark Stapleton Organist: Gerald Kuker Choirs: Senior Choir—10:45a Accompanist: Dana Shinneman Flautist: Adam Behnke—10:45a Children’s Message: Sherrie Smith Altar Guild: Karen Herman and Marie Fukar Altar Flowers: The Floral Arrangements are given to the Glory of God at the Altar in thanksgiving to God for many blessings received during the 44 years of Christian marriage of Jim and Beverlyn O’Connor Coffee Hour Hosts: The Preston’s and Peg Hartnett Serving at 8:00a Acolyte: Frances Zaloudek Elder: Dick Seeman Communion Assistants: Mark Behnke, Jim Paulsen and Rick Lange Ushers: *Pat Mallahan, John Babirak, Otto Osterland, Jerry Safranek and Art Schroeder Serving at 10:45a Acolytes: Jon Kane and Maggie Moriarty Elder: Marty Haugen Communion Assistants: Jeff Baker, Jim Fredrickson and John Zylstra Ushers: Chuck Enokian, Jim Moriarity and Wally Pidde Worship Attendance: Last Week Sunday [02/08] = 262 February 15-February 22, 2015 Sunday 8:00a Worship w/Holy Communion 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Adult Bible Study—Impacting Culture 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS 9:25a High School Bible Study 10:45a Worship w/Holy Communion 2:30p YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY BEGINS Monday PRESIDENT’S DAY **CHURCH & SCHOOL OFFICES CLOSED** 7:00p Church Council Meeting Tuesday 7:25a Jubilee Handbell Rehearsal 3:15p SJLS Bread Baking Class 4:00p SJLS Coed JV BB Game vs Immanuel, Hillside (HOME) 7:30p Basketball Group Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY 7:25a Joy Handbell Rehearsal 7:40p Children’s Prayer Ministry 9:50a ECH Chapel Service 10:45a Ash Wednesday Worship Service w/ Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion 6:00p Lenten Supper—CHILI DINNER 7:00p Ash Wednesday Worship Service w/ Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion 8:00p Senior Choir Rehearsal Thursday 6:15a Early Risers Bible Class 6:30p SJLS Amazing America/Americans 7:45p Volleyball Practice Friday 7:00p Recovery Group Meeting Saturday Sunday NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 8:00a Worship Service 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS 9:25a High School Bible Study 10:45a Worship Service 2:30p Young Adult Bible Study 6:00p Youth Group “The Mission” is the weekly journal of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School. Our mission is to engage the people we live, work with and meet along our way in such a way that they, Meet Jesus, Experience the support of a church, and Live as disciples! St John’s Lutheran Church and School | 505 S Park Road, La Grange IL | 708-354-1690 | Facebook: sjlagrange
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