The Mission The Journal of St John’s Reaching Farther St. John’s Lutheran Church and School Witnessing Pastor W Philip Bruening [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 213 “Growing in Our Ability to be Effective Witnesses to Our Faith” Summary of Our Focus on Witnessing: 1) Always begin with prayer. 2) List the unchurched people about whom you are concerned and lift their names daily in prayer. 3) Practice speaking your personal testimony about what Jesus means to you. 4) Check your testimony to make certain it gives glory to Jesus and is not just a recitation of all that you have done. 5) Let a trusted fellow Christian listen to your testimony and allow them the opportunity to give you feedback both on the content and presentation. 6) Be aware of the timing of your approach. If they are going through a time of difficulty, let them share with you what they are experiencing and then tell how your faith has helped you through your times of difficulty. Week of January 18, 2015 7) Rely on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words say. Remember Jesus’ promise: “When you are arrested [or are in a difficult situation], don’t worry about what you will say. You will be given the right words when the time comes. But you will not really be the ones speaking. Your words will come from the Holy Spirit.” Pray silently: “Holy Spirit, help me. Give me the words to say.” 8) Learn from the personal witness of the man born blind who remained persistent - “All I know is that I once was blind and now I see and Jesus gave me my sight.” 9) Be aware that we take risks when we share our faith. It may not be received well and may be rejected. 10) Always remember that your strength comes from Jesus Christ and guidance comes from the Holy Spirit. 11) While witnessing involves some risk, we all have the assurance of God’s love and forgiveness and a confidence in our eternal destiny in heaven. Sunday Morning and Weekly Adult Study Biblical | Challenging | Relevant Sunday Morning Adult Studies 9:25a Week Day Adult Studies—Various Days and Times The Gospel of St. Mark Early Risers Bible Class SUNDAY’S The Heritage Room Leader: Pastor Philip Bruening Thursday’s The Heritage Room—6:15a In the three year cycle we are in for the scripture readings, this year the focus is on the second Gospel. The symbol for the Gospel is the winged lion because the Gospel is a Gospel of action. The Greek word “εὐθὺς” (euthus) translated “immediately” or “just then” or “straightway” is used (42) times in the Gospel inviting us to be people of action for Jesus Christ. We will also be looking at the significance that geography plays in this Gospel and the impact that should have on us today as we are in ministry. Impacting Culture SUNDAY’S The Library (2nd Floor of School Building) Leaders: Andy and Sue Kunz We will discuss aspects of our culture and explore the ways in which we reach people in our surrounding community. This week our focus will be Culture: Love It, Leave it or Transform it. Our culture is becoming less and less "Christian." So what does that mean for us? What goodness does our culture reflect? What evil or darkness permeates it? Join us at 9:25a in the Library! 2 St John’s Lutheran Church and School THE COFFEE POT IS ON! Come join the Early Risers Bible Class! We meet every Thursday morning beginning at 6:15a in the Heritage Room. This is a great opportunity to get into the Word before you start your busy day. All are welcome! Young Adults Needed! Kirsten Smith [email protected] If you are of college age or in your 20s and missed the meeting last week and you are still interested in this, it is okay. Please just sign-up with your email on the welcome desk. An email with more information will be coming out this week. Music Ministry Gerald Kuker [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 222 Sunday, January 25, 2015 4p—7p Holiday Inn William Tell Banquets 6201 Joliet Rd Countryside, Illinois $25 per person $50 per Family of Four We welcome everyone to join us as we continue to support BEDS Plus in our community and assist in their Mission to help individuals stabilize their lives through housing and supportive services. Their Soup and Bread Event is a great way to show your support! Join us for this cozy, family friendly gathering featuring live acoustic music by Mark Dvorak and Sharon Speziale and The Acoustaholics, craft beer tasting and great local food. Tickets are available online at or call, (708) 354-0858 x2 Calling All Singers! Our Senior Choir is starting another semester of singing praises to our Lord and Savior. If you have given any thought to joining in the music making and fellowship that goes along with it, be sure to join us this Wednesday at 7p in the Music Room, 2nd floor of the school. It's not too late. This Choir is open to all High School youth and adults, St. John's member or non-member. Don't wait for a personal invitation. Just show up for our rehearsal and join in the fun. We know you won't regret it. Talk with Director Jerry Kuker if you have any questions. Handbell Refurbishing The refurbishing of our Handbells is scheduled to be completed this week and returned to us shortly. This means we will be receiving the final invoice. As we noted in last week's Mission, we received word that five of the large brass castings were cracked and needed to be replaced at an additional cost of $2,500. Any additional contributions to this cause will be greatly appreciated. Place your donations in any envelope and designate "Handbells" on the front and place it in the offering plate or bring to the Church Office. If you have questions, please address them to Jerry Kuker. Thank you. Meet! Experience! Live ! 3 R 7 C M o o t a Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Sherrie Smith [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 212 Kirsten Smith [email protected] Emily Jung [email protected] Sunday School Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study Sunday, January 18, 2015—9:25a School Classrooms Sunday, January 18—9:25a; Youth Room Leader: Emily Jung Today in Sunday School we study the calling of Jesus’ first disciples with “Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael.” In Jesus, access to heaven is given to all who believe. You might discuss, “How did Philip and Nathanael know that Jesus was the Christ? How do we learn that Jesus is the Christ?” We resume TODAY! Come join us for a New Year’s Study and Discussion! We will also be talking about what topics we will be studying this new year! Can’t wait to see you all! Children’s Message Did you ever wear a name tag? Name tags are important because our names are important. It makes us feel good when someone remembers our name. God knows our names. Our names are important to Him because we are important to Him. There are stories in the Bible about God knowing names. One of my favorite stories about God knowing someone's name is in our Old Testament lesson today. This story is about God calling Samuel. Samuel was a child who had been an answer to his mother's prayer. She brought him to God's house so he could serve God all his days. One night as Samuel was sleeping, God called him. It took four times for Samuel to realize it was God calling him. God did not give up on him. Samuel answered God's call by saying, "Speak for your servant hears." God is calling us just as He called Samuel. He is calling us to follow Him. May we respond as Samuel did. Speak for your servant hears. 4 St John’s Lutheran Church and School Youth Group Sunday, January 18—6p Leader: Kirsten Smith Hey Youth! Join us TONIGHT for some ultimate Frisbee in the Gym and we are also starting a new Bible Series called, “Choose”. Homework time start at 5p and Youth Group starts at 6p. See you all there! SAVE THE DATE! Friday, February 13 to February 14 A Lock-In for Jr. and Sr. High Youth will be held on February 13-14. Think about a friend you would like to invite and put this date on the calendar. More details to come! St. John’s School Lynn Kahl, Principal [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 218 Returns Lynn Kahl, Principal “I want them back, every last one who bears My name, every man, woman, and child whom I created for My glory, yes, personally formed and made each one.” Isaiah 43: 7 The Message. Christmas spending has calculated into the billions of dollars. By now all we are left with are the bills and the returns. Do you exchange your gifts on December 26th, or do wait a couple of weeks until the crowds are gone? Years ago I was a seasonal worker at Marshall Fields. Being the new hire, I was assigned to work the first shift on the day after Christmas. When 200 people were waiting outside the door before the store opened, I knew it would be chaotic. I had never shopped or made returns on that day, so I was totally unprepared for the chaos that ensued. Of course people wanted to buy Christmas decorations that were half off. Because of the mad rush down the escalators to grab anything remotely related to Christmas, within an hour all that was left were the ground glass ornaments in the carpet. In their frenzy, people even tried to buy the store display containers. usually with snarky comments about the gifts themselves or remarks about the amount of the return which they assumed would be much higher. After Christmas do you ever see ads for you to return merchandise? All the ad dollars spent getting you to shop there are never spent getting you to bring things back. That would affect a store’s bottom line for the year and perhaps put them out of business. God is different. He wants us returned to Him. It does not matter if we are too big, too small, or even broken. Not only does He want us returned to Him, but He pays full price for us—the death of His Son, Jesus. Christmas spending has gotten perverted from the real reason we give gifts at Christmas, but may we always understand that our greatest gift is that God wanted us returned to Him, and was willing to pay all He had to get us back. Many happy returns! Then came people with returns. All the gifts that had been so lovingly purchased by aunts and grandmothers came back Meet! Experience! Live ! 5 Congregational Directory Michelle La Velle—Church Office Manager [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Advertising Opportunity We have contracted Guide Book Publishing to publish a Guide Book and Directory for St. John’s that will be updated and delivered directly to your homes annually. This book is being provided at no cost to the Church. Local businesses are being solicited to advertise in our book, please call the Church Office at (708) 354-1690 x210. Update Membership Information Does our Church Database have YOUR family membership record correct? Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book and Directory (if you haven’t already done so). It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year/s. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your records, please call the Church Office so our Guide Book is accurate. You’re cooperation is greatly appreciated! 6 St John’s Lutheran Church and School Church Offering Envelopes Michelle La Velle—Church Office Manager [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Many of you should have received your 2015 First Quarter Offering Envelopes delivered directly to your home from Church Budget Envelope Company. You may have noticed that your envelope stack is smaller than in previous years as this mailing will cover only January—March, and the next quarter you will receive for the months of April—June, and so on. By switching from yearly boxed sets to quarterly direct mail, the church saves money as well as obtaining the ability to keep our member records up to date on a more consistent basis as we are notified early on when someone has moved. Should you have any questions, or concerns regarding your Offering Envelopes, please contact Michelle La Velle in the Church Office. Articles for The Mission are due Wednesday by Noon and can be submitted to Michelle La Velle, [email protected] or by calling the Church Office (708) 354-1690 x210 Upcoming 2015 Events Annual Woman’s Retreat Rebecca Schiltz [email protected] 708-354-1690 x 210 Friday, February 6 and Saturday, February 7, 2015 Chicago Marriott Southwest at Burr Ridge 1200 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge IL 60527 It is time to start making plans for 2015! Don’t forget to sign-up for the 15th Annual Women’s Retreat to be held on February 6—7 at the Marriott Hotel in Burr Ridge, IL. Make a resolution to join us for this great, fellowship weekend!!! Registration forms are available in the Church Narthex or on line at Just click on Women’s Retreat to register. Winter Jam Tour Kirsten Smith [email protected] [email protected] or Friday, January 30, 2015—7p Allstate Arena If you love Christian contemporary music, then this is the event just for you. It's the one night out of the year where you can see 10 Christian bands for just $10.00 at the door. January's Mission Cafe donations will go towards a great organization called "Phil's Friends. "Phil’s Friends", is a faith-based charity that seeks to provide “the hope” we all need. One of the main ways they are able to bring this sense of ease into one’s life is by delivering God’s Word. People are diagnosed with cancer every day. People with cancer often experience support needs. Many have no place to turn. We all need comfort, peace, and joy. So, what can we do? In addition to prayer, "Phil's Friends" reaches out to cancer patients by delivering care packages. Care packages are gender specific and are filled with spiritually encouraging and physically comforting gifts. They also provide blankets for people who are going through cancer treatment. The children from St. John's are putting together these blankets to send to "Phil's Friends". We can help them financially by giving a donation to support this ministry of care packages and blankets. Skillet, For King and Country, Jeremy Camp, and Francesca Battistelli are just a few of those bands. It is on January 30th at 7p at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. If you would like more information or if you would like help getting there email Kirsten Smith. Meet! Experience! Live ! 7 Offerings of the People This Week At St. John’s Preacher: Reverend W. Philip Bruening Organist: Gerald Kuker Children’s Message: Sherrie Smith Altar Guild: Sharon Broz Altar Flowers: The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God at the Altar by Tom and Lynn Braun in honor of all the blessings received. January 18—January 25, 2015 Coffee Hour Host: Laura Stephens Serving at 8:00a Prayer Partner: Laurie Dorgan Acolytes: N/A Lay Readers: Holly Hackelberg and Harlan Hirt Elder: Dick Seeman Communion Assistants: George Birmingham, Rick Lange and Jim Paulsen Ushers: *Ken Fukar, Wayne Kardatzke, Mark Kenning and Tim Walsen Serving at 10:45a Acolytes: Kylie Strasser and Savannah Strasser Lay Reader: Tom Braun Elder: Randy Gunn Communion Assistants: Jeff Baker, Marty Haugen and John Zylstra Ushers: Dave Meador, *Rick Noerenberg, Glenn O’Brien, Matt Strubbe and Frank Vondra Worship Attendance: Last Week Sunday [01/11] = 240 Sunday 8:00a Worship w/Holy Communion 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Adult Bible Study—Impacting Culture 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study 10:45a Worship w/Holy Communion 2:15p Varsity Boys/Girls BB Tournament 5:00p Youth Group Monday MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR DAY Church/School Offices Closed Tuesday 7:00p Church Council Meeting 7:30p Basketball Group Wednesday 7:40p Children’s Prayer Ministry 8:20a School Chapel Service 9:50a ECH Chapel Service 3:15p School Bread Baking Class 7:00p Senior Choir Rehearsal Thursday Parent/Teacher Conferences 6:15a Early Risers Bible Class 7:00p Men’s Study—Book of James 7:15p Volleyball Practice Friday Parent/Teacher Conferences 7:30a School Band Rehearsal 7:00p Recovery Group Meeting Saturday Sunday NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 8:00a Worship Service 9:25a Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark 9:25a Adult Bible Study—Impacting Culture 9:25a Sunday School 9:25a Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study 10:45a Worship Service 12:00p All School Open House (PreK3-8th) 4:00p BEDS Plus Bread & Soup Fundraiser (Offsite) 6:00p Youth Group “The Mission” is the weekly journal of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School. Our mission is to engage the people we live, work with and meet along our way in such a way that they, Meet Jesus, Experience the support of a church, and Live as disciples! St John’s Lutheran Church and School | 505 S Park Road, La Grange IL | 708-354-1690 | Facebook: sjlagrange
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