REGISTRATION FORM 7th ATIOAL COFERECE O SIGAL PROCESSIG COMMUICATIO & VLSI DESIG CSCV’ 15 th 7th ATIOAL COFERECE O SIGAL PROCESSIG COMMUICATIO & VLSI DESIG CSCV’ 15 24th & 25th April 2015 Chief Patron Prof. Dr. M.Rajaram Vice Chancellor Anna University, Chennai Patron Dr.S.Ganesan Registrar Anna University, Chennai th 24 & 25 April 2015 Name Designation Institution Address for Communication ORGANIZING COMMITEE : : : Chairman Dr.M.Saravanakumar Dean-Regional office, Anna University, Regional Centre, Coimbatore : Organizing Secretary Contact No E-Mail id Dr. V.R.Vijaykumar Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Anna University, Regional Centre, Coimbatore : : Advisory Committe ORGAIZED BY CATEGORY Student* Research Scholar Faculty Delegate from Industry PAYMET DETAILS Amount DD Number Bank Date DEPARTMET OF ELECTROICS & COMMUICATIO EGIEERIG : : : : AA UIVERSITY REGIOAL CETRE, COIMBATORE Signature *Note: Bonafide Certificate with College seal to be attached Jothipuram, Coimbatore-641047 Tamil Nadu Sponsored by Dr. P.Kanagasabapathy, Professor, MIT, AU Chennai. Dr. Y.V.Ramanarao, Professor, CEG, AU Chennai. Dr. V.Abhai Kumar, Principal, TCE, Madurai. Dr. S.Ramakrishnan, Professor, IIT Madras. Dr. V.LakshmiPraba, Principal, GCT, Coimbatore Dr. V.Vaideki, Prof& Head, MIT, AU Chennai. Dr. K.Boopathy Began, Professor, MIT, AU, Chennai Dr. D.Ebenezer, Professor, RMKEC, Chennai. Dr. S.Subharani, Prof & Head, PSG Tech, Coimbatore. Dr. E.Srinivasan, Professor, PEC Puducherry. Dr. P.Dananjeyan, Professor, PEC, Pudhucherry. Dr. K.Gunavathy, Professor, PSG Tech, Coimbatore. Dr. H.Seshadri, Professor, P.N.S.C.E, Mandiya. Dr. S.Manikandan, Scientist, ‘D’, LRDE, Bangalore. Dr. C.P.Ravikumar, Technical Director,Texas Instruments. Dr. P.Palanisamy, Asso.Prof, NIT Trichy. Dr. S.Ramakomaragiri, Asso.Prof, NIT, Calicut. Dr. Sabarimalai Manikandan, Asst. Prof., IIT,Bhuvaneswar Organizing Committe: Dr. S. Saravanakumar, Asst.Prof./ECE Dr. R. Vijayabhasker, Asst.Prof. /ECE Dr. V. Bhanumathi, Asst.Prof. /ECE Dr. N. Kumaresan, Asst.Prof. /ECE Anna University, Regional Centre, Coimbatore. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Anna University was established on 4th September 1978 as a unitary type of University. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology and allied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society. Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained there from, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities. Anna University is of the affiliated type and is a member of the Association of Indian Universities, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and Partner of UNESCO International Center for Engineering Education (UICEE). With proven capabilities both in academic and research areas, Anna University was able to impart quality and excellence in Technical Education. Anna University has four regional centres at Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli and Tirunelveli to sphere head the academic activities throughout the state. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Anna University, Regional Center, Coimbatore is functioning at Mettupalayam Road, Jothipuram, Coimbatore. It has nine PG departments and it offers twenty one PG Programmes. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2007. The Department offers M.E degree courses in Applied Electronics, Communication Systems, Embedded System Technologies and VLSI Design both full time and part time mode. The Department is equipped with excellent infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment to explore the technological challenges in the areas of Electronics, Communication Networks, VLSI Design, Signal Processing, ASIC Design, RF Design and Digital System Design. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The aim of NCSCV’15 is to provide an opportunity for students, research scholars, academicians and industry professionals for sharing and exploring new areas of research and development and to discuss emerging issues and novel methods. It will provide a gateway to enhance their knowledge in the area of Signal Processing, VLSI design and other related fields. It will be a great chance for the people from various disciplines to share new ideas in the below mentioned areas. CALL FOR PAPERS Original Research papers are invited in the following areas but not limited to: Ad Hoc / Sensor Networks Antenna & Wave Propagation ASIC Design Biomedical Imaging CAD VLSI Data Mining Embedded/RTOS Applications Image/Video Processing Low Power VLSI/VLSI Testing Mobile/ Satellite Communications Nano Electronics Network Security and Management Pattern Recognition RF Design & Microwave Communication Soft Computing Techniques VLSI/Reconfigurable Architectures Wavelet Transform & Applications Wireless Communications PAPER PAPER FORMAT Full Paper must be submitted in IEEE double column format (2 hard copies & a soft copy in MS-Word as E-mail attachment) and must not exceed 5 pages along with Registration Fee in the form of Demand Draft REGISTRATION FEE IEEE Members Students/Research Scholars: Rs. 900/Faculty: Rs. 1100/Industrial Participants: Rs. 1300/- on-IEEE Rs. 1000/Rs. 1250/Rs. 1500/- Best Papers will be forwarded to ICTACT Journal of IMAGE & VIDEO Processing and Soft Computing DD should be drawn in favour of “The Organizing Secretary-CSCV” Payable at Coimbatore, Tamil adu, India. Registration fee doesn’t include accommodation charges. (o TA/DA will be paid to the participants IMPORTANT DATES Last date for Paper Submission With Registration Fee - 10th April 2014 Acceptance notification# - 15th April 2014 Final Paper submission - 18th April 2014 # If the paper is not selected, DD will be refunded. CONTACT ADDRESS The completed Registration form with DD to be sent to The Organizing Secretary CSCV’ 15 Department of ECE Anna University, Regional Centre, Coimbatore Jothipuram, Coimbatore-641 047. Contact os: +919442014139, +91 9865285501 & +91 8220593597 Email ID: [email protected],
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