First Capital Holdings PLC REVIEW OF OPERATIONS First Capital Group recorded a profit after tax of Rs. 1.09Bn for the 9 months ended 31st December 2014, reflecting a significant growth over the previous year (2013/14 - Rs. 263Mn). Favourable macro-economic conditions created an attractive government securities market. Capitalizing on continuous declines in the secondary market interest rates, the Primary Dealer unit realized trading gains of Rs. 905Mn during the 9 months under review (2013/14 - Rs. 145Mn). First Capital Treasuries continued to retain its position as market leader among the Non-Banking Primary Dealer segment. The Corporate Debt unit increased its contribution to Group results during the period, structuring and placing Rs. 19Bn in corporate debt securities and earning corresponding fee income of over Rs. 112Mn(2013/14 - Rs. 26Mn). First Capital outperformed competitors, managing debenture issues of Rs. 9.4Bn and becoming the leading listed debenture manager for the nine months ended 31 December 2014. First Capital was also the leading intermediary in the secondary market for listed debentures via the DEX for the period under review. The Wealth Management unit continued its strong performance during the period, with funds under management increasing four-fold to Rs. 4.2Bn. First Capital Wealth Fund continued to be the best performing fixed income unit trust fund in Sri Lanka for the year 2014. The Stock Broking and Margin Trading units also contributed positively during the period under review. First Capital Holdings PLC also recorded a one off gain of Rs. 233Mn due to the acquisition of an additional 5% stake in Orient Finance PLC, which is treated as an investment in an associate. The group’s stockbroking arm First Capital Equities (Private) Limited became a fully owned subsidiary in November 2014. First Capital Treasuries Limited, the Primary Dealer unit of the Group enhanced its long term capital base (Tier II) by way of a listed debenture issue of Rs. 500Mn in January 2015, which was fully subscribed on the same day. Consequently, the unit’s capital adequacy is in a robust position and First Capital Treasuries is well positioned to take advantage of future trading opportunities. The Group will continue to focus on fee based activities as we journey towards achieving our vision of becoming Sri Lanka’s leading investment bank. (Sgd.) Dilshan Wirasekara Chief Executive Officer 01 First Capital Holdings PLC 01 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the period Note Income Group October ~ December April ~ December 2014 2013 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 849,162 417,134 2,548,109 1,326,965 606,769 (210,230) 396,539 415,792 (271,231) 144,561 2,305,005 (854,013) 1,450,992 1,320,840 (923,163) 397,677 242,393 1,342 243,104 6,125 (406,726) 111,183 (115,805) 81,634 23,407 255,613 (7,050) 250,036 (43,124) 1,535,167 9,932 495,368 (74,137) (5,100) (944) (4,371) (84,552) (59,785) (4,760) (15,984) (2,158) (82,687) (285,601) (51,327) (1,424) (16,485) (354,837) (161,633) (7,541) (22,649) (7,262) (199,085) Operating profit 171,061 167,349 1,180,330 296,283 Share of profit of equity-accounted investee (net of tax) Profit before taxation 3,738 174,799 167,349 3,738 1,184,068 296,283 48,598 146 (92,048) (33,375) 223,397 167,495 1,092,020 262,908 226,163 (2,766) 223,397 158,685 8,810 167,495 1,048,400 43,620 1,092,020 248,581 14,327 262,908 (41,625) (2,312) 20,812 (23,125) (233,285) - (233,285) - (1,794) - (1,794) - Other comprehensive expense, net of income tax (276,704) (2,312) (214,267) (23,125) Total comprehensive income/ (expense) for the period (53,307) 165,183 877,753 239,783 (50,541) (2,766) (53,307) 156,373 8,810 165,183 834,133 43,620 877,753 225,456 14,327 239,783 Earnings per share (Rs.) 2.23 1.57 10.35 2.46 Dividend per share (Rs.) - - 2.00 2.00 Direct income Direct expenses Net trading income Other income 1 Gain/(loss) on fair valuation of financial investments - held for trading Gain/(loss) on fair valuation of derivative financial instruments Less : Administrative expenses Sales and distribution expense Specific allowance for impairment Other operating expense Income tax (expense)/ reversal 2 Profit for the period Attributable to: Equity - holders of the parent Non - controlling interest Other comprehensive income/ (expense), net of income tax Gain/ (loss) on fair valuation of financial investments - available for sale Transfer of fair valuation reserve of financial investment - available for sale 1.2 Share of other comprehensive expense of equity-accounted investee (net of tax) Attributable to: Equity - holders of the parent Non - controlling interest Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. First Capital Holdings PLC 02 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the period Note Company October ~ December 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited Income 268,311 26,138 334,630 346,447 Direct income Direct expenses Net trading income/(expense) 34,855 (36,577) (1,722) 26,099 (25,164) 935 98,718 (102,884) (4,166) 50,054 (46,176) 3,878 233,456 231,734 39 974 235,912 231,746 296,393 300,271 (1,254) (1,257) (2,511) (1,152) (14) (1,166) (5,175) (70) (103) (5,348) (5,408) (122) (5,530) 229,223 (192) 226,398 294,741 - - - - Profit/(loss) for the period 229,223 (192) 226,398 294,741 Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of income tax Gain/ (loss) on fair valuation of financial investments - available for sale (41,625) (2,312) 20,812 (23,125) Transfer of fair valuation reserve of financial investment - available for sale 1.2 (233,285) - (233,285) - Other comprehensive expense, net of income tax (274,910) (2,312) (212,473) (23,125) (45,687) (2,504) 13,925 271,616 Earnings per share (Rs.) 2.26 - 2.24 2.91 Dividend per share (Rs.) - - 2.00 2.00 Other income 1 Less : Administrative expenses Sales and distribution expenses Other operating expense Profit/(loss) before taxation Income tax expense Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the period Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. 03 April ~ December 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited First Capital Holdings PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 31-Dec -2014 Unaudited As at Group 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 Unaudited Audited Company 31-Dec-2014 31-Dec-2013 Unaudited Unaudited 31-Mar-2014 Audited ASSETS Cash at banks and in hand 35,654 Derivative financial instruments 1,080 Financial investments - Held for trading 10,825,905 Financial investments - Available for sale 2,000 Financial investments - Loans and receivables 2,973,390 Trade and other receivables 635,604 Group balances receivable Non - current assets held for sale 45,416 Tax receivables 60,898 Investment in venture capital 6,000 Investment in equity accounted investee (Note 3) 407,145 Investment in subsidiary company Deferred tax asset 37,211 Property, plant and equipment 31,184 Intangible assets 115,113 Total Assets 15,176,600 35,736 29,848 12,250,249 323,438 2,094,311 494,333 42,416 5,684 6,000 60,880 56,172 113,809 15,512,876 38,298 19,844 11,639,241 304,938 3,276,554 755,567 65 45,416 62,549 6,000 48,173 51,516 112,770 16,360,931 7,419 1,000 2,170,972 5,600 6,000 405,201 311,072 686 2,907,950 3,703 322,438 1,029,866 90,562 2,750 5,684 6,000 310,872 2,333 1,774,208 4,330 303,938 1,480,091 263,663 5,600 6,000 310,872 1,921 2,376,415 31,409 24,360 9,700,359 1,848,322 406,218 1,381 21,981 498,584 12,532,614 4,267 10,374 12,164,056 1,145,288 174,193 17,191 13,515,369 7,775 12,368,398 1,052,435 432,032 19,040 452,248 14,331,928 1,557,365 7,547 73,923 498,584 2,137,419 2,454 956,344 12,813 635 972,246 2,184 899,176 13,325 502,624 1,417,309 227,500 871,034 1,459,954 2,558,488 85,498 2,643,986 227,500 620,330 821,963 230,973 1,900,766 96,741 1,997,507 227,500 648,793 859,019 212,473 1,947,785 81,218 2,029,003 227,500 543,031 770,531 770,531 227,500 343,489 230,973 801,962 801,962 227,500 519,133 212,473 959,106 959,106 15,176,600 15,512,876 16,360,931 2,907,950 1,774,208 2,376,415 LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts Derivative financial instruments Securities sold under re-purchase agreements Short term borrowings Group balances payable Trade and other payables Tax payables Retirement benefit obligations Borrowings on debentures Total Liabilities EQUITY Stated capital Capital reserves Retained earnings Fair valuation reserve Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent Non - controlling interests Total Equity Total Equity and Liabilities Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. The above figures are subject to audit. These financial statements are in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007. (Sgd.) Mangala Jayashantha Chief Financial Officer The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these financial statements. (Sgd.) Manjula Mathews (Ms.) Chairperson 10 February 2015 Colombo 03 (Sgd.) Dinesh Schaffter Managing Director First Capital Holdings PLC 04 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the period ended 31 December 2014 Attributable to equity holders of parent Stated Capital Capital Reserves Retained Earnings Fair Valuation Reserve Total Non controlling Interest Total Equity As at 1 April 2013 (Audited) 227,500 Profit for the period Other comprehensive expense, net of tax Dividend paid Adjustment due to acquisition Transfer to capital reserve As at 31 December 2013 227,500 553,704 66,626 620,330 842,508 248,581 (202,500) (66,626) 821,963 254,098 (23,125) 230,973 1,877,810 248,581 (23,125) (202,500) 1,900,766 77,348 14,327 (16,554) 21,620 96,741 1,955,158 262,908 (23,125) (219,054) 21,620 1,997,507 As at 1 April 2014 (Audited) 227,500 Profit for the period Other comprehensive expense, net of tax Dividend paid Adjustment due to acquisition Transfer to capital reserve As at 31 December 2014 227,500 648,793 222,241 871,034 859,019 1,048,400 (1,794) (202,500) (20,930) (222,241) 1,459,954 212,473 (212,473) - 1,947,785 1,048,400 (214,267) (202,500) (20,930) 2,558,488 81,218 43,620 (35,070) (4,270) 85,498 2,029,003 1,092,020 (214,267) (237,570) (25,200) 2,643,986 Group For the period ended 31 December 2014 Company Stated Capital Retained Earnings Fair Valuation Reserve Total Equity As at 1 April 2013 (Audited) Profit for the period Other comprehensive income, net of tax Dividend paid As at 31 December 2013 227,500 227,500 251,248 294,741 (202,500) 343,489 254,098 (23,125) 230,973 732,846 294,741 (23,125) (202,500) 801,962 As at 1 April 2014 (Audited) Profit for the period Other comprehensive expense, net of tax Dividend paid As at 31 December 2014 227,500 227,500 519,133 226,398 (202,500) 543,031 212,473 (212,473) - 959,106 226,398 (212,473) (202,500) 770,531 Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. 05 First Capital Holdings PLC 04 CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period Cash flows from operating activities Interest receipts and gains realised Interest payments and other direct cost Other receipts Cash payments to employees and suppliers Operating profit / (loss) before changes in operating assets and liabilities (Increase)/decrease in financial investments (Held for trading / loans and receivables) (Increase) / decrease in trade and other recievables (Increase) / decrease in group balances receivable Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables Increase / (decrease) in group balances payable Increase / (decrease) in short term borrowings Increase/ (decrease) in borrowings under re-purchase agreements Cash generated from operations Group April - December 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited Company April - December 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited 2,298,695 (975,106) 8,049 (330,357) 1,319,231 (824,616) 1,953 (159,277) 34,700 (51,359) 546 (4,113) 50,054 (46,176) 39 (4,294) 1,001, 281 337,291 (20,226) (377) 1,000,695 124,850 65 73,276 795,887 (645,597) 83,241 1,226 (109,931) 565,817 (690,881) 327,681 5,033 7,545 658,189 (860,345) (88,386) 10,148 419 845,277 (2,668,039) 328,015 294,213 526,260 287,341 (93,264) Tax paid Gratuity paid Net cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets Investment in equity - accounted investee Investment in subsidiary companies Sale of property plant and equipment Dividend receipts Net cash flow from investing activities (59,717) (494) 267,804 (72,371) 453,889 287,341 (93,264) (6,860) (81,451) (25,200) 4,500 2,499 (106,512) (35,504) (185,000) 10 4,162 (216,332) (81,451) (200) 2,083 (79,568) 296,354 296,354 Cash flows from financing activities Dividend paid Dividend paid to shareholders with non - controlling interest Borrowings on Debentures Net cash flow from financing activities (202,500) (35,070) 50,000 (187,570) (202,500) (16,554) (219,054) (202,500) (202,500) (202,500) (202,500) (26,278) 30,523 4,245 18,503 12,966 31,469 5,273 2,146 7,419 590 659 1,249 38,298 (7,775) 30,523 18,304 (5,338) 12,966 4,330 (2,184) 2,146 659 659 35,654 (31,409) 4,245 35,736 (4,267) 31,469 7,419 7,419 3,703 (2,454) 1,249 Net cash inflow / (outflow) for the period Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period (Note A) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period (Note B) Note A Cash at bank and hand Bank overdraft Note B Cash at bank and hand Bank overdraft Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. First Capital Holdings PLC 06 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Other Income (Group) For the period October - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 Gain on disposal of Financial Investment -Available for sale (Note 1.1) 233,285 Dividend income 416 Miscellaneous income 8,692 1,342 242,393 1,342 Other Income (Company) For the period October - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 Gain on disposal of Financial Investment -Available for sale (Note 1.1) 233,285 Dividend income Miscellaneous income 171 39 233,456 39 April - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 233,285 2,499 4,162 7,320 1,963 243,104 6,125 April - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 233,285 2,083 296,354 544 39 235,912 296,393 1.1 The Company’s 20% investment in Orient Finance PLC had been recorded as “Financial Investments -Available for Sale”. Consequent to the acquisition of an additional stake of 5% in October 2014, the total investment has been classified as “Investment in Equity- accounted Investee.” Accordingly, the previous holding is considered as a deemed disposal of Financial Investments -Available for sale and resulting excess has been treated as a gain in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.” 1.2 The transfer of fair valuation reserve of Rs. 233.3Mn relates to financial investments-available for sale which have been classified as Investment in equity - accounted investee. 2. Income Tax Expenses (Group) For the period Current tax (expense)/ reversal Deferred tax expenses Taxes on Dividend 3 October - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 (53,159) (95) 4,437 (51) 124 (48,598) (146) April - December 2014 2013 Rs.’000 Rs.’000 21,370 3,743 10,961 2,015 59,717 27,617 92,048 33,375 Investment in equity accounted investee Orient Finance PLC became an Equity accounted Investee of First Capital Holdings PLC with the acquisition of additional stake of 5% at a cost of Rs. 81.4 Mn in October 2014. The Goodwill arosed on the acquisition of said investee company is derived as follows. Cost of the acquisition Less; Net Assets acquired (25%) Goodwill on acquisition 07 First Capital Holdings PLC Rs.’000 405,201 (219,350) 185,851 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 Net Assets per Share Group Company 5 31-12-2014 Rs. 31-12-2013 Rs. 31-03-2014 Rs. 25.27 7.61 18.77 7.92 19.24 9.47 31-12-2014 Rs. 31-12-2013 Rs. 31-03-2014 Rs. 58.60 44.10 47.00 17.70 14.30 17.50 21.60 11.00 19.30 Market Price per Share Highest market price recorded Lowest market price recorded Closing market price recorded 6 The above figures are provisional and subject to audit. The same accounting policies as in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2014 have been followed in the preparation of the above interim financial statements. 7 The presentation and classification of figures for the corresponding period of the previous year have been reclassified to be comparable with those of the current year where necessary. 8 The number of shares represented by stated capital as at 31 December 2014 is 101,250,000 shares (31 December 2013 - 101,250,000 shares). 9 There have been no significant changes in the nature of the Contingent Liabilities which were disclosed in the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2014 other than the following: In December 2014, the Tax Appeals Commission delivered a determination in favour of the Commissioner General of Inland Revenue with respect to the chargeability of interest income earned by the Company in respect of the year of assessment 2008/ 09. The assessed tax liability is Rs. 101.3 Mn. The company is in the process of filing an application with the Court of Appeal and based on legal opinion is of the view that no liability would arise. 10 There have been no material events subsequent to the reporting date which require disclosures/ adjustments in the interim financial statements other than the following: First Capital Treasuries Limited offered 5,000,000 listed, rated, subordinated, unsecured, redeemable debentures at a face value of Rs.100/- each to raise Rs. 500,000,000/- and the debenture issue was fully subscribed on the opening day. First Capital Holdings PLC 08 INVESTOR INFORMATION List of twenty major shareholders Names of shareholders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 No. of Shares as at 31 December 2014 Dunamis Capital PLC Seylan Bank PLC/ Dunamis Capital PLC Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Dunamis Capital PLC HSBC International Nominees Ltd - SSBT Deustche Bank AG Singapore A/C No. 1 Seylan Bank PLC/ Janashakthi Limited HSBC International Nominees Limited - UBS AG Singapore Branch (EX SBC) Janashakthi General Insurance Limited Mellon Bank N.A. Acadian Frontier Markets Equity Fund Life Insurance Corporation (Lanka) Limited Mr. Kankanamge Sunil Dharmabandu Senaweera Mr. Arunasalam Sithampalam Mr. Charitha Prasanna De Silva Mr. Sujeewa Chandana Hiththatiyage Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Janashakthi Limited People’s Leasing & Finance PLC/ HI Line Trading (Private) Limited Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Mr. U.C. Bandaranayake Mr. Sashimaal Ruhash Fernando Mr. Nagen Dayaranjan Kurukulasuriya Mr. Danusha Senajit Duke De Lanerolle Dr. Subashi Nemindi Samarasinghe Directors’ shareholding Name of the Director Ms. Manjula Mathews Mr. Dinesh Schaffter Mr. Nihara E. Rodrigo Mr. Eardley Perera Ms. Minette Perera Mr. Nishan Fernando Mr. Chandana Lal de Silva No. of Shares as at 31 December 2014 Nil Nil 5,000 Nil Nil Nil Nil Public holding as a percentage of issued share capital is 25.01%. Number of shareholders representing the public holding is 5,996. 09 First Capital Holdings PLC 45,626,756 25,400,000 4,891,692 2,156,668 1,967,000 1,000,000 858,650 551,305 532,500 410,100 339,000 335,000 310,711 300,703 292,193 250,000 234,374 208,836 203,000 200,616 86,069,104 Holding (%) 45.06 25.09 4.83 2.13 1.94 0.99 0.85 0.54 0.53 0.41 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.20 85.02 INVESTOR INFORMATION Information on Listed Debentures Market value per Debenture 31-12-2014 Rs. 31-12-2013 Rs. 31-03-2014 Rs. 3 year fixed rate (13.5% p.a. payable annually) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price 100.10 100.10 100.10 N/A N/A N/A - 4 year fixed rate (13.75% p.a. payable annually) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price 110.10 106.74 110.10 N/A N/A N/A - 5 year fixed rate (14.00% p.a. payable annually) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price - N/A N/A N/A - As at 31-12-2014 4.58 N/A 2.44 As at 31-12-2013 6.66 N/A 1.33 As at 31-03-2014 6.84 N/A 1.34 As at 31-12-2014 2.74 N/A 3.20 As at 31-12-2013 1.19 N/A 7.38 As at 31-03-2014 1.46 N/A 6.50 3 year fixed rate (13.5 % p.a. payable annually ) 4 year fixed rate (13.75 % p.a. payable annually ) 5 year fixed rate (14.00 % p.a. payable annually ) As at 31-12-2014 13.49% 12.49% 12.69% As at 31-12-2013 N/A N/A N/A As at 31-03-2014 13.50% 13.75% 14.00% Yield of comparable government securities (%) 3 Year treasury bond 4 Year treasury bond 5 Year treasury bond As at 31-12-2014 6.96% 7.13% 7.31% As at 31-12-2013 N/A N/A N/A As at 31-03-2014 8.27% 8.83% 9.04% Debt Ratios (Group) Debt/equity ratio (times) Quick asset ratio (times) Interest cover (times ) Debt Ratios (Company) Debt/equity ratio (times) Quick asset ratio (times) Interest cover (times ) Debenture Interest Yield N /A - Not Applicable First Capital Holdings PLC 10
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