First Capital Holdings PLC REVIEW OF OPERATIONS First Capital Holdings PLC reported a consolidated turnover of Rs. 1.7Bn for the first half of the financial year 2014/15 compared to Rs. 910Mn for the same period last year. Consolidated profit after tax of the Group increased to Rs. 868Mn compared to Rs. 95Mn the previous financial year. First Capital Treasuries Limited (FCT), the Group’s primary dealer arm remained the key contributor to profits. The continued decline in secondary market interest rates coupled with favourable macro-economic factors, especially high market liquidity and low inflation created significant trading opportunities in Government Securities. Employing trading expertise and extensive research, the company managed to accurately forecast yield curve movements and earn exceptional returns. Due to its strong capitalization, stable earnings and strengthened risk management framework, FCT was rated ‘A-’ by Lanka Rating Agency Limited and is currently the highest rated standalone Primary Dealer appointed by Central Bank of Sri Lanka. First Capital Limited a specialist in the structuring and placement of corporate debt securities also made a note-worthy contribution to Group performance. In the six months to 30 September the unit successfully raised over Rs. 7Bn by way of listed debentures, securitisations and other corporate debt securities. The company managed the landmark AAA listed debenture of Softlogic Finance PLC and structured the first ever Micro Finance backed securitisation. It was also actively involved in the trading of listed debentures on the secondary market and in the period under review accounted for a significant share of total trades on the Colombo Stock Exchange. First Capital Asset Management Limited, our Wealth Management and Unit Trust offering, showed improved performance in the first half of the financial year 2014/15. Total assets under management surpassed Rs. 3.2Bn during the period -a 200% increase over the previous year-end. First Capital Wealth Fund, a dedicated medium term fixed income unit trust continued to outperform the market during the 6 months under review and maintained its position as the best performing fixed income unit trust, with a return of 25.23% p.a. over the 12 months period ended 30 September 2014. In anticipation of the growing demand for Unit Trust investments, we have extended our offering by launching three new funds namely First Capital Fixed Income Fund, First Capital Gilt Edged Fund and First Capital Money Market Fund. Clients can now invest exclusively in government securities via the gilt edged fund, while investing short term surpluses in the money market fund. With these enhancements we now offer the entire spectrum of fixed income unit trust investment solutions. Improved performance of the Colombo Stock Market provided a boost to our stockbroking division First Capital Equities (Private) Limited which contributed positively to group results. In the 2 nd quarter of 2014/15, the market capitalisation surpassed Rs. 3,000Bn and the ASPI crossed the 7,000 mark. The long and short term corporate credit ratings of First Capital Holdings PLC have been upgraded to ‘A-’ and ‘P2’ from ‘BBB+’ and ‘P2’ by Lanka Rating Agency Limited, which reflects the continuous and sustained improvements in performance, stability and risk management aspects of the company. Continued investor confidence has enabled our market capitalization to rise above Rs. 5Bn. We are pleased with our performance to date but expect profits from the primary dealer arm to moderate in the second half of the year. With interest rates currently at historical lows opportunities for exceptional gains are limited and our focus will be on managing risk and maintaining acceptable income levels. In our other businesses the Group will continue to build on the current growth momentum and maintain focus on corporate advisory and the broader investment banking services, as we work towards our vision of being Sri Lanka’s leading investment bank. (Sgd.) Dilshan Wirasekara Chief Executive Officer 01 First Capital Holdings PLC 01 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Group July ~ September 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited For the period April ~ September 2014 2013 Unaudited Unaudited Note Income 1,121,737 417,538 1,698,947 909,831 Direct income 1,122,003 412,520 1,698,236 905,048 Direct expenses (321,308) (307,399) (643,783) (651,932) 800,695 105,121 1,054,453 253,116 (266) 5,018 711 4,783 Gain/(loss) on fair valuation of financial investments - held for trading 255,372 (23,405) 290,921 (29,549) Gain/(loss) on fair valuation of derivative financial instruments (90,162) 11,359 (66,531) 16,982 (141,046) (43,809) (481) 1,359 781,662 (59,153) (2,281) (6,665) 783 30,777 (211,464) (46,227) (480) (12,114) 1,009,269 (101,848) (2,781) (6,665) (5,104) 128,934 (130,680) (1,317) (140,646) (33,521) 650,982 29,460 868,623 95,413 612,817 38,165 650,982 27,860 1,600 29,460 822,237 46,386 868,623 89,896 5,517 95,413 27,749 (2,313) 62,437 (20,813) 27,749 (2,313) 62,437 (20,813) 678,731 27,147 931,060 74,600 640,566 38,165 678,731 25,547 1,600 27,147 884,674 46,386 931,060 69,083 5,517 74,600 Earnings per share (Rs.) 6.05 0.28 8.12 0.89 Dividend per share (Rs.) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Net trading income Other income / (expense) 1 Less : Administrative expenses Sales and distribution expenses Specific allowance for impairment Other operating income/(expense) Profit before taxation Income tax expenses 2 Profit for the period Attributable to: Equity - holders of the parent Non - controlling interest Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of income tax Gain/(loss) on fair valuation of financial investments - available for sale 3 Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of income tax Total comprehensive income for the period Attributable to: Equity - holders of the parent Non - controlling interest Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. First Capital Holdings PLC 02 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the period Company July ~ September April ~ September 2014 2013 2014 2013 Note Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Income 25,305 312,445 66,319 320,309 Direct income 23,050 16,091 63,863 23,955 (27,509) (15,106) (66,307) (21,012) (4,459) 985 (2,444) 2,943 2,255 296,354 2,456 296,354 (1,970) (91) (4,265) (3,407) (17) 293,915 (2,674) (70) (93) (2,825) (4,256) (108) 294,933 - - - - (4,265) 293,915 (2,825) 294,933 27,750 (2,313) 62,437 (20,813) Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of income tax 27,750 (2,313) 62,437 (20,813) Total comprehensive income for the period 23,485 291,602 59,612 274,120 (0.04) 2.90 (0.03) 2.91 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Direct expenses Net trading income/(expense) Other income 1 Less : Administrative expenses Sales and distribution expenses Other operating expenses Profit/(loss) before taxation Taxation Profit/(loss) for the period Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of income tax Gain/(loss) on fair value of financial investments - available for sale Earnings/(loss) per share (Rs.) Dividend per share (Rs.) 3 Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. 03 First Capital Holdings PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Group 30-Sep-2013 31-Mar-2014 Unaudited Audited Company 30-Sep-2014 30-Sep-2013 Unaudited Unaudited 36,679 77,827 10,515,012 325,750 1,774,711 456,180 610 42,416 38,513 6,000 60,829 46,409 110,808 13,491,744 38,298 19,844 11,639,241 304,938 3,276,554 755,567 65 45,416 62,549 6,000 48,173 51,516 112,770 16,360,931 10,891 366,375 1,014,651 61,092 5,600 6,000 310,872 1,098 1,776,579 5,013 324,750 526,679 92,410 6,497 5,684 6,000 310,872 2,745 1,280,650 4,330 303,938 1,480,091 263,663 5,600 6,000 310,872 1,921 2,376,415 2,752 51,303 10,810,085 626,995 154,553 13,680 11,659,368 7,775 12,368,398 1,052,435 432,032 19,040 452,248 14,331,928 399,882 4,209 19,921 536,349 960,361 462,969 12,579 636 476,184 2,184 899,176 13,325 502,624 1,417,309 227,500 811,592 1,315,957 274,910 2,629,959 92,549 2,722,508 227,500 593,699 689,909 233,285 1,744,393 87,983 1,832,376 227,500 648,793 859,019 212,473 1,947,785 81,218 2,029,003 227,500 313,808 274,910 816,218 816,218 227,500 343,681 233,285 804,466 804,466 227,500 519,133 212,473 959,106 959,106 17,416,620 13,491,744 16,360,931 1,776,579 1,280,650 2,376,415 30-Sep-2014 Unaudited As at 31-Mar-2014 Audited ASSETS Cash at banks and in hand 26,839 Derivative financial instruments Financial investments - Held for trading 13,488,199 Financial investments - Available for sale 367,375 Financial investments - Loans and receivables 2,646,859 Trade and other receivables 585,994 Group balances receivable Non - current assets held for sale 45,416 Tax receivables 58,772 Investment in venture capital 6,000 Investment in subsidiary Deferred tax asset 41,649 Property, plant and equipment 33,815 Intangible assets 115,702 Total Assets 17,416,620 LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts 40,803 Derivative financial instruments 46,687 Securities sold under re-purchase agreements 12,973,027 Short term borrowings 428,629 Group balances payable Trade and other payables 585,220 Tax payables 62,414 Retirement benefit obligations 20,983 Borrowings on debentures 536,349 Total Liabilities 14,694,112 EQUITY Stated capital Capital reserves Retained earnings Fair valuation reserve Equity attributable to the equity - holders of the parent Non - controlling interest Total Equity Total Equity and Liabilities Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. The above figures are subject to audit. These financial statements are in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007. (Sgd.) Mangala Jayashantha Chief Financial Officer The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these financial statements. (Sgd.) Manjula Mathews (Ms.) Chairperson (Sgd.) Dinesh Schaffter Managing Director 15 October 2014 Colombo First Capital Holdings PLC 03 04 Statement of Changes in Equity For the period ended 30 September 2014 Attributable to equity holders of parent Group Stated Capital Capital Reserves Retained Earnings As at 1 April 2013 (Audited) Profit for the period Other comprehensive expense, net of tax Dividend paid Adjustment due to acquisition Transfer to capital reserve As at 30 September 2013 227,500 227,500 553,704 39,995 593,699 842,508 89,896 (202,500) (39,995) 689,909 As at 1 April 2014 (Audited) Profit for the period Other comprehensive income, net of tax Dividend paid Transfer to capital reserve As at 30 September 2014 227,500 227,500 648,793 - 859,019 822,237 (202,500) (162,799) 1,315,957 162,799 811,592 Fair Valuation Reserve Total Non controlling Interest Total Equity 254,098 (20,813) 233,285 1,877,810 89,896 (20,813) (202,500) 1,744,393 77,348 5,517 (16,554) 21,672 87,983 1,955,158 95,413 (20,813) (219,054) 21,672 1,832,376 212,473 62,437 274,910 1,947,785 822,237 62,437 (202,500) 2,629,959 81,218 46,386 (35,055) 92,549 2,029,003 868,623 62,437 (237,555) 2,722,508 For the period ended 30 September 2014 Stated Capital Retained Earnings Fair Valuation Reserve Total Equity As at 1 April 2013 (Audited) Profit for the period Other comprehensive expense, net of tax Dividend paid As at 30 September 2013 227,500 227,500 251,248 294,933 (202,500) 343,681 254,098 (20,813) 233,285 732,846 294,933 (20,813) (202,500) 804,466 As at 1 April 2014 (Audited) Loss for the period Other comprehensive income, net of tax Dividend paid As at 30 September 2014 227,500 227,500 519,133 (2,825) (202,500) 313,808 212,473 62,437 274,910 959,106 (2,825) 62,437 (202,500) 816,218 Company Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. 05 First Capital Holdings PLC 04 CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period Group April ~ Sep 2014 Cash flows from operating activities Interest receipts and gains realised 1,698,236 Interest payments and other direct cost (610,058) Other receipts/(payments) 1,576 Cash payments to employees and suppliers (253,728) Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities 836,026 (Increase)/decrease in financial investments - Held for trading and loans and receivables (928,342) (Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables 169,093 Decrease in group balances receivable 65 Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables 50,201 Increase in group balances payable Increase / (decrease) in other short term borrowings (623,806) Increase/ (decrease) in borrowings against re-purchase agreements 604,629 Cash generated from operations 107,866 Tax paid Gratuity paid Net cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of property, equipment and intangible assets Investment in subsidiary company Proceed from sale of property plant and equipment Dividend received Net cash flow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Dividend paid Dividend paid to shareholders with non-controlling interest Borrowings on Debentures Net cash flow from financing activities Net cash inflow/(outflow) for the period Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period (Note A) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period (Note B) Note A Cash at banks and in hand Bank overdrafts Note B Cash at banks and in hand Bank overdrafts 2013 Company April ~ Sep 2014 2013 904,181 (574,880) 863 (100,125) 230,039 63,863 (32,582) 375 (2,014) 29,642 23,955 (21,012) (3,541) (598) 1,281,455 102,543 616 (126,527) 47,524 (1,038,263) 497,387 465,440 202,571 6,593 4,209 (899,176) 399,883 209,162 (357,158) (90,234) 6,401 187 351,902 (89,500) (494) 107,372 (58,111) 439,276 209,162 (89,500) (6,318) 4,500 2,083 265 (18,428) (185,000) 4 4,163 (199,261) 2,083 2,083 296,354 296,354 (202,500) 50,376 (152,124) (202,500) (16,554) (219,054) (202,500) (202,500) (202,500) (202,500) (44,487) 30,523 (13,964) 20,961 12,966 33,927 8,745 2,146 10,891 4,354 659 5,013 38,298 (7,775) 30,523 18,304 (5,338) 12,966 4,330 (2,184) 2,146 659 659 26,839 (40,803) (13,964) 36,679 (2,752) 33,927 10,891 10,891 5,013 5,013 Figures in bracket indicate deductions. Note: All values are in Rupees ‘000 unless otherwise stated. First Capital Holdings PLC 06 LIST OF TWENTY MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS List of twenty major shareholders Names of shareholders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 No. of Shares as at 30 September 2014 Dunamis Capital PLC Seylan Bank PLC/ Dunamis Capital PLC Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Dunamis Capital PLC HSBC International Nominees Ltd - SSBT Deustche Bank AG Singapore A/C No. 1 Seylan Bank PLC/ Janashakthi Limited HSBC International Nominees Limited - UBS AG Singapore Branch (EX SBC) Janashakthi Insurance PLC (Shareholders) Nuwara Eliya Property Developers (Private) Limited Mr. Kankanamge Sunil Dharmabandu Senaweera Mr.Arunasalam Sithampalam Mr. Charitha Prasanna De Silva Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka PLC/ Mr. J Hewa Wanigathunga People’s Leasing & Finance PLC/ HI Line Trading (Private) Limited Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Janashakthi Limited Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC/ Mr. U.C. Bandaranayake Timex Garments (Private) Limited Mr. Hans Anton Van Starrex Mr. Kumudu Chanda Amaradasa Mr. Nagen Dayaranjan Kurukulasuriya Dr. Subashi Nemindi Samarasinghe Directors’ shareholding Name of the Director Ms. Manjula Mathews Mr. Dinesh Schaffter Mr. Nihara E. Rodrigo Mr. Eardley Perera Ms. Minette Perera Mr. Nishan Fernando No. of Shares as at 30 September 2014 Nil Nil 5,000 Nil Nil Nil Public holding as a percentage of issued share capital is 25.01%. Number of shareholders representing the public holding is 5,839. 07 First Capital Holdings PLC Holding (%) 45,626,756 25,400,000 4,891,692 45.06 25.09 4.83 2,416,310 1,967,000 2.39 1.94 1,100,000 1,000,000 970,000 396,000 339,000 335,000 309,406 305,000 300,703 275,000 252,383 237,283 229,000 208,836 200,616 86,759,985 1.09 0.99 0.96 0.39 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.20 85.70 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Other Income (Group) For the period Dividend income Miscellaneous income / (expense) Other Income (Company) For the period Dividend income Miscellaneous income 2. Income Tax Expenses (Group) For the period Current tax expenses Deferred tax expenses Taxes on Dividend July - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 2,083 4,163 (2,349) 855 (266) 5,018 April - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 2,083 4,162 (1,372) 621 711 4,783 July - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 2,083 296,354 172 2,255 296,354 April - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 2,083 296,354 373 2,456 296,354 July - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 64,563 833 6,524 484 59,593 130,680 1,317 April - September 2014 2013 Rs. Rs. 74,529 3,838 6,524 2,066 59,593 27,617 140,646 33,521 3. Gain on fair valuation of financial investments - available for sale amounting to Rs. 27.7 Mn has been recognised during the quarter ended 30 September 2014 and relates to the company’s equity stake in Orient Finance PLC (A loss of Rs. 2.3 Mn was recognised during quarter ended 30 September 2013). 4. Net Assets per Share As at 30 September Group Company 5. 2014 Rs. 25.97 8.06 2013 Rs. 17.23 7.95 2014 Rs. 57.40 20.30 55.10 2013 Rs. 19.90 14.00 14.80 Market Price per Share For the period ended 30 September Highest market price recorded Lowest market price recorded Closing market price recorded 6. The above figures are provisional and subject to audit. The same accounting policies as in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2014 have been followed in the preparation of the above financial statements. 7. The presentation and classification of figures for the corresponding period of the previous year have been reclassified to be comparable with those of the current year where necessary. 8. The number of shares represented by Stated Capital as at 30 September 2014 is 101,250,000 shares (As at 30 September 2013 - 101,250,000 shares). 9. There have been no significant changes in the nature of the contingent liabilities, which were disclosed in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2014 (As at 30 September 2013 - Nil) 10. There have been no material events subsequent to the reporting date which require disclosures/adjustments in the Interim Financial Statements. First Capital Holdings PLC 08 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11.Information on Listed Debentures Market value per Debenture For the period ended 30 September 2014 Rs. 2013 Rs. 3 year fixed rate (13.5 % p.a. payable annually ) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price 108.55 108.55 108.55 N/A N/A N/A 4 year fixed rate (13.75 % p.a. payable annually ) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price 111.40 105.10 111.40 N/A N/A N/A 5 year fixed rate (14.00 % p.a. payable annually ) Highest price Lowest price Last traded price 110.34 110.34 110.34 N/A N/A N/A As at 30-Sep-14 5.30 N/A 3.49 As at 30-Sep-13 6.56 N/A 1.09 As at 31-Mar-14 6.84 N/A 1.34 As at 30-Sep-14 1.15 N/A 27.01 As at 30-Sep-13 0.58 N/A 22.83 As at 31-Mar-14 1.46 N/A 6.50 3 year fixed rate (13.5 % p.a. payable annually ) 4 year fixed rate (13.75 % p.a. payable annually ) 5 year fixed rate (14.00 % p.a. payable annually ) As at 30-Sep-14 12.44% 12.34% 12.69% As at 30-Sep-13 N/A N/A N/A As at 31-Mar-14 13.50% 13.75% 14.00% Yield of comparable Government Securities (remaining maturity) 3 Year treasury bond 4 Year treasury bond 5 Year treasury bond As at 30-Sep-14 6.22% 6.59% 6.77% As at 30-Sep-13 N/A N/A N/A As at 31-Mar-14 8.27% 8.83% 9.04% Debt Ratios (Group) Debt/equity ratio (times) Quick asset ratio (times) Interest cover (times ) Debt Ratios (Company) Debt/equity ratio (times) Quick asset ratio (times) Interest cover (times ) Debenture Interest Yield 09 First Capital Holdings PLC
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